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MPT 1325
For VHF and UHF radio transmitters
for use in base stations in the
wide area paging service
Revised and reprinted April 1998
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MPT 1325:1998
 Crown Copyright 1996
First published January 1986
Revised and Reprinted May 1993
Revised and Reprinted August 1996
Revised and Reprinted April 1998
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MPT 1325:1998
FOREWORD ................................................................................................................................................. 7
1 GENERAL .................................................................................................................................................. 9
1.1 Scope of specification ................................................................................................................... 9
1.2 Licensee’s responsibility................................................................................................................ 9
1.3 Operating frequencies ................................................................................................................... 9
1.4 Labelling ........................................................................................................................................ 9
1.5 Controls ......................................................................................................................................... 9
1.6 Declaration by the manufacturer ................................................................................................... 9
1.7 Signalling Information .................................................................................................................. 10
2 TEST CONDITIONS, POWER SOURCES AND AMBIENT TEMPERATURES ...................................... 10
2.1 Normal and extreme test conditions............................................................................................ 10
2.2 Test power source ....................................................................................................................... 10
2.3 Normal test conditions ................................................................................................................. 10
2.3.1 Normal temperature and humidity ............................................................................ 10
2.3.2 Normal test power source ......................................................................................... 10
2.4 Extreme test conditions ............................................................................................................... 11
2.4.1 Extreme temperatures .............................................................................................. 11
2.4.2 Extreme test source voltages ................................................................................... 11
2.5 Procedure for tests at extreme temperatures ............................................................................. 11
2.5.1 Test procedure .......................................................................................................... 11
3 ELECTRICAL TEST CONDITIONS ......................................................................................................... 12
3.1 Artificial Antenna ......................................................................................................................... 12
3.2 Test site and general arrangements for measurements involving the use of radiated fields ...... 12
3.2.1 Test site .................................................................................................................... 12
3.2.2 Test antenna ............................................................................................................. 12
3.2.3 Substitution antenna ................................................................................................. 12
3.2.4 Alternative indoor site ............................................................................................... 13
3.3 Arrangement for test signals at the input of the transmitter ........................................................ 14
3.4 Normal test modulation ............................................................................................................... 14
4 TRANSMITTER ........................................................................................................................................ 14
4.1 Frequency error ........................................................................................................................... 14
4.1.1 Definition ................................................................................................................... 14
4.1.2 Methods of measurements ....................................................................................... 14
4.1.3 Limits ...................................................................................................................... 15
4.2 Carrier power ............................................................................................................................... 15
4.2.1 Definition ................................................................................................................... 15
4.2.2 Method of measurement ........................................................................................... 15
4.2.3 Limits ...................................................................................................................... 16
4.3 Frequency deviation .................................................................................................................... 16
4.3.1 Maximum permissible frequency deviation ............................................................... 16
4.4 Adjacent channel power .............................................................................................................. 17
4.4.1 Definition ................................................................................................................... 17
4.4.2 Method of measurement ........................................................................................... 17
4.4.3 Limits ...................................................................................................................... 19
4.5 Spurious emissions ..................................................................................................................... 19
4.5.1 Definition ................................................................................................................... 19
4.5.2 Method of measuring the power level ....................................................................... 20
4.5.3 Method of measuring the effective radiated power ................................................... 20
4.5.4 Limits ...................................................................................................................... 20
4.6 Intermodulation attenuation ......................................................................................................... 20
4.6.1 Definition ................................................................................................................... 20
4.6.2 Method of measurement ........................................................................................... 21
4.6.3 Limit ...................................................................................................................... 21
5 ACCURACY OF MEASUREMENTS ........................................................................................................ 22
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6 INTERPRETATION OF THIS SPECIFICATION ..................................................................................... 22
APPENDIX A GUIDANCE ON THE USE OF RADIATION TEST SITES ................................................... 23
A.1 Measuring distance .................................................................................................................... 23
A.2 Test Antenna .............................................................................................................................. 23
A.3 Substitution Antenna .................................................................................................................. 23
A.4 Artificial Antenna ........................................................................................................................ 23
A.5 Auxiliary Cables .......................................................................................................................... 23
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It is a requirement of the Wireless Telegraphy Act 1949 that no radio apparatus shall be installed or used
in the United Kingdom except under the authority granted by the Secretary of State. It is a condition of this
authority that the performance of the apparatus must meet certain minimum standards. These minimum
standards of performance are given in specifications prepared by the Radiocommunications Agency in
consultation with the relevant manufacturers.
