Forest Service Fleet Equipment Management Regulations

WO AMENDMENT 7100-2000-1
EFFECTIVE DATE: 09/15/2000
DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed
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Table of Contents
7130.1 - Authority....................................................................................................................... 3
7130.2 - Objectives ..................................................................................................................... 3
7130.3 - Policy ............................................................................................................................ 3
7130.4 - Responsibility ............................................................................................................... 3
7130.41 - Washington Office, Director of Engineering.......................................................... 3
7130.42 - Regional Foresters, Station Directors, and Area Director ...................................... 4
7130.43 - Forest Supervisors and Assistant Directors for Research Support Services........... 5
7130.44 - District Rangers and Job Corps Center Directors ................................................... 6
7130.6 - National Information Requirements ............................................................................. 6
7130.7 - References .................................................................................................................... 7
7131 - ACQUISITION AND IDENTIFICATION ............................................................... 7
7131.01 - Authority ................................................................................................................. 7
7131.01a - Marking Vehicle ................................................................................................... 7
7131.01b - Acquisition of Passenger Carrying Vehicles ........................................................ 7
7131.01c - Additional Systems or Equipment for Motor Vehicles ........................................ 7
7131.01d - Modifications of Fleet Equipment ........................................................................ 7
7131.02 - Objective ................................................................................................................. 7
7131.03 - Policy ...................................................................................................................... 8
7131.04 - Responsibility ......................................................................................................... 8
7131.04a - Washington Office, Director of Engineering ........................................................ 8
7131.04b - Regional Foresters, Station Directors, and Area Director .................................... 8
7131.1 - Equipment Replacement Plan....................................................................................... 8
7131.2 - Available Sources ......................................................................................................... 9
7131.21 - General Services Administration ............................................................................ 9
7131.22 - Commercial Rental ............................................................................................... 10
7131.23 - Privately-Owned Vehicles .................................................................................... 10
7131.24 - Government-Owned Equipment ........................................................................... 10
7131.3 - Passenger-Carrying Vehicles...................................................................................... 10
7131.4 - Department of Labor-Owned Equipment ................................................................... 11
7131.5 - Approval of Homemade Equipment ........................................................................... 11
7131.6 - Acquisition for Trial Use ............................................................................................ 11
7131.7 - Identification and Markings ....................................................................................... 11
7131.71 - Official Tags ......................................................................................................... 11
7131.72 - Color Identification............................................................................................... 12
7131.73 - Required Markings ............................................................................................... 12
7131.74 - Exemptions From Identification ........................................................................... 12
7132 - EQUIPMENT OPERATION AND DISPOSAL.................................................... 12
7132.02 - Objective ............................................................................................................... 12
7132.03 - Policy .................................................................................................................... 13
7132.04 - Responsibility ....................................................................................................... 13
WO AMENDMENT 7100-2000-1
EFFECTIVE DATE: 09/15/2000
DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed
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7132.1 - Storage ........................................................................................................................ 13
7132.2 - Utilization Targets ...................................................................................................... 13
7132.3 - Disposal of Equipment ............................................................................................... 14
7132.31 - Replaced Equipment ............................................................................................. 14
7132.32 - Retention of Replaced Passenger-Carrying Vehicles ........................................... 14
7133 - INSPECTION, MAINTENANCE, AND REPAIR ................................................. 14
7133.02 - Objective ............................................................................................................... 14
7133.03 - Policy .................................................................................................................... 14
7133.04 - Responsibility ....................................................................................................... 14
7133.04a - Regional Foresters, Station Directors, and Area Director .................................. 14
7133.04b - Forest Supervisors, District Rangers, and Project Leaders ................................ 15
7133.1 - Maintenance and Repair ............................................................................................. 15
7133.2 - Inspection of Rented Vehicles .................................................................................... 15
7133.3 - Rebuilding and Recapitalization of Equipment .......................................................... 15
7134 - QUALIFICATION AND TRAINING .................................................................... 15
7134.01 - Authority ............................................................................................................... 15
7134.02 - Objective ............................................................................................................... 16
7134.1 - Qualification ............................................................................................................... 16
7134.2 - Training ...................................................................................................................... 16
7135 - REPORTS .......................................................................................................... 17
7135.01 - Authority ............................................................................................................... 17
7135.02 - Objective ............................................................................................................... 17
7135.04 - Responsibility ....................................................................................................... 17
7135.1 - Required Reports ........................................................................................................ 17
WO AMENDMENT 7100-2000-1
EFFECTIVE DATE: 09/15/2000
DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed
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7130.1 - Authority
1. Title 40, United States Code, section 471 (40 U.S.C. 471), provides the basic Federal
authority to procure, utilize, dispose of, and manage records of fleet equipment.
