AGREEMENT BETWEEN - United American Insurance Company


Company Name:

Bid Name:


Liberty National Life Insurance Company

Cancer Insurance

Bid Number: 030509-02

After careful examination of the solicitation document in its entirety, cancer insurance,030509-02 and any addendum(s) issued, the undersigned proposes to satisfy all requirements in accordance with said documents.

The solicitation checklist has been complied with, is completed and enclosed with this bid. For consideration of this bid, the undersigned hereby affirms that (1) he/she is a duly authorized official of the company, (2) that the bid is being submitted on behalf of the offeror in accordance with any terms and conditions set forth in this document, and (3) that the offeror will accept any awards made to it as a result of the bid submitted herein for a minimum of one hundred and twenty (120) calendar days following the date of submission and (4) that the offeror will accept the terms and conditions set in the contract template unless otherwise modified in an attached red line.

If notified in writing by mail or delivery of the acceptance of these documents, the undersigned agrees to furnish and deliver to the assigned Purchasing Agent within seven (7) a certificate of insurance indicating coverage’s specified within this solicitation.

A contract shall be established which will set forth the terms of this agreement. The contract shall be interpreted, construed and given effect in all respects according to the laws of the State of Georgia.

Nondiscrimination in Employment: We the supplier of goods, materials, equipment or services covered by this bid or contract have not discriminated in the employment, in any way, against any person or persons, or refused to continue the employment of any person or persons on account of their race, creed, color, or national origin.

Respectfully submitted,

Liberty National Life Insurance

Company Name

2001 Third Avenue South, Birmingham, Alabama 35233


Tommy Graham

Authorized Official Name

Second Vice President/ Director


(205) 613-1836

Business Telephone Number





(205) 325-1041


E-mail Address

The full names and addresses of persons and organizations interested in the foregoing Request for Bids as principals of the company are as follows:

The legal name of the bidder is:

Liberty National Life Insurance Company

Premium Illustrations

Your response must include a monthly premium listed in the chart. Do not reference a rate schedule or an attachment for APS to calculate.

Your premium should be based on the following criteria for the age group listed in the chart.

Cancer Insurance

Minimum $1500 first occurrence benefit

Hospital Confinement Benefit of $200 per day

Medical Imaging Benefit of $100 per calendar year

Radiation and Chemotherapy Benefit of $200 per day

Experimental Treatment Benefit of $200 per day

Immunotherapy Benefit $300 per month

Nursing Services Benefit of $100 per day

Anti nausea Benefit of $100 per day

Outpatient Surgical Benefit of $200 per day

Hospice Benefit of $50.00 per day

Do not include optional riders in the premium.

Please provide your firm’s rate schedule for the basic plan for female/male employees ages of 25, 35, 45, 55 and 65. This chart must be completed.




$11.00 per month/payroll deduction


$11.00 per month/payroll deduction


$19.00 per month/payroll deduction $19.00 per month/payroll deduction




$19.00 per month/payroll deduction

$32 per month/payroll deduction


$19.00 per month/payroll deduction

$32 per month/payroll deduction


List any discounts if available:

Company Name n/a

Liberty National Life Insurance Company

Tommy Graham

Authorized Company Representative Name (please print)

Authorized Company Representative Signature


Second Vice President/Director




Solicitation Name: Cancer Insurance

Solicitation #: 030509-02

This form must be completed and returned with your bid.

1. Company Name:

2. Street Address:

3. City, State, Zip Code:

4. Primary Contact:

(205) 613-1836 5. Telephone:

6. E-mail:

Liberty National Life Insurance Company

2001 Third Avenue South

Birmingham, AL 35233

Tommy Graham

Fax: (205) 325-1041

7. Company web site:

8. State tax identification number and state issued from: not issued yet

9. State of Incorporation: Nebraska

9. Have any conditions or restrictions been placed by the company on this proposal that would declare it

non-responsive? Yes No

10. Are you prepared to provide proof of insurance as required? Yes No

11. Is this bid being submitted as a joint venture? If yes please complete and return with your proposal the Joint Venture

Affidavit. Yes No

12. Has your company ever been debarred from doing business with any federal, state or local agency?

If yes please provide details including agency name, date and reason for debarment. Yes No

13. Has you company ever defaulted on a contract or denied a bid due to non-responsibility to perform?

If yes please provide details. Yes No

14. Does your company offer online ordering? Yes No

15. Does your company accept payment by credit card?* Yes No

*(for initial payment, but not for subsequent payments)


Solicitation Name: Cancer Insurance

Solicitation #: 030509-02

This form must be completed and returned with your bid.

All references must be from customers for whom your company has completed work similar to the specifications of this bid.

References for: Liberty National Life Insurance Company

(Company Name)

1. Company: Santa Rosa County School Board

Address, City, State, Zip: 5086 Canal Street , Milton, FL 32570

Cindy Lowery Name/title of Contact Person:

Telephone ( 850) 983-5026 Fax: (850) 983-5024


Provide the scope of work and date of project: Provided Cancer, Life, Intensive Care, Health to approximately 2,000 employees

2. Company: Okaloosa County School Board

Address, City, State, Zip: 120 Lowery Place SE Fort Walton Beach FL 32548

Name/title of Contact Person:

Telephone (850) 833-3190

Diane Seigel

Fax: (850) 833-3195


Provide the scope of work and date of project: Provided life and health coverage to over 3,300 employees

3. Company: Birmingham City Schools

Address, City, State, Zip:

Name/title of Contact Person:

Telephone (205) 231-4723

Valerie Bishop


P O Box 10007, Birmingham AL 35202


: (205) 231-4221

Provided Cancer, Life, Critical Illness, Intensive Care Provide the scope of work and date of project:


Cancer Insurance Solicitation Name:

Solicitation Number: 030509-02

The following items must be completed and submitted with your proposal in order for your response to be considered.


Yes No Description

Received addendum(s) if applicable.


The original and five copies of the proposal.

Offeror affirmation form.

Proposal form (pricing).

Offeror information form.

Offeror reference form.

Submitted a copy of current business license.

Read and completed all applicable forms in the General Terms and Conditions (Promise of non-discrimination is mandatory).

Review and accept the general terms and conditions

Joint Venture Affidavit if applicable.

Review the contract template and submitted with response a red line

How did you hear about this bid?

APS Website

Fulton Daily Report

Georgia Procurement Registry


Other (please list)

Company Name

Liberty National Life Insurance Company

Signature of Authorized Company Representative Date


