Fire Detection and automatic Controlling using Image processing The main aim of this project is to detect the fire and automatically controlling the fire using image processing. This system provides an automatic monitoring system for detecting the fire by using the camera direction intellectually using GSM modem through PC with MATLAB. The images from the camera will be transmitted to the PC with MATLAB. It is a very low cost survey line system used to monitor a larger area. MATLAB (matrix laboratory) is a computing numerical environment and fourth generation programming language. Developed by Math works, MATLAB allows matrix manipulations, plotting of functions and data, implementation of algorithms, creation of user interfaces, and interfacing with programs written in other languages, including C, C++, Java, and FORTRAN. The fire detection using image processing will be taking place through PC with MATLAB to the GSM modem and it is completely combined with original equipment. The detecting system of fire has many advantages such as advance performance, high reliability, etc. The detection unit reaches the maximum threshold level, at the same time if it detects any toxic gas it sends an SMS through GSM Modem. User can send SMS and receive SMS through GSM Modem. The objectives of the project include: 1. Detecting fire and automatically controlling by using image processing. 2. Image processing through PC with MATLAB. 3. camera transmission over GSM through PC with MATLAB., DST ARENA 146/7/2,premium centre, zone-I, M.P Nagar,Bhopal-462011 Ph: +91 9993897203 The project focuses on the fallowing advancements: 1. PC with MATLAB. 2. GSM technology. 3. Interfacing GSM module to PC with MATLAB. The major building blocks of this project are: 1. PC with MATLAB. 2. GSM module. 3. RS-232 interface. 4. Camera. Software’s used: 1. MATLAB. 2. Express SCH for Circuit design. Block diagram:, DST ARENA 146/7/2,premium centre, zone-I, M.P Nagar,Bhopal-462011 Ph: +91 9993897203 Fire Detection and automatic Controlling using Image processing Camera PC with MATLAB RS 232 interfacing, DST ARENA 146/7/2,premium centre, zone-I, M.P Nagar,Bhopal-462011 GSM modem Ph: +91 9993897203