2. The Federal Property Management Regulations, chapter 101, parts 26, 38 and 39
(FSH 6409.31 - FPMR 101-26, 101-38 and 101-39), set forth how the General Services
Administration carries out its basic authority to acquire, manage, and set various standards for
vehicles owned and/or operated by Government agencies.
3. The Agriculture Property Management Regulations, chapter 104, part 38
(FSH 6409.31 - AGPMR 104-38), sets forth how the Department of Agriculture executes its
delegated authority to acquire, manage, and set various standards for vehicles owned and/or
operated by Departmental agencies.
4. Title 29, United States Code, section 1691, (29 U.S.C. 1691), Job Training Partnership
Act, designates the Department of Labor as the authorizing agency for the acquisition of all
Department of Labor-owned passenger-carrying vehicles, including sedans, station wagons, and
buses used in Job Corps activities.
5. Federal Personnel Manual, chapter 930 (FSH 6109.41 - FPM 930).
7130.2 - Objectives
To support Forest Service programs by providing efficient and safe fleet equipment and to ensure
the economical acquisition, operation, maintenance, and disposal of that equipment.
7130.3 - Policy
All fleet equipment, regardless of ownership, is managed in such a way as to effectively meet
resource objectives.
7130.4 - Responsibility
7130.41 - Washington Office, Director of Engineering
It is the responsibility of the Director of Engineering to:
1. Participate with other Federal agencies and Department of Agriculture personnel to
formulate recommended national fleet equipment management policies and programs.
2. Establish and maintain systems and standards to ensure Service-wide uniformity of
fleet equipment management.
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EFFECTIVE DATE: 09/15/2000
DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed
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3. Conduct monitoring trips and activity reviews to evaluate the adequacy of the fleet
equipment management organization and operation.
4. Review, evaluate, and make recommendations concerning the adequacy and
appropriateness of field unit policies on fleet equipment management.
5. Collect and disseminate new information pertaining to laws, regulations, and national
policy that affect management of fleet equipment.
6. Ensure that all Government-owned and -leased vehicles used by the Forest Service are
listed in the Equipment Management Information System (EMIS).
7130.42 - Regional Foresters, Station Directors, and Area Director
It is the responsibility of Regional Foresters, Station Directors, and the Area Director to provide
for fleet equipment management. Specifically, Regional Foresters, Station Directors, and the
Area Director have the responsibility to:
1. Determine and maintain the organization necessary to meet fleet equipment
management objectives.
2. Ensure development of technical specifications, performance criteria, and service
requirements for the procurement of fleet equipment.
3. Analyze program requirements and vehicle use patterns to maintain the most effective
and economical procurement and disposal program for fleet equipment.
4. Ensure development, maintenance, and use of a 3-year equipment replacement plan
based on Forest plans, research objectives, and energy management requirements.
5. Establish and ensure adherence to policies relevant to the operation, use, and care of
all fleet equipment and for the driver/operator training, testing, and certification program.
6. Ensure adequate working capital for equipment replacement and the fleet equipment
management program.
7. Develop standards and procedures for service, preventive maintenance, repair, and
replacement of fleet equipment.
8. Provide technical assistance in the operation of repair shops and inspection facilities.
9. Develop adequate records and data systems to ensure efficient operations of fleet
10. Provide mechanical engineering services and advice to all field units.
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EFFECTIVE DATE: 09/15/2000
DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed
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11. Conduct periodic reviews of field units to evaluate the adequacy of fleet equipment
organization and operation.
12. Ensure that all Government-owned and -leased vehicles under their administrative
control are listed in the Equipment Management Information System (EMIS).
13. Sign Form AD-728, Request and Authorization for Home-to-Work Transportation,
when a request must be forwarded to the Secretary of Agriculture or when it is being used to
document the use of a Government vehicle by an employee whose residence has been designated
as the duty station. This authority may not be redelegated.
