Appendix B Draft Built Heritage and Design Supplementary Planning Document Regulation 17 Consultation Statement October 2011 Waveney Local Development Framework Draft Built Heritage and Design Supplementary Planning Document Consultation October 2011 Regulation 17 Consultation Statement Consultation Statement October 2011 A draft Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) has been prepared to provide more detailed guidance in relation to development affecting historic buildings and in Conservation Areas, and assist with the implementation of Core Strategy policy CS17 and policy DM30 of the Development Management Policies. Prior to the preparation of this draft document a preliminary consultation was undertaken to identify potential content matter. The consultation was targeted towards organisations that have an interest in the historic built environment. Groups included local conservation societies within the District, adjoining local authorities, local and national organisations with a potential interest in built heritage and design and members of the Developer Forum. The consultation was open for 6 weeks between 25th March 2011 and 6th May 2011. Consultees were contacted by email, or where appropriate, by post. A list of consultees is provided below. As part the Council’s ongoing engagement with local developers the proposed content and layout of the Draft Built Heritage and Design Supplementary Planning Document was put forward for comment at the Developer Forum event held on February 1st 2011. The Developers Forum consists of local developers, housing providers and Council officers with events taking place quarterly to share information. The document has been prepared in conjunction with the Local Development Framework Working Group. This working group consists of 13 elected members and Council officers including from Planning, Housing and Regeneration. An article was placed in the ‘In Touch’ magazine published by the Council in July 2011 and distributed to households in the District to inform the public that the Draft Built Heritage and Design Supplementary Planning Document was being prepared and would soon be available for public comment. List of Consultees Adjoining Local Authorities Broads Authority Great Yarmouth Borough Council Mid-Suffolk District Council Suffolk Coastal District Council Suffolk County Council South Norfolk District Council 3 Waveney Local Development Framework Draft Built Heritage and Design Supplementary Planning Document Consultation October 2011 Regulation 17 Consultation Statement Local Organisations Beccles Society Broads Society Bungay Society East Suffolk Buildings Preservation Trust Lowestoft Civic Society Shape-East Suffolk Coasts and Heaths Suffolk Association of Architects Suffolk Historic Buildings Group Suffolk Preservation Society (CPRE) Southwold and Reydon Society Government Organisations East of England Tourist Board English Heritage National Non Government Organisations Ancient Monuments Society National Trust Developers Forum Members AAK Architecture Architectural Design and Planning Alasdair Campbell Arnolds Chartered Surveyors ASD Architecture Badger Building (Anglia) Ltd Bailey Developments Ltd Barry Cutts (Architect) Barsham Securities Brian Howard Chartered Architect Brian Sabberton Chaplin Farrant Chediston Homes Ltd Circle Anglia Cripps Developments Duncan and Sons Limited Flagship Housing Association Gilbert builders Graham Borley Graham Ling Hopkins Homes Howard Group New Homes Division John Bennett Architect John H Patterson John Kelly K Holdings Ltd (Anglia) Kingsway Builders Malcolm Dixon (Agent) MDPC Ltd M. S. Oakes Ltd Oakwood Construction Oldman Homes Ltd OWL Partnership Paul Robinson Partnership (UK) llp Paul Tungate MRICS Persimmon Homes (Anglia) Ltd PJ Spillings Pure Architecture Ltd Purple Properties Riddle Construction Ltd Sprake and Tyrrell Ltd Taylor Properties Trading Ltd Technicus Consulting Ltd Tredwell Developments Utting Construction Vaughan Keal Associates Warnes and Son Wellington Construction Ltd William (Harvey) Aitchison 4 Waveney Local Development Framework Draft Built Heritage and Design Supplementary Planning Document Consultation October 2011 Regulation 17 Consultation Statement Responses to the Preliminary Built Heritage and Design Supplementary Planning Document Consultation 2011 There were 4 responses to the consultation. Responses are shown below as answers to each question posed by the consultation. Question 1 1. Below is a preliminary list of information we are considering to include in the SPD. Do you think there is anything else that needs to be covered to ensure the document is as helpful as possible? Or is there anything listed that you consider does not need to be included? Shop Front Design Key elements of historic shop fronts o A brief explanation of the different parts of a shop front. Fascias o Guidance about the size, colour and use of a fascia. Alteration, replacement and repair o The types of alterations that are acceptable and