Applicants who wish to submit equipment for type approval testing should apply to one of the accredited
test houses. Guidance for applicants is given in the RA Information Sheet ‘RA 207 (Rev 1): Type
Approval - UK Type Approval Requirements for Land Mobile and Maritime Mobile Radiocommunications
Equipment’. This is available on a single copy basis free from the RA Information & Library Service.
Equipment will be considered for approval purposes either:
by direct compliance with MPT 1325 or;
by compliance with a national standard or government regulation of any Member State of the
European Community, or any Member State which is contracting party to the EEA Agreement or;
by compliance with any relevant international standard or regulation recognised in a member State
of the European Community, or a Member Sate which is a contracting party to the EEA Agreement;
and, where appropriate, by compliance with manufacturing rules and procedures of a Member State
of the European Communities, or a Member State which is a contracting party to the EEA
Agreement, relating to quality control operations during manufacture of the equipment where they
form part of a standard or technical regulations in a) or c) as above;
provided that in case b) or c) the regulation is deemed to comply with MPT 1325.
The results of tests to such a standard will be taken into consideration if carried out by authorised and
accredited test houses in accordance with ISO guides 25 and 38 or EN45001 and EN45002 or a national
standard conforming to these requirements.
Notwithstanding the provisions of the EMC Directive, the following sub clauses shall be applied for
spectrum management:
transmitter spurious emissions, subclause 4.5
The EMC tests carried out on the basis of article 10.5 of the EMC Directive 89/336/EEC by the notified
bodies established in other Member States would not normally be repeated for licensing purposes in the
United Kingdom.
Applicants who wish to demonstrate compliance with the EMC directive are advised to refer to the RA
Information sheets ‘RA 200: Electromagnetic Compatibility for Radio’ and ‘RA 227 (Rev. 1): EMC - The
EC Type Examination Route to compliance for Radiocommunication Transmission Apparatus’. These are
available on a single copy basis free from the RA Information & Library Service.
It may be necessary for amendments to this specification to be issued. Amendment sheets will be
available from the RA Information and Library Service.
For the latest information concerning Type Approval Status and Licensing conditions, refer to the RA
Information Sheet ‘RA 275: Status of Land Mobile Radio Specifications (MPT 1300 series)’. This
publication also contains contact names and telephone numbers for Agency staff who are able to assist
you with licensing and technical enquiries and is available on a single copy basis free from the RA
Information & Library Service.
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MPT 1325:1998
This revision was required in order to allow for;
This document to be updated in line with the Agency’s current Standard format and layout for the
MPT 1300 series specifications.
This document to be updated with the Agency’s current contact information.
The Radiocommunications Agency has a ‘web site’ which can be accessed on ‘http://www.radio.gov.uk’; it
is planned that all of the MPT 1300 series of specifications will be available here using ‘PUBLICATIONS’
and ‘MPT Specifications’ options.
Radiocommunications Agency
Information & Library Service
Wyndham House
189 Marsh Wall
E14 9SX
020 7211 0439
0171 211 0507
For further information on all radio matters please contact the Agency’s 24 Hour Telephone Service: 0171
211 0211.
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MPT 1325:1998
Scope of specification
This specification covers the minimum performance requirements for VHF non-speech and VHF
combined speech/non-speech radio equipment using angle of frequency shift modulation for use in the
wide area paging service.
For equipment covered by this specification the nominal separation between adjacent carrier frequencies
may be 12.5 kHz or 25 kHz for equipments operating in the VHF or UHF bands.
In this specification, non-speech systems are defined as systems employing signalling to initiate a specific
response in the receiver. The equipment shall comprise a transmitter and associated encoder.
The equipment will be required to meet additional specifications where it is intended for connection to the
public switched telephone network.
Licensee’s responsibility
The installation of equipment, either fixed or mobile, is subject to the issue of a license by the Secretary of
State. Under the conditions of the licence it will be the responsibility of the licensee to ensure that the
equipment provided conforms with and is maintained to the requirements of this specification.
Operating frequencies
The equipment shall be capable of operating on any one channel in the frequency bands allocated to the
wide area paging service.
The equipment shall be provided with a clear indication of the type number and description under which it
is submitted for type testing.
Each type number shall be unique and in the event that the testing authority finds two manufacturers who
have used a similar type number, one manufacturer will be asked to change the type number.
Those controls which if maladjusted might increase the interfering potential of the equipment shall not be
easily accessible.
