Bibliographies - The New Chaucer Society

Necessary Reading
Gullick, Michael and Hadgraft, Nicholas, ‘Bookbindings’ in The Cambridge
History of the Book in Britain: Volume II: 1100-1400, ed. Nigel J. Morgan and
Rodney M. Thomson (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008), 95-109.
The comprehensive technical introduction is Szirmai, J. A., The Archaeology of
Medieval Bookbinding (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2000), chapters 9 and 10. This is about
150pp, and is recommended for after the introductory seminar.
Additional Basic Reading
Barber, Giles, ‘The Advent of Gold Tooling in English. Bookbinding and
the Intermediary Role of Thomas Linacre’, in ‘For the love of the binding’:
Studies in Bookbinding History Presented to Mirjam Foot, ed. David Pearson
(London: British Library, 2000), 53–66.
Bearman, F., ‘The Origins and Significance of Two Late Medieval Textile
Chemise Bookbindings in the Walters Art Gallery', Journal of the Walters Art
Gallery, 54 (1996), 163-87.
Cherry, J., 'Leather', in English Medieval Industries: Craftsmen, Techniques, Products,
ed. John Blair and Nigel Ramsay (London: Hambledon Press, 1991), 295-318.
Christianson, C. Paul, A Directory of London Stationers and Book Artisans 1300-1500
(New York: Bibliographical Society of America, 1990).
Clarkson, Christopher, ‘English Monastic Bookbinding in the Twelfth Century’,
in Ancient and Medieval Book Materials and Techniques: Erice, 18-25 September 1992),
eds. Marilena Maniaci and Paola F. Munafò (Vatican: Biblioteca Apostolica
Vaticana, 1993), 181-200.
Clarkson, Christopher, ‘Further Studies in Anglo-Saxon and Norman
Bookbinding: Board Attachment Methods Re-Examined’, in Roger Powell: The
Compleat Binder, ed. J. L. Sharpe (Turnhout: Brepols, 1996), 154-214.
Dürrfeld, Eike Barbara, ‘Terra Incognita: Toward a Historiography of Book
Fastenings and Book Furniture’, Book History, 3 (2000), 305-313.
Foot, Mirjam M., ‘Studies in the History of Bookbinding (Aldershot: Scolar Press,
Foot, Mirjam M., Bookbinders at Work: Their Roles and Methods (London: British
Library, 2006).
Foot, Mirjam M., 'Bookbinding and the History of Books', in A Potencie of Life:
Books in Society: The Clark Lectures, 1986-1987, ed. Nicholas J. Barker (London: The
British Library, 1993), 113-26.
Gast, Monica, ‘A History of Endbands Based on a Study by Karl Jäckel’, The New
Bookbinder, 3 (1983), 42-58.
Gillespie, Alexandra, “Bookbinding,” Book Production in England, c.1350-1500, ed.
A. Gillespie and D. Wakelin (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008),
Gullick, Michael, 'From Scribe to Binder: Quire Tackets in Twelfth Century
European Manuscripts,' in Roger Powell: The Compleat Binder, ed. J. L. Sharpe
(Turnhout: Brepols, 1996), 240-59.
Hadgraft, Nicholas, ‘English Fifteenth Century Bookbinding Structures’, unpub.
PhD thesis (University College, London, 1998).
Hellinga, Lotte, ‘Fragments Found in Bindings and Their Role as Bibliographical
Evidence’, in 'For the Love of the Binding': Studies in Bookbinding History Presented
to Mirjam Foot, ed. David Pearson (London: British Library, 2000), 13-33.
Oldham, J. Basil, English Blind-Stamped Bindings (New York: Garland, 1990).
Pickwoad, Nicholas, ‘Onwards and Downwards: How Bookbinders Coped with
the Printing Press 1500-1800’, in A Millennium of the Book: Production, Design &
Illustration in Manuscript & Print. 900-1900, ed. Robin Myers and Michael Harris
(Winchester: St Pauls Bibliographies, and Delaware: Oak Knoll Press, 1994), 61106.
Pollard, Graham, ‘Describing Medieval Bookbinding', in Medieval Scribes,
Manuscripts and Libraries: Essays Presented to N.R. Ke, ed. Malcolm B. Parkes and
Andrew G. Watson (London: Scolar Press, 1978), 50-65.
Reed, Ronald, Ancient Skins, Parchments and Leathers (London: Seminar Press,
Sheppard, Jennifer M., ‘Reading the Binding, Reading the Record: The Census of
Western Medieval Bookbinding Structures to 1500 in British Libraries’, in Care
and Conservation of Manuscripts 5, ed. Gillian Fellows-Jensen and Peter
Springborg (Copenhagen: The Royal Library, 2000), 48-62.
Sheppard, Jennifer, ‘Some Twelfth-Century Monastic Bindings and the Question
of Localization’, in Making the Medieval Book: Technique of Production, ed. Linda
Brownrigg (Los Altos Hills, CA: Anderson-Lovelace, 1995), 181-96.
Vest, Marie, ‘The Production and Use of Alum-Tawed Leather in the Middle
Ages’, in Care and Conservation of Manuscripts 5, ed. Gillian Fellows-Jensen and
Peter Springborg (Copenhagen: The Royal Library, 2000), 16-20.