Puerto Rican Ethnic Food Project By: Trayvon Johnson, Jennifer Ray and Wilfredo Cruz Dr. Vince Carter Marketing 490: Spring Quarter 2006 California State University Bakersfield May 31, 2006 Project Objective A 1.) Earth http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puerto_Rico This link gives a geographical view of the country of Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico, the smallest of the Greater Antilles, includes the main island of Puerto Rico and a number of smaller islands and keys, including Mona, Vieques, and Culebra. Puerto Rico is a commonwealth of the United States located east of the Dominican Republic in the northeastern Caribbean. http://welcome.topuertorico.org/geogra.shtml This site gives information of the land mass of Puerto Rico. Its coasts measures approximately 580 km, and if the adjacent islands Vieques and Culebra are included the coast measures approximately 700 km. To the north and south seas capes measure 8.525 m for the Grave of Puerto Rico and 5.000 m for the Grave of Tanner. Off the northern coast is the 28,000 feet (8,500 meters) deep Puerto Rico Trench, and to the south the sea bottom descends to the 16,400 feet (5,000 meters) deep Venezuelan Basin of the Caribbean. The territory is very mountainous (cover 60%), except in the regional coasts, but Puerto Rico offers astonishing variety: rain forest, deserts, beaches, caves, oceans and rivers. Puerto Rico has three main physiographic regions: the mountainous interior, the coastal lowlands, and the karst area. Different classification schemes exist for the soils of Puerto Rico. One physiographic approach, based on a scientific classification by the U.S. Soil Conservation Service, can be summarized into five general soil types: humid coastal plains, semiarid coastal plains, humid uplands, semiarid uplands, and humid upland valleys. http://welcome.topuertorico.org/geogra.shtml This link gives us the natural resources, land use, environmental hazards, and climate of Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico’s natural resources are some stone, fish, copper and nickel, potential for on-shore and off-shore crude oil. The land consists of 3.95% used for arable land. There is 5.52% of land used for permanent crops, and 90.53% is used for other various things. The hazards that Puerto Rico face are droughts that are caused by a reduction in the reservoirs and hurricanes that plague the Caribbean countries. The climate is Tropical Marine with regular temperature of 80°F (26°C). Puerto Rico enjoys warm and sunny days most of the year. Lightweight clothing is appropriate year-round. The winds, which blow from the East, are moderate temperatures and rainfall. In the interior, the temperature fluctuates between 73°F and 78°F (22°C and 25°C). 2.) History These links give insight into the history of Puerto Rico and the people that first inhabited the country. Also, the links give information on the outside influences that affected the customs and values that make up Puerto Rico. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puerto_Rico An archeological dig in the island of Vieques in 1990 found the remains of what is believed to be an Arcaico man (named Puerto Ferro man) which was dated to around 2000 BC (4000 years ago). Afterwards, between 120 and 400 AD, the Igneri, a tribe that preceded both the Caribs and Taínos, arrived on the island. Between the 7th and 11th century the Taíno culture developed on the island and by approximately 1000 AD, the Taíno culture had become the dominant culture on the island. They maintained this dominance until the arrival of the Spanish in 1493. The Igneri were a peaceful pre-Colombian culture that was once part of the Arawak tribe. They are said to have originated in the Orinoco region in Venezuela. They inhabited the Lesser Antilles and Puerto Rico. In Puerto Rico they were preceded by the Arcaico (Archaic) culture, who are believed to have originated in Central America, and followed by the Taíno culture, who came from South America. In the Windward Islands they were preceded by the Ortoroid culture, who came from South America, and were displaced or assimilated by the Island-Caribs, who also originated in South America. The Igneri are believed to have arrived to Dominica in the year 400 while in St. Croix they are believed to have arrived in 650. They were characterized by their advanced pottery and their canoe craftmanship. They also brought horticulture to the Antilles. In Puerto Rico around the year 1000 the Igneri culture was replaced by the Taíno culture. Carib or Island Carib is the name of a people of the Lesser Antilles islands, after whom the Caribbean Sea was named; their name for themselves was Kalinago for men and Kallipuna for women. Over the century leading up to Christopher Columbus's arrival in the Caribbean archipelago in 1492, the Caribs