Selected References - University of Colorado Boulder

ROGER G. BARRY: Publications on Mountain Climate
Mountain Weather and Climate, 2nd revised edn. R.G. Barry. Routledge, London, 402 pp.
Atmosphere, Weather and Climate, 8th edn. R.G. Barry and R.J. Chorley. Routledge, London. 421
Articles and book chapters
Application of computed global radiation for areas of high relief. R.G. Barry, L.D. Williams and
J.T. Andrews. J. Appl. Met. 11: 526-533.
A climatological transect on the east slope of the Front Range, Colorado. R.G. Barry. Arctic and
Alpine Research 5(2): 89-110.
Wind storms: a case study of wind hazard for Boulder, Colorado. D. Miller, W.A.R. Brinkmann
and R.G. Barry. In: Natural Hazards, Local, Global and National. Oxford University Press: 8086.
Aspects of the precipitation characteristics of the New Guinea mountains. R.G. Barry. J. Trop.
Geogr. 47: 13-30.
Diurnal effects on topoclimate on an equatorial mountain. R.G. Barry. Arbeiten aus der
Zentralanstalt fűr Meteorologie und Geodynamik (Vienna), Publ. 32(72): 1-8.
H.-B. de Saussure: the first mountain meteorologist. R.G. Barry. Bull. Amer. Met. Soc. 59: 702705.
High altitude climates. R.G. Barry. In: P.J. Webber, ed., High Altitude Geoecology. Westview
Press, Boulder: 55-74.
Mountain climates of New Guinea. R.G. Barry. In: P. van Royen, ed., Alpine Flora of New Guinea.
Cramer, Braunschweig: 75-109.
Synoptic climatology of the western United States in relation to climatic fluctuations during the
twentieth century. R.G. Barry, G. Kiladis and R.S. Bradley. J. Climatology, 1: 97-113.
Climatic characteristics of Pike's Peak, Colorado (1874 to 1888) and comparisons with other
Colorado stations. H.F. Diaz, R.G. Barry and G. Kiladis. Mountain Research and Development 2:
Snow and ice data. R.G. Barry. In: A.D. Hecht, ed., Paleoclimate Analysis and Modeling. J. Wiley
and Sons, New York: 259-290.
Mountain climatology: Status and prospects. R.G. Barry. Ecol. Bull. (Copenhagen) 38: 38-46.
Changes in mountain climate and glacio-hydrological responses. R.G. Barry. Mountain Res.
Devel. 10(2): 161-170.
Annual and seasonal patterns of rainfall variability over Venezuela. R.S. Pulwarty, R.G. Barry
and H. Riehl. Erdkunde, 51: 273-289.
Climate change in mountains, R.G. Barry. In: P.B. Stone, ed., The State of the World's Mountains.
A Global Report. Zed Books Ltd., London, pp. 359-380.
Mountain climatology and past and potential future climatic changes in mountain regions: A
review. R.G. Barry. Mountain Res. Devel. 12: 71-86.
Glacier trends in the Caucasus, 1960s to 1980s. D.P. Bedford and R.G. Barry. Physical
Geography, 15: 414-424.
Mountain weather and climate. R.G. Barry. In: J.D. Ives, ed., Mountains. (The Illustrated Library
of the Earth) RD Press, Surry Hills, Australia. pp. 57-61.
Climate change. Ch. 17. M.F. Price and R.G. Barry. In: B. Messerli and J.D. Ives, eds., Mountains
of the World: a Global Priority. Parthenon Publishing Group, New York, pp. 409-445.
Precipitation in the Venezuelan Andes in the context of regional climate. R.S. Pulwarty, R.G.
Barry, C.M. Hurst, K. Selinger and L.F. Mogollon. Met. Atmos. Phys. 67: 217-238
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Statistics and characteristics of permafrost and ground ice distribution in the Northern
Hemisphere. T. Zhang, R.G. Barry, K. Knowles, J. Brown, J.A. Heginbottom. Polar Geography.
Research for Mountain Area Development: Climate fluctuations in the mountains of the Americas
and their significance. R.G. Barry and A. Seimon. Ambio, 29(7): 364-370. Corrigendum Ambio,
30(1): 69.
The cryosphere. Mountain climates, R.G. Barry. In T. Munn, (ed-in chief). Encyclopedia of
Global Environmental Change, Vol. 1, The Earth System: physical and chemical dimensions of
global environmental change. (Volume Editors: M.C. MacCracken and J.S. Perry). J Wiley and
Sons, Chichester, UK. pp. 330-31; and 540-41.
The Role of Snow and Ice in the Global Climate System: A Review. R.G. Barry. Polar Geog. 24(3)
pp. 235-246.
Late-Twentieth Century Changes in Glacier Extent in the Ak-Shirak Range, Central Asia,
Determined from Historical Data and ASTER Imagery. T.E. Khromova, M.B. Dyurgerov, R.G.
Barry. Geophys. Res. Lett. 30(16), 1863, pp. HLS 2-1 to 2-5 (doi: 10.1029/2003GL017233)
Mountain Cryospheric Studies and the WCRP Climate and Cryosphere (CliC) Project. R.G. Barry.
J.Hydrology, Special Issue: Mountain Hydrology and Water Resources (Eds., H. Lang and G.
Kaser) 282(1-4) pp. 177-181.
Koerner, C., Ohsawa, M. et al. (R. Barry, contributing author). Mountain Systems. Chapter 24 in:
R. Hassan, R. Scholes and N. Ash (eds) "Ecosystems and Human Well-Being. Current state and
trends, Volume 1". Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. Island Press, Washington DC. pp. 681716.
Jong, C., Collins, D.N., Ranzi, R., Barry, R.G., Leavesley, G., and Bachhi, B. Introduction:
Climate and Hydrology of Mountain Areas. In, de Jong, C., Collins, D.N. and Ranzi, R. (eds) 2005.
Climate and Hydrology of Mountain Areas, Wiley, Chichester, UK. pp. xix-xxi.
Barry, R.G. The status of research on glaciers and global glacier recession: A Review. Progr. in
Phys. Geogr. 30(3): 285-306.
Khromova, T.E., Osipova,G.B., Tsvetkov, D.G., Dyurgerov, M.D. and Barry, R.G. Changes in
glacier extent in the eastern Pamir, Central Asia, determined from historical data and ASTER
imagery. Remote Sensing of Environment 102 (1-2) 24-32
Conference papers
Secular fluctuations of precipitation in the Rocky Mountain region. R.S. Bradley and R.G. Barry.
In: Proceedings of the WMO/IAMAP Symposium on Long-Term Climatic Fluctuation, World
Meteorological Organization, Geneva, W.M.O. No. 42l: 215-222.
Mountain climate data for long-term ecological research. R.G. Barry. In: Proceedings of
International Symposium on the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau and Mountain Meteorology. Science
Press, Beijing, and Amer. Met. Soc., Boston: 170-187.
An exploratory study of temperature trends for paired mountain-high plains stations in Colorado.
T.J. Brown, R.G. Barry and N.J. Doesken. In: Preprints Volume: Sixth Conference on Mountain
Meteorology. Amer. Met. Soc., Boston: 181-184.
The importance of mountains in the climate system: climate processes and climatic change. R.G.
Barry. In: Preprint :Seventh Conference on Mountain Meteorology. American Meteorological
Society, Boston, MA: 1-5.
Barry, R.G. 2002. Mountain climate change and cryospheric responses: A review. In Berger, T.,
et al. (eds) “Mountain of the World.” Proceedings of the World Mountain Symposium (WMS 2001),
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7pp. CD-ROM. Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, Bern, Switzerland. Also web:
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