Student and Parent Handbook

Megan Egerton
Trish Eddy
345 Ravenhill Ave
Ottawa, ON
K2A 0J5
Student & Parent HANDBOOK
This Book Belongs to:
NAME ___________________________
TEACHER ________________________
RM: ____
Churchill’s Code of Behaviour
Take Care of Yourself
Take Care of Others
Take Care of This Place
School Year Calendar – 2014-2015
Labour Day
First Day of School
PA Day
PA Day
Christmas Break
PA Day
PA Day
Family Day
March Break
Good Friday
Easter Monday
Victoria Day
PA Day
Last Day of School
1 September 2014
2 September 2014
10 October 2014
13 October 2014
21 November 2014
19 December 2014 – 5 January 2015
16 January 2015
13 February 2015
16 February 2015
16 March – 21 March 2015
3 April 2015
6 April 2015
18 May 2015
5 June 2015
25 June 2015
School Hours (Balanced Day)
Arrival/ Supervision
1st Instructional Block
Nutrition Break 1
2nd Instructional Block
Nutrition Break 2
3rd Instructional Block
7:45 am - 8:00 am
8:00 am – 9:40
9:40 am - 10:20 am
10:20 am – 12:00
12:00 – 12:50 pm
12:50 – 2:30pm
2:30 pm
Extended Day Hours – 7am – 6pm
Attendance and Safe Arrival Program
Regular and punctual attendance contributes significantly to a student’s success at
school. If your child will be absent or late, we request that you phone the school and
leave a message on the school voice mail. Please call before 8:00 am. The school office
must have a phone number at which your family can be reached at all times during the
school day, as well as an emergency backup number.
Safe Arrival Phone Number is 722-4474
School Yard
The school yard is supervised by Churchill staff from 7:45-8:00 am. Extended Day staff
cannot supervise your child prior to this unless your child is a part of the extended day
program. School buses are met by staff. Kindergarten children will be met by staff in
the Kindergarten yard. The yard will be used by the extended day program as of
2:45pm. Please respect the program’s use of the yard at all times. Parents are
welcome to use the Kindergarten yard after this time.
Children riding bicycles to school must walk them on the sidewalk, they must have bike
helmets and ensure they are placed on the racks. Children wearing roller blades are
expected to remove them at the planter box. Skate boards and folded scooters must be
carried safely at all times. Bicycles, skate boards, in-line skates and scooters are not
to be ridden on the school property, through the parking lot at any time or taken on
the school bus.
Play Structure Rules
1. Chasing games are played on the lower yard, not on the play structure.
2. When on the play structure, remember to:
Go up the tube, not down.
Go down the slide, not up.
One at a time, when on the slide or tube.
When on the slide, go down on your bottom.
3. Do not climb on the top of any structures or on top of the tube.
4. Remember to always keep snow and sand on the ground.
Field Trips
Please return Trip Authorization forms promptly, no later than 24 hours prior to
the date of the trip. OCDSB policy prohibits student participation in field trip
activities unless the designated form has been completed and signed by the student’s
parent or guardian and is retained at the school prior to the trip. Students who do not
return the signed trip form will remain at school and be supervised in another classroom.
It is not a case of wanting to punish a child but that adult and student ratios have been
set, volunteers and staff members have been coordinated.
Calendars – Calendars will be sent with 2 months updated and important information
about what is happening in our school, lunch information and activities that students are
taking part in. Classrooms will have blogs or newsletters coming home – depending on the
CASC and the school send out a weekly email blast. If you want to be a part of that,
please send an email to:
Communicating with Staff – Staff are happy to hear from you and appreciate that you
are not always able to predict when you will need to communicate but would appreciate as
much advanced warning as possible. Please do not send an email if it is important
information that will need to be addressed immediately or within that school day. Staff
are often unable to check emails during the school day. Urgent or same day information
should be communicated in person or via the phone. All student absences need to be
communicated through the office.
** Please note - two nutrition breaks per day (Balanced Day)
As a school community, we are concerned about our environment. We compost food waste
and recycle all paper fiber, cans, glass, juice cartons, and milk cartons. Because we
strongly support litterless lunches, we encourage children to use reusable containers
as much as possible. Please put your child’s name on lunch food containers so that they
can be brought home.
1. Walk to and from buses using the sidewalk.
2. Obey the bus driver.
3. Use appropriate language and behaviour.
Failure to be safe on the bus can result in a temporary or permanent removal from the
bus. Empty seat applications are not assigned until 6th of October. Empty seat
applications are available on the OCDSB website or at the office.
Cell Phones/Tablets
The school is not responsible for the loss or damage of students’ cell phones, cameras or
other electronic devices. Should students bring electronics to school they are to be
secured with their teacher or in the office during school hours. Cell phones are not to be
used on school property without direct staff supervision. Pictures are not be taken
anywhere on school property in order to respect student privacy and ensure student
Dress Code
The clothing we wear is respectful of ourselves and others. No inappropriate graphic tshirts, crop tops, and/or ill fitting clothes. Under garmets should not be visible. For
health and safety reasons, running shoes and socks are needed for the gym and/or
outdoor activities.
Please cut, complete and return to your classroom teacher.
We have read and understand Churchill’s routines, policies and rules.
Student Signature
Parent Signature
Date: __________________
Teacher: _____________________