MT LEYSHON PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION STAT 620 (REF: 175040, TSV369) PART 3: SOURCE, CAUSE AND EXTENT OF ALGAL GROWTH IN PUDDLER AND CLARK CREEKS A Report for Newmont Mining Services Pty Ltd ACTFR Report No. 12/05 May 2012 MT LEYSHON PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION STAT 620 (REF: 175040, TSV369) PART 3: SOURCE, CAUSE AND EXTENT OF ALGAL GROWTH IN PUDDLER AND CLARK CREEKS ACTFR Report No. 12/05 May 2012 Prepared for: Newmont Mining Services Pty Ltd Level 1, Colonnade Building 388 Hay St Subiaco WA6008 Prepared by Barry Butler Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research James Cook University Townsville Qld 4811 Phone: 07 47814262 Fax: 07 47815589 Email: Web: Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research Page 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................. 3 2. FACTORS THAT GOVERN ALGAL BIOMASS AND DIVERSITY ......................................... 4 3. PREVIOUS STUDIES ....................................................................................................................... 8 4. 5. 3.1 DERM sampling in October2010.............................................................................................. 8 3.2 Historical Monitoring Data ....................................................................................................... 9 3.3 ACTFR Limnological Survey in August 2011 ....................................................................... 10 METHODS ........................................................................................................................................ 12 4.1 Sampling and Survey Activities .............................................................................................. 12 4.2 Site Locations ........................................................................................................................... 12 4.3 Sampling and Analysis Methods............................................................................................. 12 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ....................................................................................................... 16 5.1 Results of the August 2011 Survey ......................................................................................... 16 5.1.1 General Water Quality ........................................................................................................ 16 5.1.2 Aqueous Nutrient Concentrations ..................................................................................... 17 5.1.3 Phytoplankton ...................................................................................................................... 18 5.1.4 Benthic Algae ....................................................................................................................... 19 5.2 Results of the 2012 Investigation ............................................................................................ 19 5.2.1 Nutrients ............................................................................................................................... 19 5.2.2 Phytoplankton ...................................................................................................................... 23 5.2.3 Benthic algae ........................................................................................................................ 28 6. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................................... 39 7. REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................. 40 A. APPENDIX........................................................................................................................................ 42 Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research Page ii 1. INTRODUCTION Newmont Mining Services Pty Ltd (NMS) have commissioned the Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research (ACTFR) to carry out an environmental investigation at Mount Leyshon Mine in order to address the algal growth related components of an Environmental Evaluation (EE) notice issued by the Queensland Department of Environment and Resource Management (DERM) on 9th December 2011. This is one of three separate reports prepared by NMS and their consultants, each addressing different specific aspects of the EE notice (STAT 620). ACTFR were engaged to deal with the matters raised in the following sections of the EE Notice: 6. Identify the dominant genera/species of algae forming dense and prolific algal growth in Puddler and Clark Creeks. 7. Identify the source, cause and extent of algal genera and/or species forming dense and prolific algal growth in Puddler and Clark Creeks. This investigation should include investigation of limiting factors to algal growth, and determine if the algae is linked to inputs from the said premises. 8. Assess the actual and potential impact of algal genera and/or species forming dense and prolific algal growth on the receiving environment. The investigation must: a. See Below. b. Include assessment on the impacts on the environmental values identified for: i. Surface waters, ii. Sediment quality, iii. Aesthetic values iv. Riparian and aquatic flora and aquatic fauna. c. Include a comparison and review of previous relevant studies undertaken. d. Include relevant reference sites. 9. Based upon the investigation undertaken as part of this environmental investigation determine and report on all relevant options including costs and detailed remedial works required to address the cause of the contamination and impacts on the receiving environment. Remediation options must ensure protection of the environmental values of the receiving environment. Section 8 a. of the EE Notice – “Identify and define the receiving environment including the relevant environmental values of the receiving environment in accordance with ANZECC methodology” is equally applicable to each component of the EE investigations and has therefore been addressed in an overview report which collates and summarises the findings of each of the separate studies that have been undertaken (NMS 2012) Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research Page 3 2. FACTORS THAT GOVERN ALGAL BIOMASS AND DIVERSITY Consistent with the established conventions in water quality science, this report employs the term “algae” in reference to any photosynthetically active aquatic organisms that are not vascular plants, including for example cyanobacteria and heteroautotrophic protista. Notably this is the same convention that was followed in the DERM EE notice. The vast majority of the scientific literature dealing with algal growth limiting factors in freshwater ecosystems relates to perennial limnetic systems such as large lakes and rivers where primary productivity principally occurs within the water column and in relative isolation from the benthos. Hence much of the available information is not relevant to the predominately benthic ecosystems that occur within small seasonally ephemeral streams in the semi-monsoonal dry tropics. The Queensland Water Quality Guidelines (QWQG 2009) note the paucity of advice on how to deal with ephemeral waters and draw attention to some ongoing/emerging research on that topic. However, that research has focussed heavily on arid areas and on highly ephemeral waterways and lakes that are not recharged seasonally (Smith et al 2004 provides an entry point into the literature on that topic), and to date very little specific work has been done on the kinds of streams that are under investigation here. ACTFR have been studying various aspects of the limnology and ecology of streams in the Burdekin catchment for almost 25 years. Based on that experience we proposed a heuristic conceptual model to help resource managers understand the likely links between water quality, productivity and biophysical drivers in certain types of intermittent streams that commonly occur within the northern Burdekin catchment (Burdekin Basin Water Resource Plan Current Condition Report, Butler 2005). The following discussion draws on the principles and information sources outlined in that document, with appropriate refinements to account for the fact that the streams under investigation here are somewhat smaller and more ephemeral than the systems that are envisaged in that model. Water Regime The length of the periods during which water is absent from a stream is a fundamental determinant of algal productivity and community structure in ephemeral waters. Since the streams in this study area dry out almost every dry season, the algal species which become re-established each wet season must be adapted to avoid and/or resist dessication, and that requirement eliminates many taxa which could inhabit these streams if they did not dry out. Regeneration of dessication resistant algae generally occurs quite rapidly upon rehydration; nevertheless, nutrients contained in first-flush stormwater runoff are not typically assimilated as efficiently as they are in permanent waters which already contain an established biomass of actively growing algae when the inflow occurs, and notably the minor phytoplankton blooms which commonly occur in permanent waters in the immediate aftermath of stormwater inflows are rarely observed in these ephemeral systems. There are numerous streams throughout this region that retain enough water during most years to support assemblages of aquatic macrophytes (i.e. vascular plants), principally reeds, bulrushes and/or submerged species such as Ceratophyllum and Myriophyllum. These plants, and especially the submergent species, very successfully compete with algae, and particularly phytoplankton, generally limiting their proliferation. (For reasons that are not fully understood macrophytes appear to achieve dominance much more readily in this region than they do in more temperate climatic regions). No submergent macrophytes have been observed in either Clarke or Puddler Creeks, although there are a few isolated places in both creeks where sparse stands of emergent macrophytes (Typha and Phragmites) have taken a weak foothold in sands that are deep enough to retain moisture for most of the year. Given that the past few years have been unusually wet and would have provided the best possible opportunity for plants to colonise, the development of any assemblages extensive enough to influence algal productivity is considered unlikely. This fact should be taken into consideration if comparing the algal productivity of these creeks to other “reference” streams in the area. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research Page 4 Frequency and Nature of Swiftflows Drought frequencies in this region are quite high; however, rainfall is seasonal enough to ensure that there is at least one hydrographic event each year that generates sufficient flow to flush out the streams and scour the streambed. These flows wash away most of the algae and/or propagules that were present in the stream prior to the event. They also remobilise sand and gravel, disrupting attached algae, potentially burying benthic algae beds further downstream and washing away a lot of the nutrients that were contained within the bottom sediments. The effects of these kinds of wet season sediment movements are clearly evident in both Clarke and Puddler Creeks. Most of the reaches of Clarke Creek that are of interest to this study host deep coarse sand substrates that appear to be highly mobile. For example, in August 2011 the site designated as Clarke 1 was a waterhole containing chest-deep water, but due to the deposition of a sand slug during this year’s wet season, the standing water at that site is now only knee deep. These kinds of major disturbances impose significant limits on the capacity for algae to colonise the streambed. Puddler Creek is a higher gradient stream containing much less well-sorted basal sediments. It has a misfit low flow channel comprising sequences of rock, cobble and stone riffles interspersed by shallow pools with coarse sand and gravel substrata. The rocky substrata provide more stable refuge for benthic algae than sand, and although significant sloughing (i.e. breaking off of algae filaments) would be expected to occur during high flow events, it is likely that the retained biomass would be sufficient to allow rapid recovery. In most reaches of the creek the high flow parts of the channel contain significant quantities of mobile sand (as evidenced by the paucity of established riparian plants). There is evidence that slugs of this material have periodically been deposited within the low flow channel resulting in burial of algal mats (discussed later in this report). Persistency of baseflow Baseflows (derived from surface discharges of groundwater) continuously replenish the supply of aqueous nutrients; hence even if the nutrient concentrations in the water are quite low, the cumulative load can be substantial. Some algal species have a preferred growing season and may senesce at various times of the year, so if baseflows persist through winter the composition of the algal community will usually fluctuate over time; nevertheless, in this region overall algal biomass generally continues