guidance about replacing and repairing historic shop fronts. New shop fronts o New shop fronts in a conservation area (either on a new or existing building). Automatic Teller Machines (ATMs) o Where an ATM should be located on a historic shop front and measures to minimise the visual impact of an ATM. Shutters and security o The use of shutters and appropriate security measures. Doorways o How doorways and shop entrances should be incorporated into a historic shop front. Lighting Types of lighting that require planning permission o Where and when planning permission is required; o Lighting on local historic buildings (including locally listed ones); o Flood lighting and security lighting. Principles of appropriate lighting o Where lighting should be positioned on a building and the appropriate angles needed to minimise impact on surrounding properties. Advertising on Historic Buildings Definition of advertising o This section details the types of advertising that will be covered by this SPD; 5 Waveney Local Development Framework Draft Built Heritage and Design Supplementary Planning Document Consultation October 2011 Regulation 17 Consultation Statement o Signs and posters promoting businesses and services. Advertising for businesses o Guidelines for advertising businesses and services on historic buildings and in conservation areas. Satellite Dishes A quick reference guide to the appropriate size of a satellite dish and where it should be placed on a historic building. Replacement Windows This chapter explains the criteria for assessing planning applications for new windows. Locally Listed Buildings This chapter is chiefly concerned with the exterior of locally listed buildings and with alterations and additions that could affect that. The following factors, including architectural features, potentially impact upon the appearance of a building and so are included in this chapter. Repair o How to carry out repairs without harming the appearance of a historic building. Alteration o Gives details about when alterations to the exterior of a historic building are acceptable. Roofs o The types of alterations and repairs to the roof of a historic building that are acceptable. Chimneys o The types of alterations and repairs to the chimneys of a historic building that are acceptable. Dormer windows o When it is acceptable to add a dormer window to a historic building. Additions (extensions and fixtures to existing structures) o The sides and backs of locally listed buildings and buildings in conservation areas. Demolition o Circumstances where the demolition of a historic building may be acceptable. Change of use o Circumstances where the change of use of a building may be acceptable. Respondent Comment Number Comment WDC Response WDC Action Broads Authority 1. The document should include sections about nationally listed buildings and Agreed. Information is needed about Chapters about nationally listed buildings and 6 Waveney Local Development Framework Draft Built Heritage and Design Supplementary Planning Document Consultation October 2011 Regulation 17 Consultation Statement conservation areas, possibly in the same chapter as locally listed buildings. The document must also make clear that it only applies to parts of Waveney District that lie outside the Broads Authority area. Suggests including sections about lighting and advertising in conservation areas. Lowestoft Civic Society 2. Provide material about limiting the use of satellite dishes on historic buildings. Old dishes should be removed and only one dish is needed for a block of flats. New roof materials should be the same as those they replace. Guidance is needed to limit the size of dormer windows at the rear of properties. Guidance should be included to prevent the removal of chimney stacks unless necessary. Stresses the importance of enforcement and considering each building on its merits rather than taking a blanket approach. Information about listed buildings and conservation areas within the District should also be provided. Suffolk Preservation Society 3. The following areas should be added to the scope of the document: adapting to climate change; micro generation and the historic environment; design considerations for new development; design of traditional windows (in addition to replacement windows); verge and eves detailing on roofs; traditional 7 all categories of listed buildings together with an explanation of the differences between them. Chapters about lighting and advertising will relate to the historic environment generally and not just to conservation areas. Comments noted. Enforcement issues lie outside the scope of this Supplementa ry Planning Document. Guidance about roofs, chimneys and brick and render materials is included in the chapter about locally listed buildings. However this conservation areas have been inserted. The SPD makes clear that advice does not apply to parts of the District that are within the Broads Authority area. A chapter about satellite dishes