Declaration by the manufacturer
When submitting an equipment for type testing, the manufacturer shall supply the following information:
Nominal frequency
Crystal frequency and method of carrier frequency generation
Crystal type
Single or multi-channel
Rated radio frequency output power
Continuous or intermittent rating
Power Supply
Nominal supply voltage
Type of battery
Battery end point voltage when applicable
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Signalling Information
Complete details of all codes and code format(s) shall be given. This information will be recorded by the
testing authority to assist in its monitoring function and will be considered as commercially confidential.
Normal and extreme test conditions
Type approval tests shall be made under normal test conditions and also, where stated, under extreme
test conditions. The test conditions and procedures shall be as specified in Clauses 2.2 to 2.5.
Test power source
During type approval tests the power source of the equipment shall be replaced by a test power source,
capable of producing normal and extreme test voltages as specified in Clauses 2.3.2 and 2.4.2. The
internal impedance of the test power source shall be low enough for its effect on the test results to be
negligible. For the purpose of tests, the voltage of the power source shall be measured at the input
terminals of the equipment.
If the equipment is provided with a permanently connected power cable, the test voltage shall be that
measured at the point of connection of the power cable to the equipment.
In equipment in which batteries are incorporated, the test power source shall be applied as close to the
battery terminals as practicable.
During tests, the power source voltages shall be maintained within a tolerance of ±3% relative to the
voltage at the beginning of each test.
Normal test conditions
Normal temperature and humidity
The normal temperature and humidity conditions for tests shall be any convenient combination of
temperature and humidity within the following ranges:
Relative humidity
+ 15 C to 35 C
20% to 75%
NOTE: When it is impracticable to carry out the tests under the conditions stated above, a note to this
effect, stating the actual temperature and relative humidity during the tests, shall be added to the test
Normal test power source
Mains voltage
The normal test voltage for equipment to be connected to the mains shall be the nominal mains voltage.
For the purpose of this specification, the nominal voltage shall be the declared voltage or any of the
declared voltages for which the equipment was designed. The frequency of the test power source
corresponding to the AC mains shall be between 49 and 51 Hz.
Regulated lead acid battery power sources
When the radio equipment is intended for operation from the usual types of regulated lead acid batter
power sources of vehicles, the normal test voltage shall be 1.1 times the nominal voltage of the battery (6
volts, 12 volts, etc.).
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Other power sources
For operation from other power sources or types of battery (primary or secondary), the normal test voltage
shall be that declared by the equipment manufacturer.
Extreme test conditions
Extreme temperatures
For tests at extreme temperatures, measurements shall be made in accordance with the procedures
specified in Clause 2.5 at an upper value of +55 C and a lower value of -10 C.
Extreme test source voltages
Mains voltage
The extreme test voltage for equipment to be connected to an AC mains source shall be the nominal
mains voltage ±10%. The frequency of the test power source shall be between 49 and 51 Hz.
Regulated lead acid battery power sources
When the equipment is intended for operation from the usual types of regulated lead acid battery power
sources of vehicles, the extreme test voltages shall be 1.3 and 0.9 times the nominal voltage of the battery
(6 volts, 12 volts, etc.).
Other power sources
For equipment using other power sources, or capable of being operated from a variety of power sources,
the extreme test voltages shall be those agreed between the equipment manufacturer and the testing
authority and shall be recorded in the test report.
Procedure for tests at extreme temperatures
Test procedure
Before measurements are made the equipment shall have reached thermal balance in the test chamber.
The equipment shall be switched off during the temperature stabilising period (see Note in sub clause If the thermal balance is not checked by measurements, a temperature stabilising period of at
least one hour, or such period as may be decided by the testing authority, shall be allowed. The sequence
of measurements shall be chosen and the humidity content in the test chamber shall be controlled so that
excessive condensation does not occur.
Procedure for equipment designed for continuous operation
If the manufacturer states that the equipment is designed for continuous operation, the test procedure
shall be as follows. Before tests at the upper temperature the equipment shall be placed in the test
chamber and left there until the thermal balance is attained (see Note below). The equipment shall then
be switched on in the transmit condition for a period of half an hour after which the equipment shall meet
the specified requirements.
For tests at the lower temperature, the equipment shall be left in the test chamber until thermal balance is
attained (see Note below). then switched to the standby or receive condition for a period of one minute
after which the equipment shall meet the specified requirements.
Procedure for equipment designed for intermittent operation
If the manufacturer states that the equipment is designed for intermittent operation, the test procedure
shall be as follows.