to increase during the dry season as long as flows persist. The wet season rainfall totals that have been recorded in this study area over the past four years have been above average (NMS 2012). Moreover, rainfall duration and frequency have also been unusually high leading to greater soil infiltration and groundwater recharge, and consequently more prolonged baseflows in surface streams. The effects that this has had on creek systems throughout the wider region have been very obvious. Many creeks that have run dry each year for more than a decade have sustained flows for the majority of the past four years, and as a consequence they have developed far more extensive algal communities than they have previously. There is no doubt that the creeks in this study area, and especially the less sandy higher gradient streams like Puddler Creek, have been influenced in the same way. Standing Water Volume and Hyporheic Flow The water levels in ephemeral streams constantly decline during the dry season until the streambed eventually runs dry. Even if algal growth were to cease during that period, algal concentrations would continue to increase simply due to the declining water volumes, and that factor must be taken into consideration when assessing the densities of algal assemblages. In practice, because the surface of the streambed is uneven, isolated pools and backwaters generally form as the water levels retract. Fragments of the benthic algae growing within the flowing sections of the creek constantly break off and get carried downstream (termed sloughing), and this tends to moderate the rate at which algae accumulates at a given location. However, algae trapped in isolated pools and backwaters are not subject to such controls, hence biomass can accumulate quite rapidly if the organisms continue to grow. If the algae are trapped in perched pools growth rates may decline due to nutrient limitation (because there are no longer any Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research Page 5 inflows to supply nutrients). However, many of the isolated pools still receive hyporheic (i.e. subsurface) flow, even though surface connections to the main stream have been lost; hence rapid growth rates can be still be maintained. The dense patches of dense algal growth that result from these processes are often the most visible manifestation of algal productivity in ephemeral streams. Light Availability The ambient turbidity levels in many waterways in the Burdekin catchment are high enough to prevent light from penetrating more than a few centimetres into the water column. This severely limits the amount of light available to support photosynthesis and concomitantly imposes severe constraints on algal productivity. However, all of the baseflow waters in this study area are clear and shallow enough to allow sunlight to reach the streambed, so in this case turbidity is not a significant limiting factor for algae. Nevertheless, shade from riparian trees and steep banks, internal shading of the benthos by leaf litter deposited in the stream, and light attenuation caused by coloured organic substances (such as tannins) released from decaying leaves, can all potentially limit the productivity of benthic algae in clear waters. There are a few narrow reaches of Puddler Creek where the riparian vegetation is dense enough to form a relatively intact canopy. However, in most reaches of the creek the streambed is exposed to direct sunlight for a significant proportion of the day and there are only a few localised areas where leaf litter accumulates to the point where it could potentially inhibit algae. Some of the reaches of Clarke Creek that lie within this study area support quite dense riparian vegetation, but in most places the creek is too wide to benefit significantly from the shade and leaf litter that this provides. Accordingly light limitation of algal growth is unlikely to be a significant factor in this study area. Herbivory Most of the native fish species that inhabit freshwaters in this region are omnivorous, and if present in high abundances, they have the potential to reduce benthic algae biomass. Native species do not generally feed on phytoplankton but the streams in this study area support significant populations of Tilapia and that species feeds on both planktonic and benthic forms of algae. It is likely that these fish play a role in moderating algal biomass accumulation, especially in deeper pools that can still be utilised when flow rates and water levels decline during the dry season. Absence of fish from isolated pools, and shallow backwaters and riffles may contribute to the high algal densities that develop in those microhabitats. Nutrients Algae unequivocally require nutrients to grow. In this region nutrients such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, silica, copper and zinc naturally occur in sufficient excess to ensure that they are not growth limiting factors, and (although for some species of green algae the pH dependent availability of carbon in the form of carbon dioxide may also be an issue –discussed in a later section of this report) it is the availability of nitrogen and phosphorus which generally governs growth rates, and for the remainder of this report the term nutrient will be used in reference to bioavailable compounds that are a source of those two elements. In streams where productivity principally occurs within the benthos (i.e. in close association with the bottom sediments), the relationships between the nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations in the water column and algal productivity are complex and not easily interpreted. That is partly because nutrient concentrations within the bottom sediments (generally measured in mg/L) are generally orders of magnitude higher than the levels in water column (measured in µg/L), and some species can access that almost inexhaustible supply of nutrients and others cannot. (Diatoms, Euglena and cyanobacteria, for example, are motile enough to enter the sediment interstices to take up nutrients during the night and return to the surface to obtain light during the day). Unfortunately, because the capacity for algae to utilise sedimentary nutrients varies substantially between species and circumstances, analysing the nutrient content of bottom sediments rarely improves our capacity to interpret results. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research Page 6 Moreover, in lotic systems such as these, flow rate and duration may be a more important indicator of nutrient load and availability than concentration values – i.e. a prolonged constant flow of low nutrient water can induce greater algal growth than a briefer pulse of nutrient-enriched water. The task of assessing nutrient utilisation and internal loading in stream environments of this kind is therefore a substantial research undertaking and generally requires the use of specialised techniques such as radioactive labelling to asses uptake efficiencies. When evaluating aqueous nutrient concentrations in benthic-dominated streams it is particularly important to bear in mind that the potential significance of the reported values is often different to what it would be if dealing with a limnetic system. Limnetic systems are dominated by microscopic planktonic algae (i.e. phytoplankton) and these are captured in water samples, so even if they have assimilated most of the available nutrients, water samples will still yield high total concentration values. Hence the conventional view that low aqueous nutrient concentrations are diagnostic of low productivity (and vice versa) holds true. In contrast benthic algae and the nutrients that they have assimilated are not captured in water samples, and accordingly low aqueous nutrient results can sometimes be symptomatic of very high algal productivity and conversely, high nutrient results may be indicative of unusually low algal biomass (i.e. a lack of assimilation by algae). Provided that these kinds of complications are taken into consideration it is still usually possible to make some useful, albeit qualitative inferences regarding the significance of water quality results, and that has been done in the results and discussion section of this report. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research Page 7 3. PREVIOUS STUDIES 3.1 DERM sampling in October2010 Relevant results obtained from samples collected by DERM in October 2010 are shown in Table 3.1. It is difficult to gauge the significance of the algal cell counts provided without knowing precisely how and where the samples were taken, and what they actually represented. Moreover, the algal identifications given in the table are not suffiently precise to be able to infer what kinds of sampling methods would have been needed in order to obtain representative samples. It is, however, noteworthy that the algal genera that have since been recorded in these streams (in 2011 and 2012) all belong to the same broad groups that were identified in 2010, and it seems likely that similar genera would have been present at that time. If that is the case then most of the algae that was observed in 2010 would have comprised species that exhibit a strong preference for benthic habitats, tending to accumulate on the streambed in any places where flow rates are low enough for them to settle and/or where the substratum provides suitable surfaces for attachment, often forming dense assemblages in microhabitats where conditions are particularly favourable. Moreover, cyanobacteria (and other algal species attached to them) can periodically rise from the bottom forming dense mats which can float on the water surface for prolonged periods before sinking back to the bottom. Hence spatial distributions are so heterogeneous that it is virtually impossible to collect discrete samples representative of the algal biomass within a particular section of stream. However, most of the species in question can also live freely suspended within the water column, and if the waterbody is reasonably well-mixed, conventional water samples may provide some useful indications of biomass. Table 3.1 Analytical results reported by DERM in October 2010. Site PCK1 PCC SW47 STSF Sump SW108 Mt Hope Ext Dam Mt Hope Drain 8.3 8.18 8.33 7.69 8.25 4.2 6.85 Key Surface Water Results pH SO4 (mg/L) 202 820 30 4,150 3,080 6,480 5,920 Total Dissolved Solids (mg/L) 1,240 2,400 980 6,760 6,030 9,950 9,200 Sulfide as S2- (mg/L) <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 Nitrate as N (mg/L) 0.05 <0.01 0.01 3.03 0.02 0.69 0.61 Kjeldahl Nitrogen as N (mg/L) 0.3 0.1 0.4 1.6 0.5 1.1 1.3 Total Nitrogen as N (mg/L) 0.4 0.1 0.4 4.6 0.5 1.8 1.9 <0.01 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.08 Blue green algae (cells/ml) 9,300 26,880 <1 <1 <1 Green algae (cells/ml) 5,280 3,500 3,630 4,000 93,000 Flagellates (cells/ml) <1 <1 550 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 4,200 910 40 3,000 203,000 Total Phosphorous as P (mg/L) Key Algae Results Golden algae (cells/ml) Diatoms (cells/ml) Accordingly if DERM targeted the benthos when collecting the algae samples in 2010, the magnitude of the cell counts would largely be an artefact of the sampling process and the results would simply provide an indication of the relative abundances of different taxa. However, if the counts were obtained from standard water samples the results would suggest that phytoplankton levels were quite significant at the time. The blue green algae (i.e. cyanobacteria) cell counts at PCK1 and PCC were within the 5000 to 50000 cells/ml range which is the amber alert level for management of Microcystis aerugenosa in waters where human body contact is likely (Queensland Water Quality Guidelines 2009); however, there is no means of knowing whether Microcystis or any other potential toxin-forming species were actually a significant component of the cyanobacteria that were present in these samples. (Note that a yellow alert would indicate the need to sample more extensively and conduct a risk assessment). Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research Page 8 The pH levels recorded at all three of the receiving water sites were only mildly alkaline and provide no indication of anomalous photosynthetic activity levels. Algae consume carbon dioxide (i.e. carbonic acid) when they photosynthesise, so in poorly aerated waters of the kind that are generally present in these streams in the dry season, pH levels cyclically rise during the day and fall at night. In our experience, when algae begin to bloom in moderately alkaline waters, daytime pH values almost always rise to levels of at least 8.7. At that point there is no longer any free carbon dioxide left in the water and some algal species must cease photosynthesising. However, cyanobacteria and some other species can obtain carbon dioxide by enzymatically cleaving bicarbonate – a process that generates hydroxyl ions leading to substantial additional pH increases during daylight hours, even in waters that have quite high alkaline pH buffering capacity (i.e. high alkalinity). When algal blooms are developing it is common to encounter daily maximum pH values as high as 9 to 11, and if the bloom progresses, values tend to fall a little less each night until pH eventually stabilises at high levels. Hence the relatively moderate pH values reported here tend to suggest that algal productivity was also moderate. The DERM nutrient analysis results indicate that nitrate, and therefore total nitrogen, concentrations in the sump and dam samples were higher than would be expected in natural surface waters. However, the levels reported at the three receiving water sites were well within natural expectations for streams of this kind (discussed in later sections). 