School Year: 2015-2016 Course Title: Animal Science 1 & 2

School Year:
Course Title:
Animal Science 1 & 2
Mr. Habermehl
Room #:
Phone# with Extension:
(716)988-3276 Ext. 4341
Email Address:
Parent Portal Directions: How to ACCESS progress marks or quarter grades:
1. Log into your Parent Account by going to
2. Click on Grade History on the left side of the screen. There will be a black box around each
group of grades and it will have a letter/number combination at the top of the box. This refers
to the marking period.
Course Description/Overview & Objectives:
Animal Science I: This course involves a comprehensive study of agricultural animal industries
including: dairy, beef, sheep, goats, horses, swine, and poultry. Class study also involves the
study of less common agricultural enterprises such as aquaculture species, rabbits, ostrich,
honeybees, etc. Animal behavior, welfare, domestication, care, genetics, nutrition and
reproduction are studied as part of class. The judging of each species will be covered in detail as
well. Some exotic species and common pets like fish, cats and dogs will be covered as well.
Animal Science II: The class is set up as a vet tech training class, so if you love animals you’ll
enjoy this class. Areas covered in this part of the course include: anatomy review, reproduction
and genetics, skeletal and muscular system, nutrition balancing, cardio and respiratory systems,
nervous systems, cells and tissue, disease classification and prevention, management techniques,
physical examination, use of Latin words and math associated with veterinary work. This class
will end with students researching world concerns such as West Nile Virus, Mad Cow Disease or
other zoonotic diseases. Animal Science I will be beneficial.
Grading Policy/Explanation:
Projects/ PresentationsQuizzes/Exams/Tests HomeworkTotal
Class Policy/Consequences: Attendance- Students are expected to be in the class before the
bell is ringing. If you are late bring a signed pass to class. School attendance policy and student
handbook is in effect at all times. Also see (page 19, section B – Student Responsibilities).
Class Materials: Students are to bring the following materials to class.
o Pen and pencil
o Paper or current notes
o Charged IPad (All notes, tests, and material will be digital!)
o Positive Attitude
Class Assignment Due Dates: Due Dates for assigned work will be posted on power school.
Late Policy: If an assignment is not completed on time (-10 points per day). If the assignment is not
completed within 3 days no credit will be given and ZERO will be put into gradebook.
Student & Parent/Guardian Signatures:
I hereby understand and have read the syllabus I also understand that the syllabus is subject to change
without notification to best service the needs of the student body.
Students signature
_____________________________ Date____________
Printed name
Parents signature
Printed Name