Globalnet Obituary Application Form

Globalnet Obituary
Application Form
Deceased Data (In BLOCK LETTER)
Name of the Deceased:
Nationality: _____________________
Male/ Female
Age: ___________
Death Certificate Number: _______________
Date of Birth:
Date of Death:
Death Certificate No.: _________________
(Kindly attach a copy of the death certificate)
Information about the Wake & Location
Applicant’s Data (Person submitting the application)
Name: _______________________________
Relationship with the Deceased:
Contact No.: ______________
Family Members (IN BLOCK LETTER)
Name & Relationship
Name & Relationship
Obituary Background (Tick one)
Centre-piece (Tick one)
___ Lotus
___ Flower
___ Cross
___ Dove
Biography (Character/Achievement)
Choose one package
Basic Package:
 Unlimited data
 Posting up to 2 months in the website
 Self-written Biography
 Remembrance VCD (35 photos presentation)
Silver Package:
 Unlimited data
 Posting up to 2 months in the website
 Self-written Biography
 Remembrance VCD (35 photos presentation)
 1 day obituary advertisement in Today Paper (1 col x 7cm)
Gold Package:
 Unlimited data
 Posting up to 2 months in the website
 ½ Page Editor Assisted Biography
 2 Remembrance DVDs
-100 photos presentation
-Funeral procession (non-edited)
 1 day obituary advertisement in Today Paper
Declaration Form
I hereby declare that all information given for publication in the internet obituary
( which is done by Globalnet Obituary Services is accurate
and I expressly agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Publisher (Probate
Enterprise) from all losses, demands, fees including but not limited to legal fees,
penalties, fines, expenses, costs, damages, losses, liabilities, obligations, causes of action
suits of any kind or nature suffered by the Publisher arising from the Publisher’s
publication in the internet obituary submitted by me.