1 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SUMMERHOUSE BEACH & RACQUET CLUB CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. June 20, 2009 The Board of Directors of Summerhouse Beach & Racquet Club Condominium Association, Inc. held their regular meeting at 9:00 AM on Saturday June 20, 2009 at the offices of the Association. President Norm Breen called the meeting to order. Secretary Carol Vaneman took role call and declared a quorum. Directors present were: Phase I Maurice Brown Phase II Don Coker, Richard Harmon, Norm Breen Phase III Bob Ford, Wendy Crothers Phase IV Bob Mericle, Bob Wheeler, Carol Vaneman Director Harry Balance, Phase III, was absent. A number of owners were present at the meeting. A motion by Don Coker, seconded by Carol Vaneman, to accept the April 18, 2009 minutes for the Board of Directors passed unanimously. Officers’ Reports President. Norm Breen announced that the legal opinion regarding the relationship between the Summerhouse Association and Summerhouse Rentals, Inc. (SRI); and the procedure for filling SRI Board positions has not been received from the attorneys hired to study the matter. The information will be published as soon as it is received. Mr. Breen also announced that the legal opinion was received from Attorney John Geiger regarding Board term limits. (See attached). The new Florida statute states that board terms can be either one year or two year staggered terms. So as it stands now, all Board terms come to an end at the annual Owners’ meeting in October. The original Summerhouse Condo Doc’s called for two-year terms. The term length was changed to three years in 1999. The Association is waiting for a legal opinion from Mr. Geiger as to whether Summerhouse can re-affirm the original Condo Docs authorizing two-year terms. Vice President. Bob Ford. No report Treasurer. Don Coker. See attached Treasurer and financial reports. Mr. Coker thanked and applauded the Owners for paying their monthly maintenance fees on time. This facilitates the business operations. There are no delinquencies except for the two units in foreclosure. A motion by Don Coker to accept the financial statements ending 5/31/09 was seconded and passed unanimously. The budget column revisions from the 3/31/09 financial report were completed. Secretary. Carol Vaneman. No report. General Manager. Keith Jones. See attached Manager’s report. Problems with the WiFi system were discussed. Mr. Breen instructed Mr. Jones, between now and the August meeting, to have the system installer evaluate the reception problems and to train Mr. Jones as an expert user and troubleshooter. Mr. Breen also asked Mr. Jones to install one pool rinse shower for the opportunity to be viewed and evaluated. Mr. Jones will also work on improving the rinse showers at the dune crossovers. Rental Report. Keith Jones presented an oral report. He announced the SRI Board has voted to accept, with the approval of individual owners, three and four day reservations through the summer, in an attempt to increase rental income. Committee Reports Landscape. Garry Vaneman. No report. 2 Architectural. Dick Harmon announced he was unsuccessful at finding a screen door alternative. Mr. Breen asked Mr. Jones and the Architectural Committee to come up with a plan to evaluate and repair concrete cracks in the buildings and to study bubbles in the concrete coating on the walkways. The Committee was also asked to evaluate and report on (1) peeling paint on the buildings and (2) hangings or decorations nailed to or attached to the exterior stucco walls, excluding the privacy deck dividers. Letters will be sent to owners in violation. Mr. Jones was asked to have the property inspected for illegal grills on the balconies, and for nails sticking up on the beach crossovers. Bylaws/Documents. Keith Jones reported the by-laws are available on the Owners’ Website. Planning/Finance Committee. Bob Wheeler. See attached report. The ‘Document of Understanding’ was revised. The final document, which clarifies the working relationship between the Association and SRI, was presented to the Board. (see attached). Old Business Comcast proposal. Mr. Jones reported the contract is still being negotiated between the attorneys. Mr. Breen said he would personally pursue the matter. Clubhouse deck bids. See attached two bids. Mr. Breen referred the issue to the Architectural Committee for review and recommendations regarding replacing the deck with or without the ramp or Stairlift, with compliance of ADA requirements. Unit 463 insurance claim. Mr. Jones announced the insurance claim for repairs to Unit 463 have been denied. New Business Discontinue monitoring of alarm system. This item was discussed and completed during GM report. Action Items Legal opinion between the Association and SRI. This was discussed in the President’s report. Information is expected from the attorney. The will be an action item for the August meeting. Post agenda on the Owners’ Website. Completed. See GM report. Pool drain covers. Completed. See GM report. Unit 310 window. Owner, Annette Hemingway addressed the Board to discuss two problems: (1) a nonconforming window and (2) water intrusion problems. A motion by Bob Wheeler to suspend the nonconforming window fine until after the moisture problem is resolved was seconded and passed unanimously. Mr. Breen instructed Mr. Jones and the Architectural Committee to vigorously investigate the water intrusion problems in unit 310 including evaluation of the Hardy siding, the stucco and the roof. Mr. Jones offered to contact the Intron Engineers for their evaluation and recommendations. Mr. Breen said the Association would do everything they can to find the problem and solve it. This will be placed on the August agenda as an action item. After the source of the water intrusion is determined a decision can be made if an insurance claim is warranted. WiFi. See GM report. August action item. Second property appraisal. Completed. See GM report. Unit 305 door painted. Completed. Response to Doherty/unit 308. Completed. Building 9 roof repairs. Completed. Pool rinse showers. See GM report. August action item. Investigate banking fees. Completed. Revise/amend SRI bylaws. Waiting for a written legal opinion. August action item. Communications. Crisp email, unit 314. See attached email. Mr. Jones reported a roofer replaced some damaged shingles. Mr. Crisp has agreed to change his windows and he feels the situation is resolved. Beverly Abrams, unit 118, inquired about the caulking around window frames. Mr. Jones said he would take care of checking the caulk around the guest bedroom window, as requested by Ms. Abrams. 3 Maurice Brown inquired about how to handle uninvited guests using our facilities. Mr. Jones said to notify the office during normal business hours and Mr. Bellamy all other times. Ms. Vaneman asked Mr. Jones include in the next newsletter a statement about conforming doors and windows for our owners who are considering replacements. Mr. Wheeler complimented Mr. Jones and Mr. Vaneman on the good condition of the grounds, the green lawn, the trimming of the palm trees. They received a round of applause. A motion by Carol Vaneman to adjourn was seconded and passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 AM. The next meeting is scheduled for August 16, 2009 at 9:00 AM. Action Items for the General Manager Deck (3options) and stairlift cost estimates Comcast contract Unit 310 water intrusion WiFi reception Receive training as WiFi expert user/troubleshooter Install one poolside showers Improve showers at the dune crossovers Send letters to owners with decorations attached to the stucco walls Plan for regular inspection for illegal grills on balconies Plan for taking care of nails on dune crossovers Check caulk around window frame guest bedroom, unit 118 Include in next newsletter info about conforming windows and doors Install signs above every fire alarm pull station Other Action Items Legal opinion re the relationship between Assoc. & SRI Legal opinion re procedure for filling SRI Board vacancies Legal opinion re Assoc. BOD term limits Legal opinion re revising SRI bylaws Architectural Committee o Formulate plan to evaluate and repair concrete cracks in buildings o Study bubbles in the concrete coating on the walkways o Evaluate peeling paint on buildings o Investigate decorations attached to the exterior stucco walls o Recommendations for replacing deck with/without ramp o Work with GM to solve unit 310 water intrusion problem Respectfully submitted, Carol Vaneman, Secretary