(EMR 304) )304 مقدمــة فى علم الصخور (ض ثر Introduction to Petrology (EMR 304) قسم الثروة المعدنية والصخور مادة مقدمة فى علم الصخور (ض ثر )EMR-304 304 شعبة GA موعد المحاضرات :السبت واإلثنين 11 – 10 أستاذ المادة :د يحيي حسن داود حسن غرفة 234 :مبنى 55 تليفون64190 : بريد إليكترونىyhdawood@yahoo.com : الصفحة الشخصيةhttp://www.kau.edu.sa/ydawood : Lecturer: Dr Yehia H. Dawood Room 234-Building 55 Phone: 64190 Department of Mineral Resources and Rocks Code الرمز No. الرقم Course No. of Credit Units Lecture Lab. Training Name Credit Hours EMR Introduction to Petrology 304 ض ثر 3 3 - 4 304 Pre-requisite EMR 211 and EPS 211 An introductory course for studying Igneous, Metamorphic and Sedimentary rocks Aim of Course: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. To recognize the different kinds of igneous rocks forming minerals. To identify the common types of the textures of igneous rocks. To know the general classifications of igneous rocks To enumerate the main types of igneous rocks. To describe and identify the common igneous rocks from both hand specimen and polarizing microscope. 6. To identify sedimentary rocks in the lab 7. To differentiate between the different types of the sedimentary rocks 8. To know the general classifications of sedimentary rocks. 9. To describe the common clastic and non-clastic sedimentary rocks. 10.To identify metamorphic rock, deal with it and has the ability to recognize it among other types of rocks. 11.To identify the metamorphic rocks in the lab 12.To identify types and factors of metamorphic processes 13.To identify the common metamorphic minerals and textures 14.To know the general classifications of metamorphic rocks 15.To identify Metamorphic facies Contents: 1234- Definition, physical and chemical properties of magma. Evolution of magma and magmatic rocks. Occurrences and forms of igneous rocks. Mode of formation of magmatic melts and their relationship to plate tectonics. 5- Mineralogy and textures of igneous rocks. 6- Classification of igneous rocks on the basis of modal and chemical analyses. 7- Origin of sedimentary rocks. 8- Mineralogical composition of sedimentary rocks. 9- Classification of sedimentary rocks. 10- Petrographic properties of sedimentary rocks. 11- Rock cycle 12- Definition of metamorphism and metamorphic rocks. 13- Factors and types of metamorphic processes. 14- Mineralogy and textures of metamorphic rocks. Classification of metamorphic rocks. 15- Metamorphic facies of both contact and regional metamorphism and the characteristic minerals in each of them. Expected Course Outcome: By the end of this course, the students should 1- Be able to classify the different types of magmas and recognize their formation sites 2- Know the meaning of magmatic differentiation. 3- Be familiar with the different kinds of igneous rocks forming minerals. 4- Be able to identify the common types of the textures of igneous rocks. 5- Be acquainted with the general classifications of igneous rocks 6- Enumerate the main types of igneous rocks. 7- Be able to identify sedimentary rocks in the lab 8- Be able to differentiate between the different types of the sedimentary rocks 9- Be acquainted with the general classifications of sedimentary rocks. 10- Be able to describe the common clastic and non-clastic sedimentary rocks. 11- Be able to identify Metamorphism and its factors 12- Be familiar with types and classification of metamorphic rocks 13- Be able to identify textures and facies and common metamorphic minerals 14- Be acquainted with contact metamorphism and regional metamorphism Textbooks (To be used for the course): 1- Best, M. G. and Christiansen E. H. (2000) Igneous Petrology , Blackwell Science. 