7130.43 - Forest Supervisors and Assistant Directors for Research
Support Services
It is the responsibility of Forest Supervisors and Assistant Directors for Research Support
Services to:
1. Manage and account for the use and care of all fleet equipment under their
administrative control.
2. Provide training, testing, and certification to ensure that all drivers and operators are
3. Establish the most efficient and effective equipment maintenance and repair source to
ensure safe and economical equipment.
4. Designate an Equipment Manager, Equipment Specialist, or Equipment Coordinator
and to document equipment management responsibilities including equipment maintenance,
service, inspections, inventory, and maintenance of all required data and records.
5. Coordinate the annual equipment replacement and disposal programs.
6. Coordinate equipment assignments in accordance with program needs.
7. Develop an annual operating budget for working capital fund fleet equipment.
8. Provide advice and training to subunit equipment managers.
9. Ensure that the Fleet Manager and the WCF Financial Manager conduct joint financial
and equipment reviews.
10. Ensure that all Government-owned and -leased vehicles under their administrative
control are listed in the Equipment Management Information System (EMIS).
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EFFECTIVE DATE: 09/15/2000
DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed
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7130.44 - District Rangers and Job Corps Center Directors
It is the responsibility of District Rangers and Job Corps Center Directors to:
1. Manage and account for all fleet equipment under their administrative control.
2. Ensure the efficient and economical use of all equipment.
3. Ensure that all equipment is properly inspected, maintained, and serviced.
4. Maintain required records and data for each item of equipment.
5. Report any excess equipment, parts, and supplies promptly to higher offices for
possible use elsewhere.
6. Designate an Equipment Manager, Equipment Specialist, or Equipment Coordinator
and to document responsibilities of equipment management including equipment maintenance,
service, inspections, inventory, and maintenance of all required data and records.
7130.6 - National Information Requirements
The Equipment Management Information System (EMIS) is an automated data processing
system established for the use and support of Forest Service managers and to provide data for
report requirements. Enter the following data elements into the EMIS for each piece of
Beginning FY Odometer Reading
Current Odometer Reading
Owner Type
Government Fuel (Gallons)
Property Type
Commercial Fuel (Gallons)
WCF Activity
Unit of Use
Beginning Year Status
Commercial Lease Costs
Current Status
Labor and Parts FS (611)
FS Equipment Class
Labor and Parts Other (612)
Year Model
Labor and Parts Commercial
Primary Fuel
Accident Costs Government (617)
SF-82 Code
Accident Costs Commercial (618)
GSA Code
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EFFECTIVE DATE: 09/15/2000
DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed
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7130.7 - References
General Services Administration. Current edition. Federal Standards for Automobiles,
Light and Medium Trucks. Standard 122. Washington, DC: General Services Administration.
Society of Automotive Engineers. Current edition. SAE Handbook. Warrendale, PA:
Society of Automotive Engineers Inc.
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. 1992. Driver-Operator Guide.
EM-7130-2. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. 61 p.
7131.01 - Authority
(FSM 7130.1)
7131.01a - Marking Vehicle
Federal Property Management Regulations chapter 101, part 38, subpart 203 (FSH 6409.31 FPMR 101-38.203) sets forth the minimum requirements for marking federally-owned vehicles.
7131.01b - Acquisition of Passenger Carrying Vehicles
Federal Property Management Regulations chapter 101, part 38, subpart 101 (FSH 6409.31 FPMR 101 -38.101) sets forth requirements for acquisition of passenger carrying vehicles.
7131.01c - Additional Systems or Equipment for Motor Vehicles
Federal Property Management Regulations chapter 101, part 26, subpart 5 (FSH 6409.31 FPMR 101-26.5) governs the purchase of additional systems or equipment for motor vehicles.
7131.01d - Modifications of Fleet Equipment
Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 567 (49 CFR 567) sets forth requirements for
modifications of fleet equipment.
7131.02 - Objective
To acquire, identify, and track safe vehicles and equipment that support Forest Service programs
in a cost-effective manner.
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EFFECTIVE DATE: 09/15/2000
DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed
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7131.03 - Policy
1. Acquire only that equipment necessary to accomplish program needs.
2. Consider the cost benefits and energy consumption in decisions to either purchase or
rent equipment.
