William White, Maisemore, Gloucestershire Archives Ref 1712/5 A true and perfect Inventory of the Goods Rights and Chattels of Wm White of Maismore, lately deceased, and appraised by us the first day of April Anno Dm 1712 £ s d Itm Four Mares [?] 22 00 00 Itm one cow and calf and one cow in calf 8 10 00 Itm three bullocks 10 10 00 Itm forty one sheep and two and twenty lambs 14 00 00 Itm one waggon 6 00 00 Itm four pair of horse harness two plows and one pair of harrows 1 10 00 Itm Wearing apparel and money in purse 1 00 00 Itm two beds and all belonging to them 5 00 00 Itm two coffers, one box and one trunk 8 00 Itm the Brass and Pewter 1 10 00 Itm one tableboard, one form and chairs 10 00 Itm the Vessells [?] 1 00 00 Itm two flitches of bacon 1 05 00 Itm nine acres of corns growing 10 00 00 Itm one half acre 10 00 Itm the Hay 5 10 00 ________ Totall Edwd Stock John Round [?] Exhibitum fuit hoc Inventum 15 Oct 1712 ....etc 89 08 00