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Before tests at the upper temperature the equipment shall be placed in the test chamber and left until
thermal balance is attained (see Note below). The equipment shall then be switched on for one minute in
the transmit condition, followed by four minutes in the receive condition, after which the equipment shall
meet the specified requirements. For tests at the lower temperature the equipment shall be left in the test
chamber until thermal balance is attained (see Note below), then switched to the standby or receive
condition for one minute after which the equipment shall meet the specified requirements.
NOTE: In the case of equipment containing temperature stabilisation circuits designed to operate
continuously, the temperature stabilisation circuits may be switched on for 15 minutes after thermal
balance has been attained, and the equipment shall then meet the specified requirements. For such
equipment the manufacturer shall provide for the power source circuit feeding the crystal oven to be
independent of the power source to the rest of the equipment.
Artificial Antenna
Tests on the transmitter shall be carried out with a non-reactive, non-radiating load of 50 ohms connected
to the antenna terminals.
Test site and general arrangements for measurements involving the use of radiated fields
(For general guidance please see Appendix A)
Test site
The test site shall be on a reasonably level surface of ground. At one point on the site, a ground plane of
at least 5 metres in diameter shall be provided. In the centre of this ground plane, a non-conducting
support, capable of rotation through 360 in the horizontal plane, shall be used to support the test sample
at 1.5 metres above the ground plane. The test site shall be large enough to allow the erection of a
measuring or transmitting antenna at a distance of /2 or 3 metres, whichever is the greater. The actual
distance shall be recorded with the results of the tests carried out on the site.
Sufficient precautions shall be taken to ensure that reflections from extraneous objects adjacent to the site
and ground reflections do not affect the measurement results.
Test antenna
The test antenna shall be used to detect the radiation from both the test sample and the substitution
antenna, when the site is used for radiation measurements. This antenna shall be mounted on a support
to allow the antenna to be used in either horizontal or vertical polarisation and for the height of its centre
above ground to be varied over the range 1 to 4 metres. Preferably test antennae with pronounced
directivity should be used. The size of the test antenna along the measurement axis shall not exceed 20%
of the measuring distance.
For radiation measurements, the test antenna shall be connected to a test receiver capable of being tuned
into any frequency under investigation and of measuring accurately the relative levels of signals at its
Substitution antenna
The substitution antenna shall be a /2 dipole, resonant at the frequency under consideration or a
shortened dipole, calibrated to the /2 dipole. The centre of this antenna shall coincide with the reference
point of the test sample it has replaced. This reference point shall be the volume centre of the sample
when its antenna is mounted inside the cabinet, or the point where an external antenna is connected to
the cabinet.
The distance between the lower extremity of the dipole and the ground should be at least 0.3 metre.
The substitution antenna shall be connected to a calibrated signal generator when the site is used for
radiation measurements.
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The signal generator shall be operated at the frequencies under investigation and shall be connected to
the antenna through suitable matching and balancing networks.
Alternative indoor site
When the frequency signals being measured is greater than 80 MHz, use may be made of an indoor site.
If this alternative site is used, this shall be recorded in the test report.
The measurement site may be a laboratory room with a minimum floor area of 6 metres by 7 metres and
with a ceiling at least 2.7 metres high.
Apart from the measuring apparatus and the operator, the room shall be as free as possible from
reflecting objects other than the walls, floor and ceiling.
The site arrangement is shown in principle in Figure 1.
1,35 m
Absorbing material
Feeder to
test receiver
or signal
Corner reflector
point of
test sample
/2 Test antenna
0,75 m
0,6 m
1,35 m
Figure 1
Indoor site arrangement (shown for horizontal polarisation)
The potential reflections from the wall behind the equipment under test are reduced by placing a barrier of
absorbent material in front of this wall. The corner reflector around the test antenna is used to reduce the
effect of reflections from the opposite wall and from the floor and ceiling in the case of horizontally
polarised measurements.
Similarly the corner reflector reduces the effects of reflections from the side walls for vertically polarised
For the lower part of the frequency range (below approximately 175 MHz) no corner reflector or absorbent
barrier is needed.
For practical reasons, the /2 antenna in Figure 1 may be replaced by an antenna of constant length,
provided that this length is between /4 and /2 at the frequency of measurement and the sensitivity of the
measuring system is sufficient. In the same way the distance of /2 to the apex may be varied.
The test antenna, test receiver, substitution antenna and calibrated signal generator are used in a way
similar to that of the general method.
