Teacher Name: Roderick Steward Week of: Feb 6

Teacher Name:
Roderick Steward
Week of: Feb 6-10, 2012
U.S. History PAP/VG Lesson Plans
Objective: ⓈSS.8.22B Describe the contributions of significant political, social, and military leaders of the
United States such as Frederick Douglass, John Paul Jones, James Monroe, Stonewall Jackson, Susan B.
Anthony, and Elizabeth Cady Stanton.
ⓈSS.8.23D Analyze the contributions of people of various racial, ethnic, and religious groups to our national
ⓈSS.8.23E Identify the political, social, and economic contributions of women to American society.
ⓈSS.8.24A Describe the historical development of the abolitionist movement.
ⓇSS.8.24B Evaluate the impact of reform movements, including educational reform, temperance, the women's
rights movement, prison reform, abolition, the labor reform movement, and care of the disabled.
Ⓢ SS.8.26A Describe developments in arts, music and literature that are unique to American culture such as
Hudson River school artist, John James Audubon “Battle Hymn of the Republic”, transcendentalism and other
cultural activities in the history of the United States. SS.8.30A Use social studies terminology correctly.
Warm-Up: What do you like about school? Explain your answer
Classwork: Distribute copies of the first two pages of the handout on Reform Movements in the 19th Century
to each student. [page three will be used in the next lesson] Have students divide the readings among group
members. Ask each group member to summarize one of the reforms and then to share that information with
others in the group. All students can complete the graphic organizer about key reformers and their goals.
Assign groups a reform movement and ask that group to include the name of the reform, the significant
individual[s] involved in this reform movement, a statement of why this reform movement was so important and
an illustration depicting something about the reform movement
ELPS Standards: Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing
Students will be taking a formative assessment Tuesday and Wednesday during the first part of each day,
so each daily lesson may be modified because of time.
Objective: ⓈSS.8.22B Describe the contributions of significant political, social, and military leaders of the
United States such as Frederick Douglass, John Paul Jones, James Monroe, Stonewall Jackson, Susan B.
Anthony, and Elizabeth Cady Stanton.
ⓈSS.8.23D Analyze the contributions of people of various racial, ethnic, and religious groups to our national
ⓈSS.8.23E Identify the political, social, and economic contributions of women to American society.
ⓈSS.8.24A Describe the historical development of the abolitionist movement.
ⓇSS.8.24B Evaluate the impact of reform movements, including educational reform, temperance, the women's
rights movement, prison reform, abolition, the labor reform movement, and care of the disabled.
Ⓢ SS.8.26A Describe developments in arts, music and literature that are unique to American culture such as
Hudson River school artist, John James Audubon “Battle Hymn of the Republic”, transcendentalism and other
cultural activities in the history of the United States. SS.8.30A Use social studies terminology correctly.
Classwork: Provide each group with poster paper, large construction paper, or newsprint and assign that group
one of the four reform movements – public education, temperance, women’s rights, and prison reform/care of
the disabled. Ask that group to include the name of the reform, the significant individual[s] involved in this
reform movement, a statement of why this reform movement was so important and an illustration depicting
something about the reform movement.
Ask each group to display the key points they included and the illustration and describe how they have depicted
the assigned reform.
ELPS Standards: Reading and Writing
Objective: ⓈSS.8.22B Describe the contributions of significant political, social, and military leaders of the
United States such as Frederick Douglass, John Paul Jones, James Monroe, Stonewall Jackson, Susan B.
Anthony, and Elizabeth Cady Stanton.
ⓈSS.8.23D Analyze the contributions of people of various racial, ethnic, and religious groups to our national
ⓈSS.8.23E Identify the political, social, and economic contributions of women to American society.
ⓈSS.8.24A Describe the historical development of the abolitionist movement.
ⓇSS.8.24B Evaluate the impact of reform movements, including educational reform, temperance, the women's
rights movement, prison reform, abolition, the labor reform movement, and care of the disabled.
Ⓢ SS.8.26A Describe developments in arts, music and literature that are unique to American culture such as
Hudson River school artist, John James Audubon “Battle Hymn of the Republic”, transcendentalism and other
cultural activities in the history of the United States. SS.8.30A Use social studies terminology correctly.
Warm-Up: Who was Horace Mann and what were some of the key points that he fought for?
Classwork: Summarizing and Note-Taking
Distribute page 3 of Reform Movements in the 19th Century to students and ask each student to answer the three
key questions of
 Why was this reform necessary?
 What did the reformers do to end slavery?
 Why is the abolition movement so important in history?
Four Cs Strategy
After discussion of these key points related to the abolition reform movement, use the Four Cs strategy to
analyze the two differing opinions related to the issue of 19th century slavery – that of the abolitionists and that
of the slave owners. That strategy includes:
Context – What was the context of the times, the situation, or the event?
Choices – What choices did the participants have at that time?
Course – What decision did the participants make? [What course did they take?]
Consequences – What were the consequences [results] of the decision?
ELPS Standards: Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing
Objective: ⓈSS.8.22B Describe the contributions of significant political, social, and military leaders of the
United States such as Frederick Douglass, John Paul Jones, James Monroe, Stonewall Jackson, Susan B.
Anthony, and Elizabeth Cady Stanton.
ⓈSS.8.23D Analyze the contributions of people of various racial, ethnic, and religious groups to our national
ⓈSS.8.23E Identify the political, social, and economic contributions of women to American society.
ⓈSS.8.24A Describe the historical development of the abolitionist movement.
ⓇSS.8.24B Evaluate the impact of reform movements, including educational reform, temperance, the women's
rights movement, prison reform, abolition, the labor reform movement, and care of the disabled.
Ⓢ SS.8.26A Describe developments in arts, music and literature that are unique to American culture such as
Hudson River school artist, John James Audubon “Battle Hymn of the Republic”, transcendentalism and other
cultural activities in the history of the United States. SS.8.30A Use social studies terminology correctly.
Warm-Up: When writing an essay, you often have to give the pro or con in your response. What are the pro or
con of having a dress code? List all the ideas you can think of.
Classwork: RAFT
Have students use the RAFT writing strategy to complete a letter to the editor defending or speaking against one
of the 19th century reform movements.
Role: A concerned citizen [either pro or con]
Audience: Readers of a local newspaper
Format: A letter to the editor
Topic: I believe that _____ [reform movement] should/should not be supported because…
ELPS Standards: Writing