NHS GREATER GLASGOW AND CLYDE SPECIALIST TRAINEE PAEDIATRIC & PERINATAL PATHOLOGY Reference Number: WOS 070812 Job Description 1. INTRODUCTION The Specialist Trainee post forms part of the West of Scotland Training Programme in Histopathology and has training approval from the Royal College of Pathologists and will conform to the formal training guidelines laid out in the Royal College documents. The post of specialist trainee in Paediatric and Perinatal Pathology provides 2½ years of training in all aspects of the specialty and is based at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children. This corresponds to years 4 and 5 of a 5 year training programme in Histopathology. Successful completion of the programme, together with gaining the FRCPath in Paediatric Pathology will lead to the award of the Certificate of Completion of Training in Paediatric and Perinatal Pathology (CCT). During the training programme, the trainee’s education and progress is supervised by the Regional Postgraduate Training Committee in Histopathology and by the Consultants responsible for the training programme at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children. The committee is chaired by the Programme Director and comprises the Regional Education Adviser, Health Board Representatives, a Consultant Paediatric and Perinatal Pathologist (local or supraregional), University and Junior Staff Representatives. Individual trainees are required to sign a training programme agreement including workplace based assessment and performance assessment is carried out on a regular basis throughout training. Summative assessment is conducted annually and is based on in-house training assessment criteria laid down by the West of Scotland Postgraduate Committee and PMETB. Study leave conforms with the terms and conditions of service for the Specialist Registrar grade. 2 ENTRY REQUIREMENTS The Trainee will be appointed by a Committee comprising representatives of the Postgraduate Dean, Speciality Training Committee and National Panel of Specialists. Applicants must have completed a minimum of 2½ years as a Specialist Trainee in General Histopathology and would need to have completed the FRCPath Part 1 examination. Experience in one or more related specialties is desirable. 3 AWARD OF CCT On appointment the Trainee will be given a National Training Number (NTN). This date will be subject to confirmation by the Royal College of Pathologists. Award of CCT will be dependent upon passing the FRCPath (Paeds) and satisfactorily completing the training programme. 4 DUTIES OF THE POST Training The Trainee must make full use of the training opportunities provided in each placement. Clinical The trainee will participate in the provision of supraregional combined paediatric and perinatal surgical pathology and autopsy service at the hospital under direct Consultant supervision. This will include participation in any out of hours activities and in clinico-pathology meetings (CPCs / MDTs). Attendance at and active participation in CME clinical meetings within the hospital would be expected. The trainee will be expected to organise a regular journal club. Administration The Trainee will be expected, when appropriate, to participate in the day to day running of the department in administrative activities and assist in the preparation of undergraduate training. The trainee will be expected to prepare patient reports and letters. The Trainee will have the opportunity to develop management skills as required by the Royal College of Pathologists Paediatric and Perinatal Pathology curriculum. Communication This will include discussion with Pathology Consultants regarding clinical problems and taking an active role in the clinicopathological meetings. 5 EDUCATION Continuing Education The Trainee will be expected to participate in educational activities on a local and national basis. Education leading to the FRCPath is available through a consultant-supervised training programme, in-house and locally arranged postgraduate courses. It is expected that the trainee would further their education through attendance at meetings and the courses held both locally and nationally including the SNIPPA twice yearly meetings and the courses run biannually in Glasgow, Cambridge and Southampton, plus other relevant courses. The trainee will be expected to attend placements in other centres which may be outside of the local region for specialist experience in paediatric and perinatal neuropathology, fetal medicine, paediatric tumours and so on in order to fulfil training requirments. Local educational activities include the equivalent of a mandatory weekly half day training session. This will include attending the local histopathology / cytology training sessions when applicable to Paediatric Pathology and the generic competencies as outlined in the Paediatric and Perinatal Pathology curriculum, training days to SIOP panellist review centres for paediatric tumours and courses specific to the specialty. The trainee will be expected to attend and successfully complete the Diploma in Forensic Medical Sciences Course (University of Glasgow and Society of Apothecaries London). Management development is encouraged and the Trainee will be expected to attend appropriate courses. Teaching At the appropriate stage of training, the Trainee will be expected to take part in departmental teaching for junior staff, undergraduates, nursing staff, etc. Advanced Training The trainee would be expected to attend appropriate advanced courses in Paediatric/Perinatal Pathology. They will be expected to register for the International Paediatric Pathology Association Advanced Course in their final year of training. 6 RESEARCH AND AUDIT Audit Audit is an essential component of Paediatric Pathology practice and the Trainee will be required to participate in local and national audit activities. Research There is a strong tradition of research in the West of Scotland. Facilities and support for research activities are available in the Department and through the University academic department. The trainee will be expected to develop research interests with a view to publication(s) in reputable journals and presentation at learned Societies (PPS, BRIPPA, Path. G/R&S/Appdetails/SpRjdesc/17/02/2016 2 Soc etc) and to participate in clinical research within the Hospital. Time will be allocated consistent with Current Terms and Conditions of Service. 7 LOCATION OF DUTIES The hospitals involved in the West of Scotland Paediatric Pathology training programme are as follows: Royal Hospital for Sick Children Other centres as required to fulfil requirements for training as outlined in the Paediatric and Perinatal Pathology curriculum, Royal College of Pathologists. 8 ASSESSMENT The Trainee will be continuously assessed by the trainers in their place of work with formal interviews every 6 months, regular workplace based assessments and annual review (ARCP) by the Sub-Committee in Histopathology of the West of Scotland Postgraduate Medical Education Board. The ARCP should have a Consultant Paediatric and Perinatal Pathologist in attendance at the review. If in the opinion of the Training and Assessment Committee, the Trainee fails to show adequate commitment or progress, career guidance will be arranged, and exceptionally, in the absence of satisfactory progress, the committee may recommend that the contract be terminated. Trainees are required to keep a logbook following the requirements laid down by the Royal College of Pathologists. 9 CAREER OPTIONS WITHIN TRAINING Subject to prior approval by the Postgraduate Dean. The Royal College of Pathologists and PMETB, opportunities will exist for the Trainee to pursue further experience such as research fellowships, overseas experience or sub-specialty experience. The trainee can take up to 24 months off for research purposes, but only a maximum of 6 months of such training could count towards the training programme and award of CCT. The Trainee would be granted unpaid leave and would retain the NTN during this period. 10 GENERAL INFORMATION Hours and Salary Your hours of duty will be the standard working week of 48 hours for which you will receive a standard salary (as detailed in paragraph 8b, Appendix 1 of the Terms and Conditions of Service, appended under general information). Some out of hours cover for surgical biopsies and the post-mortem service will be necessary. Further Information For further information on the training programme, please contact: Dr D Penman, Consultant & Head of Department, Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Glasgow Telephone: 0141 201 0400 Dr J Tolhurst, Training Programme Director for the West of Scotland Training Programme, Glasgow Royal Infirmary. Telephone: 0141 211 4094 3