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To ensure that errors are not caused by the propagation path approaching the point at which phase
cancellation between direct and the remaining reflected signals occurs, the substitution antenna shall be
moved through a distance of 0.1 metre in the direction of the test antenna as well as in the two directions
perpendicular to this first direction. If these changes of distance cause a signal change of greater than 2
dB, the test sample should be resited until a change of less than 2 dB is obtained.
Arrangement for test signals at the input of the transmitter
For the purpose of this specification, the transmitter non-speech or speech/non-speech modulation shall
be supplied by speech or non-speech generator(s) applied to the appropriate transmitter signal input
Normal test modulation
Normal test modulation, for application to the speech input:
the modulation frequency shall be 1 kHz and the resulting frequency deviation shall be 60% of the
maximum permissible frequency deviation (Clause 4.3.1). The test signal shall be substantially free
from amplitude modulation.
Normal test modulation for application to the non-speech input shall be:
a sequence of alternate “ones” and "zeros" (marks and spaces) at the clock rate employed with the
normal paging modulation at an input level declared by the equipment manufacturer
in the case of a tone selective calling system, trains of correctly coded signals, separated from
each other by a time of not less than the reset time of the receiver.
An encoder for the selective calling system should accompany the model submitted complete with details
of the normal modulation process and a declaration of the input level to be applied to the transmitter input.
If possible, the encoder should be capable of operation in a repetitive mode with intervals between each
code that are not less than the reset time.
Frequency error
The frequency error of the transmitter is the difference between the measured carrier frequency and its
nominal value.
Methods of measurements
The carrier frequency shall be measured by one of the following methods depending on whether the
equipment is capable of providing an unmodulated carrier.
Method of measurement where an unmodulated carrier is available
The carrier frequency shall be measured in the absence of modulation with the transmitter connected to
an artificial antenna (Clause 3.1). The measurement shall be made under normal test conditions (Clause
2.3) and extreme test conditions (Clauses 2.4.1 and 2.4.2 applied simultaneously).
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Method of measurement where it is impossible to obtain an unmodulated carrier
The transmitter output shall be connected to an artificial antenna (Clause 3.1).
The emission shall be monitored by a frequency counter and the carrier frequency shall be
measured with the transmitter set to produce continuously the carrier frequency representing the
“space” condition.
The measurement shall be repeated with the transmitter set to produce continuously the carrier
frequency representing the “mark” condition.
The unmodulated carrier frequency shall be obtained as the arithmetic mean of the two frequencies
measured above.
The measurement shall be made under normal test conditions (Clause 2.3) and repeated under
extreme test conditions (Clauses 2.4.1 and 2.4.2 applied simultaneously).
The frequency error, under both normal and extreme test conditions, or at any intermediate condition,
shall not exceed the values given in the table which follows:
Table 1
Frequency error (kHz)
Channel separation
50 to 100 MHz
100 to 300 MHz
300 to 500 MHz
Carrier power
The maximum value of the effective radiated power of the carrier in an operating system will be a
condition of the licence.
The rated value of the transmitter carrier power is the value of the output power, when the transmitter is
unmodulated for which all the relevant specification requirements are met. The rated power shall be
declared by the manufacturer.
Method of measurement
The transmitter output terminals shall be connected to an artificial antenna (Clause 3.1) with means
of measuring the power delivered to this antenna.
In the absence of modulation, the transmitter shall be operated in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions.
The carrier power shall then be measured.
There may be some instances where it is not possible to obtain a carrier output from the transmitter in the
absence of modulation. In these cases the method of measurement shall be as follows.
The transmitter output shall be connected to an artificial antenna (Clause 3.1) with normal test
modulation (Clause 3.1) with normal test modulation (Clause 3.4) applied to the transmitter and
operated in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
The carrier power shall then be measured.
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The measurements shall be made under normal test conditions (Clause 2.3) and repeated under
extreme test conditions (Clauses 2.4.1 and 2.4.2 applied simultaneously).
The carrier output under normal test conditions shall be within ±1.5 dB of the rated output power.
The carrier output under extreme test conditions shall be within +2 dB and -3 dB of the rated output
NOTE 1: If the equipment is designed to operate with different carrier powers, the rated power for each
power level or range of levels must be declared by the manufacturer. The power adjustment control shall
not be accessible to the user.
NOTE 2: The requirements of this specification shall be met for all power levels at which the transmitter
can operate.
Frequency deviation
The frequency deviation is the maximum difference between the instantaneous frequency of the
modulated radio frequency signal and the carrier frequency in the absence of modulation.
Maximum permissible frequency deviation
The maximum permissible frequency deviation is the maximum value of frequency deviation under any
condition of modulation.