3.2 Historical Monitoring Data There are no records of algal sampling having been conducted at Mt Leyshon at any time prior to the DERM sampling exercise in October 2010. Limited nutrient sampling was conducted on behalf of NMS at some selected surface water monitoring sites between 2008 and 2009, but none of those sites were located within the Puddler or Clarke Creek drainage systems; hence the data are not directly relevant to the current study. The NMS groundwater quality database contains 20 nitrate values for monitoring bore samples, mostly collected in 2009. Bores that were distant from the mine site generally reported low nitrate values (less than 0.01 mg N/L). However, four elevated nitrate results ranging from 1.6 to 9.9 mg N/L (i.e. 1600 to 9900 µg N/L) were reported at inner array bores MLM19 and MLM21. These bores, which are close to the mine facilities and immediately upgradient of surface monitoring sites SW103 and SW107, also reported high sulphate concentrations (see detailed discussion in SWS 2012). Given that the nitrate enrichment was only observed in close proximity to the mine infrastructure and that the reported concentrations are correlated to sulphate levels, there seems little doubt that some aquifers in the headwaters of Puddler Creek have been affected by accession of nitrate from the dams and/or drains on the mine site. Some of this nitrate could possibly be explosives residue, but it is more likely to be a product of cyanide oxidation. Groundwaters and especially those situated within the kinds of mineral formations that occur near ore bodies, do sometimes naturally contain elevated background levels. Several authors have attempted to provide estimates of the natural limits for background nitrate levels in groundwaters. Keating et al (1996) used a value of 3000 µg N/L as being indicative of anthropogenic influences based on values reported for United States groundwaters by Hallberg (1989). Baskaran et al (2002) suggested that 2000 µg N/L would be a more realistic estimate of the maximum background concentration based on more recent overseas data. However, examination of existing Queensland data shows that even in some anthropogenically affected areas a significant proportion of groundwaters contain nitrate levels well below 100 µg N/L so it is obvious that the average concentrations in undisturbed groundwaters are substantially lower than the estimated “maximum likely” value. (For example in 1994, in the LoganAlbert catchment, where agricultural development is not intensive, and complex soil and aquifer formations protect most groundwaters from direct recharge effects, more than 66% of bores contained nitrate concentrations below 100 µg N/L and the maximum value reported was 2300 µg N/L). Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research Page 9 Therefore, values above 2000 to 3000 µg N/L appear to be a reasonably definitive indication of anthropogenic enrichment, although concentrations below that level are by no means a reliable indicator of an absence of anthropogenic contamination. 3.3 ACTFR Limnological Survey in August 2011 A limnological survey carried out by ACTFR during the last week of August 2011 is the only source of data indicative of the status of algal communities in receiving streams in the Mt Leyshon study area prior to the commencement of the current EE investigation. That survey, which was carried out as part of the NMS closure and environment program, aimed to assess the general ecological health of receiving waters in the immediate vicinity of the mine site. At the time NMS were unable to obtain permission to enter the adjoining property so ACTFR could not survey some of the sites that are of key interest to the current study, including PCK1 and some of the upstream control sites. Visual surveys were conducted by walking the length of the accessible sections of Puddler and Clarke Creeks to assess benthic algae assemblages, collect algal samples for identification and find suitable locations to establish fish and invertebrate monitoring sites, such as deeper pools where habitat conditions are best suited to the establishment of healthy diverse aquatic biological communities. Hence the site locations chosen for that survey, shown in Figure 3.1, did not always coincide with previously established water quality monitoring sites. Relevant components of the dry season survey included analysis of water samples for chlorophyll-a to assess phytoplankton biomass, visual assessment of benthic algae coverage to determine the extent and nature of algal communities, targeted sampling of dense patches of benthic algae to identify dominant genera and analysis of water samples for nutrients to gain some insight into the trophic status of the water. The data obtained from these sampling activities are presented and discussed in the results section of this report. Note that this is the only available source of information indicative of late dry season conditions, because the EE Notice did not allow sufficient time to conduct a dry season survey during the course of the EE investigation. During the September 2011 survey, water levels had retracted to the point where much of the streambed was exposed making it easy to visually examine sediment layering within the streambed. At most sites the substratum was found to comprise relatively well-sorted sandy sediment layers, however, at two sites in the section of Puddler Creek that lies within the mining lease, a 3 to 5cm thick layer of black peaty material with the appearance of decomposed algae was encountered at a depth of 2 to 8 cm in patches below the sand surface. The existence of such layers supports the earlier contention that pre-existing algal mats are sometimes buried by sand slugs mobilised during wet season swiftflow events. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research Page 10 Figure 3.1 Sampling sites used during the August 2011 limnological survey. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research Page 11 4. METHODS 4.1 Sampling and Survey Activities Large scale flow events wash away much of the algal biomass that has accumulated in the creeks during the dry season and they also often mobilise and deposit fresh sand slugs which can bury much of the benthic algae that remains. Hence the ecosystem is effectively reset at some stage each wet season and once flows recede it can take a number of months for algal communities to fully re-establish. Maximum biomass is generally achieved later in the dry season when the creek is beginning to dry out, and that would be the optimum time of the year to assess the “prolific” algae growth cited in the EE Notice. However, the reporting deadlines stipulated in the EE Notice precluded the possibility of sampling in the dry season and in fact it was necessary to carry out the main sampling survey for this project during the wet season in order to ensure that the report was completed on schedule. January was relatively dry by wet season standards so the field trip was scheduled for February 6th and 7th 2012. Unfortunately 76 mm of rainfall was registered during the weekend prior to the sampling trip, so by the time field personnel arrived on site the streams had effectively been flushed out. Nevertheless significant lengths of Clarke and Puddler Creeks were visually surveyed for evidence of residual algal biomass and water samples were collected for analysis of chlorophyll-a and nutrients. Additionally, in order to gain a better understanding of the trophic status of the local streams, NMS incorporated chlorophyll and nutrient sampling into their routine bimonthly water quality sampling program. The results obtained from the February and April 2012 sampling runs are presented and discussed in Section 5. A second visual survey to assess the re-establishment of benthic algae was conducted on April 30th 2012, two weeks after the completion of the April water sampling run. On that occasion there was insufficient time to examine algae samples in the laboratory; however, it was visually evident that the algal communities that were present in April 2012 were dominated by the same genera that had been present in August 2011. 4.2 Site Locations The locations of all of the surface water monitoring sites sampled by CMLR, ACTFR and/or NMS during the course of this 2012 study are shown in Figure 4.1, and sites situated within or immediately downstream of the Mt Leyshon Mining Lease are shown at higher resolution in Figure 4.2. 4.3 Sampling and Analysis Methods Several personnel from different organisations (ACTFR, NMS and CMLR) were involved in the water sampling activities associated with this study. Detailed sampling protocols were documented to ensure that consistency was maintained between groups, and a copy of these is presented in the Appendix. The following is just a brief summary of the sampling methods employed. Open water samples representative of the general conditions at each site were collected at a mid-channel position and at a depth of approximately 20 to 30cm at each site. Sampling methodology, sample bottles and preservation techniques and analytical methodology met or exceeded standard method requirements (i.e. DERM 2009, APHA 2005, and Standards Australia 1998). CMLR staff also collected shallow “backwater” samples at some sites to check for localised variations in the quality of water contained within small microhabitats where conditions conducive to sulphate reduction could potentially develop. Chlorophyll samples were stored on ice in eskies until transported back to the laboratory for further processing within 24 hours of collection. The samples were filtered through Whatman GF-B glass microfibre filters and the phytoplankton retained on the filter discs were preserved with magnesium carbonate and immediately frozen. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research Page 12 Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research Page 13 Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research Page 14 Samples for dissolved nutrient analyses were pressure filtered on site by using disposable plastic syringes to pass the sample through 0.45 µm Minisart filters. All nutrient samples were collected in clean unused gamma-sterilised plastic tubes. These were initially kept on ice and were transferred to a freezer within a few hours of collection. The parameters that were analysed and the analytical methods that were employed are listed in Table 4.3. Analysis methods and detection limits are also summarised in that table. Table 4.3 WQ analyses performed in connection with the algae component of the EE investigation Reporting Parameter APHA Method No. Limit Total Nitrogen and Phosphorus Simultaneous 4500-NO3- F and 4500-P F analyses 25 µg N/L (TNTP) after alkaline persulphate digestion 5 µg P/L Nitrate 4500-NO3- F 1 µg N/L Ammonia 4500- NH3 G 1 mg N/L Filterable Reactive Phosphorus (FRP) 4500-P F 1 µg P/L Chlorophyll a and phaeophytin 10200-H 0.1 µg/L In August 2011 water samples were collected for identification and enumeration of phytoplankton but in practice abundances proved to be too low to enumerate. Spot samples of benthic algae were also collected in localised areas where dense assemblages had developed. These were subjected to microscopic examination in order to identify the dominant genera present, but since the samples were not representative of the communities that occupied most of the streambed, no attempt was made to enumerate cell concentrations. Similar samples would have been collected again in February 2012, but on that occasion algal biomass was simply too low for that to be feasible. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research Page 15 5. