BROWNSVILLE INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT RESPONSE TO INTERVENTION PROCESS CASE MANAGER CHECKLIST Student: DOB: ID#: Gr.: Date on RTI-1: Monitoring Teacher: Assigned Chair/Case Manager: Counselor or Designee: Campus: After the Initial RtI Referral has been received, the following steps must be taken: TASKS TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO INITIAL RTI MEETING DATE COMPLETED Request student’s teachers to complete Form RTI-1 later than: (Date) Tally all individual RTI-1forms onto one master Compare previous report card(s) with current grades Compare previous TAKS scores (including Benchmark scores) with most current scores Examine cumulative folder for additional information (i.e., LPAC information, etc.) Examine attendance records for patterns of absenteeism and/or tardies Examine discipline folder and note behavioral patterns and/or consequences received by the student, if any Consult with nurse for current and/or past health information Consult with administrator (if he/she has contact with student) Consult with counselor (if he/she has contact with student) Interview student, if appropriate Other: TASKS TO BE COMPLETED AFTER RTI MEETING DATE COMPLETED Review IIP and/or PBSP with student Review IIP and/or PBSP with appropriate staff Make a schedule change, if appropriate Consult with parent, if appropriate Refer student and/or parent to community resources, if appropriate Gather additional information, if requested, and prepare to present information at the next RtI team meeting Follow through and monitor to ensure plan is carried out in the manner it was intended Periodically meet with the student to check on how student is progressing Gather tracking sheets, anecdotal data, progress reports, etc. necessary to indicate intervention progress/success Other: 9-2009