Digging Through Earth Quiz Video Quiz Directions: Now that you have learned so much from viewing Digging Through Earth, it is now time to test what you have learned. Answer each question by writing the correct response either true or false. Do your best! 1. Earth's thin shell of hard rock is called the crust. 2. The asthenosphere has soft rock that lacks strength. 3. Both layers of the mantle are mostly rock; both layers of the core are metal. 4. The middle of Earth is soft and spongy. 5. Heat rising from deep inside Earth can move the crust's plates. Digging Through Earth Quiz Video Quiz Directions: Now that you have learned so much from viewing Digging Through Earth, it is now time to test what you have learned. Answer each question by writing the correct response either true or false. Do your best! 1. Earth's thin shell of hard rock is called the crust. 2. The asthenosphere has soft rock that lacks strength. 3. Both layers of the mantle are mostly rock; both layers of the core are metal. 4. The middle of Earth is soft and spongy. 5. Heat rising from deep inside Earth can move the crust's plates. Digging Through Earth Quiz Video Quiz Directions: Now that you have learned so much from viewing Digging Through Earth, it is now time to test what you have learned. Answer each question by writing the correct response either true or false. Do your best! 1. Earth's thin shell of hard rock is called the crust. 2. The asthenosphere has soft rock that lacks strength. 3. Both layers of the mantle are mostly rock; both layers of the core are metal. 4. The middle of Earth is soft and spongy. 5. Heat rising from deep inside Earth can move the crust's plates. Discussion Questions Do not write on this sheet! Answer the questions using the video and the textbooks on a sheet of paper and turn in to the teacher. Include the detailed drawing on the back of the paper. 1. If you could travel into Earth's interior, all the way to the middle, what would you find? 2. Why is Earth's crust so important for human life to exist? 3. The crust is cracked into many pieces called plates. What do these plates do? 4. How does the temperature change from the crust of Earth to the core? 5. What causes this change in temperature? 6. What is the layer called between the crust and the upper mantle? 7. Since miners can't dig much further than two miles/three kilometers into Earth, how else can they find out important information about Earth's interior? 8. How does gravity play a role in these layers? 9. What is the main difference between the mantle and the core? 10. What cause the magnetic field on Earth? 11. How hot is the inner core? 12. How do the plates move around? 13. How does the crust renew its gaps? A Look Inside Earth Directions: Draw a picture of Earth as if it were cut in half. Include each layer in your drawing, and label each layer. Use your Textbooks to help you. Key vocabulary that must be part of your drawing: inner core, upper mantle, lower mantle, outer core, asthenosphere, lithosphere, oceanic crust, continental crust.