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 5.1 Results of the August 2011 Survey 5.1.1 General Water Quality The results of general water quality analyses carried out on samples collected in August 2011 are shown in Table 5.1.1. The key features of these results are as follows: pH levels were only moderately alkaline and provided no indication of strong influences from photosynthetic uptake of carbon dioxide or bicarbonate utilisation (discussed in Section 3). Puddler Ck was still flowing slightly at the time, but not strongly enough to suggest that aeration rates would have been sufficient to prevent carbon dioxide depletion (and consequent pH rises) if algal productivity rates had been high. Total alkalinity concentrations in Puddler Creek were very high, indicating that the water would be prone to stabilising at high pH values should algal consumption rates reach the point where carbon dioxide is depleted and algae begin consuming bicarbonate and producing hydroxyl ions. Suspended particulate matter (SPM) concentrations were quite low indicating that light attenuation due to turbidity would have been low. Note that the water would not have needed to be particularly clear in order for sunlight to reach the bottom, because all of these sites other than Clarke 1, were significantly less than 50 cm deep. In practice it was possible to see the bottom at all of the sites that were surveyed, and this generally indicates that there was sufficient light penetration to meet the photosynthetic needs of any benthic algae species. Conductivity and hardness concentrations were high enough to potentially inhibit the growth of some algal species, especially phytoplankton, but conversely there are some algal species that prefer these kinds of conditions. Hence the existing salt concentrations would almost certainly have played a role in determining the algal community composition and diversity. It is less certain whether or not the high salinity levels would have inhibited the growth rates of the species that were present, but that is a possibility that cannot be disregarded. Total Organic Carbon (mg/L) Total Hardness (mg CaCO3/L) Total Alkalinity (mgCO3/L) Total Dissolved Solids (mg/L) Suspended Particulate Matter (mg/L) Electrical Conductivity (µS/cm) pH Subcatchment and Site Table 5.1.1 Results of general water quality analyses carried out on samples collected in August 2011. Puddler Ck SW47 Puddler3 SW108 PCC Puddler1 Puddler2 Clarke Ck Clarke1 UC1 Clarke3 UC2 8.54 7.82 8.18 8.22 8.16 7.86 2540 2430 5640 2710 2850 2430 1.3 2.2 5.8 1.9 2.3 1.6 1500 1500 5100 1800 1900 1600 901 1070 698 725 680 630 349 382 2114 606 714 662 5 3 7 4 15 7 7.95 8.15 8.21 8.28 2540 1043 2270 1190 2 1 0.8 1 1900 680 1600 720 492 541 476 546 811 305 674 279 3 1 11 9 Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research Page 16 5.1.2 Aqueous Nutrient Concentrations Nutrient analysis results obtained from water samples collected in August 2011 are shown in Table 5.1.2. The table also lists the Trigger Values (TVs) provided for central region lowland streams in the Queensland Water Quality Guidelines 2009 (QWQGs), and results that exceed a TV are highlighted in blue. It should be noted that the TVs are applicable to waters that are at baseflow and are not strictly intended for use in situations where waters have stagnated. Moreover, the TVs are not designed to be compared to individual spot results, but rather to median values obtained from repetitive sampling conducted over a full season – i.e. a site complies with the guidelines unless more than fifty percent of the spot samples that have been collected regularly at that site over time, exceed the TV. Nevertheless, the TVs still provide a useful benchmark for assessing the potential significance of individual results. DIN:DIP Molar Ratio 3 3 7 5 3 3 5 22 12 37 37 17 8 25 19 42 40 20 30 105 90 55 59 71 28 58 73 50 43 33 13.0 4.6 6.6 9.0 6.9 5.0 0.9 1.0 1.0 2.3 2.4 1.9 279 148 220 153 500 27 13 9 2 20 5 1 1 4 21 25 21 12 26 26 22 16 60 140 183 140 166 50 58 112 79 105 20 4.4 1.8 3.5 2.0 2.0 0.8 0.9 0.4 Nitrogen Oxides (µg N/L) Total Phosphorus (µg P/L) Filterable Reactive Phosphorus (µg P/L) TN:TP Molar Ratio 4 1 13 11 7 8 Nitrate (µg N/L) 176 219 267 223 184 159 Nitrite (µg N/L) Ammonia (µg N/L) Puddler Ck SW47 Puddler3 SW108 PCC Puddler1 Puddler2 Clarke Ck Clarke1 UC1 Clarke3 UC2 QWQG TVs Nutrient analysis results obtained from water samples collected in August 2011. Total Nitrogen (µg N/L) Subcatchment and Site Table 5.1.2 It can be seen that total nitrogen levels were all low, as were the results for each of the individual dissolved inorganic nitrogen species (nitrite, nitrate and ammonia). One ammonia value was slightly above the TV but that is of little potential consequence. Conversely phosphorus concentrations were elevated at all sites. None of the individual values were particularly anomalous compared to the kinds of values that are commonly reported in small sluggishly flowing or stagnant waterholes located in grazing areas. However, the consistency of the values recorded across all sites is highly unusual and places the results at the upper end of the ranges that are normally encountered in livestock affected waterholes. For example a post-wet season survey of waterholes located within ephemeral streams in the grazing areas between Home Hill and Bowen (carried out as part of the EIA for the Water for Bowen Project), generated 34 samples which yielded a maximum total phosphorus concentration of 369 µg P/L and an 80th percentile value of 165 µg P/L. However, the median total phosphorus value was only 50 µg P/L and the filterable reactive phosphorus (FRP) levels were mostly less than 20 µg P/L (although there were a few high values up to a maximum of 108 µg P/L). Notably in that study there was clear visual evidence of impacts from cattle and/or pigs at most of the sites which reported elevated values. In contrast there was little or no evidence of disturbances by livestock at most of the sites that were surveyed in the current study. This observation, linked with the low levels of between-site variability and the fact that an unusually high proportion of the phosphorus occurred in soluble form, tends to implicate groundwater as possible source, although more monitoring would be required to test that assertion. Notably the lack of significant between-site variations implies the existence of a diffuse phosphorus source unrelated to the mine. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research Page 17 Published literature on the topic of nutrient limitation (see for example ANZECC 1992) supports the conclusion that at nitrogen to phosphorus ratios between 6 and 20, both nitrogen and phosphorus could simultaneously be limiting to different species. At ratios below 6, nitrogen availability is likely to limit the growth of most species, and at ratios above 20, phosphorus will generally be the limiting nutrient. Hence the nitrogen to phosphorus ratios reported at most of the Mt Leyshon sites in August 2011 suggest that nitrogen would have been the limiting nutrient at that time. 5.1.3 Phytoplankton Phytoplankton analysis results comprising chlorophyll and phaeophytin concentrations and algal cell counts obtained from water samples collected in August 2011 are presented in Table 5.1.3. Chlorophyll-a concentrations are a widely accepted indicator of relative phytoplankton biomass. Phaeophytin is an inactive form of the chlorophyll molecule which accumulates in algal cells if they are stressed or recently deceased. Hence phaeophytin to chlorophyll-a ratios provide an indication of the relative health of the phytoplankton community. The salient features of the tabulated results are as follows. Phytoplankton concentrations were too low to enumerate at all sites. That is typically the case unless the algae are beginning to bloom. All but one of the chlorophyll values were well below the ANZECC TV. In fact overall concentrations were surprisingly low for the time of year. The value of 10.7 µg/L which was reported at site SW108 exceeded the TV, but compared to the levels that are commonly observed at similar sites in grazing areas around this region, this result is quite moderate. For example the median chlorophyll-a value obtained in the Water for Bowen EIA surveys (referred to in the previous section) was 14 µg/L, the 80th percentile was 31 µg/L and the maximum was 200 µg/L. The fact that the nutrient concentrations at those sites were similar to the levels obtained in this study tends to imply that phytoplankton growth at the Mt Leyshon sites was somewhat inhibited by comparison. However, these sites support more persistent baseflow than most streams in the Bowen area, so the lower values may simply be a consequence of lower water resident times (i.e. phytoplankton could not accumulate at the Mt Leyshon sites because they were constantly being washed downstream). Notably the EC levels at Site SW108 (5640 µS/cm) were twice as high as any other Puddler Creek site, so salinity does not appear to have been a significant algal growth limiting factor. In fact the high EC value suggests that evapo-concentration rates had been high and that is indicative of increased water residence time. 1.8 0.8 11.6 2.4 1.7 0.6 0.28 0.29 0.08 0.35 0.46 0.52 <20 <20 <20 <20 <20 <20 0.6 0.9 0.6 0.3 5 0.2 0.8 0.5 0.7 0.8 1.7 1.0 1.0 0.29 0.46 0.43 0.71 <20 <20 <20 <20 Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research Total Chlorophyll-a (µg/L) 0.5 0.2 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.3 Phaeophytin (µg/L) 1.3 0.6 10.7 1.6 0.9 0.3 Active Chlorophyll-a (µg/L) Algal Cells/ml Puddler Ck SW47 Puddler3 SW108 PCC Puddler1 Puddler2 Clarke Ck Clarke1 UC1 Clarke3 UC2 QWQG TV Pha:Chl Ratio Phytoplankton analysis results obtained from water samples collected in August 2011. Chlorophyll-a results that are above the QWQG TV are highlighted in blue. Subcatchment and Site Table 5.1.3 Page 18 5.1.4 Benthic Algae Benthic algae coverages were generally moderate although, as is normally the case in streams of this kind, dense assemblages occurred in patches. Samples for microscopic examination to identify the dominant algal genera were taken from selected patches and the results are presented in Table 5.1.4. The key characteristics and potential significance of these taxa are discussed in Section 5.2. Table 5.1.4 Identifications of the dominant genera contained in samples taken from benthic algae mats in Puddler and Clarke Creeks in August 2011. PCC-400 PCC-250 PCC-250 OP PCC-150 CC2 Euglena Cymbella Fragilaria Rhizoclonium Oedogonium Euglena Traces of Oscillatoria Euglena Rhizoclonium Cymbella Traces of Oscillatoria Rhizoclonium Oedogonium Cymbella Rhizoclonium Oedogonium Euglena 5.2 Results of the 2012 Investigation 5.2.1 Nutrients Nitrogenous nutrient analysis results for water samples collected in February and April 2012 are presented in Table 5.2.1. All results are reported in µg N/L. Values that exceed the QWQG TVs are highlighted in blue. Samples in the table have been grouped by site type, drainage line and antecedent flow condition. Sites within each group are, as far as possible, arranged from upstream to downstream. The site type codes used in the table are as follows: OMC UML ML DML Outside of the Mine Catchment (i.e. external reference); Upstream of the Mining Lease (i.e. control site); On the Mining Lease; Downstream of the Mining Lease. The salient features of the tabulated nitrogen values are as follows: Total nitrogen concentrations at control and reference sites (type UML and OMC) were generally higher under wet season conditions in February than they were under lower flow conditions in April. A few of the total nitrogen results reported in February exceeded the QWQG, as did the nitrate value reported in the Burdekin River at that time of the year. However, the other results for these sites were well below guidelines. The results at some of the sites located within close proximity to dams and drains on the mining lease exhibited the opposite temporal trend with the highest values being reported under low flow conditions in April. This is presumably indicative of groundwater seepage from mine infrastructure. The main sites in question SW103, SW107, SW107.5 and SW108, which are situated on a branch of Puddler Creek that is situated on the mining lease and within about 1.5 km of potential groundwater input sources associated with the mine, reported highly anomalous results for total nitrogen, organic nitrogen, and nitrate and nitrite (i.e. nitrogen oxides). Despite the high concentrations in that section of Puddler Creek, the values reported 2 km further downstream at PCC (still inside the lease boundary) were consistently low; both before and after rainfall in February, and under low flow conditions in April. The sites downstream of that point also yielded low results and provided no indication of accession of nitrogen from the mine site. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research Page 19 Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 27 26 27 27 29 63 49 27 34 32 35 21 9 18 20 16 18 20 22 24 25 17 19 65 16 7 766 59 106 15 23 19 22 6 19 19 34 200 147 15 28 27 28 28 30 63 51 28 36 32 36 23 10 19 21 17 19 20 23 25 26 18 20 66 17 8 770 61 108 16 24 20 22 7 19 20 35 202 148 16 60 Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen 1 1 1 1 1 0 2 1 2 0 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 2 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 2 1 1 Nitrogen Oxides 7 6 8 6 5 7 7 5 6 7 7 4 7 5 7 9 11 6 5 6 7 8 14 15 7 11 7 8 6 7 7 8 6 5 5 7 13 10 10 18 20 Nitrate 170 220 141 131 195 223 188 269 219 173 174 218 251 329 373 233 205 157 224 244 194 235 321 454 313 313 632 379 211 399 265 132 311 183 374 261 108 269 137 292 420 Nitrite 205 253 177 165 230 293 246 302 261 212 217 245 268 353 401 259 235 183 252 275 227 261 355 535 337 332 1409 448 325 422 296 160 339 195 398 288 156 481 295 326 Ammonia 347 583 257 274 348 685 262 322 267 235 229 286 453 380 431 630 356 232 270 459 395 426 672 819 447 471 1676 666 538 651 328 195 391 251 557 325 294 1057 615 463 500 Dissolved Organic Nitrogen OMC OMC OMC OMC OMC OMC OMC OMC OMC OMC OMC OMC UML UML UML UML UML UML UML UML UML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML Total Filterable Nitrogen Puddler Broughton Broughton Broughton Broughton Burdekin Puddler Broughton Broughton Broughton Broughton Burdekin Clarke Puddler Puddler Clarke Clarke Puddler Clarke Puddler Puddler Clarke Clarke Clarke Clarke Clarke Puddler Puddler Puddler Puddler Puddler Puddler Two Mile Two Mile Two Mile Two Mile Clarke Puddler Puddler Puddler Total Nitrogen Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Pre-rain Pre-rain Pre-rain Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Low flow Low flow Low flow Pre-rain Pre-rain Pre-rain Pre-rain Pre-rain Pre-rain Pre-rain Pre-rain Pre-rain Pre-rain Pre-rain Pre-rain Pre-rain Pre-rain Pre-rain Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Site Type 06 Feb 07 Feb 07 Feb 07 Feb 07 Feb 09 Feb 11 Apr 12 Apr 12 Apr 12 Apr 12 Apr 12 Apr 01 Feb 02 Feb 02 Feb 07 Feb 06 Feb 06 Feb 10 Apr 10 Apr 10 Apr 01 Feb 01 Feb 01 Feb 01 Feb 01 Feb 01 Feb 01 Feb 02 Feb 02 Feb 02 Feb 02 Feb 02 Feb 02 Feb 02 Feb 02 Feb 07 Feb 07 Feb 07 Feb 07 Feb Drainage line Antecedent Conditions SM1 BR0 BR1 BR2 BR3 BK1 SM1 BR0 BR1 BR2 BR3 BK1 SW112 SW111 SW47 Horse Ck SW112 SW111 SW112 SW111 SW47 CC1 SW105 SW106 CC2 SW101 SW103 SW107 SW108 SW109 PCC SW104 TMC600 TMC500 TMC400 TMC CC2 SW107.5 SW108 PCC QWQG Sample Date Site Table 5.2.1 Nitrogen nutrient analysis results (µg N/L) for water samples collected in February and April 2012. Site type codes are as follows: OMC=Outside of Mine Catchment; UML=Upstream of Mining Lease; ML=On the Mining lease; DML=Downstream of Mining Lease. Values highlighted in blue exceed the QWQG TV (shown at the bottom of the table). 35 33 36 34 35 70 58 33 42 39 43 27 17 24 28 26 30 26 28 31 33 26 34 81 24 19 777 69 114 23 31 28 28 12 24 27 48 212 158 34 Page 20 Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 1 2 15 2 3 29 65 47 3 3 2 1 5 2 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 2 1 1 1 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 5 3 2 Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen Nitrogen Oxides 5 12 51 4 5 3 6 22 5 13 7 4 4 4 6 6 5 4 7 8 6 6 7 7 7 7 6 6 5 6 5 5 5 4 8 4 5 6 4 4 6 6 7 7 8 4 7 3 2 6 2 20 Nitrate 257 289 333 220 212 2404 2063 927 455 325 199 155 178 224 162 249 300 187 213 150 248 320 392 207 243 211 124 326 257 235 240 278 207 195 237 222 266 184 247 254 238 242 227 215 230 201 241 195 231 240 197 420 Nitrite 284 316 509 241 248 5320 3791 1505 485 406 228 183 206 247 205 288 331 225 274 202 277 347 416 236 277 263 164 359 294 274 281 342 280 229 285 255 314 219 256 284 273 271 267 252 261 245 283 238 272 351 239 Ammonia 307 329 608 259 299 5415 1544 544 461 232 270 1407 375 342 624 503 374 320 285 428 450 606 347 338 393 321 572 444 326 607 428 647 261 368 282 326 320 333 297 344 384 267 272 297 299 280 275 372 304 500 Dissolved Organic Nitrogen ML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML Total Filterable Nitrogen Clarke Clarke Clarke Clarke Clarke Puddler Puddler Puddler Puddler Puddler Puddler Two Mile Two Mile Two Mile Clarke Clarke Clarke Puddler Puddler Puddler Two Mile Two Mile Two Mile Two Mile Two Mile Seventy Mile Seventy Mile Seventy Mile Broughton Broughton Broughton Broughton Burdekin Clarke Clarke Clarke Puddler Puddler Two Mile Two Mile Two Mile Two Mile Two Mile Seventy Mile Seventy Mile Seventy Mile Broughton Broughton Broughton Broughton Burdekin Total Nitrogen Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Site Type 10 Apr 10 Apr 10 Apr 10 Apr 10 Apr 10 Apr 10 Apr 10 Apr 10 Apr 10 Apr 10 Apr 10 Apr 10 Apr 10 Apr 07 Feb 07 Feb 07 Feb 06 Feb 06 Feb 06 Feb 06 Feb 06 Feb 06 Feb 06 Feb 06 Feb 06 Feb 07 Feb 09 Feb 07 Feb 09 Feb 09 Feb 09 Feb 09 Feb 11 Apr 12 Apr 12 Apr 11 Apr 11 Apr 11 Apr 11 Apr 11 Apr 11 Apr 11 Apr 11 Apr 12 Apr 13 Apr 12 Apr 13 Apr 13 Apr 12 Apr 13 Apr Drainage line Antecedent Conditions CC1 SW105 SW106 CC2 SW101 SW103 SW107 SW108 SW109 PCC SW104 TMC600 TMC400 TMC CC3 CC4 CC5 PCK1 PC2 SM2 TMC11 TMC2 FC1 TMC12 FC2 SM3 SM4 SM5 BR4 BR5 BR6 BR7 BK2 CC3 CC4 CC5 PC2 SM2 TMC11 TMC2 FC1 TMC12 FC2 SM3 SM4 SM5 BR4 BR5 BR6 BR7 BK2 QWQG Sample Date Site Table 5.2.1 (Cont) 21 22 13 15 110 125 15 17 28 31 2884 2913 1657 1722 509 556 22 25 65 68 20 22 23 24 19 24 17 19 36 37 32 33 26 26 33 34 53 54 44 44 23 23 20 21 17 17 22 22 26 27 43 45 34 34 27 27 30 32 32 33 35 36 58 59 66 68 30 30 40 40 29 29 42 43 29 29 5 5 26 26 28 29 23 23 33 33 30 30 23 23 39 40 35 35 37 40 34 39 102 105 38 40 60 27 27 176 21 36 2916 1728 578 30 81 29 28 28 23 43 39 31 38 61 52 29 27 24 29 34 52 40 33 37 39 41 64 73 34 48 33 48 35 9 30 35 29 40 37 31 44 42 43 41 111 42 Page 21 Nitrate can be toxic to aquatic life at very high concentrations, so the ANZECC 2000 Australian Water Quality Guidelines (AWQGs) include TVs for the protection of ecosystems against direct toxic effects (the QWQGs being designed to protect against non-lethal effects such as eutrophication). The 95% TV provided in the AWQGs was 700 µg N/L, but that value was highly erroneous and a corrected value of 7200 µg N/L has been calculated by NIWA (Hickey 2002). None of the results obtained in this study approach that value, so it is highly unlikely that the elevated nitrate presents any direct toxicological risks to the ecosystem. The values are also well below any guidelines to protect human uses (such as potability and livestock watering). Site SW106, located on the mine lease within a small tributary of Clarke Creek, also reported slightly elevated nitrate and total nitrogen levels. However, there were no indications of effects downstream of that point, and all of the sites situated on Clarke Creek itself were low in nitrogen. A high total nitrogen result was obtained at TMC400 (on Two Mile Ck) in April, but that was due to unusually high particulate nitrogen concentrations and is not directly related to the high dissolved nitrogen levels that were observed at the other sites. The high value presumably indicates that, at the time, turbidity levels were elevated at that site. All samples from sites located downstream of the mining lease yielded nitrogen results that are well within QWQG expectations (noting that since the guideline values are medians, up to 50% of individual exceedances would be accepted). The dissolved nitrogen levels at downstream sites close to the lease were particularly low, and provided no indication of effects from the mine. By regional standards, the section of Puddler Creek that reported elevated nitrate levels sustains quite prolonged baseflows for a creek of its size. These are derived from surface discharges of groundwater from shallow aquifers in the headwaters of the creek. As noted in Section 3.2, the limited available evidence suggests that some aquifers in close proximity to the mine are nitrate enriched, and the existing concentrations are high enough to suggest that accession of nitrate from the dams and/or drains on the mine site is a contributing factor. There are insufficient data to determine if some of the existing nitrate is naturally occurring, but that possibility cannot be disregarded. In the course of monitoring activities throughout north Queensland over the past 30 years this author has encountered localised occurrences of nitrate concentrations up to a maximum of about 800 µg N/L in the vicinity of springs situated within relatively undisturbed surface streams. For example regional baseline studies carried out in connection with the EIA for Century Mine (Dames and Moore 1994) showed that the natural limestone aquifers downstream of the proposed mine site contained nitrate levels in the order of 750 µg N/L, and localised occurrences of similar concentrations were detected in most surface streams within a few hundred metres of the points where they intersected these aquifers. Nitrate levels in groundwaters at the Mt Leyshon site appear to be correlated to sulphate concentrations, and it would be reasonable to assume that a similar correlation would be observed at those surface water sites that are located in the immediate vicinity of groundwater discharge points. However, it is important to recognise that the nitrate concentrations in question here (reported in µg/L) are orders of magnitude lower than the sulphate levels (reported in mg/L) and are therefore much more readily diluted, especially when swiftflows are present in the receiving streams. Moreover, under baseflow conditions natural stream ecosystems assimilate and/or remove nitrate much more rapidly than sulphate, and accordingly the effects of groundwater nitrate inputs on ambient water quality are far more localised in both time and space. In fact to date elevated nitrate levels have only been recorded at surface water sites during the falling limb of the hydrograph (i.e. when groundwater-driven baseflows are moderately strong but surface runoff is absent) and then only at sites located quite close to the potential source. The available data suggest either that normal wet season flow events provide adequate dilution to prevent measurable increases in nitrate levels from occurring and/or that water levels in the receiving stream rise sufficiently during events to prevent groundwater from entering. Conversely the low concentrations observed on the tail of the hydrograph (i.e. when baseflow is very low) suggest either that there was insufficient flow to transfer nitrate downstream or that groundwater levels had fallen to the point where surface discharge could no longer occur. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research Page 22 Under baseflow conditions in 2012, elevated nitrate levels were reported at some sites located within about 1.5 kilometres of potential sources on the mining lease, but none of the other monitoring sites showed any signs of nitrogen enrichment that could potentially be attributable to the mine (although there were some indications of effects from agricultural inputs at the most distant sites on the Broughton and Burdekin Rivers). Notably low to moderate nitrogen values were obtained at all sites on the main trunk of Clarke Creek and at all of the Puddler Creek sites downstream of SW108; hence all of the elevated nitrate results potentially sourced from the mine were recorded at sites that are well within the boundaries of the mining lease. The rapid disappearance of nitrate from the receiving water column can almost always be partially attributed to assimilation by algae and/or riparian vegetation, but in 2012 algal productivity was limited by phosphorus availability (see below) and algal biomass was moderate enough to suggest that other mechanisms were involved. For example microbial denitrification, a process which involves the conversion of nitrate into non-bioavailable gaseous forms of nitrogen, occurs in any natural aquatic microhabitats where low dissolved oxygen concentrations occur. Oxygen levels within the open water column of flowing streams are generally too high to support denitrification; however, there are numerous microhabitats where oxygen levels can be low enough. These include the pore waters trapped within bottom sediments, the water lying within and beneath leaf litter packs, and the water underneath dense patches of benthic algae. The latter microhabitat is particularly favourable for denitrification because microbes require organic carbon, and algae are a rich source of readily bioavailable carbon. Direct uptake by heterotrophic microbes such as fungi is a further source of nitrogen assimilation that is often overlooked in the literature on this topic. For example Pearson and Connolly (2000) found that artificial elevation of the nitrate concentrations in rainforest streams containing low phosphorus levels stimulated microbial decomposition of coarse organic matter (leaf litter) leading to increased macroinvertebrate growth rates and abundances; but no other effects were apparent. Phosphorus nutrient analysis results (µg P/L) for water samples collected in February and April 2012 are shown in Table 5.2.2. It is immediately obvious from these results that the relatively high FRP concentrations that had been present in both Clarke and Puddler creeks in August 2011 were no longer in evidence in 2012. In fact, other than the elevated total phosphorus value recorded at TMC in April (which was due to high particulate levels in the water rather than dissolved phosphorus), all of the values reported at sites upstream, within and immediately downstream of the mine lease were very low, and the Burdekin River and lower Broughton were the only sites where any results exceeded the QWQGs. The reason for the disappearance of the high phosphorus values between 2011 and 2012 is unclear and more monitoring will be required to determine if this is a reproducible seasonal effect. Not surprisingly, given how low the phosphorus results were, the nitrogen to phosphorus ratios suggest a high likelihood that phosphorus would be the limiting nutrient for algal growth in the water column, and hence low phytoplankton concentrations would be expected. Clearly under these conditions benthic algae which are capable of extracting some phosphorus from the bottom sediments, and/or remaining in place so that they can cumulatively extract phosphorus from flowing water, would be at a distinct advantage and this was evidenced by the prevalence of benthic algae species at all sites (discussed in the next section). 