Voluntary Sector Leadership Group Terms of Reference Adopted on ………………………………………………………………………………… Aim This group will work to improve the position of the voluntary and community sector in Derby, to ensure a thriving sector is able to best meet the needs of the communities of Derby. Duties and Responsibilities The group will: Advocate for the Sector, promoting it as a means of increasing social inclusion and reducing poverty Represent the Sector at partnership meetings, specifically Derby City and Neighbourhoods Partnership Leadership Board (DCNP) Consider the broad issues faced by the Sector and, where possible, developing responses to these issues Inform the wider sector of proposed developments to support it, from Community Action and other bodies Act as a critical friend to Community Action, ensuring appropriate support services are being delivered to the sector Liaise with the Community Action Board of Trustees to inform the development of services Community Action will: Take into account all actions suggested by the Voluntary Sector Leadership Group and will provide clear explanations where suggestions are not progressed Respond to all reasonable requests for information agreed by the Voluntary Sector Leadership Group Coordinate and facilitate Voluntary Sector Leadership Group meetings Coordinate and facilitate other forms of communications to support the work of the Voluntary Sector Leadership Group Identify resources to ensure this work can be supported on an on-going basis Any actions identified by the Voluntary Sector Leadership Group can be progressed by any member of the group. Actions identified for Community Action staff should be agreed with the Chief Executive of Community Action. Should a conflict arise the Community Action Board of Trustees are ultimately responsible for the actions of their staff. Frequency of meetings The Voluntary Sector Leadership Group will meet no less frequently than once every other month. Regular contact will be maintained in the interim through the use of electronic communications. The meetings will be coordinated and supported by the Community Action staff team, including minute-taking. Election to the Voluntary Sector Leadership Group, DCNP Leadership Group There are 8 elected places on the Voluntary Sector Leadership Group 4 of which are taken by the voluntary and community sector DCNP Leadership Board members. Each year a minimum of 4 members, including two DCNP Leadership Board members will be elected by the voluntary and community sector in Derby; thus ensuring that all members sit for two years. Nominations will be sought through a range of sources, including the Community Action Membership list, and the independent networks supporting the voluntary sector in Derby. Individuals will nominate themselves by completing a form to show how they meet the requirements of the role and will indicate if they wish to be considered for DCNP Leadership Board in addition to the Voluntary Sector Leadership Group. The timetable for elections will be: Action Nominations open Nominations close Hustings and Voting opens Voting closes By when Mid June End of June Early July Two week after it has opened All voluntary organisations and community groups will be eligible to cast 1 vote. Those elected will start their membership on 1 September. All Voluntary Sector Leadership Group members will serve two year terms. Engagement in the Voluntary Sector Leadership Group is a requirement for voluntary and community sector DCNP Leadership Board members. The Voluntary Sector Leadership Group can invite observers to attend the meeting, where they feel they have a key role to play. All members are expected to adhere to the duties and responsibilities in these Terms of Reference and the Requirements for the Voluntary Sector Leadership Group. A commitment of at least 75% attendance is also required. The Voluntary Sector Leadership Group can decide to remove any member not fulfilling these duties at any time, by a simple majority vote. Co-option In the event of a Voluntary Sector Leadership Group member stepping down or being removed a new member can be co-opted by agreement of the group. Co-opted members can not sit on the DCNP Leadership Board. Decision making There is a quoracy level of four members required for this meeting. When the Voluntary Sector Leadership Group is asked to make decisions, these will be based on a consensus of the 8 elected members; if this is not possible it will be decided by a majority vote of those present. In the event of a tied vote then the facilitator of the meeting, who does not normally vote, will be able to. Changes to Terms of Reference Any proposed changes to the Terms of Reference will be communicated to all members with a deadline for responses, and the changes will then be voted on that the next Voluntary Sector Leadership Group meeting. Any changes that directly impact on the work or priorities of Community Action will have to be agreed by Community Action before they take effect. Dissolution This Voluntary Sector Leadership Group can be dissolved by a vote of 75% of the current membership and agreement of the Community Action Board of Trustees.