What are Youth Doing in Their Leisure Time?: Group Differences and Stability in Participation from Middle School through the Transition into Adulthood. Nicole Zarrett and Sandra Simpkins, University of Michigan Background There is increasing evidence that youth’s participation in challenging out-of-school activities influences their behavioral, emotional, and academic adjustment. Participation in out-of-school organized activities is associated with declines in school dropout, reduced rates of criminal offending, lower rates of substance abuse, interpersonal competence, quality relationships with peers, self-concept, high school GPA, and school engagement (Eccles & Barber, 1999; Eccles & Gootman, 2002; Eccles & Templeton, 2002; Holland & Andre, 1987; Mahoney, 2000; Simpkins, Fredricks, Davis-Kean, & Eccles, under review; Youniss, McLellan, & Yates, 1999). Together, these studies provide convincing evidence that participating in out-of-school activities is associated with indicators of positive development. However, they tell us less about the developmental pattern of activity participation and the characteristics of youth participating. With the exception of the extensive work on gender differences in sports, little systematic research has focused on activity participation across time, various ages, transitions, and groups. Existing research suggest the following hypothesis regarding both developmental changes and demographic differences: poor and ethnic minority youth will be less involved in structured, adultsanctioned activities than middle class White youth (Furstenberg, Cook, Eccles, Elder, & Sameroff, 1999); participation in such activities will decline with age, particularly as children move into adolescence (Eccles & Gootman, 2002); girls will be less involved in sports than boys (Duda, 1995; Jacobs et al. 2002). This investigation extends this work by examining youth’s participation in a variety of activities from 7th grade through 3 years post high school. In addition, we focus on group differences in youth’s participation in these activities. Specifically, our study aims are: (1) Describe youth’s activity participation across adolescence and early adulthood (2) Examine the stability of youth’s participation (3) Test gender and race differences in youth’s participation Method The Maryland Adolescent Development in Context Study (P.I. Jacquelynne Eccles and Arnold Sameroff) Sample 1,400 adolescents and their families o 61% African American; 35% European American o 49% female o Median annual income = 42,500-52,500 Data Longitudinal data were collected at 6 time points: the beginning of 7th grade (1991), in the summer and early fall following the 7th, 8th, and 11th grades and then 1 and 3 years post high school Youth reported on their participation in a variety of activities at each time point: o At 7th grade, 8th, and 11th grade: Frequently occurring activities (e.g., TV viewing, reading, art) were measured with How often they spent time on the following activities during the last one/two weeks (1=never, 6=daily, more than an hour) Less frequently occurring activities (e.g., religious activities, community groups) were measured with If they spent time on the following activities during the last 6 months or during the last year? (1=yes, 0 = no). o At 1 and 3 years post high school, youth reported: How often they spent time on the following activities during a usual week (1 = none, 4 = 4-6 hours, 8 = 21 or more hours) Civil rights (a less frequent activity) was measured on a scale of: “the past two years” (0=never, 3=four to five times, 5=more than ten times). o Continuous items were recoded so that any time youth reported spending time on the activity it was considered active participation in the activity Results Hypothesis 1: Activity participation was fairly stable over time for Television, Social, Religion and Reading (see Figure 1). For the remaining activities, participation varies between waves, with a decline in participation for most activities (except work and civil rights) when youth are 3 years post high school. Participation declines later than what was reported in previous research. Hypothesis 2: Findings indicate stability of adolescents’ participation over time (See Figure 2). Youth are more likely to participate in an activity domain in late adolescence and early adulthood if they began participating in 7th grade. For example, of the 10% of young adults participating in formal sports in Wave 6, 41% of them were participating in 7th grade (Wave 