Extreme Weather INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVE: The students will complete a weather research project by using print and Internet-based resources. ANTICIPATORY SET: I will show the students a slideshow of all the different weather types they will be researching in their projects to get them excited about the assignment. Explain assignment: Groups: Volcanoes Earthquakes Hurricanes Tsunamis Tornadoes Blizzards Each group will research the following questions for their topic: 1 2 3 4 5 . . . . . Explain your type of weather and its characteristics. How does it form or happen? Is there a geographic area that is more likely to experience this type of weather? If so, where What are its effects on the environment? What are its effects on humans? Groups will present their research findings in a PowerPoint presentation. Internet sources—explain that we can only use trusted, academic websites for school research assignments. For this reason, I have located several appropriate websites for you to use: For Volcanoes: 1.http://teacher.scholastic.com/activities/wwatch/volcanoes/index.htm 2.http://www.nation algeographic.com/forcesofnature/interactive/index.html?section =v For Earthquakes: 1.http://teacher.sc holastic.com/activities/wwatch/earthquakes/ 2.http://earthquake.usgs.gov/learn/kids/eqscien ce.php For Hurricanes: 1.http://www.extremescience.com/zoom/index.php/extreme -weather/22 -extreme weather/68-hurricane 2.http://www.teacher.scholastic.com/act ivities/wwatch/hurricanes/index.ht m For Tornadoes: 1.http://www.extremescience.com/tornado.htm 2.http://www.teacher.scholasti c.com/activities/wwatch/tornadoes/ For Tsunamis: 1.http://www.ess.washington.edu/tsunami/gen eral/physics/physics.html 2.http://www.pbs.org/wnet /savageearth/tsunami/index.html For blizzards h tt p:/ /t ea cher.sch olast ic.com/ act ivit ies/wwat ch / win t er_ st orms/ in d ex.ht m and http://eo.ucar.edu/webweather/blizzard2.html GUIDED PRACTICE: The students will be given time to use the resources to begin their research. I will help them get started and be there to help as they encounter problems. They will be given time to work on their research in the next few weeks, with lessons reviewing and reinforcing these skills at the start of the class periods. Again, I will assist them as needed. When the projects are complete, they will present them to the class and will be given a grade according to the assessment rubric.