are believed to have displaced the Maipurean-speaking Igneri people from the southern Lesser Antilles. The islands also raided and traded with the Eastern Taíno of the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico. The Caribs were the source of the gold which Columbus found in the possession of the Taíno; gold was not smelted by any of the insular Amerindians, but rather was obtained by trade from the mainland. The Caribs were skilled boat builders and sailors, and seem to have owed their dominance in the Caribbean basin to their mastery of the arts of war. The Caribs were themselves displaced by the Europeans, and were eventually all but exterminated during the colonial period. However they were able to retain some islands, such as Dominica, Saint Vincent, Saint Lucia, and Trinidad. The Black Caribs (Garifuna) of St. Vincent who had mixed with marooned black slaves from a 1675 shipwreck were deported in 1795 to Roatan Island, off Honduras, where their descendants, the Garífuna, still live today. The Taíno are pre-Colombian indigenous Amerindian inhabitants of the Bahamas and the Greater Antilles islands, which include Cuba, Hispaniola (Haiti and the Dominican Republic), Puerto Rico, and Jamaica. The seafaring Taíno are relatives of the Arawakan peoples of South America. Their language is a member of the Maipurean linguistic family, which ranges from South America across the Caribbean, and is thought to have been part of the larger, hypothetical group of Arawakan languages that would have spread over an even wider area. The Taíno of the Bahamas were known as the Lucayan. Some scholars distinguish between the Neo-Taíno nations of Cuba, the Lucaya of the Bahamas, Jamaica, and to a lesser extent of Haiti and Quisqueya (approximately the Dominican Republic) and the true high Taíno of Boriquen (Puerto Rico). They consider this distinction important because the Neo-Taíno had far more diverse cultural input and a greater societal and ethnic heterogeneity than the original Taíno. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puerto_Rico When Europeans first arrived, the island of Puerto Rico was inhabited by a group of Arawak Indians known as Taínos. The Taínos called the island "Borinkén." The first European contact was made by Christopher Columbus during his second voyage to the Antilles, on November 19, 1493. Some say that Puerto Rico was not discovered by Columbus but by Martin Alonzo Pinzón in 1492 when he separated from Columbus and went exploring on his own. The Pinzón family was given one year by the Spanish court to start a settlement in Puerto Rico which would give them a claim to the island. However, they did not succeed. Originally named San Juan Bautista, in honor of Saint John the Baptist, the island ultimately took the name of Puerto Rico (meaning Rich Port), while the name San Juan is now delegated to its capital and largest city. Spanish conquistador Juan Ponce de León became the island's first governor to take office, while Vicente Yáñez Pinzón was the first appointed governor, although he never arrived on the island. The island was soon colonized by the Spanish and African slaves who were introduced as labor to replace the decreasing populations of Taino Indians who were being forced to work for the Spanish crown. Puerto Rico briefly became an important stronghold and port for the Spanish empire in the Caribbean. However, colonial emphasis during the late 17th–18th centuries focused on the more prosperous mainland territories, leaving the island impoverished of settlers. Concerned about threats from its European enemies, over the centuries various forts and walls were built to protect the port of San Juan. Fortresses such as La Fortaleza, El Castillo San Felipe del Morro and El Castillo de San Cristóbal were built. The French, Dutch and English made attempts to capture Puerto Rico, but failed to wrest long-term occupancy of the island. In 1809, while Napoleon occupied the majority of the Iberian peninsula, a populist assembly based in Cadiz recognized Puerto Rico as an overseas province of Spain with the right to send representatives to the Spanish Court. The representative Ramon Power y Giralt died soon after arriving in Spain; and constitutional reforms were reversed when autocratic monarchy was restored. Toward the end of the 19th century, poverty and political estrangement with Spain led to a small but significant uprising in 1868 known as "El Grito de Lares". The uprising was easily and quickly crushed. Leaders of this independence movement included Ramón Emeterio Betances, considered the "father" of the Puerto Rican nation, and other political figures such as Segundo Ruiz Belvis. Later, another political stronghold was the autonomist movement originated by Román Baldorioty de Castro and, toward the end of the century, by Luis Muñoz Rivera. In 1897, Muñoz Rivera and