2- Winkler’s (1993) “Petrogenesis of metamorphic rocks: 6th Edition”. 3- Tucker, M.E (2000) Sedimentary Petrology. Blackwell, Science Oxford 4- Nichols, G. (1999). Sedimentology and Stratigraphy. 1st edition, Blackwell Publishing Limited مركز النشر. كتاب وصف الصخور النارية والمتحولة ممدوح عبدالغفور و فؤاد محمد المرزوقى-5 .جامعة الملك عبد العزيز-العلمي ، عمر سليمان حموده. د: ترجمة. لوتجنز/ تأليف تاربوك. مقدمة للجيولوجيا الطبيعية: كتاب األرض-6 .1989 منشورات مجمع الفاتح للجامعات. مصطفى جمعه سالم. د، البهلول على اليعقوبى.د . مصر- مكتبة األنجلو.) كتاب مقدمة في الصخور المتحولة2005( عصام بن يحيى الفياللي-7 جامعة الملك عبد العزيز (مركز.) الوصف الحقلى للصخور الرسوبية2003( محمد حسين بسيونى-8 .)النشر العلمي جامعة الملك سعود ( النشر العلمي.) علم الصخور الرسوبية2001( أحمد عبد هللا األسود-9 )والمطابع Additional References: 1- Hall, A. (1996) Igneous Petrology, Longman 2- Le Maitre R. W. (2002) Igneous Rocks: A Classification and Glossary of Terms, Cambridge University Press, 252p. 3- Kurt Bucher and Martin Frey (1994) Petrogenesis of Metamorphic Rocks, Springer Verlag. 4- Yardley, B. W. D. (1989) Introduction to Metamorphic Petrology. 5- Lindhalm, R.C. (1987) Practical approach to sedimentology, Allen and Unwin , London 6- J. T. Greensmith (1989). Petrology of sedimentary rocks. Springer Verlag. 7- Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 8- Journal of Precambrian Research 9- Journal of Sedimentary Research Internet links: 1. http://earthsci.org/education/teacher/basicgeol/igneous/igneous.html 2. http://geology.csupomona.edu/alert/igneous/texture.htm 3. http://www.intute.ac.uk/cgibin/search_harvester.pl?limit=75&term1=+sediment&subject=sciences 4. http://www.whitman.edu/geology/winter/JDW_PetClass.htm 5. http://www.geolab.unc.edu/Petunia/IgMetAtlas/mainmenu.html 6. http://facstaff.gpc.edu/~pgore/geology/historical_lab/sedrockslab.php 7. http://www.geosci.unc.edu/faculty/glazner/Images/SedRocks/SedRocks.h tml 8. http://csmres.jmu.edu/geollab/Fichter/SedRx/SimpModl.html 9. http://teachserv.earth.ox.ac.uk/courses/es2-metrock/lectures.html 10.http://www.union.edu/PUBLIC/GEODEPT/COURSES/geo10/metamorphic.htm 11.http://seis.natsci.csulb.edu/bperry/metarock/INTRODUCTION.htm Scheme of assessment: Reports and homework: 10% Discussion and Participation: 10% Periodical Exams: 20% Practical exam: 30% Final exam: 30% Matrix of contact teaching hours and module contents University:KING ABDULAZIZ Faculty EARTH SCIENCES Dept. Mineral Resources and Rocks Module/Unit name Year of course: Intoduction EMR to 304 Petology Module/Unit number Introductory/General Geology l 3 Global geol./tectonics 4 p 4 Structural geology/maps Stratigraphy 1 Palaeontology 8 10 Igneous rocks 10 10 Metamorphic rocks 8 10 Crystallogr./Mineralogy 6 8 Geochemistry/Analytical Techniques 3 Sedimentology Sequence strat./Basin analysis Geophysics * Ores/bulk resources Energy resources Environmental geol./Hydrogeol./Hazards Engineering geology Remote sensing/GIS/Photogeology Planetary geology Atmospheres/Oceanography Palaeoclimatology Quaternary Geol./Glaciology Geomorphology/Surface Processes 1 Soil Science Computing/Data management Mathematics/Statistics Presentational skills Exploration Methods Fieldwork (give details in Fieldwork matrix) 0 Tutorials (numbers, not hours) 1 Seminars (numbers, not hours) 0 Projects/reports 1 2