has been inserted. Other comments are addressed in chapters about locally listed buildings, conservation areas and replacement windows. Web links to conservation area appraisals and management plans have also been provided. These include information about listed buildings within each conservation area. Chapters about renewable energy generation and climate change have been prepared and inserted into the SPD. Waveney Local Development Framework Draft Built Heritage and Design Supplementary Planning Document Consultation October 2011 Regulation 17 Consultation Statement chimney design; brick and render materials and detailing (under locally listed buildings). Southwold and Reydon Society 4. The SPD should include a section about how energy conservation measures might sensitively be incorporated into historic buildings. A balance must be struck between energy saving and conservation and no resolution of this issue can be complete without reference to the latest materials and technologies in energy saving and generating. 8 guidance is fairly general and is not intended to be prescriptive in the way that guidance about nationally listed buildings is. There is a chapter detailing the Council’s windows policy and the Council agrees that the insertion of chapters about renewable energy and climate change will be necessary. Design of new development is beyond the scope of this document. It is necessary to insert a chapter about renewable energy generation. Energy conservation is covered in other sections of the document, such as windows. Internal changes to buildings are beyond the scope of this document. A chapter about renewable energy generation has been inserted. Waveney Local Development Framework Draft Built Heritage and Design Supplementary Planning Document Consultation October 2011 Regulation 17 Consultation Statement Question 2 2. Should we include criteria used to select locally listed buildings? Respondent Comment Number Comment WDC Response WDC Action Suffolk Preservation Society 5. Q2: Criteria for locally listed buildings should be set out for guidance. Agreed. Southwold and Reydon Society 6. Q2 – 4: Unless it makes the hard document unwieldy it is sensible to repeat this information rather than users search elsewhere. Online this may be easily achieved by links to other documents. Agreed. Guidance for selecting locally listed buildings inserted. Relevant chapters included with web links to further information. Question 3 3. Should we include a list of conservation areas? Respondent Comment Number Comment WDC Response WDC Action Broads Authority 7. A list of conservation areas should be included in the appendices. Definitions of listed buildings and conservation areas should also be provided and placed in the appendices. Agreed. Suffolk Preservation Society 8. Q3: A list of conservation areas together with a list explaining why each is significant. Agreed Southwold and Reydon Society 9. Q2 – 4: Unless it makes the Agreed. hard document unwieldy it is sensible to repeat this information rather than users search elsewhere. Online this may be easily achieved by links to other documents. Definitions of conservation areas, article 4 directions and listed buildings included. Web links to conservation area appraisals are provided. List of conservation areas provided. Web links provided to conservation area appraisals, which explain why each is unique. A list of conservation areas is provided. The conservation area chapter will include web links to all 9 Waveney Local Development Framework Draft Built Heritage and Design Supplementary Planning Document Consultation October 2011 Regulation 17 Consultation Statement conservation area appraisals and management plans. Question 4 4. Should we include a list of conservation areas covered by Article 4 directions? Respondent Comment Number Comment WDC Response WDC Action Suffolk Preservation Society 10. Q4: Article 4 Directions should be included under the heading about conservation areas. Following the T & C Planning (GDPO) (Amendment) (England) Order 2010 in force from 06. 04. 2010 the procedure for Article 4 Directions are now under 4(1) not 4(2) as previously. Agreed. An explanatory note about the change in article 4 directions has been placed in the SPD. Southwold and Reydon Society 11. Q2 – 4: Unless it makes the Agreed. hard document unwieldy it is sensible to repeat this information rather than users search elsewhere. Online this may be easily achieved by links to other documents. 10 A list of conservation areas and article 4(1) directions has been provided. The relevant chapter includes web links to further information about Article 4 Directions, conservation area appraisals and conservation area management plans. Waveney Local Development Framework Draft Built Heritage and Design Supplementary Planning Document Consultation October 2011 Regulation 17 Consultation Statement Article from Waveney District Council’s ‘In Touch’ magazine, August 2011. Distributed to households in the District. 11