3. In the decision to own, rent, or lease equipment, give primary consideration to
comparative lifetime costs and fuel efficiency.
7131.04 - Responsibility
7131.04a - Washington Office, Director of Engineering
It is the responsibility of the Director of Engineering to ensure an annual request to the Regional
Foresters, Station Directors, and the Area Director for their Passenger-Carrying Vehicle
7131.04b - Regional Foresters, Station Directors, and Area Director
It is the responsibility of Regional Foresters, Station Directors, and the Area Director to:
1. Approve the purchase or replacement of all capitalized or project equipment.
Authority for project equipment may be redelegated (FSM 7131.24). Regional Foresters may
redelegate the authority to Forest Supervisors for project equipment.
2. Annually determine passenger carrying vehicle authorization requirements
(replacements and additions) for the fiscal year two years into the future (for example, in
FY 1993 report requirement for FY 1995).
3. Maintain a record of all official Government identification tags.
4. Approve any color deviations for motor vehicles.
5. Approve the acquisition of any excess equipment. This authority may not be
7131.1 - Equipment Replacement Plan
Regions, Stations, the Area, National Forests, and the Forest Products Laboratory shall maintain
and use a minimum 3-year equipment replacement plan (FSM 7130.42).
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EFFECTIVE DATE: 09/15/2000
DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed
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1. Equipment Purchase. Limit equipment replacements or additions to the purchase of
new, conventional, standard production models. Standards for purchasing Forest Service
vehicles, which are in accordance with applicable federal specifications and standards, are listed
in FSH 7109.19, Fleet Equipment Management Handbook.
2. Acquisition of Excess Fleet Equipment. Limit acquisition from the General Services
Administration, from other agencies, or of military excess equipment to those items required for
one-time, short-term, or emergency-project-type programs with requirements that cannot be
satisfied by equipment rental or by use of other Forest Service-owned equipment
(FSM 7131.04).
3. Passenger-Carrying Vehicles. In order to meet required minimum standards of fuel
consumption, the Forest Service is authorized to purchase only compact or smaller sedans or
station wagons, except for law enforcement vehicles (FSH 6409.31 - FPMR 101-38).
7131.2 - Available Sources
The primary sources of equipment include:
1. Equipment owned by the Forest Service and capitalized in the working capital fund, as
defined in FSM 7131.24.
2. Project equipment owned by the Forest Service.
3. Equipment owned by the General Services Administration or other agencies and
rented by the Forest Service.
4. Equipment commercially rented or leased by the Forest Service.
5. Equipment owned by the Department of Labor.
6. Privately-owned equipment.
7131.21 - General Services Administration
The General Services Administration (GSA) is generally an acceptable source for supplementing
the Forest Service-owned fleet. Though GSA rental rates sometimes appear lower than the
Working Capital Fund (WCF) rates, ensure that an equitable comparison of costs is made by
including the same fixed and variable costs of general administration and program management
that are assessed to the WCF.
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EFFECTIVE DATE: 09/15/2000
DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed
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7131.22 - Commercial Rental
In some instances, it is to the Government's benefit to rent or lease equipment rather than own it.
Regional Foresters, Station Directors, and the Area Director shall ensure careful consideration of
cost benefits and energy consumption in the decision to own or rent equipment (FSM 7131.04).
7131.23 - Privately-Owned Vehicles
Employees may use privately-owned vehicles for official business, including Forest Service
project work, when such use is clearly to the Government's advantage (FSH 6509.33).
7131.24 - Government-Owned Equipment
Equipment owned by the Forest Service is categorized as either capitalized equipment or project
equipment as follows:
1. Capitalized Equipment. All equipment owned by the Forest Service, except as
defined under paragraph 2, shall be fully capitalized and managed in the Working Capital Fund
(WCF) system (FSM 6581).
