Work Planning EURO4M WP 2.4

Planning EURO4M WP2.4 (Evaluation):
Overview of Datasets and Activities
This document describes activities within and datasets available for evaluation in WP2.4. It
serves as a basis for coordination/timing of work plans and exchange of datasets. A detailed
planning of activities and the organization of data transfers is subject to bilateral coordination
between concerned partners. The rights for using the data are defined by the project’s
(EURO4M) agreement. Partners are asked to update this document whenever the status of
plans and datasets are changing. The master document is available from (*** URL to
EURO4M internal website. ***)
Involved partners and contact:
(Currently, this table lists partners with commitments in WP2.4 according to the DoW. Others
are welcome to join in.)
Contact pointfor WP2.4 (e-mail)
Francesco Isotta
Met Office
Richard Renshaw
Swedish Meteorological
and Hydrological Institute
Per Undén
Eric Bazile
Richard Müller
Intended Evaluation Activities
This section describes the partners’ plans of evaluation activities within WP2.4. It serves to
coordinate/align work tasks between partners and to avoid duplication. The section briefly
specifies, for each partner, the subject and key questions of the evaluation, the procedures to
be used and the datasets of potential interest. An indication of the intended start of the
activity helps to align timing.
Representation of meso-scale Alpine precipitation climate and variations by different
datasets, notably regional reanalyses and downscaling datasets.
What is the consistency between datasets in the spatial pattern,the annual cycle and
inter-annual variations of mean precipitation and the occurrence of heavy
precipitation and dry periods?
How do high-resolution regional reanalyses compare to a global reanalysis in a
region of high-mountain terrain? Identification of benefits by comparison to highresolution rain-gauge analyses.
How different are results from different methods of statistical spatial rainfall analysis
from rain gauges and how accurate are such methods in reproducing point
precipitation at the daily time scale. (In collaboration with MF.)
Quantitative comparison of daily precipitation and extremes indices
Using suitable error/skill scores (e.g. Hanssen-Kuipers for events, SEEPS (Rodwell
et al. 2010), details yet to be defined)
comparisons for different space scales (upscaling to avoid discrepancies in spatial
Datasets of potential interest:
Grids of daily precipitation in the region of the European Alps(or parts of) from the
following datasets (details yet to be defined):
HIRLAM-based reanalysis (SMHI), if meaningful MESAN downscaling (SMHI)
MO regional reanalysis (MO),
MF 2D-downscaling (MF), if possible and meaningful SAFRAN (MF)
Intended start of activities: September 2012.
Met Office will demonstrate the value of the system developed in WP2.1 by comparing a
year or two of results from: ERA-Interim; the Met Office regional climate model nested in
ERA-Interim; assimilation of ERA-Interim observations into the same regional model;
assimilation of ERA-Interim observations and processed precipitation observations;
downscaling of ERA-Interim and assimilation of some observations in a different model in
Datasets of potential interest:
MO regional reanalysis (MO),
MO regional climate run (MO)
Intended start of activities:
We plan to complete the regional reanalysis by July 2013 and will start the evaluation
work at that time. The results will contribute to deliverable D 2.8 to be ready in spring
2014 (project month 46).
SMHI will compare the MO regional reanalysis system under development at the MO
(WP 2.1) against the state-of-the-art HIRLAM-based system used for the multi-decadal
reanalysis at SMHI from (WP 2.2). This comparison will be important to assess the
possible benefit from a more advanced system for future regional reanalysis. The
comparison is possible towards the end of the project. This leaves open the future
possibility of a multi-model reanalysis as a means of assessing uncertainty.
Datasets of potential interest:
MO regional reanalysis (MO),
Intended start of activities:
The work will start in spring 2013 and result will contribute to deliverable D 2.9 to be
ready in spring 2014 (project month 46).
Precipitation, snow depth and river flow in the Alpine region
Do we add really fine scale information with a regional analysis? How to evaluate this
potential improvement?
Do we improve the snow caracteristic (cover, depth, albedo) using a surface
scheme forced by the 2D analysis over the Alps ?
Quantitative comparison of the new analysis system over the Alps
Local evaluation of surface fluxes with in-situ measurement (cabauw ,Sodankyla and
Lindenberg )
Sensitivity to the observation network
Datasets of potential interest:
Alpine Precipitation Grid Dataset (MS)
Intended start of activities:
Evaluation ofreanalysis data concerning surfacesolar radiation, cloudproperties, top
ofatmosphere albedoand water vapour by comparison with CM-SAF and EURO4M
(WP1.2) satellite based data.
Evaluation of auto-calibration and inter-calibration methods for specific satellite
sensors and channels.
Datasets of potential interest:
EUOR4M (from WP2) and ECMWF reanalysis.
Intended start of activities:
EURO4M End of 2012, ECMWF evaluation has already started.
This section describes the datasets contributed by the involved partners and available for
evaluation studies in WP2.4, including a key technical detail, relevant for the planning of
evaluation activities. When available give some references to literature describing methods
of construction. (Please replicate table rows if more than one dataset.)
