BHS 150.1 – Biochemistry I Notetaker: Elisabeth Anderson Date: 10/15/2012, 1st hour Page1 Clicker Questions o The process of B Oxidation of one mole of palmitic acid (C16) produces: 7 moles each of FADH2 and NADH and 8 moles of acetyl CoA. o So ________ moles of ATP’s are used and made during beta oxidation only while __________ are made from total oxidation of C16? (palmitate) 2used, 35 made, total of 131 made Oxygen Metabolism and Toxicity o Oxygen Metabolism Looking at free radicals This is important because free radicals steal electrons, which damages things Damaging DNA, protein, membrane Damaging viability of cell and creates inability for cell to do what it needs to do Need system to fix the damage that is occurring There are a whole host of diseases with free radical buildup that has ocular effects Diabetes Macular Degeneration o Metabolic mismatch o Free radicals produced but not enough antioxidants to protect against it Cataracts o Damaged proteins Not fully linked to free radicals, but with advanced aging there is more damage from free radicals and also higher occurrences of these diseases Tested in mice o Older mice treated with antioxidants These mice performed better Sunlight is most common oxidizing agent Iron is an oxidizing agent Free radicals are inevitable with aging These diseases are becoming more prevalent because of increased life spans As we age antioxidants run out o Free radical: An unpaired electron Oxygen will steal electrons to create unpaired electrons Stable but fairly reactive Slowly over time will take electrons for itself Reduction: Gaining an electron Oxidation: Losing an electron Antioxidant: donates electrons to prevent uncontrolled oxidation from occurring Willingly providing the thing that free radicals want, so no damage is occurring Electron Transport Chain All transfers are occurring in controlled membrane bound environment Controls reactivity and damage that can be occurring We have the ability to make this energy and release antioxidants Has to be controlled Oxygen creates reactive oxygen species (ROS’s) o Oxygen is causing the problems o Cardiac Reperfusion o Reperfusion injury Occurs in brain and heart From massive influx of oxygen after deprivation Free radicals are created from deprivation state, then reactions occur out of control when the oxygen comes back in o First ROS is superoxide anion Very reactive Not lipophilic, does not move around much Steals electron right away from something near it BHS 150.1 – Biochemistry I Notetaker: Elisabeth Anderson Date: 10/15/2012, 1st hour Page2 o Converted into hydrogen peroxide Can be very dangerous Not a free radical Lipophilic, can move easily into membranes and through membranes o Steals electrons from other places o Spread of damage Steals another electrons and turns into hydroxyl free radical o Very reactive o Most potent ROS Lipophilic In the membrane Steals electrons very effectively o Turns into water and becomes stable Same reaction that occurs during ETC but is in uncontrolled environment and becomes dangerous Damage to DNA Fragment DNA o Usually a sign of damage to the cell and initiates destruction of cell o Dangerous to the cell Cross link DNA o Cells have trouble replicating, dividing, making proteins can cause uncontrollable growth that leads to cancer Damage to Proteins Cells that rely on proteins will not be able to function properly o Decreased energy o Other problems o Mitochondrial damage Membrane damage (lipid peroxidation) o Lipid peroxidation leads to membrane damage Lipids start to have their electrons taken Leads to membrane damage Influence mitochondrial damage (in the membrane) Decreased energy production o Decreased ability to make ATP Increased permeability Ions will move in, water will follow, cell will swell and burst Cell is no longer viable Results of damage are dependent on the function of the cell Damaged proteins affect the lens to create cataracts Damaged membrane affects the retina because it is energy dependent Damage can be stimulated by sunlight, air pollution, toxins in cigarette smoke Occurring in our body all the time Enzymes in body that are designed to break down toxic substances can lead to problems Lipid peroxidation Hydroxyl free radicals in the membrane steal electrons from lipid Make lipid radical o Missing an electron o Unpaired electron that wants to steal an electron from something else o Steals electron from neighboring fatty acid in the membrane o It is now complete but next fatty acid is now a radical BHS 150.1 – Biochemistry I Notetaker: Elisabeth Anderson Date: 10/15/2012, 1st hour Page3 End up with damaged lipid radical Oxygen binds to lipid radical Creates lipid peroxy radical Damaged lipid radical Steal from next fatty acid Changes next fatty acid into lipid radical Makes lipid peroxide Starting to get a spread of damage on the membrane Decreased oxygen leads to limited cell death o Isolated free radical production o Isolated damage Influx of oxygen o Stimulates the oxygen free radical formation o Spreads the damage o Need drugs to prevent massive reperfusion of oxygen to prevent the radicals and cell injury o Iintroduce free radical scavengers to prevent free radicals from forming during stroke Drug “Lazarus” designed for people that are having a stroke Reduce spread of free radicals and damage Free radical scavengers = antioxidants Provide electrons o o Protection from Oxidation Cell’s best way to protect against free radical damage is compartmentalization Put enzymes that produce free radicals into membranes