1). Hypothesis 3: Group differences of participation by the intersection of gender and race were found for the following activities: Formal and Informal Sports, Music, Art, Community Service and Reading (see Table 1). Discussion 3 Main Implications: - Future research needs to address reasons for declines in activity involvement during the transition from adolescence to young adulthood. Likewise, it is necessary to identify methods/resources that would encourage youth to persist in an activity beyond high school - Findings indicate the importance of early participation on later participation in activities. Based on the positive indications of activity involvement, possible intervention programs to get children involved in activities early in life would promote children’s current and later well being. - The current investigation points to the importance of considering the intersection of race and sex when examining the trajectories of youths’ activity participation. References Duda, J. L. (1995). Motivation in sports settings: A goal perspective approach. In G.C., Roberts (Ed.), Motivation in sport and exercise: Vol. XII, 273, (pp. 57-91). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Books. Eccles, J. & Barber, B. (1999). Student council, volunteering, basketball, or marching band: What kind of extracurricular involvement matters? Journal of Adolescent Research, 14, 10-43. Eccles. J. S. & Gootman, J. (Eds) (2002). Community programs to promote youth development. Washington DC: National Academy Press. Eccles, J.S., & Templeton, J. (2002). Extracurricular and other after-school activities for youth. Review of Research in Education, 26, 113-180. Furstenberg, F.F., Jr., Cook, T.D., Eccles, J., Elder, G.H., Jr., & Sameroff, A. (1999). Managing to make it: Urban families and adolescent success. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. Holland, A., & Andre, T. (1987). Participation in extracurricular activities in secondary school: What is known, what needs to be known? Review of Educational Research, 57, 437-466. Jacobs, J. E., Lanza, S., Osgood, D. W., Eccles, J. S., & Wigfield, A. (2002). Changes in children's self-competence and values: Gender and domain differences across grades one through twelve. Child Development, 73(2), 509-527. Mahoney, J.L. (2000). School extracurricular activity participation as a moderator in the development of antisocial patterns. Child Development, 71, 502-516. Simpkins, S.D., Fredricks, J., Davis-Kean, P., & Eccles, J.S. (under review). Healthy minds, healthy habits: The influence of activity involvement in middle childhood. A. Huston and M. Ripke (Eds.) Middle Childhood: Contexts of Development. New York: Cambridge University Press. Youniss, J., McLellan, J. A. & Yates, M. (1999). Religion, community service, and identity in American youth. Journal of Adolescence, 22, 243-253. Figure 1 The Percent of Youth Participating in Various Activities 100 Formal Sports Percent of Youth Participating 90 Informal Sports 80 Religious 70 Music 60 Art 50 Community 40 Social TV 30 Civil Rights 20 Reading 10 Work 0 13 13Sum. 14 17 Age in years 19 22 Figure 2 Stability of Participation from Wave 1 to Wave 4 and from Wave 1 to Wave 6 3.0 90 2.0 Percentage of youth participating at both waves 80 4.6 70 60 1.0 2.4 50 W1 to W4 3.0 8.8 W1 to W6 40 4.6 30 20 10 0 Sports Music Community Reading **Adjusted standardized residuals indicated above each bar Table 1 Group Differences in Activity Participation by Race and Sex Activities Formal Sports Percentage Within: Black Males White Males Black Females White Females Wave 1 18.76** Wave 2 23.20*** Wave 3 16.27** Wave 4 15.11** Wave 5 82.54*** Wave 6 60.59*** 87.2 93.1 71.1 92.3 29.6 28.0 17.7 15.7 35 36.1 23.3 23.9 43.4 51.6 33.7 40.6 66.9 56.4 28.4 29.8 54.8 50.7 19.7 20.1 Music Percentage Within: Black Males White Males Black Females White Females ns ns 12.79** 9.31* 32.60*** 12.01* 36.1 35.4 36.9 43 23.1 24.4 28.1 31 32 36.1 43.2 45.7 16.7 26.4 25.4 21.1 29 29.1 10 16.7 25.2 23.2 11.1 16.9 Community Service Percentage Within: Black Males White Males Black Females White Females 37.94*** 29.66*** 33.51*** 32.26*** ns ns 34.2 51.1 37.8 54.7 22.4 40.4 29.5 39.9 30.5 48.7 33.2 52.3 48.7 63.5 69.6 66.3 54.1 50.6 45.3 51.7 50 41.5 47 44.9 Reading Percentage Within: Black Males White Males Black Females White Females 11.19* 9.81* 17.36** ns ns 88.3 89.7 91.5 95.8 83.1 86.5 87.7 92.3 80.4 90.5 90.4 88.9 77.4 76.4 83.1 82.7 77.1 77.9 84.5 84.6 (3, N=1474) (3, N=1186) (3, N=1056) (3, N=781) (3, N=573) (df, N) (3, N=1059)