Alpine Precipitation Grid Dataset
Precipitation (daily totals), gridded station data from high-resolution rain-gauge networks,
entire Alps (approx. 4.8-17.5E, 43-49N), spatial resolution: 5 km, coordinate system:
ETRS89-LAEA, period: 1971-2008, daily (reference 06-06 UTC)
Grid dataset is an updated and higher-resolution version of that used in section 4 of Frei et
al. (2006). Further reference: Frei and Schär 1998.
Preliminary version of dataset (D1.1 Month 36) available here.
Met Office regional reanalysis
Upper air wind components, potential temperature, pressure, specific humidity, cloud
water and ice on 70 model levels (up to 80km).
Upper air wind components, temperature, relative humidity, geopotential height on
20 pressure levels (up to 50hPa).
10 m winds, 2m temperature, specific and relative humidity, visibility, gust speeds
Soil temperature, moisture, snow depth, sea-ice fraction, large scale and convective
precipitation, low, medium and high cloud cover, long wave and short wave radiation
at surface and top of atmosphere, latent and sensible heat flux.
0.11° resolution on rotated lat-long grid (NP at 40, 200). 70 levels.
Analysis every 6 hours. Data hourly/3-hourly/6-hourly up to T+24.
North Atlantic-Europe area.
2008-2009 reanalysis in ECMWF mars archive July 2013
HIRLAM 3D-VAR regional re-analysis
Upper air wind components, temperature, specific humidity, cloud water and ice and
turbulent kinetic energy on 60 levels (up to 10 hPa).
10 m winds, 2m temperature, specific humidity (average grid area plus land only).
Soil temperature, moisture, snow depth, large scale and convective precipitation (in
forecasts), low, medium and high cloud cover, Net long wave and short wave
radiation at surface, and global short wave downwelling radiation, latent and sensible
heat flux plus several other surface parameters (please see the User-guide).
0.2° resolution on rotated lat-long grid (NP at -30, 180). 60 levels.
Analysis every 6 hours. Forecast data every hour up to 36.
North Atlantic-Europe area.
1989 – 1993 was archived autumn-winter 2012,
1994 – 1999 will be archived in winter/spring 2013
2000 – 2009 in summer 2013.
2008-2010 will be prioritized, ready archived spring 2013. (Due to interaction with
MESAN downscaled regional surface parameter re-analysis
0.05 by 0.05 ° on rotated lat-long grid. Analysis every 3 hours.
10 m wind components, 2m temperature and relative and specific humidity, accumulated 24
h precipitation.
First version of precipitation analysis (no downscaling of first guess)
1989-1997, is available
2008, available by spring 2013
1998-2009, available by summer 2013
Analyses of 10m winds for few years only. High priority on 1999. Available early 2014.
Analyses of 2m temperature and humidity, as well as updated precipitation analysis (using
downscaled first guess and tuned error statistics) will become available early 2014. Runs
start from 1989.
MF 2D-Downscaling
Precipitation, 2m Temperature, 2m relative humidity, wind, etc …, period: 2007-2010
The period Oct2009-Dec2010 will be available before the end of July 2013. (Data
available: Daily precipitation and T2m, Hu2m, Wind , Downward Radiative Fluxes
every 6h)
Already available now (Apr. 2013): Dec 2009, Jan 2010 and July 2010.
Full period 2007 –2010 available by the end of October 2013
Year 2008 available by July 2013.
Surface Radiation and Albedo Dataset
Surface solar radiation, cloud albedo and surface albedo derived from MVIRI/SEVIRI/GERB
based on MAGICSOL method. Time period 1983-2012, resolution 0.05x0.05 degree,
monthly means. EURO4M data. Probably only the SEVIRI/GERB based data 2006-2012 is
used for evaluation.
Top of atmosphere albedo: 2006-2012, Earth radiation budget 2006-2012 from
HOAPS / GPCC Precipitation Dataset
Integrated gridded dataset of HOAPSand GPCC precipitation covering 20 years (19862006) at 0.5° x 0.5°. EURO4M data
Surface Radiation and Albedo Dataset: Parts of the time series are already
generated, the complete time series are probably ready end of 2012.
HOAPS / GPCC Precipitation Dataset: Parts of the time series are already
generated, the complete time series are probably ready end of 2012.
CM-SAF TOA Albedo: already available.
Frei, C. and C. Schär, 1998: A precipitationclimatologyofthe Alps from high-resolution rain-gauge
observations. Int. J. Climatol., 18, 873-900.
Frei, C., R. Schöll, S. Fukutome, J. Schmidli, and P. L. Vidale (2006), Future changeofprecipitation
extremes in Europe: Intercomparisonofscenariosfrom regional climatemodels, J. Geophys.
Res., 111, D06105, doi:10.1029/2005JD005965.
Rodwell, M. J., D. S., Richardson, T. D. Hewsonand T. Haiden, 2010: A newequitable score
suitableforverifyingprecipitation in numericalweatherprediction, Q.J.R.Meteorol.Soc.136,