SPECIAL EDUCATION COURSES ASSOCIATED COLLEGES OF CENTRAL KANSAS (ACCK) COURSES SPED 210 Introduction to Infants, Children, and Youth with Special Needs This class is a survey of federal and state mandates for special education, including an overview of categorical exceptionalities delineated in the laws; service delivery systems; advocacy groups; the concept of natural environments and least restrictive environments; and the purpose and function of the IFSP and IEP. The class, which is required for all students seeking endorsement in education, is designed to introduce all preservice teachers to mild and moderate disabilities. The course also serves as a foundation for additional special education coursework. It is a prerequisite for SPED 325, 330, 338, and 348. Fall. EARLY CHILDHOOD PROGRAM SPED 338 Foundations of Early Childhood Intervention 3 hours This class offers an overview of early childhood education for infants, toddlers, preschool and primary-aged children with special needs. It includes history, philosophical concepts, populations served, identification and service delivery, professional roles, resources, and current trends and issues. This course is a prerequisite to SPED 358. Prerequisite is SPED 210; EE 295 is strongly recommended. (Fall) SPED 345 2 hours Behavior Management This class offers techniques for developing academic and social behaviors of infants, toddlers, children, and youth, with a focus on those with special needs. Intervention strategies in the home and community are also discussed. No prerequisites. This class must be taken before student teaching in Special Education. (Fall and Spring) SPED 349 3 hours Communication Development & Communication Disorders This class offers a survey of normal and atypical language development, assessment, bilingual education, contributions of the educator to overcoming language problems, and the relationships between oral language and reading and writing. There are no prerequisites for this course. (Interterm and Summer) SPED 380/678 Topics in Special Education (variable secondary title) 1 hour This class deals in depth with a specific topic related to infants, toddlers, children or youth with disabilities or developmental risk conditions and/or their families. (Summer) SPED 391 3 hours Methods for Assessing & Facilitating Infant/ Toddler Development This class covers ongoing assessment linked to program planning for infants and toddlers, including those who are typically developing as well as those with risk conditions and disabilities, and their families. Techniques are demonstrated and practiced for assessing child and family needs, IFSP development, selection of developmentally appropriate methods and materials, individual and group care in natural environments, and transition between services. Skills for working with families are emphasized. This class must be taken concurrently with SPED 392. SPED 338 must be taken previously or concurrently. (Fall) SPED 392 1 hour Early Practicum in Assessing and Facilitating Infant/ Toddler Development This field experience provides opportunities to observe and practice assessment, care, education, and intervention techniques with typically and atypically developing infants and toddlers and their families. It must be taken concurrently with SPED 391. (Fall) SPED 393 3 hours Methods for Assessment and Intervention with Preschool- and Kindergarten-aged Children This class covers ongoing assessment linked to program planning for intervention with preschool- and kindergarten-aged children with risk conditions and disabilities and their families. Techniques are demonstrated and practiced for assessing child and family needs, development and implementation of IFSPs/IEPs, selection of developmentally appropriate methods and materials, organization of instruction within various service delivery models using least restrictive arrangements, and transition between services. This class must be taken concurrently with SPED 394. SPED 338 is a prerequisite. (Spring) SPED 394 1 hour Early Practicum in Assessment and Intervention with Pre-school- and Kindergarten-aged Children This field experience provides opportunities to observe and practice assessment and intervention techniques with typically and atypically developing preschool- and kindergarten-aged children and their families. It must be taken concurrently with SPED 393. (Spring) SPED 461 2-7 hours Practicum in Intervention with Infants, Toddlers, and Their Families This class offers a supervised experience in working with allied professionals and parents to facilitate the development of infants and toddlers with disabilities. Prerequisites include acceptance in the ACCK Special Education program. Prerequisite courses are SPED 338 and SPED 358. SPED 359 is strongly recommended. For students without previous education certification, this class constitutes student teaching. (Fall, Interterm, Spring) SPED 462 2-7 hours Practicum in Intervention with Preschool-Aged Children This course offers a supervised experience in working with allied professionals and parents to assess, plan instructional programs, and teach preschool-aged children with disabilities. Prerequisites include acceptance into the ACCK Special Education program. Prerequisite courses are SPED 338 and SPED 358. For students without previous education certification, this class constitutes student teaching. (Fall, Interterm, Spring) MULTI-CATEGORICAL PROGRAM-ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY LEVEL SPED 220 Field Experience in Services for Students w/ Special Needs 1 hour An early field placement for directed observation of special education teachers working with elementary- or secondary-level students with mild/moderate disabilities. (Fall, Interterm, Spring, and Summer) SPED 325 4 hours Foundations of Services for Students with Special Needs This course addresses the cognitive, behavioral, educational, and medical models for explaining the etiology, definition, and characteristics of children and adolescents with learning disabilities, behavior disorders, and mental retardation. Techniques for consulting with allied professionals, parents, and students are included in this course. Students must have taken SPED 210 prior to or concurrently with this course. This course is a prerequisite to SPED 351, 355, and 330. (Fall and Spring) SPED 330 2 hours Assessment of Students with Special Needs The purpose of the course is to enable the teacher trainee to use appropriate assessment procedures in order to contribute to eligibility, placement, and curricular decisions for students who may need special