Economics 103 Section 2 Principles of Macroeconomics Summer 2007 MTWRF 9:40 – 11:10 am BEH 111 Instructor Bernard Malamud Email: Office: BEH 502 Phone: 895 –3294 FAX: 895 - 1354 Office Hours: By appointment (generally 11:30 am – 12:30 pm) General Nature of the Course Course objectives: An introduction to the study of the determination of the level of national income, employment and prices and the basic causes of fluctuations in these levels. This course will help you guide economic policy if you are ever elected to Congress or the presidency, intelligently advise those who are and, as an informed citizen, evaluate and anticipate what these officials are up to. The course gives you the tools and the confidence to grapple with a highly complex system (the macroeconomy), to understand how it works and how its performance can be affected by policy. The course also familiarizes you with the private and public, national and global, characteristics of today's economic world. We will relate the theories we study to economic events as they unfold throughout the semester. Course Design: Our approach to learning in this course is LEARNING BY DOING. Each major topic we study will be introduced in a lecture that covers assigned readings in your textbook. Some class time, however, will be devoted to quizzes. Seven sessions will begin with a lecture followed by a 12-question quiz based on it and prior lectures. You will first take the quiz individually and then retake it working in a group, learning from and teaching your fellow group-member. You must read and think about assigned material before each class in order to perform well on the quiz and carry your weight in your group. The session will end with an instructor-led discussion of correct answers. In addition to these quizzes, there will be one 50 question classroom exam and an 80 question final exam, both of which you will take on your own, not in a group. Text and Supplemental Readings Required Text: William Boyes and Michael Melvin, Macroeconomics, Seventh Edition. Boston: Houghton Miflin, 2008. Supplements: The text’s website for the 6th edition (practice test questions and links to valuable resources): Wall Street Journal (Available at student rates) Business Week, The Economist, The Nightly Business Report Examinations and Grading Seven individual and group quizzes, one classroom exam, and a comprehensive final exam consisting of multiple choice and true/false questions will be given this semester. You must bring a Scantron to each quiz and exam. Your group must also have an additional Scantron for each quiz. Your final grade will be based on your top five quiz scores, your scores on the classroom and final exams, and on your attendance. For each quiz, your score will be computed as the average of the score you earn on your own and your group's score. If you miss a quiz, your score will be zero. Group assignments made at the beginning of the semester will balance your two or three-member group by major, ECO 102 grade, and credits earned to date. Reassignments may be made at mid-semester to account for withdrawals and absences: students who are consistently absent will be grouped together. Your overall percentage score will be based on your quiz and exam scores as follows: Top 5 Quizzes Classroom Exam, Jun 20 Final Exam, July 6 Maximum overall score 60 points 50 points 80 points 190 points In addition, your overall percentage score will be adjusted for attendance by one-half percentage point for every documented absence differing from two. Absences are “documented” by missed quizzes and exams, by failure to pick up quizzes and exams when they are returned to you, and by occasional attendance checks. The attendance adjusted percentage score on which your final grade will be based is then Your overall percentage score on quizzes, classroom exam, and final + ( ½ percentage point ) x (2 – Documented absences). Note: fewer than two documented absences will increase this percentage, more than two documented absences will decrease this percentage. Approximate Final Grade Distribution Attendance Adjusted Percentage Score 87 percent 77 percent 67 percent 57 percent FINAL GRADE Borderline ABorderline BBorderline CBorderline D- Attendance and class participation will affect your final grade. Makeup Policy A makeup exam may be arranged at mutual convenience if you have a compelling reason to miss the scheduled classroom exam. A makeup exam must be taken before the missed exam is returned to the class. There will be no makeup quizzes or final. Class Conduct Your instructor and classmates deserve courtesy. If you must arrive late or leave early, do so quietly. Inform me beforehand if you must leave class early. Smoking and eating in class are prohibited. Disruptive behavior in class constitutes grounds for dismissal from the course. While this probably need not be said, anyone found engaging in any act of academic dishonesty will be punished in accordance with university policies. Other Information The UNLV Disability Resource Center (DRC) houses the resources for students with disabilities. If you have a documented disability that may require accommodations, you will need to contact the DRC for coordination of services. The DRC is located in the Student Services Complex (SSC), Room 137. Their numbers are (702) 895-0866/Voice; (702) 895-0652/TDD; and (702) 895-0651/Fax. For additional information, please visit Web Resources (your text’s website for its 6th edition) has a lot of valuable features, including multiple-choice study questions, news summaries, and links to other economics sites. My own website will have additional notes posted for you, including the powerpoint slides I use in lectures. Check it out at and follow links to Summer 2007 classes, ECON 103. In addition, you can always reach me with questions at Course Outline Date Topics Jun 4 Course organization and economic foundations Jun 5 Economic Structure Private Sector, International Sector, Public Sector Jun 6,7 Jun 8 Jun 11 Jun 12,13 Jun 14,15 18,19 Macro Measures: Domestic Output and Income, Nominal and Real Values, Price Indexes Macro Measures: International Exchange Rates, and Balance of Payments Jun 8: Quiz 1, Chapters 6,7 Macro Distress Unemployment, Inflation Macro Equilibrium Aggregate Demand, Aggregate Supply Jun 13: Quiz 2, Chapters 8,9 Spending, Income, and Demand Side Equilibrium Consumption, Saving, Investment and the Multiplier Jun 19: Quiz 3, Chapters 10,11 Jun 20 Classroom Exam, Chapters 4 - 11 Jun 21 Fiscal Policy Spending, Taxing, Deficits, and Debt Jun 22,25 Readings in Text Chapters 4,5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapters 10,11 Chapter 12 Money Functions/Flavors; Banking, Credit & Deposit Multiplier Jun 25: Quiz 4, Chapters 12,13 Chapter 13 Monetary Policy Central Banks, Their Tools, and Money Markets Jun 27: Quiz 5, Chapter 14 Chapter 14 Macroeconomic Policy: Tradeoffs and Business Cycles Phillips Curve(s), “Natural Rate”, Expectations and Outcomes Jun 29: Quiz 6, Chapter 15 Chapter 15 Jul 2 Macro Viewpoints: New Keynesian, Monetarist, New Classical Chapter 16 Jul 3 Economic Growth: Resources, Technology, Productivity Jul 3: Quiz 7, Chapters 15,16 Chapter 17 Jul 4 Independence Day Recess Jul 5 Catch-up and Review Jul 6 Comprehensive Final Examination, 80 points Jun 26,27 Jun 28,29