Dr - Walkergate Surgery


Dr. Angela M. Harley Dr. Luigina Palumbo

117/9, Walkergate, Beverley, East Yorkshire, HU17 9BP

Tel: 01482 881298 Fax: 01482 861791

Patient Participation Group

Dr. Nitin Rao

Minutes of Meeting Held 05.08.13

Patients Present: Barbara Fawcett (Chair), Tracey Westgarth (Vice-Chair), John Cooke,

Vera Cooke, Keith Bridge, Peter Mounstephen and Stan Brackenbury

Apologies: Sally Clayton and Jane Perkins

Staff Present: Dr. Harley, Caroline Maw, Jill Ellerton and Annette Horner

Guest: Colin Hurst, CCG Engagement Manager


Welcome, introductions and apologies

The Chair opened the meeting and everyone introduced themselves, apologies noted.


Colin Hurst

Colin gave a short presentation and spoke to the group about the CCG position and explained how they are looking to have contact with patient groups to find out what patients want and how the CCG can help facilitate this. They are looking to work with other

Locality Practice Patient Participation groups and Barbara is happy to help find the best way forward for patients and practices. It could also be a way to help source and recruit new members. There are 38 practices in our locality and about 23 of them have patient groups. Barbara already has Colin’s contact details and will contact him to discuss participating further. Colin left the meeting at this point.


CQC booklet and information

This was circulated with the agenda for all members to read before the meeting. Barbara explained the background to this and no questions where forthcoming.


111 Service Update

Barbara has received a complaint from a patient about the service and this was reiterated around the room by patients and staff members alike. The service, or lack of it, was discussed and the group decided to write to our local MP putting forward the issues raised and to feedback some of the problems patients have endured. Barbara will write the letter on behalf of the group.


Local Community Hospital Update

The problems on the ward where reviewed and as there is nothing the group can actively do, it was decided to take an observe and see approach and step in/help when the need arise.


Practice proposed Merger progress report

Dr Harley and Caroline gave an outline as to the current situation and will update the group as time/events happen. Keith asked whether Saturday morning opening might be an option after the merge? The current problems with Walkergate opening in the Town Centre on a

Saturday morning where explained but Dr Harley agreed to mention this to the new

Partnership to discuss. The group agreed to putting some information together for the patients, including access to appointments, opening hours/days and a comments section for patients to add any other ideas for improvements, and to gather patients views on the proposed merge for the survey.

Keith said he thought it was bad that patients could not order or collect prescriptions on a

Saturday and Tracey thoroughly explained the good practice at the surgery for ordering via email, answerphone or via the patient choice of pharmacy collection.


Practice Summer Newsletter

Neata had produced this already and copies where circulated around the group. Reception staff will copy as needed for patients to pick up.


Any Other Business

Minutes of last meeting

– the group looked through the last minutes. No major issues where raised but Caroline will produce and laminate new signs for the check in screen and the prescription box. The bi-monthly themed notice board was still an on-going project and

Tracey and Jill are now in communication to organise. The new project for the group was still undecided, Dr Harley said Dr Little had come up with an idea but couldn’t remember what it was. Caroline will enquire and let Barbara know if it is something suitable. The surgery felt it could not co-operate with a large project currently due to the imminent merger.

A suggestion box was felt unnecessary by the group members present so no further action will be taken.

John discussed the latest updates for DWP/PIP and has given a document to Dr Palumbo to look through. He will watch the situation and give updates when available.

Barbara asked if the surgery carried out Well Woman/Man checks and Jill explained that yes they do if the patient requests one. She also explained the current NHS Health Checks and the outline of patients this was available to be offered to.

After the attendance of Colin Hurst earlier in the meeting, Barbara proposed sending copies of the minutes to him to keep him updated on patient group thoughts. No objections raised and she will contact him for his thoughts on this idea. The group was happy for her to represent them in any way he/she felt suitable.

Vera asked about Staff Security at the practice after witnessing a couple of untoward incidences, one of which involved the Police attending. Dr Harley assured them that adequate steps where in place for any staff member needing urgent assistance and staff did have “alarms” for personal use also issued by the surgery.


Date of next meeting CONFIRMED as 4 th November 2013 at 6.15pm.
