The Presentations - bury

Analysis of pupil performance 2004
Key stage 3 English
Presenters’ Guide
NOTES FOR PRESENTERS .................................................................................................................................. 2
THE PRESENTATIONS................................................................................................................................................. 2
THE PRESENTER’S ROLE ........................................................................................................................................... 4
READING PRESENTATIONS CONTENTS ........................................................................................................... 5
READING PRESENTATIONS STRUCTURE ...................................................................................................................... 5
READING PRESENTATIONS SLIDE LISTING ................................................................................................................... 6
WRITING PRESENTATIONS CONTENTS .......................................................................................................... 10
W RITING PRESENTATIONS STRUCTURE .................................................................................................................... 10
W RITING PRESENTATIONS SLIDE LISTING ................................................................................................................. 11
Key Stage 3 English: Analysis of Pupil Performance in the 2004 National Tests – Presenters’ Guide
Notes For Presenters
The Presentations
These Presentations are based on data derived from a detailed analysis that was carried out on a sample of
scripts of pupils who sat the 2004 National Tests. The aim of the analysis and of the Presentations is to
provide feedback that focuses on key points of the programme of study that might assist year 9 pupils to
make progress in their reading and writing.
Arrangement of the Presentations
The questions in the tests cover a full range of Assessment Focuses (AFs) and for Reading each question is
based one of them. These Presentations are organised around the AFs, which are given in the national test
mark scheme. For the analysis feedback this year, four of the AFs have been chosen for particular
comment: for Reading AF4 and AF5, and for Writing AF1 and AF2.
The Presentations are arranged as follows:
Overview of Reading Test
How structure and organisation influence the reader (AF4)
Understanding the effects of language choice (AF5)
Shakespeare task
Overview of Writing Test
Composition and effect (AFs 1 and 2)
Text structure and organisation (AFs 3 and 4)
Sentence structure and punctuation (AFs 5 and 6)
A detailed list of the content of the presentations and the slides is given on pages 5-14 of these notes.
Analysis of pupils’ performance
For the analysis, samples of about 100 pupils’ scripts from each level were selected for each paper. They
were selected according the level they achieved overall in either reading or writing. Therefore, when in the
Presentations ‘pupils achieving level x in reading …’ are mentioned, it is referring to those pupils in the
chosen sample who gained that level in reading for this test. The Reading level is obtained from the marks
given on the Reading Paper and on the Shakespeare task; the Writing level is obtained from marks for the
longer writing task on the Writing Paper and the shorter writing task on the Shakespeare Paper.
The statistic which has been used for each question is the ‘facility value’ for each group of pupils. For a onemark question the facility is expressed as a percentage of pupils scoring the mark, eg:
Level 4 23%
Level 5 41% (.41)
Level 6 59% (.59)
Level 7 74% (.74)
For questions with more than one mark the facility value is the mean mark for the question divided by the
maximum mark, eg: 2.5 / 5 = f. 50% (.5).
By analysing the performance of selected samples of pupils like this, comparisons can be made about the
relative strengths and weakness of the different groups. The statistics above on their own would only tell us
something about what these particular pupils achieved on one question and they would not be significant for
other groups. But if the same groups’ performances on a different question were:
Notes for Presenters
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Key Stage 3 English: Analysis of Pupil Performance in the 2004 National Tests – Presenters’ Guide
Level 4 9%
Level 5 19%
Level 6 43%
Level 7 65%
we might begin to get an insight into what different pupils in the sample found more or less difficult in the
Implications for teaching and learning
Once the analysis of the sample pupils’ scripts had been carried out, the data was used to identify key
issues in the scripts of pupils whose performance came just below the threshold scores (levels 4/5, 5/6 and
6/7). This led to the compilation of issues into a list of ‘implications for teaching and learning’ which indicate
issues on which teachers might want to focus. These implications for teaching and learning have been
distributed to schools as a poster and they form the basic structure for the Presentations.
Sectional structure in the Presentations
Each section first states the implication and this is followed by a series of examples which are used to draw
attention to points which illustrate and explain the issue involved. These examples have been chosen from
scripts that came either just under or above the threshold scores. It is hoped that teachers will be able to
select and share the examples with their classes and help them to understand the underlying issues about
reading and writing which they illustrate.
In working through the Presentations it will be necessary to keep the sectional structure in mind, as in the
following outline. It will be worth drawing participants’ attention to these elements of the slides from time to
time, for example:
Paper (eg Writing paper)
Strand (eg Composition and effect)
Assessment Focus (eg AF1 write imaginative … and thoughtful texts)
Level boundary (eg level 4/5)
Implication (eg implication 1, 2, 3 etc.)
