Board of Trustees Meeting
December 10, 2008
Neighborhood Library at Lone Tree
Lone Tree, CO
Vice-President Dash called the meeting to order at 7 p.m.
The following were present:
TRUSTEES: Barbara Dash, Amy Hunt, Bob McLaughlin, David Starck, and Mark
Weston. Demetria Heath and Stevan Strain were absent.
STAFF: Art Glover, Jamie LaRue, Rochelle Logan, Sharon Nemechek, Patt Paul, Mary
Tweden, Aspen Walker, and Margie Woodruff.
GUESTS: Justin and Max VanLandschoot.
Public Recognition of Justin VanLandschoot
Vice-President Dash thanked VanLandschoot for his dedicated service to Douglas
County Libraries and the Douglas County community. Dash presented VanLandschoot
with a plaque of recognition. Dash lauded VanLandschoot’s enthusiastic and abundant
hard work on the library campaign, including fundraising, public speaking, and overall
campaign coordination. Dash noted that the library Board and staff are delighted that
VanLandschoot has offered to continue to serve as a library advocate in the Douglas
County community, with a focus on the District’s literacy efforts. VanLandschoot
thanked the Board and praised DCL’s dedicated staff and county-wide efforts at
community building.
Approved – Minutes, November 20, 2008; with requested changes to the Long Range
Planning and Personnel sections.
The financial statements for November, 2008 will appear on the January, 2009 consent
MOTION 08-12-01: Dash moved and the motion carried unanimously to approve the
consent agenda, with the requested changes to the Long Range Planning and Personnel
sections of the November 20, 2008 meeting minutes.
Buildings and Grounds Committee –
Solar Collector at the Philip S. Miller Library
Weston reported that the Philip S. Miller Library was selected to receive a free on-roof
solar collector that will infuse the library with natural sunlight during daylight hours.
LaRue noted that the collector should make a big difference in the library’s operating
costs. LaRue said DCL is also considering the addition of solar tubes to the library’s
roof, which would bring additional natural light into the building and cut electric
expenses further.
Bylaws and Policies Committee –
CIPA/Internet Use Policy
MOTION 08-12-02: Hunt moved and the motion carried unanimously to approve
changes to the Douglas County Libraries Internet Use policy, as discussed at the
November 20, 2008 Board meeting.
Gender Expression
Hunt initiated a conversation about amending DCL’s anti-discrimination policy to
include the wording “gender expression.” Hunt said that under Colorado Law, the
broader term “sexual orientation” includes transgender status and gender expression.
Hunt pointed out that the change would be in the spirit of non-discrimination that
Douglas County Libraries has striven to embrace, and that over 100 Colorado
companies and organization have already added the phrase to their anti-discrimination
policies. Hunt also said the change would allow Douglas County Libraries to continue
to receive funding from the Gay and Lesbian Fund for Colorado. LaRue noted that
given DCL’s commitment to equality and inclusiveness, senior staff wanted the Board to
discuss and consider the change, but that funding considerations should not impact the
decision. LaRue said the Board should take some time to consider the issue, and that
given the absence of two Board members, the change would not be voted on at the
current meeting.
McLaughlin asked if DCL has a dress code in place; Glover replied affirmatively.
Dash asked if the amended policy should include both “sexual orientation” and “gender
expression”; Glover recommended including both terms in the policy.
Weston asked whether problems might arise in relation to bathroom use. LaRue said the
Board should also consider children’s storytimes. Glover said that by law, as long as an
employee can do what’s required of the job, they should be allowed to continue doing
that job. Glover said if patrons raise issues that make it impossible for a staff member to
do their job well, DCL is obligated to find another job for the employee to do. Glover
also noted that most of the library buildings offer a staff-only bathroom, which should
alleviate concerns about bathroom use. LaRue added that if patrons or staff abuse public
spaces, like the restroom, it will be an issue of courtesy, not gender, and should be
appropriately addressed. Woodruff noted that many of the organizations that have
adopted this policy set up clear guidelines and parameters when they hire transgender
employees, so expectations are clear from the beginning of employment.
Hunt pointed out that there are currently transgender youth going to school in Douglas
County, and asserted that DCL needs to take leadership role and help people
understand this timely issue.
Dash reiterated that the policy change should not be made in deference to any funder,
and stated that the ultimate decision should match the DCL’s values as an organization,
not the values set forth by other organizations.
LaRue reminded the Board that DCL staff is available to answer questions and provide
information as the Board considers the change. Dash said the Board would vote on the
issue at the January 15, 2009 Board meeting.
Finance Committee –
2009 Budget Approval & Public Hearing
Dash adjourned the regular Board meeting. LaRue affirmed that in compliance with
Colorado’s Sunshine Law, the 2009 budget meeting had been publicly noticed and that
the affidavit of publication of the legal notice of this public hearing would be entered
into the record and attached to the official file copy of these minutes.