education services. Content includes the study of instruments and techniques used to assess developmental and educational progress. This class must be taken concurrently with SPED 335. Prerequisite is SPED 210; SPED 325 must be taken previously or concurrently. (Fall and Spring) SPED 335 1 hour Assessment Practicum This supervised field experience provides opportunities to work with general and special education professionals to assess student needs and plan educational experiences to meet those needs within consultative service delivery models. This class must be taken concurrently with SPED 330. (Fall and Spring) SPED 345 2 hours Behavior Management This class offers techniques for developing academic and social behaviors of infants, toddlers, children, and youth, with a focus on those with special needs. Intervention strategies in the home and community are also discussed. No prerequisites. This class must be taken before student teaching in Special Education. (Fall and Spring) SPED 349 3 hours Communication Development and Communication Disorders This class offers a survey of normal and atypical language development, assessment, bilingual education, contributions of the educator to overcoming language problems, and the relationships between oral language and reading and writing. There are no prerequisites for this course. (Interterm and Summer) SPED 351 4 hours Methods for Teaching Adolescents with Special Needs This course covers both general and specific methods used by special educators to teach adolescents with disabilities. The course includes IEP development, instructional planning, and selection of instructional methods to meet the needs of students with learning disabilities, behavior disorders, and mental retardation. In addition, techniques for selecting appropriate methods and delivering content, social, prevocational, and vocational instruction on the basis of diagnostic information will be demonstrated. This class is a prerequisite to SPED 495 and SPED 498. This class must be taken concurrently with SPED 375. (Spring) SPED 355 4 hours SPED 360 2 hours Methods for Teaching Children with Special Needs This course covers both general and specific methods used by special educators to teach children with disabilities. The course includes IEP development, instructional planning, and selection of instructional methods to meet the needs of students with learning disabilities, behavior disorders, and mental retardation. In addition, delivering content, social and prevocational instruction on the basis of diagnostic information will be demonstrated. This class is a prerequisite to SPED 490 and SPED 498. This class must be taken concurrently with SPED 375. (Spring) Career, Transitional, and Vocational Programs for Adolescents with Special Needs This course covers career, transitional, and vocational programs for adolescents with disabilities. Teachers will be trained to provide students with disabilities with career, transitional, and vocational preparation and options. The relationship of each of these programs to the IEP will be addressed and the role of both special education teachers and vocational specialists in providing services to meet the IEP will be explained. Prerequisites include SPED 210 and 325. (Fall and Interterm) SPED 366 1 hour Methods for Students with Complex Needs This course introduces general and specific methods used by special educators to teach students with moderate to severe disabilities and/or challenging health needs. The course includes instructional planning and the selection of instructional methods to meet the needs of students with complex disabilities. SPED 351 or 355 must be taken concurrently. (Spring, alternate years) SPED 375 2 hours Methods Practicum This class provides a supervised teaching experience with children or adolescents in special education. This course will emphasize instructional techniques and interventions presented in SPED 351 and/or 355. Students will participate in IEP development, lesson planning, and instruction. It must be taken concurrently with SPED 351 or 355. (Spring) SPED 380/678 Topics in Special Education (variable secondary title) 1 hour This class deals in depth with a specific topic related to infants, toddlers, children or youth with disabilities or developmental risk conditions and/or their families. (Summer) SPED 490 6-8 hours Student Teaching: Children with Special Needs This course provides a supervised teaching experience with elementarylevel students in special education. The class will include experience in making appropriate adaptations in the learning environments, materials, and instructional strategies. Prerequisites include SPED 210, 220, 325, 330, 335, 345, 355, and 375. (Fall, Interterm, and Spring) SPED 495 6-8 hours Student Teaching: Adolescents with Special Needs This course provides a supervised teaching experience with secondarylevel students in special education. The class will include experience in making appropriate adaptations in the learning environments, material, and instructional strategies. Prerequisites include SPED 210, 220, 325, 330, 335, 345, 351, and 375. (Fall, Interterm, and Spring) SPED 497 4-6 hours Practicum with Adolescents with Special Needs This class provides a supervised teaching experience with adolescents who receive special education services for specific learning disabilities, behavior disorders, and mental retardation. This course includes experience in making appropriate adaptations in the learning environments, materials, and instructional strategies for adolescents with mild to moderate disabilities. The class is taken by students who have previously taken SPED 490 and wish to receive certification to teach in special education at both elementary and secondary levels. Prerequisites include SPED 210, 220, 325, 330, 335, 345, 351, 355, 360, and 375. (Fall, Interterm, Spring) SPED 498 1 hour Senior Seminar This course is designed to provide students with an opportunity to reflect on their student teaching experience and professional role with peers, ACCK faculty, and as special educators. It deals with ethical issues, advocacy, and professionalism in the changing context of special education. Special education faculty and interested education faculty alternate in guiding discussion on selected topics. Student teaching is prerequisite to or may be taken concurrently with this class. (Fall and Spring) INDIVIDUALIZED COURSES AVAILABLE SPED 295/495 Field Experience 1-4 hours SPED 299/499 Independent Study 1-4 hours SPED 388 1-12 hours Experience-Based Education SPED 445 1-4 hours Readings and Research