2. Project Equipment. Special-purpose types of vehicles or machines, which are
acquired, operated, and maintained at the expense of an individual project or group of projects
may be classified as project equipment. Such equipment may be excluded from capitalization
only if it meets the following criteria on an individual item basis:
a. Use of the equipment is intermittent and unpredictable.
b. Plans are to dispose of the equipment without replacement upon completion of the
7131.3 - Passenger-Carrying Vehicles
Regions, Stations, Area, and the Forest Products Laboratory must annually determine their
passenger-carrying vehicle (PCV) authorization requirements (replacements and additions) for
the fiscal year two years into the future (FSM 7131.04b). Send the official request for these
authorizations to the Washington Office, Director of Engineering, in response to an annual letter
that sets a designated due date (FSM 7131.04a).
1. Annual Authorization. Congress annually specifies the number of PCV's (sedan,
station wagon, bus, or ambulance) that the Forest Service may own as part of the fiscal year
appropriations act. Congressional authorization for acquiring PCV's fall into two categories:
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EFFECTIVE DATE: 09/15/2000
DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed
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a. Replacement of a PCV with another PCV. A change between PCV types is
b. Purchase of a PCV fleet addition. Replacement of a truck with a PCV is
considered a PCV addition.
2. Unit Cost Limitation. Standard passenger vehicles as defined in Federal Standard 122
are considered to be completely equipped for ordinary operation and are subject to the statutory
maximum price limitations. There are allowances for the purchase of certain additional systems
and equipment for PCV's over and above the statutory price limitation; these allowances are
defined in Federal Standards for Automobiles, Light and Medium Trucks. (General Services
Administration. Federal Standards for Automobiles, Light and Medium Trucks. Standard 122.
Washington, DC: General Service Administration). (FSM 7130.7).
7131.4 - Department of Labor-Owned Equipment
Capitalize passenger-carrying vehicles and trucks into the Working Capital Fund. Normally,
manage other equipment types as noncapitalized fleet equipment.
7131.5 - Approval of Homemade Equipment
Fully qualified personnel shall inspect and approve equipment constructed by Forest Service
personnel or by local commercial shops prior to its use. The inspector shall ensure that any
equipment operated on roads that are open to the public complies with Title 49, Code of Federal
Regulations, Part 567 (49 CFR 567), Manufacturer Identification, and Title 49, Code of Federal
Regulations, Part 571 (49 CFR 571), Motor Vehicle Safety Standards.
7131.6 - Acquisition for Trial Use
Encourage testing of new types of equipment for Forest Service use. Test units may be obtained
on loan from the manufacturer for trial use; however, a written agreement is necessary in each
case. Regional Foresters, Station Directors, and the Area Director are responsible for ensuring
that the Washington Office and other interested Forest Service groups promptly receive complete
reports on the tested equipment (FSM 7131.04b).
7131.7 - Identification and Markings
7131.71 - Official Tags
1. Requirements. Each item of fleet equipment owned or rented by the Forest Service
for periods longer than 3 months and for which a State would normally require registration by
private parties shall bear official Government identification tags. See the Federal Property
Management Regulations, chapter 101, part 38 (FSH 6409.31 - FPMR 101-38) for exemptions
from the requirement to display the tags.
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EFFECTIVE DATE: 09/15/2000
DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed
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2. Record. The Department of Agriculture, Office of Operations, maintains a record of
all tags issued to each agency. Each Region, Station, or Area shall maintain a record of all tags
issued to them (FSM 7131.04b).
7131.72 - Color Identification
The standard color for all Forest Service motor vehicles is green, Federal Standard 595, color
chip No. 14260. When manufacturers cannot supply the standard green color, specify the
manufacturer's standard color white. Vehicles with nonstandard paint shall be repainted the
standard green color upon arrival at the delivery point, unless the Regional Forester, Station
Director, or Area Director finds that the proposed use does not require or justify repainting.
Use the manufacturer's standard color for construction equipment, such as crawler tractors, wheel
tractors, motor graders, and crawler loaders.
7131.73 - Required Markings
1. Display Markings. Federal Property Management Regulations and Department of
Agriculture Property Management Regulations require equipment identification markings
(FSH 6409.31). Display other appropriate safety instructions and warnings (for example, a
safety-prop decal warning to block or prop all elevating-type bodies before undertaking any
work on or under the vehicle).
2. Remove Markings. Remove all official identification and decal Form AD-185, For
Official Use Only, when a vehicle is retired from Government service. Do not remove Form
AD-185 when a vehicle is transferred to another Government agency.
