Practice ToK Essay – A checklist 1. When choosing which essay; Listen to your teachers advice 2. Pay attention to the criteria; Criteria A: Understanding Knowledge Issues (10) 3 Areas of Knowledge and 2 Ways of Knowing or vice versa Perception does not = opinion Compare and contrast As of K and Ws of K Criteria B: Knower’s Perspective (10) Your experience as a learner Detailed discussion Valid arguments Main points are justified Biases in knowledge Examples No name dropping From your own experience as well as researched ones, although this is not a research paper Developed egs but not dominating the essay No fictitious Historians etc Avoid Hitler and 23 types of snow – ie try to be original From differing cultures Criteria C: Quality of analysis of knowledge issues (10) Uncertainties in knowledge Limitations and strengths of knowledge What are the problems with the ways in which knowledge is verified (tested) Counter claims recognized and discussed Implications of main points recognized Criteria D: Organization of ideas (10) Word count 1200-1600 or you can’t score more than 4 on this criteria Introduction, paragraphs and conclusion Clearly written Logical arguments Clear definitions of concepts When in doubt reference – and do it properly Bibliography Don’t get basic facts wrong eg Newton’s Big Bang Theory Do not use our names as references 3. Presentation Title, name, candidate number, word count, Hard copy to your teacher by……………………………….. Submit to 4. Introducing your essay – do’s and don’ts DO DON’T’S Identify the knowledge issues Repeat the title Briefly discuss the knowledge issues and state their implications Say ‘in this essay I will..’ Define any difficult terms in your own words or using a philosophical dictionary Use a regular dictionary Use a quotation which is relevant to the Knowledge Issue Use an irrelevant quotation Do use an example as a starting point 5. The main body of your essay – some general advice Structure your essay in a way which makes it possible to compare and contrast the Ws of K Make sure you consistently refer to problems and strengths of knowledge Implications for knowledge must be mentioned regularly Don’t be too absolute in your views - don’t forget counter claims Be aware of your personal biases and be willing to accept there are counter claims to these too Don’t be tempted to take the ‘it’s all down to your upbringing/culture/religion’ point of view. If it were, then all Christians, for example, would think the same and they certainly don’t! Perception does NOT equal opinion. For ToK it means sensing and interpretation of what is sensed Make sure your essay flows Ensure your arguments are logical, the use of the word ‘therefore’ means something logically follows and should not be used when it is only loosely connected to the premise in an attempt to sound intellectual!! 6. Concluding your essay – do’s and don’t’s DO’s DON’T’s Be consistent with your main arguments Suddenly remember your counter claims Be original Repeat your introduction Use an example or quotation Answer the question Ask a connected question