others persuaded the liberal Spanish government to agree to a Charters of Autonomy for Cuba and Puerto Rico. . Soon after Christopher Columbus brought European culture to Puerto Rico and the rest of Latin America, the Europeans began to sell slaves to rich farmers or landowners who came from Spain to Latin America. Many of the slaves who came to Puerto Rico were from Congo Mayombe religions such as "Palo Monte" were an intrinsic part of Puerto Rico's early spiritualist history before Allan Kardec, the Ashanti, Yoruba and Bantu tribes. In all, 31 known African tribes were brought to the island from Central and West Africa through the slave trade. It is believed that many slaves entered Puerto Rico through the island's east side, hence the large population of blacks from San Juan to Vieques. Ponce and Mayagüez have large populations that came from Cuba, Haiti, and Colombia. During the years of indigenous and African slavery, miscegenation was rampant. Tainos were believed to have been raped by Spaniards, and they also intermarried with the incoming Africans. In Puerto Rico, as in many other countries, slave owners would insult black workers and make them labor under poor working conditions for little or no money. They also abused them physically, sometimes injuring or killing them. Some slave owners would also rape black women and girls, including the wives of the male slaves. These types of abuses, of which most Puerto Ricans born during the 20th century had little knowledge, were exposed in many of Abelardo Diaz Alfaro's books written during the 1940s. Diaz Alfaro opposed racism and his writing reflected those sentiments. As in most countries where slaves were brought over from Africa, in Puerto Rico slaves were assigned new last names. Slaves usually took their owners' Spanish names, passing the adopted last names to their children, and so on. Many slaves worked in sugarcane fields, others in manufacturing or other types of jobs. After the annihilation of Puerto Rico's Taino population, Africans were brought to the island to provide labor for the short-lived gold mining industry. When the gold ran out, so did most of the white population. Fortune hunting Europeans abandoned Puerto Rico to seek riches in Mexico and South America. The Spanish Crown used a subsidy from its gold producing colonies on the mainland, called El Situado to maintain a garrison and forts in San Juan. Puerto Rico was the last stop in the Greater Antilles before the long voyage to Europe for Spanish ships laden with gold. However, with few whites and no Tainos, to provide a population base to support the garrison, the Spanish government sought to alleviate this problem by offering freedom to Black people from non-Spanish colonies who immigrated to Puerto Rico. Although this became official through a Spanish edict in 1664, this process already was occurring since about 1570. Initially, most of this population settled in Cangrerjos (today, Santurce). However, the entire northeast coast, from Cangrejos through Carolina, Loíza, Canóvanas, Fajardo to Culebra and Vieques, was settled by this immigrant Black population. Consequently, the majority of Puerto Rico's population from the end of the 16th Century to the beginning of the 19th Century was Black and/or Mulato. Puerto Rico had the oldest and largest Free Black population in the Western Hemisphere, during the era of the African Slave trade. This free Black population was largely responsible for keeping Puerto Rico Spanish. They played key roles in repelling every European invasion of the island, especially the last British invasion attempt in 1797(which helped to end British expansion in the Caribbean). Black militia from Puerto Rico served under the Spanish Armed forces in Haiti, Venezuela and in the American War of Independence. There were several notable Black or Mulato Puerto Ricans who contributed to the island's history during this period, Jose Campeche, the island's first famous painter, Miguel Henriquez, the Corsair, whose ships defeated a British fleet off the island of Vieques in 1714, Rafael Cordero, a self taught educator who in the early 19th Century, tutored the island's future political leaders and his sister, Celestina who attempted to create the first school for girls in Latin America, seventeen years before her brother started his school. This free Black population essentially created and developed, what is known as Puerto Rican culture, especially in music and in its culinary traditions On July 25, 1898 at the outbreak of the Spanish–American War, Puerto Rico, being a colony of Spain, was invaded by the United States of America with a landing at Guánica. Spain was forced to cede Puerto Rico, along with Cuba and the Philippines, to the United States under the Treaty of Paris (1898). In 1917, the Jones-Shafroth Act approved by the United States Congress granted