Hurricanes, Tornadoes and Thunderstorms (video)

Hurricanes, Tornadoes and Thunderstorms (video)
1. What do we call the layers of air that surrounds our planet?
2. What name is used to refer to the weight of air?
3. What instrument measures air pressure?
4. What causes wind?
5. What two properties of air contribute to the formation of thunderstorms?
6. How do clouds form along cold fronts?
7. What kind of thunderstorm clouds form along cold fronts?
8. Where do most tornadoes originate?
9. What kind of storm has the most powerful winds on Earth?
10. Why are hurricanes more destructive than tornadoes?
11. Where do hurricanes originate?
12. At what wind speed do tropical storms become hurricanes?
13. What is the name of the opening near the center of a hurricane?
14. What is the hurricane’s most destructive force?