Example (from pupils’ work)
Notes for Presenters
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Key Stage 3 English: Analysis of Pupil Performance in the 2004 National Tests – Presenters’ Guide
The Presenter’s Role
Documents for participants
It is recommended that participants are asked to bring to the session at least a copy of the 2004 Reading
booklet and question papers (Reading, Shakespeare and Writing). Copies of the mark scheme should also
be available in the room so people can consult them if they wish, as questions may arise during discussion
about what the mark scheme allowed. In addition it is recommended that presenters have with them copies
of the poster giving the Implications for teaching and learning for the year.
Selection of material
There are significant numbers of slides in the Presentations. It is assumed that presenters will want to make
a selection from them, according to their audience and the purpose of the session. For example for Reading,
only one of the Implications for teaching and learning (AF4 or AF5) might be focused on in one session; in
the Shakespeare presentation the focus might be on the implications for one level boundary; for Writing only
one or two examples from pupils’ answers might be used for each implication. To decide which materials to
use, presenters could begin by reviewing the list of slides on page 6-9 and 11-14.
Involvement of participants
Presenters will want to involve the participants and not just ask them to watch the Presentations passively.
The presence of ‘extra’ examples will give an opportunity for this. For particular points one or two examples
might be used in the Presentation itself and then others be used as the basis for a discussion activity.
Suggested comments on examples in the presenters’ notes do not ‘have’ to be covered: they are simply
there to give a suggestion of what the presenter might say. It would be better to elicit the comments of the
Each section begins with an overview slide and ends with a summary slide that suggests an activity.
Beyond these, presenters could involve the audience further by raising some of the following issues:
1. What implications will the implications for teaching and learning have for lesson planning for year 9
2. How might the advice given in the implication be mediated to different classes of pupils?
3. What classroom activities might be devised to present the implications to pupils?
4. How could the materials here be used to illustrate the idea of progression in reading or writing?
5. What strategies might the materials in the slides suggest for teaching on particular areas, eg reading
non-fiction texts?
6. How might the examples from pupils’ scripts be used to illustrate strengths and weaknesses at different
7. How might teachers use similar analyses with their own pupils’ work?
8. How might the implications be used to underpin assessment for learning opportunities?
9. How might groups of pupils apply the ideas in the Presentations to their own and their peers’ reading and
Notes for Presenters
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Key Stage 3 English: Analysis of Pupil Performance in the 2004 National Tests – Presenters’ Guide
Reading Presentations Contents
Reading Presentations Structure
Presentation 1 – Overview
Aims and Introduction
Reading Paper
Shakespeare Reading Task
Presentation 2 – How Structure and Organisation Influence the Reader (AF4)
Aims and Introduction
AF4 Implication for teaching and learning for Levels 4 to 5
AF4 Implication for teaching and learning for Levels 5 to 6
AF4 Implication for teaching and learning for Levels 6 to 7
Presentation 3 – Understanding the Effect of Language Choice (AF5)
Aims and Introduction
AF5 Implication for teaching and learning for Levels 4 to 5
AF5 Implication for teaching and learning for Levels 5 to 6
AF5 Implication for teaching and learning for Levels 6 to 7
Presentation 4 – Shakespeare Reading Task
Aims and Introduction
Shakespeare Implications for teaching and learning for Levels 4 to 5
Shakespeare Implications for teaching and learning for Levels 5 to 6
Shakespeare Implications for teaching and learning for Levels 6 to 7
Reading Presentations Contents
Key Stage 3 English: Analysis of Pupil Performance in the 2004 National Tests – Presenters’ Guide
Reading Presentations Slide Listing
Presentation 1 – Overview
Aims and Introduction
Slide 1 Title
Slide 2 Aims of session
Slide 3 Description of Reading components
Reading Paper
Slide 4 Description of Reading paper
Slide 5 No. of Qs and marks at each AF
Slide 6 Mean mark at each level
Slide 7 Qs assessing AF2 and AF3, maximum marks and facility values
Slide 8 Qs assessing AF4, maximum marks and facility values
Slide 9 Qs assessing AF5, maximum marks and facility values
Slide 10 Qs assessing AF6, maximum marks and facility values
Slide 11 Implications for teaching and learning for Levels 4 to 5
Slide 12 Implications for teaching and learning for Levels 5 to 6
Slide 13 Implications for teaching and learning for Levels 6 to 7
Shakespeare Reading Task
Slide 14 Description of Shakespeare Reading Task
Slide 15 Mean mark at each level
Slide 16 Implications for teaching and learning for Levels 4 to 5
Slide 17 Implications for teaching and learning for Levels 5 to 6
Slide 18 Implications for teaching and learning for Levels 6 to 7
Slide 19 Summary
Reading Presentations Contents
Key Stage 3 English: Analysis of Pupil Performance in the 2004 National Tests – Presenters’ Guide
Presentation 2 – How Structure and Organisation Influence the Reader (AF4)
Aims and Introduction
Slide 1 Title
Slide 2 Aims of session
Slide 3 Definition of AF4
AF4 Implication for teaching and learning for Levels 4 to 5
Slide 4 Implication for teaching and learning for Levels 4 to 5
Slide 5 Q3b: Examples of pupils’ answers
Slide 6 Q3b: Examples of pupils’ answers cont.