Puerto Ricans U.S. citizenship so that they could be recruited as soldiers for WWI (Puerto Ricans remain U.S. passport-holding citizens). Natural disasters and the Great Depression impoverished the island. Some political leaders demanded change; some, like Pedro Albizu Campos. Luis Muñoz Marín, first democratically elected governor of Puerto Rico. Change in the nature of the internal governance of the island came about during the later years of the Roosevelt–Truman administrations, as a form of compromise spearheaded by Luis Muñoz Marín and others, and which culminated with the appointment by President Harry Truman in 1946 of the first Puerto Rican-born governor, Jesus T. Piñero. In 1947, the United States granted the right to democratically elect the governor of Puerto Rico. Luis Muñoz Marín became the first elected governor of Puerto Rico in the 1948 general elections, serving as such for 16 years, until 1964. Starting at this time, there was heavy migration from Puerto Rico to the continental U.S.A. in search of better economic conditions. In 1945 there were 13,000 Puerto Ricans living in New York City - by 1955 there were 700,000, and by the mid-1960s there were over a million. On November 1, 1950, Puerto Rican nationalists Griselio Torresola and Oscar Collazo attempted to assassinate President Harry S. Truman. Subsequently, Truman allowed for a genuinely democratic referendum in Puerto Rico to determine whether Puerto Ricans desired to draft their own constitution. Puerto Rico adopted its own constitution in July 25, 1952 which adopted the name "commonwealth" for the body politic and which is used by many as the name of Puerto Rico's current relationship with the United States. During the 1950s Puerto Rico experienced a rapid industrialization, with such projects as Operation Bootstrap which aimed to industrialize Puerto Rico's economy from agriculture-based into manufacturing-based. Present-day Puerto Rico has become a major tourist destination and a leading pharmaceutical and manufacturing center. Still, Puerto Rico continues to struggle to define its political status. Three locally-authorized plebiscites have been held in recent decades to decide whether Puerto Rico should request independence, enhanced commonwealth status, or statehood. Narrow victories by commonwealth supporters over statehood advocates have not yielded substantial changes in the relationship between the island and the United States. 3.) Culture http://welcome.topuertorico.org/culture/folklore.shtml The Puerto Rican culture consists of the Spanish, Tainos, and African cultures combined. The Tainos traditions were passed down from recorded accounts made by Spanish colonialist. Some of the Tainos language was incorporated into the culture because the Spanish settlers used the language to describe what they saw when they first arrived on the island. Among many of the African customs and beliefs Santería played and still play an important role in Puerto Rican Folklore. The practice of Santería dates to the fifteenth century when its earliest practitioners - members of the Yoruba people of West Africa were brought to Puerto Rico as slaves. Not allowed to practice their traditional religion, the Santería priests, called Santeros, hid their rituals under the guise of Roman Catholic figures. To find more about Santería and its rituals you should visit a Botánica, a specialized shops that retail a variety of articles such as figurines of plastic, wood, wax and porcelain, pictures of saints, rosary beads, candles, dried herbs, amulets, prayer books, and other religious pieces, mixing Christian, African and Caribbean motifs. One of the most prominent Puerto Rican figures is "el jíbaro" (hillbilly), a country person from the mountainous interior, is an idealized folk hero, common in island literature and the arts. The jíbaro continues to fascinate artists of various disciplines, and the term is used on a daily basis as a sign of affection, but occasionally as an insult. Puerto Ricans celebrate Christmas for a longer period of time than people in the states. They begin the day after Thanksgiving and don’t end until January 6. They celebrate the season with music, food, and family. Each town celebrates an annual festival to honor its patron saint. The festivities usually last as week and features dances, food, parades and religious processions. There are also other holidays, sometimes called carnivals, that have been adopted from Catholic or pagan traditions. Special folk festivals, usually featuring an important product to the region, also take place, such as Yauco's "Festival Nacional del Café". Throughout history there have been interesting similarities in the wedding traditions all around the world, but there are also some differences in the way they get married and celebrate such event. One unique characteristic of a Puerto Rican