1 1.0 Supporting Information Figures 2 Supporting Information Figure 1. Molar Zn versus Fe cross plots. (A) Open circles 3 represent all available Zn and Fe data, while blue points indicate samples passing filters 4 for detrital contamination and hydrothermal influence (as per Fig. 2 and 3, main text). A 5 high level of agreement exists between the unfiltered and filtered data; scale is the same 6 as in previous Zn-Fe cross plots (Fig. 4A and B). (B) Linear regression lines, equations, 7 and R2 values for Zn/Fe scaling relationships. Points with an overly high influence on the 8 fits were removed from consideration in the regression using a Cook’s distance criteria of 9 D>n/4 (Bollen and Jackman, 1990), but not from the figure itself. Solid lines indicate 10 regressions while dashed lines indicate 95% confidence intervals about the regressions. 11 Phanerozoic points (green symbols, green lines) and Precambrian points (red and black 12 symbols, red lines) are considered and plotted separately. While both regressions are 13 positive, the regression through Precambrian data points suffers from poor statistical 14 support. 15 Supporting Information Figure 2. Zn abundances plotted against molar Fe/S ratio. At 16 high Fe/S, there exists no positive relationship between Zn and Fe/S, indicating that 17 sulfide did not likely play a role in Zn enrichment. Points represented by open circles 18 indicate all available data and points with a blue center are samples which pass filters for 19 detrital contamination. 20 21 References: 22 Bollen KA, Jackman RW (1990) Regression diagnostics: An expository treatment of 23 outliers and influential cases. 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