Planning Application No: 62/2007/7519 7 Day Notice: YES / NO 1. Site Description 1.1 The application site comprises part of a grass verge on Skipton Road, Settle. The area is substantially residential in character with the exception of the Falcon Hotel which is grade II listed. The land to the rear (south east of the grass verge) was formerly the site of a petrol station and motor vehicle repairs, but these buildings have recently been demolished. The site is now under redevelopment for 8 dwellings. A terrace of 5 dwellings will front onto Skipton Road (stone built with slate roofs) with 3 larger detached houses to the rear. 1.2 Until recently a freestanding double sided advertisement display unit was sited on the grass verge. This unit has been removed by the developer. 2. Proposal 2.1 Advertisement Consent is sought for the continued retention (or re-instatement!) of the double sided advertisement display unit on the grass verge. The unit is approximately 2.5 m high by 1.3 m wide and the display case is constructed from ‘extruded aluminium sections with polyester electro-static powder coat finish’. Advertisements displayed will change periodically. The hoarding is to be illuminated internally by 3 no. 58w Fluorescent Lamps. 2.2 The submitted plans identify the position of the advertising display unit and elevations of it against the backdrop of Ingfield Motors. However, as highlighted in paragraph 1.1 above this building has now been demolished and the site is presently under redevelopment. On site the developer verbally advised that he no longer wants the advertisement on the land, but he has been unsuccessful in efforts to contact Primesight Ltd (the applicants). 3. Planning History 3.1 The redevelopment of the site was approved under 62/2005/5447. Proposed redevelopment to form terrace of 5 No. dwellings and 3 No. detached dwellings. Approved November 2005. There is no other planning history of relevance. 4. Planning Policy Background 4.1 Policy R17 Advertisement Hoardings is of relevance. PPG19: Outdoor Advertisement Control is also of relevance. 5. Parish/Town Council Comments 5.1 SettleTown Council: That as a retail establishment is no longer trading at the site consideration be given to the removal of the advertisement. 6. Consultations 6.1 The Highway Authority has commented ‘Visibility at access is unaffected but must be rechecked if sign is to stay on completion of approved development (62/2005/5447). 7. Representations 7.1 None. 8. Summary of Principal Planning Issues 8.1 The key planning issues are the impact on the amenity of the area and highway safety. 9. Analysis 9.1 Policy R17 of the Saved Local Plan states that advertisements won’t be accepted where the amenity of the locality is unacceptably affected. PPG19 offers the following advice on advertisements: ‘Poster advertising is out of place in any predominantly residential locality and should not normally be allowed. If a locality is in a mixed use - with shops or offices interspersed with residential development, or sharing the same premises in former dwellinghouses - some poster advertising may be acceptable when it is carefully related to the scale of surrounding buildings and designed and positioned so as not to intrude upon or interrupt existing features or landmarks. (Paragraph 7 of Annex)’ 9.2 The advertisement was previously set against the backdrop of a commercial garage. This has now been demolished, the advertisement removed and the site is under redevelopment for residential. The re-instatement of this internally illuminated poster advert within what is now an entirely residential area will unacceptably harm the character and appearance of the locality. Given the scale of development the Listed Falcon Hotel to the north is considered to be to distant to have its setting affected. 9.3 With respect to highway safety matters the highway authority has raised no objections and the proposal is acceptable in this respect. 10. Recommendation 10.1 Refuse. 11. Summary of conditions 11.1 N/A 12. Reasons for approval/refusal 12.1 The advertisement display unit was previously set against the backdrop of a commercial garage. This has now been demolished, the display unit removed and the site is under redevelopment for residential. The re-instatement of this internally illuminated display unit for poster advertisements within what is now an entirely residential area will unacceptably harm the character and appearance of the locality. The development is therefore contrary to Policy R17 of the Saved Local Plan and advice within PPG19: Outdoor Advertisement Control.