Green Fleet Policy

Green Fleet Policy
THE Wymap Group is committed to an environmentally responsible fleet management system to
demonstrate Wymap Group’s corporate citizenship and social responsibility. Green Fleet Policy is
where the organization’s collection of vehicles or fleet is managed by procedures addressing,
procurement, management and operation of the fleet to improve efficiency and reduce carbon
Implement Green Fleet strategies to reduce carbon emissions that contribute to climate change
and reduce risk of any other potential environmental impact
To ensure that fleet purchases and expenditure are made in a manner consistent with improving
air quality
Obtain driver commitment to Green Fleet Policy and procedures through education and training
Operate Fleet Accounts for a significant percentage of expenditure
Improve fuel efficiency to benefit the environment and bring cost efficiencies and savings.
Program Development principles will include:
Fuel Consumption
Fuel consumption statistics are available for each vehicle from the supplier. Analysis can assist in
measuring actual consumption against manufacturer recommendations.
Routine scheduled maintenance to ensure vehicles are running at optimal efficiency through
vehicle reporting procedures for drivers, provision of resources such as appointment of a
designated responsible person i.e. a Fleet Manager and appropriate Fleet Maintenance Software
Management System for scheduling, and recording maintenance and expenditure.
Kilometres Travelled
Analysis of kilometres travelled per vehicle. Review utilisation of older, less fuel efficient trucks
to minimize kilometres travelled. Allocate high kilometre usage to newer trucks. Rotate trucks
through different applications to allow even wear and tear across all similar vehicles in the fleet.
Tyre Performance
Routine checks on tyre pressure and wear will have a positive impact on fuel consumption.
Date Created
Date Reviewed
Next Review
Authorised by
January 2010
June 2012
June 2014
Justin Bailey
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Driver Engagement and Education
As most people are exposed to environmental reduction measures in their daily lives, the
extension of these behaviours into the workplace are often readily accepted. Consultation
occurs through regular Toolbox talks, staff surveys or focus groups to allow staff to identify
benefits, solutions and content of any policy or purchasing decision made.
Driver education focused not only on safety but fuel efficiency and driver environmental
responsibilities will be conducted. Simple factors such as driving in high gear to reduce revs,
maintaining a conservative speed limit and planning of routes all have a positive effect on fuel
consumption. There will be an ongoing emphasis on driver responsibility to conduct their
prestart vehicle checks to report not only roadworthiness, but gas and noise emissions as well as
requirements for safe disposal of associated waste etc as part of this program.
Hazardous Materials & Waste
This refers to developing procedures for safe disposal of hazardous waste such as used oil,
batteries, damaged and used tyres, vehicle parts, engine parts etc. as well as non-hazardous
materials such as packaging materials. This section will also include
Spill Response – procedures in the event of a fuel spill etc.
Waste water – truck washing arrangements – to protect waterways.
Vehicle Allocation
This refers to using the right size truck for the job to avoid excessive fuel usage and retirement of
un-used or aging vehicles that have higher carbon emissions.
Environmental factors should be considered in all aspects of fleet procurement. The Wymap
Group strategy for renewal of the fleet advocates the preference for ISUZU vehicles based on
their overall performance and “green compliance” or other similar vehicles that run on ‘clean
diesel’ or fuel. See
Currently where clients have requested the allocation of a vehicle “locked in” to their operation,
an Isuzu vehicle has been purchased for this purpose to support Green Fleet Policy of customers.
Justin Bailey
Managing Director
June 2012
Date Created
Date Reviewed
Next Review
Authorised by
January 2010
June 2012
June 2014
Justin Bailey
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