1 From E.F. Keller, “Language and Ideology in Evolutionary Theory

From E.F. Keller, “Language and Ideology in Evolutionary Theory: Reading Cultural Norms into
Natural Law”
In much of the discourse on reproduction, it is common to speak of the 'reproduction of an
organism'—as if reproduction is something an individual organism does; as if an organism
makes copies of itself, by itself. Strictly speaking, of course, such language is appropriate only
to asexually reproducing populations since, as every biologist knows, sexually reproducing
organisms neither produce copies of themselves nor produce other organisms by themselves. It
is a striking fact, however, that the language of individual reproduction, including such
correlative terms as an individual's offspring and lineage, is used throughout population biology6
to apply indiscriminately to both sexually and asexually reproducing populations. While it would
be absurd to suggest that users of such language are actually confused about the nature of
reproduction in the organisms they study (e.g. calculations of numbers of offspring per organism
are always appropriately adjusted to take the mode of reproduction into account), we might
none the less ask, what functions, both positive and negative, does such manifestly peculiar language serve? And what consequences does it have for the shape of the theory in which it is
I want to suggest, first, that this language, far from being inconsequential, provides crucial
conceptual support for the individualist programme in evolutionary theory. In particular, my claim
is that the starting assumption of this programme—that is, that individual properties are
primary—depends on the language of individual reproduction for its basic credibility.7 In
addition, I would argue that, just as we saw with the language of competition, the language of
individual reproduction, maintained as it is by certain methodological conventions, both blocks
the perception of problems in the evolutionary project as presently conducted and, simultaneously, impedes efforts to redress those difficulties that can be identified.
The problems posed for evolutionary theory by sexual reproduction and Mendelian genetics
are hardly new, and indeed, the basic theory of population genetics originates in the formulation
of a particular method (i.e. the Hardy-Weinberg calculus) designed to solve these problems. The
Hardy-Weinberg calculus (often referred to as 'bean-bag' genetics) invoked an obviously highly
idealized representation of the relation between genes, organisms, and reproduction, but it was
one that accomplished a great deal. Most important, it provided a remarkably simple recipe for
mediating between individuals and populations—a recipe that apparently succeeded in
preserving the individualist focus of the evolutionists' programme. One might even say that it did
so, perhaps somewhat paradoxically, by tacitly discounting individual organisms and their
troublesome mode of reproduction. With the shift of attention from populations of organisms to
well-mixed, effectively infinite, pools of genes, the gap between individual and population
closed. Individual organisms, in this picture, could be thought of as mere bags of genes
(anticipating Richard Dawkins's 'survival machines' (1976: 21))—the end-product of a
reproductive process now reduced to genetic replication plus the random mating of gametes.
Effectively bypassed with this representation were all the problems entailed by sexual
difference, by the contingencies of mating and fertilization that resulted fr0111 the finitude of
actual populations and, simultaneously, all the ambiguities of the term reproduction as applied
to organisms that neither make copies of themselves nor reproduce by themselves. In short, the
Hardy-Weinberg calculus provided a recipe for dealing with reproduction that left undisturbed—
indeed, finally, reinforced—the temptation to think (and to speak) about reproduction as simply
an individual process, to the extent, that is, that it was thought or spoken about at all.
In the subsequent incorporation of the effects of natural selection into the Hardy-Weinberg
model, for most authors in population genetics, the contribution of reproduction to natural
selection fell largely by the wayside. True, the basic calculus provided a ready way to
incorporate at least part of the reproductive process, namely, the production of gametes; but in
practice, the theoretical (and verbal) convention that came to prevail in traditional population
genetics was to equate natural selection with differential survival and ignore fertility altogether.
In other words, the Hardy-Weinberg calculus seems to have invited not one but two kinds of
elision from natural selection—first, of all those complications incurred by sex and the
contingency of mating (these, if considered at all, get shunted off under the label of sexual,
rather than natural, selection),8 and second, more obliquely, of reproduction in toto.
I want to suggest that these two different kinds of elision in fact provided important tacit support
for each other. In the first case, the representation of reproduction as gametic production invited
confidence in the assumption that, for calculating changes in gene frequency, differential
reproduction, or fertility, was like differential survival and hence did not require separate
treatment. And in the second case, the technical equation of natural selection with differential
survival which prevailed for so many years, in turn, served to deflect attention away from the
substantive difficulties invoked in representing reproduction as an individual process. The net
effect has been to establish a circle of confidence, first, in the adequacy of the assumption that,
despite the mechanics of Mendelianism, the individual remains both the subject and object °f
reproduction, and second, in the adequacy of the metonymic collapse of reproduction and
survival in discussions of natural Election.
The more obvious cost of this circle surely comes from its second part. As a number of authors
have recently begun to remind us, the equation between natural selection and differential
survival fosters both the theoretical omission and the experimental neglect of a crucial
component of natural selection. Perhaps even more serious is the cost in unresolved difficulties
that this equation has helped obscure.
One such difficulty is the persistence of a chronic confusion between two definitions of individual
fitness: one, the (average) net contribution of an individual of a particular genotype to the next
generation, and the other, the geometric rate of increase of that particular genotype. The first
refers to the contribution an individual makes to reproduction, while the second refers to the rate
of production of individuals. In other words, the first definition refers to the role of the individual
as subject of reproduction and the second to its role as object. The disparity between the two
derives from the basic fact that, for sexually reproducing organisms, the rate at which individuals
of a particular genotype are born is a fundamentally different quantity from the rate at which
individuals of that genotype give birth—a distinction easily lost in a language that assigns the
same term, birth rate, to both processes.