5.2.2 Phytoplankton Phytoplankton analysis results for water samples collected in February and April 2012 are presented in Table 5.2.3. As expected phytoplankton biomass was low and generally correlated to the phosphorus concentrations. A single moderately elevated chlorophyll value of 20 µg /L was reported at SW106 under low flow conditions in April 2012, but as discussed previously, values of that magnitude are quite commonly encountered under low flow conditions throughout the grazing catchments of the dry tropics, so that isolated result is no cause for potential concern. Note for example that the algal cell density was still too low to enumerate at a detection limit of 20 cells/ml, and the lowest trigger for the management of waters containing potentially toxic algae is 500 cells/ml. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research Page 23 Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research DIN:DIP Molar Ratio Total Phosphorus 43 15 22 33 32 82 22 13 16 33 31 58 23 26 28 17 21 21 27 16 18 21 19 17 19 8 11 24 16 8 23 8 12 11 25 8 17 12 13 18 50 TN:TP Molar Ratio OMC OMC OMC OMC OMC OMC OMC OMC OMC OMC OMC OMC UML UML UML UML UML UML UML UML UML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML Filterable Reactive Phosphorus Puddler Broughton Broughton Broughton Broughton Burdekin Puddler Broughton Broughton Broughton Broughton Burdekin Clarke Puddler Puddler Clarke Clarke Puddler Clarke Puddler Puddler Clarke Clarke Clarke Clarke Clarke Puddler Puddler Puddler Puddler Puddler Puddler Two Mile Two Mile Two Mile Two Mile Clarke Puddler Puddler Puddler Site Type Drainage line Antecedent Conditions Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Pre-rain Pre-rain Pre-rain Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Low flow Low flow Low flow Pre-rain Pre-rain Pre-rain Pre-rain Pre-rain Pre-rain Pre-rain Pre-rain Pre-rain Pre-rain Pre-rain Pre-rain Pre-rain Pre-rain Pre-rain Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Dissolved Organic Phosphorus 06 Feb 07 Feb 07 Feb 07 Feb 07 Feb 09 Feb 11 Apr 12 Apr 12 Apr 12 Apr 12 Apr 12 Apr 01 Feb 02 Feb 02 Feb 07 Feb 06 Feb 06 Feb 10 Apr 10 Apr 10 Apr 01 Feb 01 Feb 01 Feb 01 Feb 01 Feb 01 Feb 01 Feb 02 Feb 02 Feb 02 Feb 02 Feb 02 Feb 02 Feb 02 Feb 02 Feb 07 Feb 07 Feb 07 Feb 07 Feb Total Filterable Phosphorus SM1 BR0 BR1 BR2 BR3 BK1 SM1 BR0 BR1 BR2 BR3 BK1 SW112 SW111 SW47 Horse Ck SW112 SW111 SW112 SW111 SW47 CC1 SW105 SW106 CC2 SW101 SW103 SW107 SW108 SW109 PCC SW104 TMC600 TMC500 TMC400 TMC CC2 SW107.5 SW108 PCC QWQG TV Sample Date Site Table 5.2.2 Phosphorus nutrient analysis results (µg P/L) for water samples collected in February and April 2012. Site type codes are as follows: OMC=Outside of Mine Catchment; UML=Upstream of Mining Lease; ML=ON the Mining lease; DML=Downstream of Mining Lease. Results highlighted in blue exceed the QWQG TV shown at the bottom of the table. 15 11 18 22 29 47 13 7 13 28 26 40 21 13 22 7 13 20 22 13 13 20 17 16 16 8 11 7 14 6 20 7 12 11 19 7 14 8 12 10 1 2 5 0 6 4 3 3 7 15 16 6 10 1 5 3 11 5 2 3 10 10 8 13 5 1 2 1 10 2 5 1 1 2 8 1 5 6 8 9 14 9 13 22 23 43 10 4 6 13 10 34 11 12 17 4 2 15 20 10 3 10 9 3 11 7 9 6 4 4 15 6 11 9 11 6 9 2 4 1 20 18 86 26 18 24 18 26 55 37 16 16 11 44 32 34 82 37 24 22 63 49 45 78 107 52 130 337 61 74 180 32 54 72 50 49 90 38 195 105 57 6 8 6 3 3 4 13 18 15 7 10 2 3 4 4 14 33 4 3 7 24 6 8 60 5 6 191 25 63 13 5 10 6 3 5 10 12 234 87 75 Page 24 Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research DIN:DIP Molar Ratio Total Phosphorus 29 20 24 21 16 5 10 8 17 7 10 114 16 17 20 24 18 19 35 18 15 23 10 11 31 33 35 27 29 35 34 83 22 29 21 18 9 10 14 11 15 15 28 27 29 32 32 29 59 50 TN:TP Molar Ratio ML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML Filterable Reactive Phosphorus Clarke Clarke Clarke Clarke Clarke Puddler Puddler Puddler Puddler Puddler Puddler Two Mile Two Mile Two Mile Clarke Clarke Clarke Puddler Puddler Puddler Two Mile Two Mile Two Mile Two Mile Two Mile Seventy Mile Seventy Mile Seventy Mile Broughton Broughton Broughton Broughton Burdekin Clarke Clarke Clarke Puddler Puddler Two Mile Two Mile Two Mile Two Mile Two Mile Seventy Mile Seventy Mile Seventy Mile Broughton Broughton Broughton Broughton Burdekin Site Type Drainage line Antecedent Conditions Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Dissolved Organic Phosphorus 10 Apr 10 Apr 10 Apr 10 Apr 10 Apr 10 Apr 10 Apr 10 Apr 10 Apr 10 Apr 10 Apr 10 Apr 10 Apr 10 Apr 07 Feb 07 Feb 07 Feb 06 Feb 06 Feb 06 Feb 06 Feb 06 Feb 06 Feb 06 Feb 06 Feb 06 Feb 07 Feb 09 Feb 07 Feb 09 Feb 09 Feb 09 Feb 09 Feb 11 Apr 12 Apr 12 Apr 11 Apr 11 Apr 11 Apr 11 Apr 11 Apr 11 Apr 11 Apr 11 Apr 12 Apr 13 Apr 12 Apr 13 Apr 13 Apr 12 Apr 13 Apr Total Filterable Phosphorus CC1 SW105 SW106 CC2 SW101 SW103 SW107 SW108 SW109 PCC SW104 TMC600 TMC400 TMC CC3 CC4 CC5 PCK1-500 m PC2 SM2 TMC11 TMC2 FC1 TMC12 FC2 SM3 SM4 SM5 BR4 BR5 BR6 BR7 BK2 CC3 CC4 CC5 PC2 SM2 TMC11 TMC2 FC1 TMC12 FC2 SM3 SM4 SM5 BR4 BR5 BR6 BR7 BK2 QWQG TV (Cont) Sample Date Site Table 5.2.2 23 16 19 17 12 5 6 8 3 10 3 6 26 11 15 15 18 17 12 23 17 13 15 7 10 15 28 24 23 25 28 26 42 20 17 14 14 9 5 4 10 4 9 10 19 26 25 26 26 19 40 4 6 8 1 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 8 1 1 1 1 6 2 5 9 2 4 1 0 2 6 8 4 6 4 3 1 14 8 6 1 4 0 1 4 2 5 5 9 12 16 15 15 9 5 19 10 11 16 10 4 6 8 3 9 3 6 18 10 14 14 17 11 10 18 8 11 11 6 10 13 22 16 19 19 24 23 41 6 9 8 13 5 5 3 6 2 4 5 10 14 9 11 11 10 35 20 23 36 56 27 41 2395 341 150 60 73 60 27 52 44 69 46 46 37 18 53 66 58 77 68 28 22 36 36 25 38 28 17 26 28 30 40 79 74 47 69 57 39 21 24 23 19 19 28 11 3 6 35 3 8 1612 637 160 22 20 21 10 3 5 7 6 4 8 13 6 8 5 5 11 8 9 4 5 4 5 4 6 4 13 12 9 8 15 4 22 13 32 22 16 7 7 10 9 8 25 3 Page 25 Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research Pha:Chl Ratio OMC OMC OMC OMC OMC OMC OMC OMC OMC OMC OMC OMC UML UML UML UML UML UML UML UML UML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML Total Chlorophyll-a (µg/L) Puddler Broughton Broughton Broughton Broughton Burdekin Puddler Broughton Broughton Broughton Broughton Burdekin Clarke Puddler Puddler Clarke Clarke Puddler Clarke Puddler Puddler Clarke Clarke Clarke Clarke Clarke Puddler Puddler Puddler Puddler Puddler Puddler Two Mile Two Mile Two Mile Two Mile Clarke Puddler Puddler Puddler Site Type Drainage line Antecedent Conditions Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Pre-rain Pre-rain Pre-rain Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Low flow Low flow Low flow Pre-rain Pre-rain Pre-rain Pre-rain Pre-rain Pre-rain Pre-rain Pre-rain Pre-rain Pre-rain Pre-rain Pre-rain Pre-rain Pre-rain Pre-rain Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Phaeophytin (µg/L) 06 Feb 07 Feb 07 Feb 07 Feb 07 Feb 09 Feb 11 Apr 12 Apr 12 Apr 12 Apr 12 Apr 12 Apr 01 Feb 02 Feb 02 Feb 07 Feb 06 Feb 06 Feb 10 Apr 10 Apr 10 Apr 01 Feb 01 Feb 01 Feb 01 Feb 01 Feb 01 Feb 01 Feb 02 Feb 02 Feb 02 Feb 02 Feb 02 Feb 02 Feb 02 Feb 02 Feb 07 Feb 07 Feb 07 Feb 07 Feb Active Chlorophyll-a (µg/L) SM1 BR0 BR1 BR2 BR3 BK1 SM1 BR0 BR1 BR2 BR3 BK1 SW112 SW111 SW47 Horse Ck SW112 SW111 SW112 SW111 SW47 CC1 SW105 SW106 CC2 SW101 SW103 SW107 SW108 SW109 PCC SW104 TMC600 TMC500 TMC400 TMC CC2 SW107.5 SW108 PCC QWQG TV Sample Date Site Table 5.2.3 Phytoplankton analysis results for water samples collected in February and April 2012. Site type codes are as follows: OMC=Outside of Mine Catchment; UML=Upstream of Mining Lease; ML=ON the Mining lease; DML=Downstream of Mining Lease. Results highlighted in blue exceed the QWQG TV (shown at the bottom of the table). 0.5 1.7 0.5 0.5 0.8 1.9 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.5 1.6 2.9 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.3 1.1 1.5 3.7 0.5 0.5 3.2 0.9 1.3 0.5 0.8 0.3 0.3 0.3 1.6 0.2 0.7 0.7 1.3 0.8 5 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.4 1.0 0.4 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 1.0 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.4 <0.2 0.3 0.5 0.6 <0.2 0.2 0.4 0.8 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.7 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.8 0.8 <0.2 <0.2 0.5 <0.2 0.7 2.0 0.7 0.7 1.0 2.2 1.5 0.9 0.3 0.5 1.6 3.9 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.1 0.3 1.3 1.9 4.5 0.7 0.7 3.4 1.6 1.9 0.7 1.0 0.6 0.5 0.6 2.4 1.0 0.8 0.8 1.9 0.9 0.3 0.1 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.4 0.7 0.3 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.1 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.3 0.8 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.1 Page 26 Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research Pha:Chl Ratio ML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML DML Total Chlorophyll-a (µg/L) Clarke Clarke Clarke Clarke Clarke Puddler Puddler Puddler Puddler Puddler Puddler Two Mile Two Mile Two Mile Clarke Clarke Clarke Puddler Puddler Puddler Two Mile Two Mile Two Mile Two Mile Two Mile Seventy Mile Seventy Mile Seventy Mile Broughton Broughton Broughton Broughton Burdekin Clarke Clarke Clarke Puddler Puddler Two Mile Two Mile Two Mile Two Mile Two Mile Seventy Mile Seventy Mile Seventy Mile Broughton Broughton Broughton Broughton Burdekin Site Type Drainage line Antecedent Conditions Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Post-rain Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Low flow Phaeophytin (µg/L) 10 Apr 10 Apr 10 Apr 10 Apr 10 Apr 10 Apr 10 Apr 10 Apr 10 Apr 10 Apr 10 Apr 10 Apr 10 Apr 10 Apr 07 Feb 07 Feb 07 Feb 06 Feb 06 Feb 06 Feb 06 Feb 06 Feb 06 Feb 06 Feb 06 Feb 06 Feb 07 Feb 09 Feb 07 Feb 09 Feb 09 Feb 09 Feb 09 Feb 11 Apr 12 Apr 12 Apr 11 Apr 11 Apr 11 Apr 11 Apr 11 Apr 11 Apr 11 Apr 11 Apr 12 Apr 13 Apr 12 Apr 13 Apr 13 Apr 12 Apr 13 Apr Active Chlorophyll-a (µg/L) CC1 SW105 SW106 CC2 SW101 SW103 SW107 SW108 SW109 PCC SW104 TMC600 TMC400 TMC CC3 CC4 CC5 PCK1-500 m PC2 SM2 TMC11 TMC2 FC1 TMC12 FC2 SM3 SM4 SM5 BR4 BR5 BR6 BR7 BK2 CC3 CC4 CC5 PC2 SM2 TMC11 TMC2 FC1 TMC12 FC2 SM3 SM4 SM5 BR4 BR5 BR6 BR7 BK2 QWQG TV Sample Date Site Table 5.2.3 (Cont) 0.5 0.5 20.0 0.5 0.3 0.8 3.2 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 0.3 2.4 0.3 0.3 0.5 1.1 0.6 0.3 0.7 0.5 0.3 2.1 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.5 1.1 1.1 0.8 4.3 5.9 0.5 0.8 0.3 0.5 0.8 <0.2 0.5 0.8 1.6 0.5 1.1 1.6 0.8 1.1 1.1 1.3 1.9 2.4 5 0.2 0.6 3.7 0.4 0.5 <0.2 1.1 1.2 0.2 0.6 <0.2 <0.2 0.6 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 <0.2 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.6 0.2 0.2 0.2 1.0 0.2 0.4 <0.2 0.7 0.6 0.3 0.8 <0.2 0.3 0.6 0.4 0.2 <0.2 0.7 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.9 1.0 0.7 1.1 23.7 0.9 0.8 0.8 4.3 2.2 1.3 1.7 1.1 0.3 3.0 0.6 0.6 0.7 1.3 0.7 0.5 1.1 0.7 0.5 2.3 0.7 0.7 0.5 0.5 1.1 1.3 1.3 1.0 5.2 6.1 0.9 0.8 0.9 1.1 1.1 0.8 0.5 1.1 2.2 0.9 1.3 1.6 1.5 1.3 1.5 1.7 2.8 3.4 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.4 0.1 0.4 0.2 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.1 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.4 0.1 0.7 0.5 0.3 1.0 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.5 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.3 Page 27 5.2.3 Benthic algae The swiftflow event which occurred immediately prior to the February 2012 field survey had scoured the streambed and there was no visual evidence of any benthic algae at any of the sites that were visited. By April 30 2012 benthic communities had re-established at all of the sites that were surveyed on both Puddler and Clarke Creeks. These comprised the same dominant genera that had been recorded in August 2011; namely, Rhizoclonium, Oedogonium, Euglena and Cymbella. Fragilaria was also dominant in a few places on Puddler Creek, mainly on the bottom of deeper pools where water current velocities tend to be lower. Very small but dense assemblages of Oscillatoria were also visually evident in a few isolated pools which were at an advanced stage of drying out. Rhizoclonium (Hair algae, Family Cladophoraceae) Image 1: Rhizoclonium and Oedogonium (Family Oedogoniaceae) are filamentous green algae (Chlorophytes) which are commonly found in local streams. The basal cell of each filament can act as a holdfast for attachment to solid substrates, including other plants, but in quiet backwaters the filaments often occur as a free-floating mass. The cell walls of Oedogonium are very hard, which makes them an ideal substratum for attachment of other epiphytic algae, such as Cymbella (which is a common associate). Chlorophyte assemblages are not generally considered to be aesthetically pleasing, and Rhizoclonium in particular is a common nuisance for aquarists because it adversely affects the visual appeal of fish tanks (see Image 1). However, from an ecological perspective these are important species which provide food and habitat for other aquatic biota, and in poorly aerated waters they are also an important source of oxygenation. Euglena is not an alga, but rather a unicellular flagellated protistan which is customarily included in algal surveys because it is capable of photosynthesis and is therefore functionally similar to algae. It is one of the most ubiquitous “alga” that occurs in freshwater environments. Notably it is not an obligate autotroph; it is a heteroautotroph