wedding is the bridal doll. A bridal doll, in a dress identical to the brides' gown, is usually placed on the head or center table with souvenirs attached to its dress. During the reception, the bride and groom will walk to each person and thank him or her for their presence at the nuptials. Each person is then pinned with a souvenir, some people in return pins dollars into the doll's dress. The quinceañera tradition started centuries ago with the indigenous people as an important social ritual to commemorate the transition from adolescence to womanhood. At that time, fifteen year old girls were taken from their families to prepare for womanhood by learning about the history and traditions of her people. The return of the girl to the community was cause for a great celebration because of her new found knowledge and understanding of what womanhood entailed. Today, this celebration often includes a religious ceremony at church, more often practiced in the Catholic Church, although other religions have similar services to celebrate the young woman's coming of age, followed by a party. http://www.tqnyc.org/wiki/NYC030493/PUERTO_RICO.html Music is part of the Puerto Rican way of life. They love to sing and dance during fiestas and festivals. Different types of music and like the Merengue, Salsa, Danza, Plena, Bomba, and Cha- Cha are all very popular and very much tied into the culture. 4.) Values http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puerto_Rican_Identity_and_Heritag Puerto Ricans are very proud people. As can be seen all around the island and all over the U.S. They have flags, stickers, apparel, and many other objects and items that show the pride of their “patria”, or motherland. http://www.aciprensa.com/noticia.php?n=4226 Younger kin do not leave their older kin without asking for their blessing or “la bendicion”. This is done each time the younger leave the older. This was a tradition brought to the island by the Spanish in the 1700’s. It deals with the Spanish’s infatuation with the Catholic Church. Project Objective “B” – Product – Arroz con Gandules 1. Form Arroz con gandules is a plate that is becoming very popular amongst the Puerto Rican youth as more parents show there children how to cook the plate. Because the different regions of Puerto Rico make the plate different there is one universal way to make the plate. Most of the time, families don’t have access to all the ingredients needed to make the plate from the desired specific region of Puerto Rico. Here is the site for the universal type of arroz con gandules that is made. http://www.caribbeanseeds.com/arrozcongandules(recipe).htm The recipe given here is the northern part of the islands take on the dish. This recipe can have many different ingredients. Everything from the spices to the meat and vegetables put in the plate can differ, which gives the plate a distinct taste. As can be seen in many plates on the island. There is a big influence from all three races of people that compromise the Puerto Ricans. This link talks more about the different types and origins of many Puerto Rican plates, including arroz con gandules. http://welcome.topuertorico.org/culture/foodrink.shtml 2. Function The main ingredient of arroz con gandules is the actual gandules. Around the world this legume is known as Pigeon Peas. This site gives some insights on Pigeon peas. It talks about their harvesting and production, amongst other factors that pertain to the cultivation of this wonderful legume. http://www.hort.purdue.edu/newcrop/duke_energy/Cajanus_cajun.html#Harvesting During the 1700’s this plate was first introduced to the island of Puerto Rico. Although, it was much simpler, the preparation of the plate has stayed very much the same. This plate has a thick history behind it. The plate is prepared mostly for the “big” holidays celebrated both on the island and in the United States. Along with appetizers and dessert, arrroz con gandules in actually a main plate that is eaten during these holidays. Although the plate has no added significance to the holidays in which they are eaten, it is still a staple for all Puerto Rican families. The rice used in this plate is from Spanish origin. While the spices are from all three races of people that made Puerto Ricans. The vegetables and gandules used in the plate are mainly from the Taíno’s cultivation of the land, pre-Spanish era. 3. Facilitation This food is very important to the Puerto Rican heritage because it helps remind Puerto Rican’s that they are not just one race, but a mix of many people and nationalities that have made them who they are now. Match- Part C 1.Triangulation: User Universal Values Performance Value: Complete Meal in Need Minutes, 100% guaranteed to leave consumer feeling full and satisfied. Vitamins and nutrients included in mix for a wellbalanced diet. Personal