April 2010 Newly awarded Precipitation projects/connections to Modeling working group Ana Barros/Duke University (connection to Lidard/Tao project) Characterizing and Understanding the Space-Time Gradients and Vertical Structure of Orographic Precipitation and Hydrologic Response in Mid-Latitude Mountainous Regions - Observations and Process Studies in the Great Smoky Mountains The overarching research objective of this proposal is to elucidate the 4D structure of orographic precipitation, and to build modeling capacity toward improved hydrometeorological and hydrological prediction in mountainous regions. The proposed research plan is organized in three major activities: (1) - Integration of Satellite and Ground Validation Data and Process Studies - The focus is on investigating the vertical structure of orographic precipitation systems in the Southern Appalachians. This activity builds on ongoing research in the Southern Appalachians, specifically the groundvalidation and process studies opportunities provided by the Great Smoky Mountains (GSM) National Park network facility; (2) - Dynamical Downscaling of Precipitation and Flashflood Forecasting - Operational OSSEs (Observing System Simulator Experiments) will be conducted for flashfloods in the Southern Appalachians for the 2008-2012 period using a hierarchy of high-resolution atmospheric models and data assimilation; (3) Hydrometeorological Modeling and Interpretation Studies - The goal is to investigate orographic land-atmosphere interactions and hydrometeorology, including vegetation dynamics at both the event time-scale (vegetation wipe-out by earthflows) and at seasonal time-scales using a high-resolution coupled land-cloud model, and to characterize feedbacks among landform, land-cover and orographic precipitation regimes. Rafael Bras/University of California, Irvine Downscaling and Improvement of Predictability of Rainfall and Soil Moisture by Assimilating GPM and SMAP Data Using a High Resolution Coupled Hydrometeorological Model This proposal focuses on the development of a modeling and data assimilation framework that will allow for downscaling of Global Precipitation Mission (GPM) and Soil Moisture Active and Passive (SMAP) observations to produce precipitation and soil moisture predictions at fine scales for hydrometeorological applications. The hypothesis of this research is that a high resolution regional climate model coupled to a physically-based representation of subgrid land-atmosphere feedbacks and used with data assimilation may be an optimal approach for downscaling of coarse scale remotely sensed precipitation and complementary soil moisture products. The modeling framework with data assimilation capabilities consists of tRIBS-VEGGIE (Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN)-based Real-time Integrated Basin Simulator with VEGetation Generator for Interactive Evolution) serving as the lower boundary for an advanced mesoscale regional atmospheric model known as the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. tRIBS-VEGGIE (tRIBS hereafter) offers the unique capability of capturing the fine structure of topography and its role in modulating the dynamics of soil moisture and vegetation. This in turn leads to improvement in the representation the sub-grid land surface fluxes in the coupled WRF-tRIBS model, which improves the simulation of dynamics within the atmospheric boundary layer at fine spatial and time resolutions. The original WRF model is designed for modeling mesoscale processes, but has limited ability to represent the land surface energy and water fluxes at high resolution and detailed topography. Accurate representation of the complex mesoscale feedback at the land atmosphere boundary is proven to increase the predictive skill of precipitation at fine spatial-temporal scales. A key component of the downscaling-prediction framework is the data assimilation function of satellite based observations. Specifically, we propose to assimilate GPM and SMAP rainfall and soil moisture using 4DVAR and/or EnKF data assimilation techniques. Assimilation of SMAP soil moisture within tRIBS has been proven to lead to better estimation of energy fluxes at the land atmosphere boundary while assimilation of rainfall within WRF and other atmospheric models has been proven useful. The expectation is that assimilation of both precipitation and soil moisture products within the proposed coupled atmospheric-landsurface model will result in further improvements of in the estimation of the two complementary variables: rainfall and soil moisture. The deliverables of this projects are (1) a methodology to downscale future GPM and SMAP products and improve the predictability of precipitation and soil moisture and (2) an index based on high resolution soil moisture estimates from tRIBS that will be useful for flash flood forecasting and hopefully improve on existing operational procedures. Anthony Del Genio/NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies Using Satellite Precipitation Data to Improve the Diurnal Cycle of Rainfall and Convective Lifecycles in GCMs We propose to continue our research into the diurnal cycle and lifecycle of tropical convective storms using TRMM data, ISCCP data, a cloud-resolving model (CRM), and the GISS general circulation model (GCM). We will conduct a number of CRM simulations for continental and maritime convective storms in different regions to determine their ability to portray a realistic daily transition from shallow to deep convection and local time of peak precipitation. The sensitivity of the diurnal evolution and the vertical structure of hydrometeors to the parameterization of ice microphysics will be tested and compared with TRMM observations. We will use TRMM data to determine the relative importance of time of convection onset and convective cluster lifetime in determining the time of peak precipitation. We will make improvements in the GCM’s simulation of entrainment and convective ice and mixed-phase microphysics and test the effect of these on the model’s diurnal cycle and vertical structure of convective storms. We will use geostationary ISCCP data to document the evolution of convective clusters and to assign lifecycle phases. TRMM radar and microwave rainfall structure data and TRMM latent and radiative heating profile data will be mapped into the appropriate ISCCP-determined lifecycle phase to construct composite lifecycles of TRMM rainfall and heating structure. These will be used as the basis for the development and evaluation of a mesoscale updraft parameterization for the GCM Dusanka Zupanski/Colorado Satate University Ensemble-based assimilation and downscaling of the GPM-like satellite precipitation information In a near future Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Mission will provide precipitation observations with unprecedented accuracy and spatial/temporal coverage of the globe. Currently operational and research experiences in using precipitation information have mostly focused on a global model resolution with prescribed static forecast error statistics, while a cloud-resolving high resolution and flow-dependent forecast error information are needed for many GPM scientific applications such as hydrology and precipitation estimates downscaled from rain-sensitive radiances. We propose to develop an ensemble-based data assimilation system for assimilation and downscaling of precipitation information from GPM observations. The proposal seeks to bring a variety of observations from different instruments and platforms, a cloudresolving model and an ensemble assimilation methodology together to produce accurate and dynamically downscaled precipitation estimates. A prototype of the ensemble data assimilation system at cloud-resolving scales has been developed jointly by NASA/GSFC and Colorado State University (CSU). The system consists of components: (i) Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model with multiple nesting capability and NASA cloud-microphysics (ii) NASA Satellite Data Simulation Unit (SDSU), (iii) NOAA/NCEP's Gridpoint Statistical Interpolation (GSI) forward observation operators and (iv) the CSU Maximum Likelihood Ensemble Filter (MLEF) data assimilation algorithm. The assimilation system has capabilities of assimilating precipitation-sensitive microwave radiances at pixel scale and estimating flow-dependent and terrain-dependent forecast error covariance. The work proposed in this research is as follows: (i) develop the prototype data assimilation system into a validated operational-comparable system, (ii) produce downscaled precipitation analyses by assimilating precipitation information into highresolution WRF model, using currently available TRMM TMI, SSM/I, AMSR-E, AMSU and InfraRed (IR) cloudy radiances, and (iii) verify and improve the accuracy of precipitation estimates using HydroMeteorological Testbeds (HMTs). The proposed research belongs to the Precipitation Science Research Category 2.3 "Methodology development for improved applications of satellite products". Expected benefits are in enhancing scientific and operational applications of the GPM observations and improving weather, climate and hydrological forecasts. This research project can serve as a pilot study for the development of Level 4 GPM precipitation products.