Obituary Writing Assignment

Obituary Writing Assignment
Write a standard newspaper obituary about Michael Jackson, based on information
given during the mock press conference; notes you took during the press conference;
research on Michael Jackson's biography and background; and an interview with a
person who can talk about Jackson's influence on their life.
1) The obituary must be 300-400 words and written in standard news style. You will
be graded for style, accuracy, spelling and grammar. You must use complete sentences
and correct grammar and punctuation. The obituary must be factually correct and
2) You must use a credible news source for research on Michael Jackson's background.
NO BLOGS OR WIKIPEDIA. You must attach copies of the source/article you used for
research to your obituary and your notes from your interview and the mock press
3) The obituary must contain information about his death (day, location, cause if known),
background/biographical information, quotes (from the press conference and from your
interview), and information about survivors.
4) The obituary must be typed and submitted to (Instructions for Turnitin
are attached). A computer or printer problem will NOT extend the due date. The
student MUST submit a typed copy. I will not accept e-mailed papers or anything
on a flash drive.
5) You must include contact information for the person you interviewed. That includes
name, phone number and email.
6) The
obituary is due Monday, September 27. It must be
submitted to by 7 a.m. September 27. It will count
as a test grade.
The obituary is due at the beginning of the hour on the due date. If the student is in
class, but does not have his/her assignment, the assignment is late. If a student is on
campus for any part of the day, including for extracurricular activities, the paper is due.
Failure to submit the assignment on time will result in a penalty:
One day late, the maximum grade is a 75; two days late, the maximum grade is a 60;
three days late, the maximum grade is a 50. After three calendar days, the grade is a
On the day the paper is due, if the student is absent for the entire day, including for
extracurricular activities, the paper and all required materials are due the day the student
returns to school whether the student has Journalism that day or not.