Slide 7 Q10: Examples of pupils’ answers
Slide 8 Q10: Examples of pupils’ answers cont.
AF4 Implication for teaching and learning for Levels 5 to 6
Slide 9 Implication for teaching and learning for Levels 5 to 6
Slide 10 Q8b: Examples of pupils’ answers
Slide 11 Q8b: Examples of pupils’ answers cont.
AF4 Implication for teaching and learning for Levels 6 to 7
Slide 12 Implication for teaching and learning for Levels 6 to 7
Slide 13 Q8a: Examples of pupils’ answers
Slide 14 Q8a: Examples of pupils’ answers cont.
Slide 15 Summary
Reading Presentations Contents
Key Stage 3 English: Analysis of Pupil Performance in the 2004 National Tests – Presenters’ Guide
Presentation 3 – Understanding the Effect of Language Choice (AF5)
Aims and Introduction
Slide 1 Title
Slide 2 Aims of session
Slide 3 Definition of AF5
AF5 Implication for teaching and learning for Levels 4 to 5
Slide 4 Implication for teaching and learning for Levels 4 to 5
Slide 5 Q2a: Examples of pupils’ answers
Slide 6 Q2a: Examples of pupils’ answers cont.
AF5 Implication for teaching and learning for Levels 5 to 6
Slide 7 Implication for teaching and learning for Levels 5 to 6
Slide 8 Q5b: Examples of pupils’ answers
Slide 9 Q5b: Examples of pupils’ answers cont.
Slide 10 Q12b: Examples of pupils’ answers
Slide 11 Q12b: Examples of pupils’ answers cont.
AF5 Implication for teaching and learning for Levels 6 to 7
Slide 12 Implication for teaching and learning for Levels 6 to 7
Slide 13 Q6: Examples of pupils’ answers
Slide 14 Q6: Examples of pupils’ answers cont.
Slide 15 Q13: Extended answer question
Slide 16 Q13: Examples of pupils’ answers
Slide 17 Q13: Examples of pupils’ answers cont.
Slide 18 Summary
Reading Presentations Contents
Key Stage 3 English: Analysis of Pupil Performance in the 2004 National Tests – Presenters’ Guide
Presentation 4 – Shakespeare Reading Task
Aims and Introduction
Slide 1 Title
Slide 2 Aims of session
Slide 3 Shakespeare Reading Task
Slide 4 The three plays
Slide 5 Sample by play
Slide 6 Marking criteria
Shakespeare Implications for teaching and learning for Levels 4 to 5
Slide 7 Implications for teaching and learning for Levels 4 to 5 – Characters
Slide 8 Example of pupils’ answers
Slide 9 Example of pupils’ answers cont.
Slide 10 Implications for teaching and learning for Levels 4 to 5 – Language
Slide 11 Example of pupils’ answers
Slide 12 Implications for teaching and learning for Levels 4 to 5 – References
Slide 13 Example of pupils’ answers
Slide 14 Example of pupils’ answers cont.
Slide 15 Example of pupils’ answers cont.
Slide 16 Example of pupils’ answers cont.
Shakespeare Implications for teaching and learning for Levels 5 to 6
Slide 17 Implications for teaching and learning for Levels 5 to 6 – Characters
Slide 18 Example of pupils’ answers
Slide 19 Example of pupils’ answers cont.
Slide 20 Implications for teaching and learning for Levels 5 to 6 – Language
Slide 21 Example of pupils’ answers
Slide 22 Example of pupils’ answers cont.
