News and prayer requests from Nantes (France)

News and prayer requests from Nantes (France) – May 2012
“You help us by your prayers” – 2 Cor. 1: 11. Your role is vital and very much appreciated!
Give thanks for all the blessings of the GO week - favourable weather, enthusiastic team
and participation of several in our fellowship - together with all the work carried out by
the team: distribution, soirée, youth group and questionnaires. Pray for lasting fruit from
this work.
Give thanks for the ten visitors who have been out at church since the distribution of
Réflexions. Pray that they would continue to attend and for wisdom to deal with each of
their individual situations.
Thus far eleven people have responded to Réflexions and the follow-up has already
produced some interesting discussions. Pray that the seed planted may grow and flourish.
Pray for the remaining Evangelistic Bible Studies taking place each Wednesday evening
this month. So far we have had 3 visitors, who have all also attended on the Lord's Day.
Pray for more.
One of these visitors is a particular encouragement. Madame Sepala from Sri Lanka was
originally spoken to by Blair during door-to-door visiting twenty years ago; the following
year she responded to Réflexions and has received a calendar together with other visits
over the years since. Pray for her and other long-term contacts that the Spirit would open
their heart to truly receive Christ.
Pray for the Children’s club which meets every Wednesday morning. There are 4 regulars
who attend but a lady who has started to attend church and Bible study has promised to
bring her son. Pray that this may materialize and that others may also join them.
Pray for Andrew and Heather as they go to Geneva 10th – 12th May for a conference on
the theme of “Ministry Centered on the Gospel”. Give thanks for this opportunity for
good teaching and fellowship.
Give thanks for a profitable Colloque Biblique Francophone, where not only was the
teaching and fellowship excellent, but also younger pastors were able to join the
organizing committee.
Pray that Emmaline would continue to be a witness in her last couple of months of school
and be able to see opportunities to show how her life as a Christian is different.
For three weeks at the end of June and beginning of July we hope to have an American
summer team. Pray for the right size of team to allow us to have an effective varied
outreach programme.