MOTION 08-12-03: Dash moved and the motion carried unanimously to initiate a
public hearing for the discussion and adoption of the 2009 Douglas County Libraries
Dash asked for public and Board comment. Weston noted a needed typographical
change to the third bullet in the budget message: the word “understand” should be
replaced with the word “understood.” Weston also remarked that he was pleased to see
that DCL was able to retain the designated percentages for staff and materials
expenditures, but said he was worried that the current budget claims all of the library
district’s annual revenues, without leaving anything for savings. Dash asked for any
further comments, and then closed the meeting to public comment.
MOTION: PH 08-12-01: McLaughlin moved, Weston seconded and the motion carried
unanimously to accept the resolution summarizing expenditures and revenues for each
fund and adopting a budget for the Douglas County Libraries for the calendar year
beginning on the first day of January 2009, and ending on the last day of December
2009. (Copy attached to the official file copy of these minutes.)
MOTION: PH 08-12-02: McLaughlin moved, Hunt seconded and the motion carried
unanimously to accept the resolution levying property taxes for the year 2009, to help
defray the costs of government for the Douglas County Libraries for the budget year
2009. The actual mill levied is 4.052 mills. (Copy attached to the official file copy of these
MOTION: PH 08-12-03: McLaughlin moved, Weston seconded and the motion carried
unanimously to appropriate sums of money to the various funds in the amounts and for
the purpose as set forth on the attached resolution for the budget year 2009. (Copy
attached to the official file copy of these minutes.)
Vice-President Dash adjourned the public hearing at 7:55 p.m. and returned to the
regular board meeting.
Maddox Window Tinting Contract
Tweden said the tinting would cut glare and reduce cooling and heating expenses yearround at several of the library buildings. Weston said the architects had dismissed the
need for window tinting during construction of the Philip S. Miller Library, and
wondered if they would be willing to help defray the cost for tinting on that building.
LaRue said he would ask the architects. Weston said DCL should make certain window
tinting is included on future construction projects.
MOTION 08-12-04: McLaughlin moved and the motion carried unanimously to
approve the Maddox window tinting contract.
Government Relations Committee – No report.
Long Range Planning Committee – Starck reported that the long range and strategic
planning session had been rescheduled to Saturday, January 10. LaRue said the meeting
would be publicly noticed, and that the Board could make formal decisions at the
Personnel Committee –
Starck reported that he, Strain and Hunt had met to discuss Dash’s reappointment. The
subcommittee recommended reappointment. Starck noted that Dash was the first to go
through the new Trustee assessment process, and that her excellence as a Trustee points
to the excellence of the approach. LaRue said that ALA’s new president and Douglas
County resident, Camilla Alire, had recently remarked that Douglas County Libraries
was well ahead of the curve on Trustee evaluation and appointment.
MOTION 08-12-05: Starck moved and the motion carried to approve Barbara Dash’s
reappointment to the Douglas County Libraries Board of Trustees. Dash abstained from
the vote.
Foundation ReportDouglas County Libraries Foundation Tours
Woodruff reported she recently conducted the first DCLF tour for potential donors.
Warren Lynge, a volunteer library advocate from the Castle Pines community, gave the
welcoming comments. Woodruff said staff and volunteers from the DCL Literacy
department shared stories about their work in libraries. Woodruff remarked that that
their emotional stories made a positive impact on the attendees— especially the story of
a disabled African man, who got his GED through Douglas County Libraries at the local
jail, and then returned to Africa to start a program that helps disabled children.
Woodruff said the attending donors would each provide three additional leads about
potential donors, and that she would conduct many more tours in 2009. Woodruff plans
to present the tour to the Trustees at a 2009 Board meeting.
LaRue thanked Tweden for her hard work on the 2009 budget, and commended her
perspicacious approach and sound business sense.
LaRue shared some letters from patrons who have utilized DCL’s English as a Second
Language (ESL) program, and noted that the library district’s powerful literacy
programs attest to the fact that libraries truly transform lives. Logan added that she had
attended the Douglas County jail’s GED graduation that day, and that the graduates
and Sheriff are very grateful for Douglas County Libraries and the DCL volunteers who
make the GED program possible. Woodruff noted that over 100 Douglas County
residents have taken the GED test through Douglas County Libraries since July.
LaRue announced that DCL has instituted a hiring freeze, at least through the January
10 long range planning session. LaRue said given the tight economy, DCL needs to
make sure the organization is the right size to serve the public within the available
means. He said Glover had distributed a very clear and straight-forward memo to staff,
that explains the situation without being punitive or rash.
The next meeting of the Douglas County Libraries Board of Trustees will be 7 p.m. on
Thursday, January 15, 2009, at Parker Library.
An informal lunch meeting is set for January 7, 2009.
Vice-President Dash adjourned the meeting at 8:17 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Mark S. Weston, Board Secretary
Minutes prepared by Aspen Walker
Draft Minutes, November 20, 2008
2009 Budget Report
Director’s report with attachments
Attendance sheet