Please note that hand written applications will not be accepted Contract RMO CV Template Title: Gender: Male Female Surname: Forename: Date of Birth: Nationality: Primary GMC Registered: Reg. No: Full Full APS APLS/PALS/EPLS Right to work: EU Passport HSMP Other: Visa Qualification: Month & Year: ACLS/ALS Employment History Summary DATES (from most recent position) Position 1: Position 2: Position 3: Position 4: Please list additional roles on a separate paget HOSPITAL (Name and Address) POSITION HELD Secondary Position 1 Hospital: Position: Dates: Rotations/Departments/Experience: Surgery (General, Orthopaedics, Cardiothoracic) Duration (months): Medicine (General, Cardiology, Neurology, Respiratory) Duration (months): Paediatrics (Includes exposure to paediatrics) Duration (months): Anaesthetics Duration (months): Intensive Care and HDU Duration (months): Emergency/A&E Duration (months): Please give details about the hospital and department you work in. If you work in multiple departments or have ‘on call’ duties please give details of these also. Please indicate if you work in HDU, ICU and/ or anaesthetics: Please describe in detail your daily routine and all of the clinical skills you use (these should include basic skills such as blood taking, cannulation, catheterisation, ECG’s, resuscitation etc). If you work in ICU/ anaesthetics please include your skills in these areas : Please detail your exposure to paediatric patients in this role including the age range of patients: If you have exposure to oncology patients please describe your involvement with these patients and if you take blood, cannulate, treat side effects, or administer chemotherapy: Position 2 Hospital: Position: Dates: Rotations/Departments/Experience: Surgery (General, Orthopaedics, Cardiothoracic) Duration (months): Medicine (General, Cardiology, Neurology, Respiratory) Duration (months): Paediatrics (Includes exposure to paediatrics) Duration (months): Anaesthetics Duration (months): Intensive Care and HDU Duration (months): Emergency/A&E Duration (months): Please give details about the hospital and department you work in. If you work in multiple departments or have ‘on call’ duties please give details of these also. Please indicate if you work in HDU, ICU and/ or anaesthetics: Please describe in detail your daily routine and all of the clinical skills you use (these should include basic skills such as blood taking, cannulation, catheterisation, ECG’s, resuscitation etc). If you work in ICU/ anaesthetics please include your skills in these areas : Please detail your exposure to paediatric patients in this role including the age range of patients: If you have exposure to oncology patients please describe your involvement with these patients and if you take blood, cannulate, treat side effects, or administer chemotherapy: Position 3 Hospital: Position: Dates: Rotations/Departments/Experience: Surgery (General, Orthopaedics, Cardiothoracic ) Duration (months): Medicine (General, Cardiology, Neurology, Respiratory) Duration (months): Paediatrics (Includes exposure to paediatrics) Duration (months): Anaesthetics Duration (months): Intensive Care and HDU Duration (months): Emergency/A&E Duration (months): Please give details about the hospital and department you work in. If you work in multiple departments or have ‘on call’ duties please give details of these also. Please indicate if you work in HDU, ICU and/ or anaesthetics: Please describe in detail your daily routine and all of the clinical skills you use (these should include basic skills such as blood taking, cannulation, catheterisation, ECG’s, resuscitation etc). If you work in ICU/ anaesthetics please include your skills in these areas : Please detail your exposure to paediatric patients in this role including the age range of patients: If you have exposure to oncology patients please describe your involvement with these patients and if you take blood, cannulate, treat side effects, or administer chemotherapy: Position 4 Hospital: Position: Dates: Rotations/Departments/Experience: Surgery (General, Orthopaedics, Cardiothoracic ) Duration (months): Medicine (General, Cardiology, Neurology, Respiratory) Duration (months): Paediatrics (Includes exposure to paediatrics) Duration (months): Anaesthetics Duration (months): Intensive Care and HDU Duration (months): Emergency/A&E Duration (months): Please give details about the hospital and department you work in. If you work in multiple departments or have ‘on call’ duties please give details of these also. Please indicate if you work in HDU, ICU and/ or anaesthetics: Please describe in detail your daily routine and all of the clinical skills you use (these should include basic skills such as blood taking, cannulation, catheterisation, ECG’s, resuscitation etc). If you work in ICU/ anaesthetics please include your skills in these areas : Please detail your exposure to paediatric patients in this role including the age range of patients: If you have exposure to oncology patients please describe your involvement with these patients and if you take blood, cannulate, treat side effects, or administer chemotherapy: Practical experience Paediatrics: Number Resuscitation of Newborn Please write the total number of times you have carried out A Acute Respiratory Distress Eg. IV Cannulations Pneumonia 750 Post Tonsillectomy Bleeds General Experience: Number Resuscitation of shock/ dehydration Cardio-Pulmonary/Resuscitations (Team Leader) Lumbar Punctures Endotracheal/Laryngeal Mask Intubations Age range of Paediatrics worked with (eg 2 yrs +) Conducting/Interpreting/Responding to ECGs Cardioversion and Sedation Accident and Emergency: Number IV Cannulations Blood taking Allergic Reactions Arterial Blood Gas Sampling (ABG) Myocardial Infarctions Urethral Catheterisation Arrhythmia Suturing wounds Acute Psychosis Insertion of naso-gastric tubes Major Bone Fractures Thrombolytic Therapy administered Acute Bowel Obstruction Drug Overdose Oncology: Number Intercostal Drain Insertion Chemotherapy Administered General Surgery: Number Internal Medicine: Number Laparotomies Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome Incision and Drainage of Abscesses Multiple Organ Failure Bladder washouts Cardiac Failure Debridement of wound Pneumonia, Respiratoty Failure and COAD Haemorrhoidectomies Diabetic Keto-Acidosis Skin Graft Anemia Blood Transfusions Anaesthetics and ICU: Number Infusion Pumps Stress ECG’s S General anaesthetics performed Local anaesthesia and blocks performed Orthopaedics: Epidural and Spinal anaesthesia performed Lumbar Puncture performed Ventilated Patients in ICU N u m b e r Arthroscopy Hip Replacement Knee Replacement Number CVP Lines Spinal Surgery Inotropes used in ICU RMO Self Declaration Procedures Checklist Regular RMO Procedures Competent Blood taking Peripheral IV Cannualtion Prescribing analgesics, antibiotics and common drugs as described in the BNF Introduction to Programming/Management of drug Infusion pumps (PCAs) Bladder catheterisation (male and female) Conducting, interpreting and responding to ECGs Adult resuscitation including defibrillation Paediatric resuscitation including defibrillation Desirable RMO Procedures Competent Performing lumbar puncture and epidural Chemotherapy administration Intubation with endotracheal tube Laryngeal mask insertion Obtaining arterial blood for blood gas analysis Placing of central venous lines Venous pacemaker placement Intercostal drain insertion Exposed CONSOLIDATED SUMMARY OF PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE BY DISCIPLINE Skills/Experience Months worked Comments General Orthopaedic Surgery Cardiothoracic Other (please state) General Cardiology Medicine Neurology Respiratory Dedicated Paediatric Rotation Paediatrics Acquired as part of another speciality Anaesthetics ITU / ICU (Intensive Therapy/ Care Units) HDU (High Dependency Units) Emergency/A+E Oncology Medical Oncology Chemotherapy Administration Yes No Other (please state) Please note that some of the above experience may have been gained concurrently. As well as being dedicated to your needs, we are also committed to security. Any personal information you give us is kept secure and can only be accessed by NES. If you are looking for employment we will only divulge your personal information to a prospective employer or other thir d party with your permission and if we deem it necessary.