Beginning in 1962, a number of authors have attempted to call attention to this confusion
(Moran 1962; Charlesworth 1970; Pollak and Kempthorne 1971; Denniston 1978), agreeing that
one definition—the contribution a particular genotype makes to the next generation's
population—is both conventional and correct, while the other (the rate at which individuals of a
particular genotype are born) is not. Despite their efforts, however, the confusion persists.9 In
part, this is because their remains a real question as to what 'correct' means in this context or
more precisely, as to which definition is better suited to the needs that the concept of fitness is
intended to serve—in particular, the need to explain changes in the genotypic composition of
populations. Given that need, we want to know not only which genotypes produce more but also
the relative rate of increase of a particular genotype over the course of generations.
Not surprisingly, conflation of the two definitions of fitness is , particularly likely to occur in
attempts to establish a formal connection between the models of population genetics and those
of mathematical ecology. Because all the standard models for population growth assume
asexual reproduction, the two formalisms actually refer to two completely different kinds of
populations: one of gametic pools and the other of asexually reproducing organisms. , In
attempting to reconcile these two theories, such a conflation is in fact required to finesse the
logical gap between them. A more adequate reconciliation of the two formalisms requires the
introduction of both the dynamics of sexual reproduction into mathematical ecology and a
compatible representation of those dynamics into population genetics.
Counter intuitively, it is probably the second—the inclusion (in population genetics models) of
fertility as a property of the mating type—that calls for the more substantive conceptual shifts.
Over the last twenty years, we have witnessed the emergence of a considerable literature
devoted to the analysis of fertility selection—leading at least some authors to the conclusion that
'the classical concept of individual fitness is insufficient to account for the action of natural
selection' (Christiansen 1983: 75).
The basic point is that when fertility selection is included in natural selection, the fitness of a
genotype, like the fitness of a gene (as argued by Sober and Lewontin 1982), is seen to depend
on the context in which it finds itself. Now, however, the context is one determined by the
genotype of the mating partner rather than by the complementary allele. A casual reading of the
literature on fertility selection might suggest that the mating pair would be a more appropriate
unit of selection than the individual, but the fact is that mating pairs do not reproduce
themselves any more than do individual genotypes. As E. Pollak has pointed out, 'even if a
superior mating produces offspring with a potential for entering a superior mating, the realization
of this potential is dependent upon the structure of the population' (1978: 389). In other words,
in computing the contribution of either a genotype or a mating pair to the next generation's
population (of genotypes or mating pairs), it is necessary to take account of the contingency of
mating: such a factor, measuring the probability that any particular organism will actually mate,
incurs a frequency dependence that reflects the dependence of mating on the genotypic
composition of the entire population.
Very briefly, the inclusion of a full account of reproduction in evolutionary theory necessitates
the conclusion that natural selection operates simultaneously on many levels (gene, organism,
mating pair, and group), not just under special circumstances, as others have argued, but as a
rule. For sexually reproducing organisms, fitness in general is not an individual property but a
composite of the entire interbreeding population, including, but certainly not determined by,
genie, genotypic, and mating pair contributions. By undermining the reproductive autonomy of
the individual organism, the advent of sex undermines the possibility of locating the causal
efficacy of evolutionary change in individual properties. At least part of the 'causal engine' of
natural selection must be seen as distributed throughout the entire population of interbreeding
My point is not merely to argue against the adequacy of the individualist programme in
evolutionary theory but—like the point of my earlier remarks about competition—to illustrate a
quite general process by which the particular conventions of language employed by a scientific
community permit a tacit incorporation of ideology into scientific theory and, simultaneously,
protect participants from recognition of such ideological influences. The net effect is to insulate
the theoretical structure from substantive critical revision. In discussions of sexual reproduction,
the linguistic conventions of individual reproduction—conventions embodying an ideological
commitment to the a priori autonomy of the individual—both perpetuate that belief and promote
its incorporation into the theory of evolutionary dynamics. At the same time, the conventional
equation between natural selection and differential survival has served to protect evolutionary
theory from problems introduced by sexual reproduction, thereby lending at least tacit support to
the assumption of individual autonomy that gave rise to the language of individual reproduction
in the first place. The result—now both of the language of autonomy and the language of
competition—is to effectively exclude from the domain of theory those biological phenomena
that do not fit (or even worse, threaten to undermine) the ideological commitments that are
unspoken yet in language, built into science by the language we use in both constructing and
applying our theories. In this way, through our inescapable reliance on language, even the most
ardent efforts to rid natural law of cultural norms become subverted, and the machinery of life
takes on not so much a life of its own as a life of our own. But then again, what other life could it
6. Including both population genetics and mathematical ecology.
7. For example, in the absence of other organisms, the fitness of a sexually reproducing
organism is, strictly speaking, zero.
8. Darwin originally introduced the idea of sexual selection—always in clear contradistinction to
natural selection—in an effort to take account of at least certain aspects of reproductive
selection. ... In my view, the recent interest in sexual selection among sociobiologists is a
direct consequence of the final, and complete, abandonment of the individual organism as a
theoretical entity. Genetic selection theories, it could be said, complete the shift of attention
away from organisms begun by the Hardy-Weinberg calculus. Sexual reproduction is a
problem in this discourse only to the extent that individual organisms remain, somewhere, an
important (even if shifting) focus on conceptual interest.
9. See Keller (1987) for details.
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