which can grow in the dark, and/or in water with low nutrient concentrations, by feeding on organic matter. Cymbella is a unicellular diatom (a group generally referred to as Heterokonts, although the taxonomy is currently unsettled). It can grow freely suspended in the water column but it generally prefers benthic habitats and can attach itself to substrata by producing mucilaginous stalks. Cymbella commonly attaches itself to Oedogonium and other filamentous algae, and the relationships between these species are reportedly subject to substantial seasonal variations, the relative dominance of each taxa being prone to shift abruptly in response to subtle cues (see for example Roos 1979). Fragilaria (sometimes spelled Fragelaria, family Fragilariaceae) is a diatom that forms fragile filamentous colonies. It can grow suspended in the water column or on the benthos. Oscillatoria is a genus of filamentous cyanobacterium which reproduces by fragmentation. It is virtually ubiquitous throughout this region and is commonly found in quite locations such as stock watering-troughs and tanks. Some species of Oscillatoria can produce toxins including microcystins, anatoxins and potentially aplysiatoxins, which can cause allergic dermal reactions in humans. However, despite its very wide occurrence, especially in livestock drinking water, Oscillatoria toxicity has rarely been reported in this region. Algal communities significantly influence the appearance of the waterways that they occupy. The periphyton mats which form on the bottom of pools when the water column is relatively still and calm are often brownish in colour (see images 2 to 4). This can be partially attributed to the presence of silt and fine particles of organic detritus that have been incorporated into the algal layer. However, Cymbella and Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research Page 28 Fragilaria contain golden brown to brown chloroplasts, and most the brownish colouration evident in images 2 to 4, is simply caused by a predominance of those genera. Image 2: Brown periphyton mat at Site SW107.5 30/04/12 Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research Page 29 Image 3: Brown periphyton mat at Site SW108 30/04/12 Image 4: Brown periphyton mat at Clarke1 Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research Page 30 Most of the sites surveyed in this study lacked the type of calm pools required to develop the sorts of periphyton coverages shown in the preceding photos. Thin diatom biofilms were still present in places at the more hydrodynamically active sites (see Image 5), but as can be seen in Images 6 to 16, filamentous green algae was the dominant periphyton at all sites other than the three shown in the preceding images, including the upstream control sites on Puddler Creek and Clarke Creek, and the external reference sites located on unnamed tributaries of the Broughton. Image 5: Close-up view of a mixed Rhizoclonium, Oedogonium and Euglena community at CC2 30/04/12 (green), surrounded by a thin layer of diatom biofilm (yellowish brown). Image 6: Distance view of the algae shown in Image 5 (CC2 30/04/12) Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research Page 31 Image 7: A reach of Clarke Creek located 1.28 km upstream of CC2 (looking upstream) Image 8: A reach of Clarke Creek located 1.28 km upstream of CC2 (looking downstream) Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research Page 32 Image 9: Filamentous green algae at site PCK (principally Rhizoclonium) Image 10: Isolated patch of filamentous green algae in a backwater at site PCC Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research Page 33 Image 11: Control Site SW112 on Clarke Ck Image 12: Control site SW111 on Puddler Creek Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research Page 34 Image 13: Upstream of control site SW111 on Puddler Image 14: Reference Site 1 – Unnamed Broughton River tributary Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research Page 35 Image 15: Image 16: Reference Site 1 – Unnamed Broughton River tributary Reference Site 2 – Unnamed Broughton tributary Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research Page 36 It is evident from the preceding images that, in general, the algae assemblages at the control and reference sites were more visually prominent than they were at the sites potentially influenced by the mine. The mass per unit area of algae at those sites was in fact only moderately higher than the impact sites, however, the differences were accentuated because the water levels at the control and reference sites had retracted further, thus exposing a greater proportion of the algal beds to the air. When this happens, the long filaments of Rhizoclonium and Oedogonium are no longer supported by water, so they collapse to form tangled mats dense enough to shade the underlying water. Motile “algae” such as Euglena, diatoms and cyanobacteria therefore attempt to migrate to the surface in order to obtain light, and as a result surface algae densities can become very high. In flowing sections of the creek these effects can develop relatively slowly because algal filaments and associated epiphytes continually break off and get carried downstream (termed sloughing). However, when algae get trapped in isolated pools, surface densities can increase quite rapidly. (Note that in streams of this kind pools usually continue to receive subsurface throughflows for significant periods after the surface connections have dried out. Hence there are usually sufficient inputs of aqueous nutrients to support vigorous algal growth even though the pools appear to be stagnant). As can be seen in Images 17 and 18, the visual effects of these natural drying out processes can be unappealing to the human observer and could easily be misconstrued as being indicative of an unhealthy ecosystem. It is in fact likely that conditions will become even more unsightly over the next few months when the creek beds dry out and most of the algal biomass begins to decay. However, these processes are a natural part of the annual cycle for ephemeral waters of this kind, and are by no means indicative of illhealth. Image 17: Emergent filamentous green algae at Control Site SW112 on Clarke Ck Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research Page 37 Image 18: Exposed filamentous green algae in an isolated pool near site PCC Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research Page 38 6. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS This report has found no evidence that algal growth within the sections of Puddler and Clarke Creeks potentially affected by Mt Leyshon mine is any more dense or prolific than the algal growth that is currently evident in other similar streams in the region. In fact the density and areal coverage of periphyton mats at the upstream control sites on Puddler and Clarke Creek, and in other small tributary streams that are free of influences from the mine, actually appear to be slightly higher, although that is probably an artefact caused by minor differences in flow persistency and the rates at which each site dries out. The unusually high rainfall over the past four years has generated increased baseflow and as a result streams throughout the region have flowed and retained water for longer periods during the dry season than they have for a least the previous decade. Since benthic algae continue to grow whenever water is present and growth rates can increase substantially if the water is flowing, the density of algal communities has increased very noticeably during this wet period. ACTFR believe that this natural effect was very likely the source of the algae-related issues raised in the EE Notice. The algal genera that were present at the monitoring sites all commonly occur in streams throughout the local region, and are essential sources of food and/or habitat for most of the freshwater organisms that inhabit these seasonally ephemeral waters. The only potentially problematic genus recorded in this study was the cyanobacterium Oscillatoria. However, that genus is virtually ubiquitous to fresh waters throughout the region, and it was only detected in very small amounts at the Mt Leyshon sites during this investigation. Clarke and Puddler Creeks stop flowing each year at some stage during the dry season. In the process algae are concentrated into residual pools which stagnate and gradually dry out. The exposed patches of decomposing and/or desiccated algae can be visually unappealing to the human observer and could easily be misconstrued as being indicative of an unhealthy ecosystem. However, these processes are a natural part of the annual cycle for ephemeral waters of this kind, and are by no means indicative of ill-health. Since there was no evidence of anomalously dense or prolific algal growth at any of the sites surveyed during this study it was not possible to address all relevant sections of the EE Notice. Specifically, although this report details the ways in which algae and other components of the aquatic environment interact with one another, there was no means of assessing the impacts of a phenomenon that was not observable over the course of the study, (as specified in Section 8b of the EE Notice), and no basis for making the remedial recommendations called for in Section 9. This study did, however, find evidence of nitrate accession in some the groundwaters and surface waters situated on the mining lease. Under baseflow conditions in 2012 there was evidence of localised occurrences of elevated nitrate concentrations at receiving stream sites situated within 1.5 km of water storage structures associated with the mining operation. The reported nitrogen concentrations could potentially have stimulated excessive algal growth, but at the time phosphorus levels were limiting, and as a consequence the phytoplankton concentrations at all of the affected sites were very low. Under lower flow conditions in August 2011 phosphorus concentrations were sufficiently high to potentially enhance algal growth but at that time nitrogen concentrations were low enough to limit algal responses, and phytoplankton levels were again quite low. The moderately elevated phosphorus levels were quite evenly distributed throughout the local drainage system suggesting that they originated from a diffuse catchment source unrelated to the mine. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research Page 39 7. REFERENCES ANZECC and ARMCANZ (2000) Australian Water Quality Guidelines for Fresh and Marine Waters. Australia and New Zealand Environment Conservation Council and Agriculture and Resource Management Council of Australia and New Zealand, Canberra. ANZECC and ARMCANZ (2000b) Australian Guidelines for Water Quality Monitoring and Reporting. Australia and New Zealand Environment Conservation Council and Agriculture and Resource Management Council of Australia and New Zealand, Canberra. ISBN 09578245 1 3. !SSN 1038 7072. APHA (1998) Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. 20th Edition. American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association and Water Environment Foundation. Washington, U.S.A. Baskaran, S., K. L. Budd, R. M. Larsen and J. Bauld (2002). A groundwater quality assessment of the Lower Pioneer Catchment, Qld. Bureau of Rural Sciences, Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry - Australia, Canberra. 62. Bauld, J., L. L. Leach and S. M. W. (1996). Impact of land use on groundwater quality in the Burdekin River Delta and the Burdekin River Irrigation Area : Abstract. Downstream effects of land use. H. Hunter, Eyles, AG and Rayment GE, Department of Natural Resources, Queensland: 195. Butler, B. and D. Burrows (2007). Dissolved Oxygen Guidelines for Freshwater Habitats of Northern Australia. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research, Townsville. ACTFR Report 07/32. Butler B. (2005) Water quality. In: Brizga S.O., Kapitzke R., Butler B., Cappo M., Connolly N., Lait R., Pearson R. G., Pusey B., Smithers S. and Werren G. L. (2005) Burdekin Basin Water Resource Plan: Current Environmental Condition Report. Department of Natural Resources and Mines, Queensland. Appendix E. Dames and Moore. (1994) The Century Project. Draft Impact Assessment Study Report. Volumes 1-3. Century Zinc. Commissioned by Century Zinc Limited through Kinhill Cameron and McNamara. DERM (2009) Queensland Water Quality Guidelines, Version 3. Department of Environment and Resource Management ISBN 978-0-9806986-0-2 DERM (2009) Monitoring and Sampling Manual 2009. Environmental Protection (Water) Policy 2009. Version 1 September 2009. Queensland, Department of Environment and Resource Management. Keating, B. A., Bauld, J., Hillier, J., Ellis, R., Weier, K. L., Sunners, F., and Connell, D. (1996). Leaching of nutrients and pesticides to Queensland groundwaters. Downstream Effects of Land Use. H. M. Hunter, Eyles, A. G., and Rayment, G. E. Brisbane, Department of Natural Resources. Newmont Mining Services (NMS) (2012) Response to Notice to Conduct an Environmental Evaluation, DERM Reference STAT620, for Environmental Authority MIN 100902009, May 2012. Pearson, R. G. and N. M. Connolly (2000). Nutrient enhancement, food quality and community dynamics in a tropical rainforest stream. Freshwater Biology 43: 31-42. Roos, P. J. (1979) Architecture and development of periphyton on reed-stems in Lake Maarsseveen Summaries and Papers of Scientific Meetings Organized by the Netherlands Hydrobiological Society. Aquatic Ecology. Volume 13, Numbers 2-3 (1979), 117, DOI: 10.1007/BF02284745 Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research Page 40 Schlumberger Water Services (SWS) (2012) Mt Leyshon Project; Source, Cause and Extent of sulphate in groundwater and surface water. Response to Environmental Evaluation Required under EA MIN100902209. Smith, R., Jeffree, R., John J. and Clayton P. (2004) Review of Methods for Water Quality Assessment of Temporary Stream and Lake Systems. Australian Centre for Mining Environmental Research (ACMER). Final Report. September 2004. Standards Australia (1998) Water Quality – Sampling. Part 1: Guidance on the design of sampling programs, sampling techniques and the preservation and handling of samples. AS/NZS 5667.1:1998. Standards Australia, Homebush. Weier, K., (1999) The quality of groundwater beneath Australian sugarcane fields. CSIRO Tropical Agriculture, St. Lucia, 1999. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research Page 41 A. APPENDIX ACTFR Sampling Protocols Adherence to the sampling protocols outlined below will generally ensure that sample integrity is maintained. Note, however, that it is not possible to anticipate all contingencies. Accordingly field personnel must be alert to any situation-specific factors that could potentially impact on the quality or reliability of samples, and it is ultimately their responsibility to take any additional precautions that might be necessary. The containers, syringes, filters and gloves provided by the laboratory are disposable items and they should not be re-used. Do not hesitate to dispose of samples and re-sample using new containers and/or equipment if there is any reason to suspect that the original sample has been compromised in some way (for example if a container lid has been dropped on the ground or a drop of sweat has fallen onto your gloves). The laboratory will provide surplus containers and equipment to cover such contingencies. Nutrients The nutrient analyses required for this project are as follows: Total (unfiltered) nitrogen and phosphorus – TN and TP Total dissolved (filterable) nitrogen and phosphorus – TDN and TDP Nitrate – NO3 Nitrite – NO2 Ammonia – NH3 Filterable reactive phosphorus – FRP Samples for these analyses are transferred to gamma-sterilised plastic tubes using a clean disposable plastic syringe. The TN and TP sample is not filtered and is simply transferred via syringe to a 60 ml tube. All other nutrient samples (TDN, TDP, NO3, NO2, NH3 and FRP) are filtered into 10 ml tubes (6 tubes per sample). Nutrients are ubiquitous in the environment and the concentrations that occur in human sweat, sun screens, soil, dust, smoke, ash and organic matter can be 1,000 to 1,000,000 times higher than the levels found in natural surface waters. Accordingly, special precautions are required to avoid contaminating samples. Tubes are provided in clip-seal plastic bags; they should be placed back in the bag immediately after sampling Notably the period during which tubes are uncapped should be kept as brief as possible. Hence tubes should only be uncapped after the syringe is ready for sample delivery, and each tube should be re-capped immediately before proceeding to the next. Tubes and caps should never be put down while they are open. Instead both should be held in the gloved hand taking care to ensure that there is no contact with the inside of the tube or the cap. (This is best done by holding the cap between the thumb and forefinger, and cradling the tube in the other fingers of the same hand). Sample bottles and vials for metals analyses have usually been washed with nitric acid, so they are a major potential source of nitrogen contamination. The preservatives used for other analyses can also cause similar problems. Accordingly nutrient samples should be taken and stored separately (in a dedicated portable freezer or cooler) before any other sample bottles are touched. (Alternatively, if there are two personnel involved, one person can do nutrient and chlorophyll samples, and the other can handle the rest of the samples). Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research Page 42 Sampling Procedure At each site, immediately prior to sampling, put on a clean pair of disposable gloves and use a clean plastic box or equivalent to create a clean work space where syringes, filter packets and sealed tubes can be laid down. Remove tubes from their clip seal bag, label them and set them down on the clean workspace. A new (unused) syringe should then be taken from its packet and rinsed three times with the water to be sampled, taking care to avoid drawing in coarse suspended particulate materials if possible. During all stages of the sampling procedure water should be drawn from a depth of 10 cm below the water surface. On the first rinse completely fill the syringe and expel all of the water to waste (resisting the temptation to squirt by-standers). On each subsequent rinse fill the syringe to one-quarter capacity, retract the plunger to its maximum extent (in order to create a large air space) and then shake the syringe vigorously before immediately ejecting the water. This procedure is important to minimise the chances of particulate matter adhering to the inside walls of the syringe. Inspect the syringe after the final rinse. Re-rinse if there is any visible particulate matter adhering to the walls. If that does not effectively clean the syringe use a new one and take greater care to avoid drawing in visible particulate matter. To start collecting samples, draw water into the rinsed syringe from 10 cm below the water surface, uncap the 60 ml TN and P sample tube, and fill it precisely to the calibration mark. Immediately replace the cap. Refill the syringe (if using a 60 ml syringe it is best to slightly overfill it, because the first few mls of sample will be used to wash the filter). Open the filter packet to expose the back of the filter housing, insert the (filled) syringe into the connection orifice and remove the filter from its packet (i.e. connect the filter to the syringe without touching the filter housing with your hands). Place the empty filter packet on the clean workspace until sampling is completed. The first few mls of filtered sample should be rejected. The remaining water in the syringe can then be filtered directly into each of the six 10 ml tubes provided. Each tube should be uncapped, filled to the calibration line molded into the neck and immediately recapped before proceeding to the next tube. It is particularly important to avoid overfilling the tubes to ensure that they do not burst when frozen. If it is necessary to refill the syringe, temporarily place the filter assembly back in its packet without touching it with your hands. If the filter becomes blocked use another clean filter, remembering to again reject the first few mls of filtrate. If it proves impossible to fill 3 tubes before the filter blocks, it would be advisable to use one of the pre-filters provided. These fit in-line between the syringe and the main filter. Note that the housing of the main filter is yellow and the pre-filter housing is clear, white or green. Return the tubes to the plastic bag and seal it. Place samples in cold storage immediately and ensure that they are frozen as soon as possible. Ensure that freezers, coolers and freezer blocks used for storage and transport of nutrient samples are very clean. Samples should ideally be placed in a portable freezer immediately after collection. Ice slurries are an effective means of initially cooling samples in the field but, since some potable waters can contain high nutrient concentrations, that option should only be employed if the ice has been made from laboratory grade de-ionised water. Alternatively, for interim field storage purposes, the samples can be placed in a cooler ensuring that the tubes are positioned such that they are in direct contact with clean freezer blocks. Samples in field coolers should be transferred to a freezer as soon as possible, and ideally they should be deep frozen before they are shipped to the laboratory. Nutrient samples can be stored for months provided that they remain deep frozen. Hence there is time to ensure that they are fully frozen before they are shipped to the laboratory. In fact it is feasible to accumulate samples collected on different days and submit them to the laboratory later as a single batch. Note that this option is not applicable for chlorophyll samples. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research Page 43 Chlorophyll a and phaeophytin Samples for chlorophyll a and phaeophytin analysis (indicative of the concentrations of planktonic algae, termed phytoplankton) are collected in a one litre black plastic bottle. Provided that the water in the stream to be sampled is deeper than 40 cm, the bottle should simply be filled by immersing to a depth of 25 cm below the water surface with the mouth of the bottle facing into the prevailing current. In waters 20 to 40 cm deep the sample should be collected at least 5 cm below the water surface and 15 cm above the bottom, taking extreme care to ensure that bottom algae and/or detritus are not disturbed in the process, and that surface water does not enter the bottle. If the water is less than 20 cm deep it would be advisable to search a short distance upstream to find a deeper location. (Moving downstream may also be an option if the site has not yet been disturbed by sampling personnel). If there are no locations greater than or equal to 20 cm deep, sample at the deepest point, record the sampling depth and note whether or not surface water entered the bottle. The bottles provided are ready for use. They should not be rinsed prior to sampling (because algae can potentially adhere to the insides of the bottle, in which case the rinsing process can actually increase the concentrations in the sample). Samples must be immediately chilled (below 4°C), but never frozen (freezing destroys algae by fracturing cell walls). The samples must be filtered and preserved within 24 hours of collection so it is important to ship them to the laboratory as soon as possible after collection, and confirm that the lab will be ready to filter them as soon as they arrive. The lab does not normally work on weekends, so sampling should not be done on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday, unless special arrangements have been made with the laboratory manager. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research Page 44 Nutrient Sampling Summary: Take any precautions necessary to protect samples from potential contamination Collect nutrient samples and store them separately before collecting samples for other analyses Wear a new pair of disposable gloves at each site Use a clean plastic box or equivalent to create a clean work area where tubes and syringes can be laid down without risking contamination Remove tubes from the clip-seal plastic bag and label them Open a new disposable syringe and rinse it at least three times with the water to be sampled, ensuring that there is no visible particulate matter adhering to the insides Draw sample into the syringe from a depth of 10 cm below the water surface Use the syringe (without fitting a filter) to fill the 60 ml tube for TN and TP analyses Fill the tube to the calibration mark; do not overfill Re-fill the syringe (slightly over-fill if using a 60 ml syringe) If the water is not excessively turbid attach a main filter (yellow housing) directly to the full syringe without touching it with your hands; if the water is turbid attach a pre-filter (housing white, clear or green) to the syringe and then attach the main filter to the pre-filter outlet Discard the first few mls of water that is passed through the filter(s) Filter sample into each of the six 10 ml tubes Open, fill and recap each tube before opening the next, and minimise the time that each tube is open Return the tubes to their clip-seal plastic bag and seal it Freeze, or at least chill, the samples immediately After sampling dispose of gloves, syringes, filters and associated packaging, responsibly Ensure that samples are deep frozen as soon as possible, ideally before they are shipped to the laboratory Chlorophyll Sampling Summary: Confirm arrangements with freight carriers and laboratory staff to ensure that the samples will be filtered within 24 hrs of collection Use a one litre black plastic bottle for sample collection Do not pre-rinse the bottle. Fill by immersing the bottle with the opening facing into the prevailing current. Sample bottle immersion depth: water >40 cm deep; 25 cm below the water surface. water 20-40 cm deep; 15 cm above the bottom. water <20 cm deep; avoid if possible; record details Do not disturb bottom algae or detritus If possible, do not allow surface water to enter the bottle Chill the sample immediately Ship the samples to the laboratory ASAP Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research Page 45