end test st

English for physicists
доцент д-р Драгомир Господинов
Name: …………………………………………. FN ……………….. Spec.: …………….
Date: ………….
Plovdiv university ‘P. Hilendarski’; Faculty of Phys. Eng.Techn.
1. Writing (Dictation)
An atom consists of a central, almost unimaginably compact and dense nucleus that is
surrounded by one or more light – weight electrons. An atom is usually considered to be
spherical; so is the nucleus. Most people know we are all made of the same kinds of atoms. But
what most people don’t know is that we are made of the same atoms – atoms that cycle from
person to person as we breathe, sweat, and vaporize. The radius of a typical atom is on the order
of 10–10 m; the radius of a nucleus is 100,000 times smaller, about 10-15 m. An atom is held
together by electrical attraction between the electrons, which are electrically negative, and
protons, which are electrically positive and reside within the nucleus. The nature of that
attraction is such, as you might realize, that were it not present, atoms could not exist, and so
neither could you.
2. Grammar
1. The Earth ……….. spherical. (to be)
2. She …………..….. at Plodiv University. (to study)
3. Science ………………………... natural phenomena. (to investigate)
4. In 1630 Galileo …….…………….... many other experiments, and he also assembled
some telescopes. (to make)
5. Yesterday I ……..…….……. to bed early. (to go)
6. I …………………... an associated professor at Plovdiv University since 2008. (to be)
English for physicists
доцент д-р Драгомир Господинов
7. I ……….... never …………… a ball lightning. (to see)
8. It is ……..……………….… to study physics than history. (difficult)
9. Jupiter is …….……………..….. planet in the Solar system. (big)
10. I …………………. for Vienna tomorrow morning. (to leave)
11. She ………………………… English this semester. (to teach)
12. I …..………………….... my homework at the moment. (to do)
13. They were sure they ……………….… the girl before. (to meet)
14. Lilly …………….. already …………….. her homework when Victoria came.(to
15. While I ……………………………….. down the street I met an old friend. (to walk)
16. They ……………………….… at a friend's birthday party last night at 10.30 p.m. (to
The university was ………..………. in 1897. (to build)
Joanne is happy. She smiles …..…………..
She is a good dancer. She dances really ………….…..
Alligators almost became extinct ……………..….. people killed too many of them.
3. Translation
Gravitation is a very important force in the universe. Every object has a gravitational pull, which
is rather like magnetism. But, unlike magnetism, gravitation is not found only in iron and steel. It
is in every object large or small, but large objects, such as the earth, have a stronger pull than
small ones. Sir Isaac Newton, the great scientist of the seventeenth century, first studied
gravitation. When he was a boy, he often saw apples falling to the ground. He wondered why
they fell towards the earth, and why they did not fly up into the sky. According to the law which
he later produced, everything in the universe attracts everything else towards itself. The sun
attracts the earth and the earth the sun. The earth attracts the moon and the moon the earth.
Although the bigger object has the stronger attraction, all objects, in fact, have some; but we do
not notice the gravitational pull of a book because the pull of the earth is very much greater