Hoddesdon High St 1890s Teaching and Learning Resources LOCAL HISTORY STUDY: HODDESDON HIGH ST NOW AND THEN LEARNING OBJECTIVES TASKS RESOURCES HISTORICAL ENQUIRY Walk in Hoddesdon High Street to look at present day shops and buildings. ICT Suite 4a. To find out about events, people and changes studied from an appropriate range of sources of information including ICT based sources. 4b To ask and answer questions and to select and record information relevant to the focus of an enquiry. ICT 1a, 1b & 2a Research on the database. Search for information about a specific shop or building. Describe changes to that building / compare with 1890. ORGANISTION AND COMMUNICATION 5a. Recall, select and organise historical information. 5b. Use dates and historical vocabulary to describe a period studied. Using the photographs on the data-base describe changes in transport for:1. Commercial use 2. Private use 5c. Communicate their knowledge and understanding of history in a variety of ways including ICT 1a. KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING 2a Understand characteristic features of the period. 2c. Identify and describe reasons for and results of historical events, situations and changes. ICT 1a & 2a. Describe major changes that have taken place to the High Street since 1890 Photographs and data provided from the web site. www.thegrid.org.uk/hals The Victorians – Hoddesdon. Published by Hertfordshire Archives and Local Studies.