Slide 23 Implications for teaching and learning for Levels 5 to 6 – References
Slide 24 Example of pupils’ answers
Slide 25 Example of pupils’ answers cont.
Shakespeare Implications for teaching and learning for Levels 6 to 7
Slide 26 Implications for teaching and learning for Levels 6 to 7 – Characters
Slide 27 Example of pupils’ answers
Slide 28 Example of pupils’ answers cont.
Slide 29 Example of pupils’ answers cont.
Slide 30 Implications for teaching and learning for Levels 6 to 7 – Language
Slide 31 Example of pupils’ answers
Slide 32 Example of pupils’ answers cont.
Slide 33 Implications for teaching and learning for Levels 6 to 7 – References
Slide 34 Example of pupils’ answers
Slide 35 Example of pupils’ answers cont.
Slide 36 Summary
Reading Presentations Contents
Key Stage 3 English: Analysis of Pupil Performance in the 2004 National Tests – Presenters’ Guide
Writing Presentations Contents
Writing Presentations Structure
Presentation 1 – Overview
Aims and Introduction
Implications for teaching and learning
Presentation 2 – Composition and Effect
Aims and Introduction
AF1 Implication for teaching and learning for Levels 4 to 5
AF2 Implication for teaching and learning for Levels 4 to 5
AF1 Implication for teaching and learning for Levels 5 to 6
AF2 Implication for teaching and learning for Levels 5 to 6
AF1/2 Implication for teaching and learning for Levels 6 to 7
Presentation 3 – Text Structure and Organisation
Aims and Introduction
AF3 Implication for teaching and learning for Levels 4 to 5
AF3/4 Extra Implication for teaching and learning for Levels 5 to 6
AF4 Implication for teaching and learning for Levels 6 to 7
Presentation 4 – Sentence Structure and Punctuation
Aims and Introduction
AF5 Implication for teaching and learning for Levels 4 to 5
AF6 Implication for teaching and learning for Levels 4 to 5
AF5 Implication for teaching and learning for Levels 5 to 6
AF6 Implication for teaching and learning for Levels 5 to 6
AF5 Implication for teaching and learning for Levels 6 to 7
AF6 Implication for teaching and learning for Levels 6 to 7
Writing Presentations Contents
Key Stage 3 English: Analysis of Pupil Performance in the 2004 National Tests – Presenters’ Guide
Writing Presentations Slide Listing
Presentation 1 – Overview
Aims and Introduction
Slide 1 Title
Slide 2 Aims of session
Slide 3 Description of Writing components
Slide 4 Writing Paper Strands and AFs
Slide 5 Shakespeare Writing Task Strands and AFs
Slide 6
Slide 7
Writing Paper: Mean mark at each level
Shakespeare Writing Task: Mean mark at each level
Implications for teaching and learning
Slide 8 Implications for teaching and learning for Levels 4 to 5
Slide 9 Implications for teaching and learning for Levels 5 to 6
Slide 10 Implications for teaching and learning for Levels 6 to 7
Slide 11 Summary
Writing Presentations Contents
Key Stage 3 English: Analysis of Pupil Performance in the 2004 National Tests – Presenters’ Guide
Presentation 2 – Composition and Effect
Aims and Introduction
Slide 1 Title
Slide 2 Aims of session
Slide 3 Definition of CE
AF1 Implication for teaching and learning for Levels 4 to 5
Slide 4 Implication for teaching and learning for Levels 4 to 5
Slide 5 Examples of pupils’ answers
Slide 6 Examples of pupils’ answers cont.
Slide 7 Examples of pupils’ answers cont.
Slide 8 Examples of pupils’ answers cont.
AF2 Implication for teaching and learning for Levels 4 to 5
Slide 9 Implication for teaching and learning for Levels 4 to 5
Slide 10 Examples of pupils’ answers
Slide 11 Examples of pupils’ answers cont.
Slide 12 Examples of pupils’ answers cont.
AF1 Implications for teaching and learning for Levels 5 to 6
Slide 13 Implication for teaching and learning 1 for Levels 5 to 6
Slide 14 Examples of pupils’ answers
Slide 15 Examples of pupils’ answers cont.
Slide 16 Examples of pupils’ answers cont.
Slide 17 Examples of pupils’ answers cont.
Slide 18 Implication for teaching and learning 2 for Levels 4 to 5
Slide 19 Examples of pupils’ answers
Slide 20 Examples of pupils’ answers cont.
Slide 21 Examples of pupils’ answers cont.