Values Want Emotional: Traditional ethnic meal, reminds target of their roots and their heritage. Serves as many as 6 at one time, resulting in a sense of family and togetherness. Payer Price: Price per box is $8.00. This price is set minimally higher than competitor pricing because of the expensive spices and higher production costs we have encountered vs. others. Buyer Service: All components of the product clearly labeled and easy to mix together and money back guarantee if not satisfied Financing: Applying for and receiving credit does not apply to our product, but customers are welcome to pay any way the retailer will allow. Convenience: Available in grocery stores, tienditas, carnecerias, and online. Does not go bad after sitting on a shelf and is fast and easy to make. Quick dinner ideas, appeals to the “big city” fast paced lifestyle. This traditional Puerto Rican dish, Arroz con Gandules, is at the heart of every pure Puerto Rican family. This is a signature meal, and offering it in this boxed form will allow young Puerto Ricans who love to eat Arroz con Gandules to continue to eat it when they leave home and take the tradition with them. The spices and mixes included in the boxed product will make it hard for any Puerto Rican to tell the difference between slow cooked Arroz con Gandules, and our boxed product. It is offered at an affordable priced, and any left overs that may be available re-heat and preserve the same freshness and good-taste. This is a high-quality product that saves the customer time and money, for we have already mixed and retrieved all of the ingredients prior to packaging. This product can be stored at room-temperature for as long as 18 months. Our target market needs us to provide them with a high-quality, excellent tasting authentic meal that tastes good, is offered at an affordable price, and delivers a high service value which would include clarity and quickness. The point of offering this dish in a convenience quick-meal form is to associate original Puerto Rican culture and values in food-form without spending hours slaving in the kitchen. It is also to remind the Puerto Ricans that this dish has been around since the early 1700’s and is still ever so popular and modernized by the way we offer it. We have so much faith in our product that it will deliver this basic goal and more by enlightening traditional Puerto Ricans that they can receive the same flavorful taste from our product rather than collecting all of the ingredients and doing it themselves in a long-process type of way. We also plan on introducing the Puerto Rican culture to young adults and advancing their taste in a way they never thought possible. 1. Target Our product targets multiple groups: young adults (18-25), dual income families where time is of the essence, and seniors. There are over 9 million Puerto Ricans living in the United States (according to the 2000 census), which make it the second largest Latino group in the United States (according to the 1990 census). The 170 billion dollar Hispanic market will be used to our advantage by advertising specifically to them and identifying culturally and historically. http://health.csuohio.edu/healthculture/culture/puertorican/prhealth.htm http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/prof/heart/latino/lat_pop.htm http://www.foodproductdesign.com/archive/1996/0396PR.html Nearly 700,000 Puerto Ricans live in New York, out of three million. Our biggest market for selling this product would be in New York, with other high Puerto Rican populous areas such as Connecticut, Philadelphia, Massachusetts and Illinois. http://www.nahj.org/resourceguide/chapter_3d.html 2. Taste Brand Name: Agueybanas: Arroz Con Gandules. Our slogan is “Sabor Para Hoy!” (Taste For Today). Packaging: Our packaging design will be bright and eye catching. It will be the colors of the Puerto Rican Flag on the back (because Puerto Ricans are very prideful and boast often times about their country with wearing headbands, wristbands, etc. with the Puerto Rican Colors: Red, White and Blue. Red represents bloodshed, white represents bravery, and blue represents the three branches of government (also represents the waters of Puerto Rico). On the front, it will be a beautiful portrait on the Puerto Rican Island. Events: Every year in Rochester, NY a Puerto Rican festival occurs in midAugust and is a huge celebration. Here, we will set up a kiosk and promote our product as well has handing out free samples and taste tests. We will set up a station to test the knowledge of our true Puerto Rican Culture: similar to the coke vs. Pepsi test, we will have our cooked product on one of the trays and slowcooked Arroz con Gandules on another tray to see if the consumer can tell the difference. Prizes will be awarded and free promotional items will be available as well. We will also set up kiosks in the Tienditas (English translation: little stores), which are the markets Hispanic people tend to shop at rather than grocery stores, and grocery retailers, playing traditional Puerto Rican Music in the background and the distinct smell of the fresh spices and warmth of the product will be in the air. www.prfestival.com/main.htm We will also sign a contract with Carlos Ortiz, a three time world boxing champion, twice in the lightweight division and once in the Jr. Welterweights. He represents Puerto Rico with pride and strength, and because he eats our arroz con gandules for nutrients and strength, so can you! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carlos_Ortiz Brand Architecture: This is where we bring the four Ps together. Product: Arroz Con Gandules Place: Sold in specialty Hispanic markets, meat markets, and grocery stores. We also plan on marketing our product to colleges (specifically those who have higher volumes of Hispanics) to sell/include on their menu so college students stay connected with their roots and/or are exposed to fabulous Puerto Rican food that just takes minutes. Price: We will sell this product for $8.00 a box. This price has been set because the production costs are higher, all spices/ingredients are hand picked and carefully pre-mixed together, and more expensive. We want to tailor to our customer, and we feel this price is an example of the value and quality of the product they are receiving. Promotion: As presented earlier, we will sign a contract to have Carlos Ortiz endorse our product. He is associated with strength and traditional Puerto Rican culture. We will sample in the stores and set up at the Puerto Rican Festival in Rochester, and well as associate ourselves to our powerful color scheme and pungent taste. Our Arroz Con Gandules boxed product will be a new revelation for the Hispanic Culture altogether. The Latino Culture is the fastest growing culture in the United States right now, and people who aren’t of Hispanic origin want to learn about it, and that’s why we aren’t singling this out. This product represent the Puerto Rican Culture and Values to a tee, and will be appealing not only to Puerto Ricans, but to young adults, families, and seniors who crave a fast meal with authentic, genuine taste. Needs/Wants Personal Physical: http://factfinder.census.gov/servlet/SAFFIteratedFacts?_event=&geo_id=01000US&_geo Context=01000US&_street=&_county=&_cityTown=&_state=&_zip=&_lang=en&_sse =on&ActiveGeoDiv=&_useEV=&pctxt=fph&pgsl=010&_submenuId=factsheet_2&ds_n ame=DEC_2000_SAFF&_ci_nbr=402&qr_name=DEC_2000_SAFF_R1010&reg=DEC _2000_SAFF_R1010%3A402&_keyword=&_industry= this link goes directly to a fact sheet for the Puerto Rican ethnic group from the census that gives information about household, ages, medians, etc. http://welcome.topuertorico.org/people.shtml This link talks about migration to the new country, hospitality characteristics, populations, and much more. http://health.csuohio.edu/healthculture/culture/puertorican/prhealth.htm This site discusses Puerto Rican health issues as far as physical and mental health, etc. Environmental Physical: http://www.answers.com/topic/puerto-rico?method=22 This link could be filled in almost all of these titles, but fits under environmental physical because it includes a huge section on terrain, climate, location, old country home-land, etc. http://www.southtravels.com/america/puertorico/weather.html This link also talks about the weather and climate in Puerto Rico. Individual Contextual: http://users.crocker.com/~amedpub/rc21d/prdem.htm This link talks about the education levels (males vs. female) http://welcome.topuertorico.org/culture/folklore.shtml This link goes into great detail about Puerto Rican folklore and mythology, important holidays, festivals, important events in the culture, etc. http://welcome.topuertorico.org/people.shtml This link talk about the religion of Puerto Rico, how it is dominantly Catholic, and other religious stats. http://www.prfdance.org/YorubaCulture.htm This link talks about how Puerto Rican culture is linked back to the Tainos, who are interrelated with Yoruban art and philosophy. Environmental Context: http://welcome.topuertorico.org/reference/taino.shtml The site talks about the Taino tribe and how they originated, who they were, and how they played such a huge part of Puerto Rico’s history. http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/enc1/ta%C3%ADno This site talks about how the Tainos used cotton, hemp, and palm extensively for fishing nets and ropes. It also talks about early Taino traditions and way of living. http://www.theworldwidegourmet.com/countries/westindies/puertorico.htm This link talks about the agriculture and sugarcane and the importance in Puerto Rican culture. Roles/Values: A chart of this is included in our report under Part C.