Compartmentalize mitochondria in membranes to keep the damage from getting out of control Repair mechanism Try to repair anything that it can and make more of it Proteins will be degraded and made more Will fix membranes and DNA Nutrients Have to intake vitamins in order for them to be effective Vitamin E is only true antioxidant that we take as a vitamin Beta carotenes Vitamin C is for water environment o Water soluble o Won’t work well for lipid peroxidation o Very good for recycling Vitamin E Series of enzymes o Antioxidant enzymes Catalase Superoxide dismutase Glutathione Peroxidase System Vitamin E Excellent antioxidant for lipid peroxidation Will donate an electron to lipid radical or lipid peroxy radical o Lipid is recovered o Prevent stealing electron from another lipid so spread of damage is stopped o Can get into the membrane and donate electron where damage is occurring o Still is a damaged lipid that needs repair but not as severe as it was BHS 150.1 – Biochemistry I Notetaker: Elisabeth Anderson Date: 10/15/2012, 1st hour Page4 o o o o Helps to convert lipid peroxy radical as well Donate electron from ring structure Resonance from multiple bonds around the ring o Electrons can more easily be shared o Ring structure allows stabilization Binds up lipid peroxy Stops lipid peroxy from stealing electron from anything else Changes lipid peroxy to lipid peroxide Donates two electrons to fix lipids Once the ring structure is broken the Vitamin E needs to take on a structural change Needs to be shipped out for a new use after two electrons are used Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) Has a ring structure with one double bond Not just an antioxidant o Can react with Vitamin E that has lost one electron to regenerate it o Can act as an antioxidant in a water soluble environment o Loses an electron from OH group o Uses ring resonance to share loss of electrons temporarily o Can lose second electron and have altered structure Now a more stable structure o Can be regenerated with addition of two more electrons Carotenoids Lipophilic, can donate electrons Can bind the lipid peroxy radical o Share with ring resonance o Can share on both ends o Stop spread of lipid peroxy radical Antioxidant/ Scavenging Enzymes Series of enzymes found in cells Mutations in these enzymes leads to diseases Superoxide dismutase Controlled environment to get electrons from copper Instead of stealing electrons from proteins or DNA, electrons are being donated from the copper Degenerative diseases are caused by mutations of superoxide dismutase Damage of them leads to massive production of free radicals Become demyelinating disease Lou Gehrig’s disease Mitochondrial, free radicals are escaping Damaged to the point where they are not as functional o Can work ok under low oxidative stimuli Takes super oxide anion Donates electrons Get a safe conversion to peroxide Peroxide in the presence of iron quickly converts to hydroxy free radical o So we have to have other enzymes to work with peroxide Catalase Works under controlled environment Uses multiple hydrogen peroxides, Uses electrons, reconfigures Produces water and oxygen Stops formation of free radicals Controlled conversion of peroxide to water and oxygen BHS 150.1 – Biochemistry I Notetaker: Elisabeth Anderson o o o Date: 10/15/2012, 1st hour Page5 Glutathione peroxidase Works with peroxide and damaged proteins Glutathione Tripeptide Cysteine residue is important component Can form disulfide bonds Can donate electrons in a controlled environment o Get two glutathiones o GSSG (Oxidized Glutathione) Donated two electrons Can measure glutathione and oxidized and reduced glutathione in blood and tissue o Can see what the oxidative status is Glutathione peroxidase o Takes electron from cysteine and gives to peroxide to form disulfide bond To recycle disulfide form of the glutathione peroxidase Need glutathione reductase and NADPH o Get NADPH from pentose phosphate pathway o In order to keep glutathione system active o Electrons come from NADPH o Add to cysteine residue o Ready to go again Efficient in working in lipid environments Prevent spread of lipid peroxidation Oxidative stress Too many oxidizing agents and not enough antioxidants Need balance More efficient and balanced in young people Eyes are particularly vulnerable o Absorb light, directly exposed to light o Mechanisms to influence light coming in RPE has melanin to absorb excess light Iris can absorb light coming in Pupil size (constriction) can reduce amount of light coming in o Polyunsaturated lipids are most susceptible to lipid peroxidation Highest amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the eye Cornea is out in the environment Opportunity to get lots of damage o Retina is vulnerable Potential for lots of lipid peroxidation Light coming in High oxygen High energy requirement Theory behind macular degeneration Metabolical mismatch More in caucasions o Less melanin to absorb light Less antioxidants with age enzymes aren’t as functional More free radicals produced than antioxidants Areas of concern in the cornea o Collagen Oxygen can penetrate from environment BHS 150.1 – Biochemistry I Notetaker: Elisabeth Anderson Date: 10/15/2012, 1st hour Page6 Sunlight coming through Damage to collagen alters regular spacing and reduces clarity Opacities develop Damage to endothelial cells Damage to proteins or membranes will cause excess water to come in Clicker Question o The best antioxidants to prevent lipid peroxidation are: β-carotene Vitamin E