CORCALIB - INTENSITY CALIBRATE A SINGLE SPECTRA [Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines] NAME: corcalib - intensity calibrate a single spectra SYNTAX: istat=corcalib(lun,bdat,bcal,bfit,scan=scan,calscan=calscan,$ calinp=calinp,datinp=datinp,avg=avg,maxrecs=maxrecs,$ han=han,sl=sl,edgefract=edgefract,mask=mask,$ bpc=bpc,fitbpc=fitbpc,smobpc=smobpc,blrem=blrem,svd=svd,nochk=nochk ARGS: lun : int file descriptor to read from KEYWORDS scan : long calscan : long scan number for data. default is current position scan number for cal on scan. def: scan following the data scan. calinp[2]:{corget} pass in the caldata rather than read it from lun datinp[n]:{corget} pass in the data rather than read it from lun avg: if set then return the averaged source record maxrecs: long maximum number of recs to read in. default is 300. han: if set then hanning smooth the data. sl[]: {sl} array used to do direct access to scan. edgefract[1/2]: float fraction of bandpass on each side to not use during calibration. default .1 mask:{cormask} mask structure created for each brd via cormask routine use this rather than edgefract. note: currently mask.b1[1024,2] will use the mask for the first pol of each brd for both entries of the board. bpc: int 1 band pass correct with cal off 2 band pass correct with calon-caloff 3 band pass correct (smooth or fit) with data spectra The default is no bandpass correction fitbpc: int fit a polynomial of order fitbpc to the masked version of the band pass correction and use the polynomial rather than the data to do the bandpass correction. This is only done if bpc is specified. smobpc: int smooth the bandpass correction spectra by smobpc channels before using it to correct the data. The number should be an odd number of channels. This is only done if bpc is specified. blrem: int Remove a polynomial baseline of order blrem. Fit to the masked portion of the spectra. This is done after any bandpass correction or averaging. svd : nochk : If baselining is done (blrem) then the default fitting routine is poly_fit (matrix inversion). Setting svd will use svdfit (single value decomposition) which is more robust but slower. if set then don't bother to check the cal records to see if they are valid (in case they were written with a non-standard program. RETURNS: bdat: {corget} intensity calibrated data spectra bcal: {corget} intensity calibrated cal spectra bfit: {corget} if supplied then return the smoothed or fit data that was used for the bandpass correction. istat: 1 ok : 0 hiteof :-1 no cal onoff recs :-2 could not get cal value :-3 cal,data scans different configs :-5 sbc length does not match mask length DESCRIPTION: For those people who do not do position switching, corcalib allows you to scale spectra from a src only scan to kelvins and optionally bandpass correct it. The routine uses a src scan and a cal on,off pair. The data can be read from disc or input directly to this routine (via calinp, datinp). On output bdat and bcal will be in Kelvins. By default the individual records of the scan are returned. If the /avg keyword is used, the average of all of the src records will be returned. If the bfit argument is supplied then the fit or smoothed version used for the bandpass correction will also be returned. It will be scaled to the median bdat value so you can overplot them. If the data is input from disc then lun should be the file descriptor from the open command. By default it will start reading the src scan from the current file position. The scan=scan keyword lets you position to the src scan before reading. By default the calscans will be the two scans following the src scan. The calscan=calscan keyword lets you position to the cal on scan before reading them. If the scans on disc have more than 300 records you need to use the maxrecs= keywords so the entire scan will be input. By default 10% of the bandpass on each edge is not used for the calibration ( when computing the conversion factor: CalInKelvins/ <Calon[maskFrqChn]-calOff[maskFrqChn]>). You can increase or decrease this with the edgefract keyword. The mask keyword overrides