7131.74 - Exemptions From Identification
1. Motor vehicles leased for periods of less than 3 months are exempt from displaying
Government tags. Rental vehicles are exempt from the requirement for displaying other
markings if rented for less than 6 months.
2. The Regional Forester, Station Director, or Area Director may exempt vehicles used
for investigative or law enforcement activities from the requirement for displaying the
Government tags, shields, and other markings.
7132.02 - Objective
To ensure the safe, economical, and lawful use and disposal of Government-owned and -leased
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EFFECTIVE DATE: 09/15/2000
DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed
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7132.03 - Policy
Regional Foresters, Forest Supervisors, and District Rangers shall ensure use of the proper type
and size of equipment (FSM 7132.04). The loan of Forest Service fleet equipment shall comply
with Agriculture Property Management Regulations chapter 104, part 50, subpart 2, section 03
(FSH 6409.31 - AGPMR 104-50.203) and FSM 6580.
7132.04 - Responsibility
It is the responsibility of Regional Foresters, Forest Supervisors, and District Rangers to:
1. Monitor equipment mix and use on a continuing basis on their respective unit.
2. Maintain a history folder for each piece of Government-owned Working Capital Fund
(WCF) and project equipment at the unit/subunit where the equipment is located. See
FSH 7109.19, Fleet Equipment Management Handbook, for a list of items to be contained in
each history folder.
3. Coordinate the disposal of the unit's equipment with the General Services
Administration and with other agencies or other organizations to ensure optimum monetary
returns to the United States Treasury or WCF.
7132.1 - Storage
Use Form AD-728, Request and Authorization for Home to Work Transportation, to document
authorization for storage of equipment at an employee's residence. Form AD-728 shall be signed
by the employee's supervisor when documenting the use of a Government vehicle under the field
work definition (Department Regulation 5400-5).
7132.2 - Utilization Targets
Monitor equipment use during the normally high-use period extending from May through
September. A sampling method, as shown in FSH 7109.19, is satisfactory for this purpose.
Manage the standard vehicles in classes 010-265 to achieve 80 percent utilization during the high
use season, excluding any special purpose vehicles. Keep utilization records for 3 years
(FSH 6209.11, sec. 41).
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EFFECTIVE DATE: 09/15/2000
DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed
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7132.3 - Disposal of Equipment
7132.31 - Replaced Equipment
Replaced equipment shall receive immediate consideration for disposal in accordance with
current regulations (41 CFR 101-38.702). Replaced equipment, except passenger-carrying
vehicles, may be used for up to two extra field seasons in place of renting commercial vehicles.
7132.32 - Retention of Replaced Passenger-Carrying Vehicles
Withdraw passenger-carrying vehicles from service at the time replacements for those vehicles
are put into service.
7133.02 - Objective
To provide for safe, efficient maintenance of Forest Service equipment in accordance with the
manufacturer's specifications.
7133.03 - Policy
Provide a preventive maintenance program for all fleet equipment, by which maintenance of
equipment meets the standards prescribed by the applicable manufacturer's service instructions,
unless specific operating conditions require modification. Modifications due to extreme
conditions should be applied only while the extreme conditions exist.
Use contract maintenance and repair services whenever it is in the Government's economic
Ensure that each item of fleet equipment receives (1) a monthly inspection by the driver/operator
and (2) an annual mechanical/safety inspection by a qualified mechanic.
7133.04 - Responsibility
7133.04a - Regional Foresters, Station Directors, and Area Director
It is the responsibility of the Regional Foresters, Station Directors, and the Area Director to
establish controls to ensure adequate supervision of repair diagnosis, decisions, and purchase
procedures; through inspection approve recapitalization of equipment after major repairs; and
ensure that only qualified personnel maintain and repair equipment.
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EFFECTIVE DATE: 09/15/2000
DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed
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7133.04b - Forest Supervisors, District Rangers, and Project Leaders
It is the responsibility of the Forest Supervisors, District Rangers, and Project Leaders to:
1. Specify maximum dollar limitation for repair of fleet equipment without prior
approval from the Forest Fleet Manager.
2. Conduct a commercial industrial review of maintenance and repair systems in
accordance with supplement 1 to the Office of Management and Budget Circular A-76
(FSM 1310).