Method of measurement (speech modulation)
The frequency deviation shall be measured at the output of the transmitter connected to an artificial
antenna (Clause 3.1) by means of a deviation meter capable of measuring the maximum deviation,
including that due to any harmonics and intermodulation products which may be generated in the
The modulation frequency shall be varied between the lowest frequency considered to be appropriate and
3.0 kHz (see NOTE 3 below). The level of this test signal shall be 20 dB above the level of the normal test
modulation (Clause 3.4).
NOTE 3: Optionally 2.55 kHz for transmitters intended for 12.5 kHz channel separation.
Method of measurement (non-speech modulation)
The frequency deviation shall be measured at the output of the transmitter connected to an artificial
antenna (Clause 3.1) by means of a deviation meter capable of measuring the maximum deviation,
including that due to any harmonics and intermodulation products which may be generated in the
The modulation shall consist of the normal non-speech modulation as appropriate (Clause 3.4). The level
of this test signal shall be the input level declared by the equipment manufacturer.
In cases where there is no unmodulated carrier available from a transmitter, problems may be found in
measuring frequency deviation with some types of modulation meter (see NOTE 4 which follows). Where
this is found to be the case the total frequency deviation can be obtained from measurements made with
the transmitter modulated to give separate trains of “marks” and “spaces”.
NOTE 4: When measurements of frequency deviation are carried out on transmitters modulated by digital
signals, errors may arise due to overshoot effects in measuring instruments, and therefore an instrument
capable of measuring non-sinusoidal waveforms should be used.
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Under any condition of speech or non-speech modulation, the frequency deviation shall not exceed the
values given below:
Table 2
Channel separation
Maximum permissible Frequency deviation
Adjacent channel power
The adjacent channel power is that part of the total output power of a transmitter, under defined conditions
of modulation, which falls within a specified passband centred on the nominal frequency of either of the
adjacent channels. This power is the sum of the mean power produced by the modulation, hum and noise
of the transmitter.
Method of measurement
Method of measurement using a power measuring receiver
The adjacent channel power may be measured with a power measuring receiver which conforms with
Clause (referred to in this Clause as the “receiver”).
The transmitter shall be operated at the carrier power determined under normal test conditions
(Clause 4.2). The output of the transmitter shall be connected to the input of the “receiver” by an
attenuating device such that the impedance presented to the transmitter is 50 ohms and the level
at the “receiver” input is within its specified limits.
With the transmitter modulated, the tuning of the "receiver" shall be adjusted so that a maximum
response is obtained. This shall be the 0 dB response point. The "receiver" attenuator setting and
the reading of the meter shall be recorded.
The tuning of the "receiver" shall be adjusted away from the carrier so that the "receiver " -6 dB
response nearest to the transmitter carrier frequency is located at a displacement from the nominal
carrier frequency as given in the table which follows:
Table 3
Channel separation (kHz)
Specified necessary
bandwidth (kHz)
Displacement of the 6 dB
point (kHz)
The transmitter shall be modulated as appropriate by the normal test modulation (Clause 3.4) at the
input level declared by the manufacturer. Additionally, where the transmitter has a speech facility,
the test shall be repeated using a signal of 1250 Hz at a level which is 20 dB higher than that
required to produce 60% of the maximum permissible deviation.
The “receiver” variable attenuator shall be adjusted to obtain the same meter reading as in step b)
or a known relation to it.
The ratio of adjacent channel power to carrier power shall be the difference between the
attenuator settings in steps b) and e), corrected for any differences in the reading of the meter.
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The measurement shall be repeated with the “receiver” tuned to the other side of the carrier.
Power measuring receiver specification
The power measuring receiver consists of a mixer, an IF filter, an oscillator, an amplifier, a variable
attenuator and an rms value indicator. Instead of the variable attenuator with the rms value indicator it is
also possible to use a dB calibrated rms voltmeter. The technical characteristics of the power measuring
receiver are given below.
IF filter
The IF filter shall be within the limits of the following selectivity characteristic:
Figure 2
Depending on the channel separation the selectivity characteristic of the filter shall be defined by values of
frequency separations given in the table:
Table 4
separation (kHz)
Frequency separation of filter curve from nominal centre frequency of
adjacent channel (kHz)
Depending on the channel separation, the attenuation points shall not exceed the following tolerances:
Table 5: Attenuation points close to carrier
separation (kHz)
Tolerance range (kHz)
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Table 6: Attenuation points distant from the carrier
separation (kHz)
Tolerance range (kHz)
The minimum attenuation of the filter outside the 90 dB attenuation points must be equal or greater than
90 dB.
