PLANNING COMMITTEE DATE 31/08/2011 APPLIC REF NO 2011/425/NT DATE RECEIVED 20/07/2011 CASE OFFICER Simon Dutfield DATE OF EXPIRY 14/09/2011 APPLICANT MR JOHN KERR LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 KING ROAD WARSOP NG20 0BH REMOVE EXISTING CONCRETE SECTIONAL GARAGE AND CONSTRUCT A BRICK GARAGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------RECOMMENDATION: GRANT PLANNING PERMISSION WITH CONDITIONS DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL AND APPLICATION SITE The application is in respect of the erection of a replacement garage at the property. The application has been referred to committee as the applicant is a Councillor. The existing garage comprises a concrete sectional garage, with a shallow pitch roof with asbestos sheeting. The proposed garage which is to be brick built with tiled roof will be of similar size to the existing, although the height to the ridge will be greater than the existing garage. The garage will have overall dimensions of 3.1m x 7m with an eaves height of 2m and a ridge height of 3m. The garage is located close to the party boundary with No.10 King Road. This neighbouring property has an existing prefabricated garage immediately adjacent to the proposal. RELEVANT SITE HISTORY None. OBSERVATIONS RECEIVED Throughout this report observations received in respect of each application are presented in summary form. The full letters and consultation responses received, including details of any non-material planning observations, are available for inspection both prior to and at the meeting. Anyone wishing to make further comments in relation to the application must ensure these are received by the Council by 12 noon on the last working day before the date of the Committee. PLANNING COMMITTEE DATE 31/08/2011 Members of the Public. Neighbouring properties at 6 & 10 King Road and 42 York terrace consulted. No comments received. POLICY & GUIDANCE IPG Note 2 re Householder extensions and saved policy H13 of the adopted Local Plan apply. ISSUES The main issues for consideration relate to the design and appearance of the proposed garage, and whether it will result in any loss of residential amenity to the neighbouring properties. The proposed garage will be of brick and tiled construction. Whilst the existing garage has been well maintained and painted, the proposed materials of the proposed garage will be more in keeping with the applicants house which is of traditional brick and tile construction. However, it would be appropriate to condition the materials to ensure that they match the existing house as closely as possible. The proposed garage will be replacing an existing structure with a similar footprint, and would be located immediately adjacent to the neighbouring properties garage. It is not considered that the development will have any detrimental impact upon the residential amenities of the neighbours, as it would only result in an increase in ridge height and gable by approximately 0.7m. CONCLUSION The proposed garage would be replacement facility on site, and would be in materials more in keeping with the existing dwelling. By virtue of the location and orientation of the proposal and neighbouring properties, it is not considered that the application will not result in any loss of residential amenity. It is accordingly recommended that planning permission be granted subject to the following conditions. RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS/REASONS/NOTES SUMMARY OF REASONS FOR DECISION The application has been considered within the context of saved policy H13 [28/09/07] of the adopted Mansfield district Local Plan, and would appear to comply with the criteria contained there-in. In the opinion of the Local Planning Authority there are no other material Planning considerations to be taken into account that would warrant a decision at variance with the above. PLANNING COMMITTEE DATE 31/08/2011 (1) The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission. (1) Reason: In accordance with Section 91(1) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, as amended by S51(1) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. (2) This permission shall be read in accordance with the following plans: Site Location Plan. Received 20/07/11 Block Plan received 20/07/11 Elevation Plans x 2 Received 20/07/11 and amended on 11/08/11. The development shall thereafter be undertaken in accordance with these plans unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. (2) Reason: To define the permission, for the avoidance of doubt. (3) The materials to be used in the development hereby permitted shall match as closely as possible those used in the construction of the existing house, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. (3) Reason: In the interests of visual amenity and to accord with Saved Policy BE1 (28/09/07) of the adopted Mansfield District Local Plan. PLANNING COMMITTEE DATE 31/08/2011