7133.1 - Maintenance and Repair
The Working Capital Fund shall pay for maintenance and repair of capitalized fleet equipment.
See FSH 6509.11f, section 38.13, for direction on the recovery of maintenance and repair costs
resulting from abnormal use from appropriated funds or from third parties. See FSH 7109.19,
section 42, for the definition of abnormal use and related direction.
7133.2 - Inspection of Rented Vehicles
A certified mechanic or an individual who has demonstrated a technical competence shall
conduct a mechanical inspection of all rental equipment before it is put in operation and again
immediately before its release. The intent of these inspections is to ascertain and document the
physical condition of the equipment. Charge the benefiting appropriation for the cost of these
7133.3 - Rebuilding and Recapitalization of Equipment
Obtain approval from the Regional Forester, Station Director, or Area Director before
recapitalizing equipment (FSM 7133.04a).
7134.01 - Authority
The Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949 (40 U.S.C. 471, et seq.) requires
each executive agency to train, test, and qualify vehicle and equipment drivers or operators in
compliance with orders and directives issued by the Office of Personnel Management in the
Federal Personnel Manual chapter 930, subchapter 1, Motor Vehicle Operators (FSH 6109.41 FPM 930, subch. 1). Supplements applicable to the Forest Service are found in Agriculture
Property Management Regulations chapter 104, part 38, subpart 5 (FSH 6409.31 - AGPMR 10438.5).
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EFFECTIVE DATE: 09/15/2000
DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed
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7134.02 - Objective
To ensure safe, productive, and energy efficient operation of fleet equipment.
1. Operate all Forest Service equipment and vehicles within the manufacturers' design
2. Use benefiting project funds to pay costs associated with the following:
a. Agency training of incidental motor vehicle operators, and agency training, testing,
and qualification of special equipment operators;
b. Programs and activities to promote safe driving and equipment use;
c. Training and testing for commercial driver's license program requirements.
7134.1 - Qualification
Ensure that all operators of Government-owned or -leased motor vehicles are qualified, tested,
and certified through State licensing programs. Special equipment driver/operators shall be
qualified, tested, and certified though Forest Service programs. When operating government
vehicles or equipment the Form OF-346, United States Government Motor Vehicle Operator's
Identification Card, or a Forest Service issued identification card indicating the type of vehicle or
equipment the holder is authorized to drive or operate must be in the employee's possession. The
identification card may be issued with an indefinite expiration date subject to review as required
by the Federal Personnel Manual, chapter 930.
7134.2 - Training
1. Operators. Provide all operators of fleet equipment with training that fully informs
them of their responsibilities. Include procedures for obtaining repairs, correcting deficiencies,
driving defensively, driving to conserve energy, using preventive maintenance checks, and safely
operating vehicles and equipment in a Forest environment.
2. Equipment Management Personnel. Provide training to develop and sustain a nucleus
of equipment management personnel, equipment, inspectors, and shop personnel who are
knowledgeable in the following:
a. Equipment inspection and servicing procedures.
b. Shop production standards.
c. Cost records and financial reports.
d. Operator training, testing, and qualification.
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EFFECTIVE DATE: 09/15/2000
DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed
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7135 - REPORTS
7135.01 - Authority
The Federal Property Management Regulations, chapter 101, part 38, subpart 1, section 02
(FPMR 101-38.102) requires that each agency complete Form SF-82, Agency Report of Motor
Vehicle Data, each year. To meet the requirements of Congress, the Office of Management and
Budget, and the General Services Administration (GSA), the Department of Agriculture
consolidates its various agencies' data and forwards the consolidated data to GSA.
7135.02 - Objective
To provide accurate and timely data for required reports through the use of automated data
7135.04 - Responsibility
The Regional Forester shall ensure that required data for the annual motor vehicle reports are
When a Station or Area has incorporated its Working Capital Fund fleet equipment with that of a
Region, the Region shall report the required data for the Station or Area.
7135.1 - Required Reports
The following required reports are currently prepared by the National Finance Center:
1. Report FS-7100-D, Annual Motor Vehicle Report. This report is due in the
Washington Office Engineering Staff by November 15 of each year.
2. Report FS-7100-Z, Annual Motor Vehicle Report Department of Labor-Owned. This
report is due in the Washington Office Engineering Staff by November 15 of each year.