Attenuation indicator
The attenuation indicator shall have a minimum range of 80 dB and a reading accuracy of 1 dB. With a
view to future regulations an attenuation of 90 dB or more is recommended.
Rms value indicator
The instrument shall indicate accurately non-sinusoidal signals in a ratio of up to 10:1 between peak value
and rms value.
The oscillator and amplifier
The oscillator and amplifier shall be designed in such a way that the measurement of the adjacent channel
power of a low noise unmodulated transmitter, whose self noise has a negligible influence on the
measurement result, yields a measured value of  -90 dB for channel separation of 25 kHz and of  -80
dB for a channel separation of 12.5 kHz, referred to the carrier of the oscillator.
For channel separation of 25 kHz, the adjacent channel power shall not exceed a value of 70 dB below
the carrier power of the transmitter without the need to descend below 0.2 microwatt. For channel
separation of 12.5 kHz, the adjacent channel power shall not exceed a value of 60 dB below the
transmitter carrier power without the need to descend below 0.2 microwatt.
Spurious emissions
Spurious emissions are emissions at frequencies other than those of the carrier and sidebands associated
with normal modulation.
The level of spurious emissions shall be measured as:
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their power level in a transmission line or antenna
their effective radiated power when radiated by the cabinet and structure of the equipment.
Method of measuring the power level
Spurious emissions shall be measured as the power level of any discrete signal delivered into a 50 ohm
load. This may be done by connecting the transmitter output through an attenuator to a spectrum analyser
or selective voltmeter, or by monitoring the relative levels of the spurious signals delivered to an artificial
antenna (Clause 3.1).
The transmitter shall be unmodulated and the measurements made over the frequency range 100 kHz to
2000 MHz, except for the channel on which the transmitter is intended to operate and its adjacent
The measurements shall be repeated with the transmitter modulated with normal test modulation (Clause
3.4). The measurements shall be repeated with the transmitter in standby.
Method of measuring the effective radiated power
On a test site, fulfilling the requirements of Clause 3.2, the sample shall be placed at the specified height
on a non-conducting support. The transmitter shall be operated without modulation at the carrier power as
specified under Clause 4.2, delivered to an artificial antenna (Clause 3.1).
Radiation of any spurious components shall be detected by the test antenna and receiver, over the
frequency range 30 MHz to 2000 MHz, except for the channel on which the transmitter is intended to
operate and its adjacent channels.
At each frequency at which a component is detected, the sample shall be rotated to obtain maximum
response and the effective radiated power of that component determined by a substitution measurement.
The measurement shall be repeated with the test antenna in the orthogonal polarisation plane.
The measurements shall be repeated with the transmitter modulated with normal test modulation (Clause
3.4). The measurements shall be repeated with the transmitter in standby.
The power of any spurious emission shall not exceed the values given below:
TX mode
100 kHz to 1000 MHz
1000 MHz to 2000 MHz
0.25 microwatt
1 microwatt
2 nanowatt
20 nanowatt
Intermodulation attenuation
For the purpose of this specification, the intermodulation attenuation is a measure of the capability of a
transmitter to inhibit the generation of signals in its non-linear elements caused by the interaction of its
carrier with an interfering external signal entering the transmitter through its output terminal (i.e. from the
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MPT 1325:1998
Method of measurement
The output of the transmitter under test shall be connected to a signal source via a coupling device
presenting to the transmitter a load with an impedance of 50 ohms.
The coupling device can consist of a circulator, one port of which is connected by a coaxial cable to the
output terminal of the transmitter and the second port is correctly terminated (nominal value 50 ohms).
This termination is provided with means for connection to a selective measuring device (e.g. a spectrum
analyser). The third port of the circulator is connected to the test signal source by means of an isolator.
Alternatively, the coupling device may consist of a resistive attenuator, which may be combined with an
isolator, one end of which is connected to the output terminal of the transmitter by coaxial cable and the
other end is connected to the test signal source. A selective measuring device is connected to the
transmitter end of the attenuator by means of a sampling probe, giving the required attenuation.
The transmitter under test and the test signal source shall be physically separated in such a way that the
measurement is not influenced by direct radiation. The test signal shall be unmodulated and the frequency
shall be within 1 to 4 neighbouring channels above the frequency of the transmitter under test. The
frequency shall be chosen so that the intermodulation components to be measured do not coincide with
other spurious emissions. The test signal power level shall be adjusted to -30 dB relative to the carrier
power level of the transmitter (Clause 4.2), both levels being measured at the output of the transmitter.