the edgefract keyword and allows you to use a mask for each sbc (use cormask to create the mask before calling corcalib). The calibration will then only use the channels within the mask when computing the gain calibration factors. This mask can be used to exclude rfi or spectral lines. Bandpass correction can be done with the cal off scan, the calon-caloff difference spectrum, the data scan, or not at all. These can be divided into the data scan as they are (although dividing the data scan into itself is not very interesting!) or you can smooth or fit a polynomial to the bandpass correction spectrum and then use the fit/smooothed spectrum for the bandpass correction. The keyword fitbpc=n will fit an n'th order polynomial to the bandpass selected by the bpc keyword. Only the area within the mask (or edgefraction) will be used for the fit. The keyword smobpc=n will smooth the bandpass selected by the keyword bpc and use it to do the bandpass correction (n should be an odd number >= 3). You can pass in the data and/or calscans directly by using the datinp, calinp keywords. THE PROCESSING: let Src be the src spectral data let CalOn be the calOn spectra let CalOff be the calOff spectra let < > average over selected channels.The names will then have Avg appended to them (eg calOnAvg=<calOn>) let IndFrq be the set of frequency channels selected to use for the calibration The calibration consists of: 1. choose a. The b. Use c. Use indFrq (the channels to use) in the following order: mask for each board from the mask keyword edgefract to throw out this fraction of channels at each edge. an edgefraction of .1 (10%) 2. compute CalOnAvg=<calOn[IndFrq]>,calOffAvg=<calOffAvg[IndFrq]> 3. Scale to Kelvins using: CntToK=CalValK/(calOnAvg-calOffAvg) CalOnK =calOn*CntToK CalOffK=calOff*CntToK SrcK =Src*CntToK 4. If band pass correction is selected (bpc=1 or 2) then: bpc=1: bpcN= calOff/<calOff[IndFrq]> bpc=2: dif= calOn - calOff bpcN= (dif)/<dif[IndFrq]> If fitBpc > 0 then bpcN=polyfit order fitbpc to bpcN[IndFrq] else if smobpc > 2 then bpcN=boxcar smooth (bcpN, smooth=smobpc) then SrcK=SrcK/bpcN When deciding on the mask or edge fraction to use, you should have a region where the calon-calOff is relatively flat (no filter rolloff and no rfi). EXAMPLE: Suppose we have the following scans: corlist,lun SOURCE B1641+173 B1641+173 B1641+173 40.42+0.70 40.42+0.70 40.42+0.70 SCAN 210200235 210200236 210200237 210200238 210200239 210200240 GRPS 5 1 1 5 1 1 PROCEDURE on calonoff calonoff on calonoff calonoff STEP LST RCV on 17:42:08 5 on 17:47:10 5 off 17:47:21 5 on 18:02:53 5 on 18:07:56 5 off 18:08:07 5 To process the first two sets: --rew,lun --print,corcalib(lun,bdat,bcal); will process the first set --print,corcalib(lun,bdat,bcal,/han); will process the 2nd set with hanning To process the 2nd set directly with an edgefraction=.12: --print,corcalib(lun,bdat,bcal,scan=210200238L,edgefract=.12) To input the data first, interactively create a mask, and then process the data with a mask --print,corinpscan(lun,bdatinp,scan=210200238L,/han) --print,corgetm(lun,2 ,bcalinp,/han) ; reads the next two records --cormask,bcalinp,mask ; interactively creates the mask --print,corcalib(lun,bdat,bcal,calinp=bcalinp,datinp=bdatinp,mask=mask) Use the same cal for multiple data scans: --print,corgetm(lun,2 ,bcalinp,scan=210200236L/han); --print,corcalib(lun,bdat1,bcal1,calinp=bcalinp,scan=210200235L) --print,corcalib(lun,bdat2,bcal2,calinp=bcalinp,scan=210200238L) Use the cal off for the bandpass correction. Use a 3rd order polynomial fit to the cal off for the bandpass correction. --print,corcalib(lun,bdat,bcal,scan=210200238L,bpc=1,fitbpc=3) The bandpass correction is a bit tricky and depends on what type of observations you are doing. The integration time for the off is usually a lot less than the on positions so you need to use either the bandpass fit or smoothing. It would probably be a good idea to add an option for the user to input a bandpass to use for the correction (from an off src position). SEE ALSO: cormask,corbl,corlist (See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/Cor2/