AF2 Implication for teaching and learning for Levels 5 to 6
Slide 22 Implication for teaching and learning for Levels 5 to 6
Slide 23 Examples of pupils’ answers
Slide 24 Examples of pupils’ answers cont.
Slide 25 Examples of pupils’ answers cont.
Slide 26 Examples of pupils’ answers cont.
AF1/2 Implication for teaching and learning for Levels 6 to 7
Slide 27 AF1 / AF2 Implication for teaching and learning 1 for Levels 6 to 7
Slide 28 Examples of pupils’ answers
Slide 29 Examples of pupils’ answers cont.
Slide 30 Examples of pupils’ answers cont.
Slide 31 Examples of pupils’ answers cont.
Slide 32 Examples of pupils’ answers cont.
Slide 33 AF1 / AF2 Implication for teaching and learning 2 for Levels 6 to 7
Slide 34 Examples of pupils’ answers
Slide 35 Examples of pupils’ answers cont.
Slide 36 Examples of pupils’ answers cont.
Writing Presentations Contents
Key Stage 3 English: Analysis of Pupil Performance in the 2004 National Tests – Presenters’ Guide
Presentation 3 – Text Structure and Organisation
Aims and Introduction
Slide 1 Title
Slide 2 Aims of session
Slide 3 Definition of TSO
AF3 Implication for teaching and learning for Levels 4 to 5
Slide 4 Implication for teaching and learning for Levels 4 to 5
Slide 5 Examples of pupils’ answers
Slide 6 Examples of pupils’ answers cont.
Slide 7 Examples of pupils’ answers cont.
AF3/4 Extra Implication for teaching and learning for Levels 5 to 6
Slide 8 Implication for teaching and learning for Levels 5 to 6
Slide 9 Examples of pupils’ answers
Slide 10 Examples of pupils’ answers cont.
Slide 11 Examples of pupils’ answers cont.
AF4 Implication for teaching and learning for Levels 6 to 7
Slide 12 Implication for teaching and learning for Levels 6 to 7
Slide 13 Examples of pupils’ answers
Slide 14 Examples of pupils’ answers cont.
Slide 15 Examples of pupils’ answers cont.
Slide 16 Examples of pupils’ answers cont.
Slide 17 Summary
Writing Presentations Contents
Key Stage 3 English: Analysis of Pupil Performance in the 2004 National Tests – Presenters’ Guide
Presentation 4 – Sentence Structure and Punctuation
Aims and Introduction
Slide 1 Title
Slide 2 Aims of session
Slide 3 Definition of SSP
AF5 Implication for teaching and learning for Levels 4 to 5
Slide 4 Implication for teaching and learning for Levels 4 to 5
Slide 5 Examples of pupils’ answers
Slide 6 Examples of pupils’ answers cont.
Slide 7 Examples of pupils’ answers cont.
Slide 8 Examples of pupils’ answers cont.
AF6 Implication for teaching and learning for Levels 4 to 5
Slide 9 Implication for teaching and learning for Levels 4 to 5
Slide 10 Examples of pupils’ answers
Slide 11 Examples of pupils’ answers cont.
Slide 12 Examples of pupils’ answers cont.
Slide 13 Examples of pupils’ answers cont.
AF5 Implication for teaching and learning for Levels 5 to 6
Slide 14 Implication for teaching and learning for Levels 5 to 6
Slide 15 Examples of pupils’ answers
Slide 16 Examples of pupils’ answers cont.
Slide 17 Examples of pupils’ answers cont.
Slide 18 Examples of pupils’ answers cont.
Slide 19 Examples of pupils’ answers cont.
AF6 Implication for teaching and learning for Levels 5 to 6
Slide 20 Implication for teaching and learning for Levels 5 to 6
Slide 21 Examples of pupils’ answers
Slide 22 Examples of pupils’ answers cont.
Slide 23 Examples of pupils’ answers cont.
AF5 Implication for teaching and learning for Levels 6 to 7
Slide 24 Implication for teaching and learning for Levels 6 to 7
Slide 25 Examples of pupils’ answers
Slide 26 Examples of pupils’ answers cont.
Slide 27 Examples of pupils’ answers cont.
Slide 28 Examples of pupils’ answers cont.
AF6 Implication for teaching and learning for Levels 6 to 7
Slide 29 Implication for teaching and learning for Levels 6 to 7
Slide 30 Examples of pupils’ answers
Slide 31 Examples of pupils’ answers cont.
Slide 32 Examples of pupils’ answers cont.
Slide 33 Examples of pupils’ answers cont.
Writing Presentations Contents