The power level of the test signal shall be measured at the transmitter end of the coaxial cable when
disconnected from the transmitter and correctly matched (nominal value 50 ohms, see Note 1 below).
The output power of the transmitter shall be measured directly at the output terminal connected to an
artificial antenna (Clause 3.1). With the transmitter switched on in an unmodulated condition (see Note 2
below) the levels of the transmitter carrier and the intermodulation components are compared by means
of the selective measuring device.
NOTE 1: Since the impedance that the transmitter presents to the test signal is unknown, the test signal
level cannot be measured, or its amplitude compared with that of the intermodulation components, while
the transmitter is connected.
NOTE 2: Where it is impossible to obtain a carrier output from the transmitter in the absence of
modulation, this test shall be carried out with the transmitter modulated.
The length of the coaxial cable between the transmitter output and the coupling device shall be varied until
the maximum level of the intermodulation component considered is obtained.
This measurement shall be repeated with the test signal at a frequency within 1 to 4 neighbouring
channels below the transmitter frequency.
When the above measurements are performed, precautions must be taken so that non-linearities in the
selective measuring device do not influence the results appreciably. Furthermore it should be ensured that
intermodulation components, which may be generated in the test signal source, are reduced sufficiently,
e.g. by means of a circulator.
The intermodulation attenuation is expressed in decibels as the ratio of the test signal power level to the
power level of an intermodulation component.
The intermodulation attenuation shall be at least 40 dB for any intermodulation component.
This may be achieved by means of isolating devices, such as circulators, which must be supplied at the
time of type approval.
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MPT 1325:1998
NOTE: The test detailed in Clause 4.6.2 is carried out for the purpose
demonstrate that the transmitter and associated isolating devices meet the
practice it may not be necessary to fulfil this limit, as it will be dependent
transmitter is located. However, the requirement to meet the intermodulation
condition of granting the licence.
of type approval only to
limit of Clause 4.6.3. In
on the site at which the
attenuation limit will be a
The overall accuracy of measurement for the purpose of this specification shall be as follows:
DC voltage
AC mains voltage
AC mains frequency
Audio frequency voltage, power etc.
±0.5 dB
Audio frequency
Distortion, noise, etc. of audio frequency generators
Radio frequency
±50 Hz
Radio frequency voltage
±2 dB
Radio frequency field strength
±3 dB
Radio frequency carrier power
Adjacent channel power
±3 dB
Impedance of artificial loads, combining units, cables, plus attenuators etc.
Source of impedance of generators and input impedance of measuring receivers
Attenuation of attenuators
±0.5 dB
±1 C
In cases of doubt about the interpretation of this specification, the methods of carrying out the tests and
the validity of declarations made by the manufacturers of the equipment, the decision of the
Radiocommunications Agency will be final.
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For measurements involving the use of radiated test fields, use may be made of a test site in conformity
with the requirements of Clause 3.2. When using such a test site, the following conditions should be
observed to ensure consistency of measuring results.
Measuring distance
Evidence indicates that the measuring distance is not critical and does not affect significantly the
measuring results provided that the distance is not less than /2 at the frequency of measurement and the
precautions described in this Appendix are observed.
Measuring distance of 3,5,10 and 30 metres are in common use in the CEPT countries.
Test Antenna
Different types of test antenna may be used since, in performing substitution measurements, calibration
errors of the test antenna do not affect the measuring results.
Height variation of the test antenna over a range of 1 to 4 metres is essential in order to find the point at
which the radiation is a maximum.
Height variation of the test antenna may not be necessary at frequencies below about 100 MHz.
Substitution Antenna
Variations in the measuring results may occur with the use of different types of substitution antenna at
frequencies below about 80 MHz. Where a shortened dipole antenna is used at these frequencies, details
of the type of antenna used should be included with the results of the tests carried out on the site.
Artificial Antenna
The dimensions of the artificial antenna used during case radiation measurements should be small in
relation to the transmitter under test.
Where possible, a direct connection should be made between the artificial antenna and the transmitter
under test.
In cases where it is necessary to use a connecting cable, precautions should be taken to reduce the
radiation from this cable by, for example, the use of ferrite cores.
Auxiliary Cables
The position of auxiliary cables (power supply and microphone cables etc.) which are not adequately
decoupled may cause variations in the measurement results. In order to get repeatable results, cables
and wires of auxiliaries should be arranged vertically downwards (through a hole in the isolating table).