B - 2015 Cattle

Cattle - Section B
Judging to take place on Saturday 7th March, 2015
Entries taken: from 8.00am
Judging Start: 9.00am
CHIEF STEWARD: Dick Richardson Phone: 0429 069 001
STEWARDS: Simon Lindeman, Glenn Miner and JUNIOR JUDGING STEWARD: Louw Oberholzer
ENTRY FEE: $2 per entry. Entries to be taken on the day
Boorowa Show P.I.C: NI633576
All exhibitors must sign an indemnity waiver form.
National Cattle Health Declaration form must be presented before unloading. All cattle must comply with
the current bio-security regulations and provide results of tests where required.
All animals must be accompanied by Vendor declarations.
Entry Forms and Health Declarations to be completed at entry.
Cattle must be stalled by 8.30am.
Champion and Grand Champion ribbon winners, awards will be presented during Grand Parade.
Junior Judges entries are to be in by 8.30am.
Junior Judging Clinic starts at 9.00am
a. All entries must be the bona fide property of the exhibitor.
b. Cattle entry forms are to be completed.
c. All exhibits in this Section must be Registered Purebreds in Stud Book. All cattle entered into breed sections are to
comply with RAS requirements.
d. No Exhibitor will be allowed to compete in more than one Class with the same Exhibit, with the exception of the
Group, age and interbreed Classes.
e. All cattle must be presented in the North Arena before being paraded before the judge in the South Arena.
f. The age of Stud Cattle to be calculated up to Show day.
g. Led steers will be weighed on the day.
h. Cattle must be stalled or penned by 8.30am on Saturday. Cattle to remain on grounds until 3.00pm and are
expected to take part in the Grand Parade.
i. It will be at the stewards discretion as to any change to the order of judging, or adjustment to classes according to
number of entries.
All breeds will be judged in the following classes:
(*Denotes that awards will be presented during Grand Parade)
Bulls under 12 months
Bulls 12 to 20 months
Junior Breed Champion & Reserve Champion Bulls
Junior Interbreed Champion & Reserve Champion Bulls
Bulls 20 to 24 months
Bulls over 24 months
Senior Breed Champion & Reserve Champion Bulls
Breed Champion & Reserve Champion Bulls
Senior Interbreed Champion & Reserve Champion Bulls
10. * Grand Champion Bull of Show
Rick Power/Landmark Prize
11. Females under 12 months
12. Females 12 to 20 months
2015 Boorowa Show
Cattle - Section B
13. Junior Breed Champion & Reserve Champion Females
14. Junior Interbreed Champion & Reserve Champion Females
Boorowa Tyres Prize
15. Senior Breed Champion & Reserve Champion Females (Over 20 months)
16. Senior Interbreed Champion & Reserve Champion Females
Riverview Wallah Prize
17. * Grand Champion Female of Show
18. Breeders Group - Best 2 animals, both sexes represented, bred by exhibitor
Elders Ltd Prize
19. Best Pair of Bulls – Any beef breed
Rex Fahey Memorial Trophy - Perpetual
20. Led Steer under 350kg
21. Led Steer over 350kg
22. * Champion & Reserve Champion Led Steer
Corkhill's Ag 'Arrest' Prize
23. Junior Parader under 14 years
24. Junior Parader 14 to 15 years
25. * Junior Champion Parader
Boorowa Real Estate Prize
26. Senior Champion Parader 16 to 17 years
27. Senior Champion Parader 17 years and older
28. * Senior Champion Parader
DH Lindeman Memorial Prize
29. * Supreme Beef Exhibit of Show
Boorowa Hotel Shield – Perpetual
30. * Most Successful Overall Exhibitor
Ancare Australia/Thompson’s Rural
Supplies Prize
31. * Champion and Reserve Champion Junior Judge
Dick Richardson Prize
Breed Classes:
Champion Hereford Bull
Grassy Creek Merinos Prize
Poll Herefords
Champion Poll Hereford Bull
Corringle Prize
Champion Angus Bull
Old Bundemar Pty Ltd Prize
Champion Angus Female
Old Bundemar Pty Ltd Prize
Best exhibit in Angus Section
Kenny’s Creek Prize
Other breeds in order of
number of Entries
Other breeds in order of
number of Entries
Champion Murray Grey Female
Les Collis Memorial Trophy
Champion Hereford Female
RB Corkhill & Co
(Normanhurst) Prize
Murray Greys
Highest entry other breed
Highest Entry Breed Grand
Champion Female
Margan Pastoral Co Prize
Highest Entry Breed Grand
Champion Bull
Boorowa Real Estate Prize
Second highest entry Breed
Second highest Entry Breed
Grand Champion Female
Hanaminno Prize
Second Highest Entry Breed
Grand Champion Bull
Boorowa Real Estate Prize
Other breeds in order of
number of Entries
2015 Boorowa Show