Photo 1 - Santa Monica College


Photo 2

Instructor: Craig Mohr


Course Description

This is an introductory lab course exploring the techniques of Black and White Photography including exposure techniques, film development controls and printing techniques. Specific shooting and printing assignments explore a variety of natural light situations and shooting challenges. Weekly lectures support

Instructor supervised lab periods. Everything you will be learning will be applied as you proceed into Photo 3, digital capture, and possibly into the professional field.

Required for photography majors.

Prerequisite : Photo 1, (concurrent enrollment is allowed), with a grade of C or better.

Units :2 units: 1 hour lecture – 3 hours lab per week.

Required Textbook : Black & White Photography, 2nd edition, Rand & Litchel, Delmar publishing

Supply List – Photo 2


* Kodak and Fuji B&W film

Film Processing

* Stainless steel processing tank, 2 – 35mm reel size (could be a partner purchase)

* Stainless steel Hewes reels, 2 – 35mm (partner purchase)





Printing Items

A small thermometer (partner purchase)

Negative storage and viewing pages, 7 strips on a page, 25 for $14 (partner purchase)

Print storage and viewing pages (8x10), $14 (partner purchase)

2 hand towels








Ilford Multigrade, Kodak Multigrade, or Cachet -

Multi-contrast printing filters, 6"x6" only, $18

Small flashlight with red filter (partner purchase)

A bottle of film cleaner, $5 (partner purchase)

A few cotton balls and Q-Tips, keep in a zip lock bag (partner purchase)

Dodging Kit, $6 (partner purchase) optional

Mat boards for burning tools, $3 each

RC Glossy ONLY 1-8x10x100 sheets $40



China or grease pencil, $1.50

Marshall’s spotting toner, $7 (partner purchase)



Spotting brush #00 or smaller

1 llford Antistaticum Cloth, write “Negative” on the zip lock bag it comes in, $8 each


3" anti-static brush for cleaning your negatives, $20 (partner purchase)

Miscellaneous Items

* A small notebook for recording shooting information

* Gray card, $5 (partner purchase)

NOTE: All prices listed above are approximations. They are intended to give you an idea of cost for those items. I highly recommend calling various venders in order to pay the most reasonable price possible, and always inquire about student discounts.

All assignments must be produced within the time frame of this current semester, only.

All images must be for each specific project only; project #1's images cannot be submitted for project #3, etc.

Any shared images / negatives will NOT be graded , unless it is specified as a group project. A grade of 'F’ will be assigned to that project for all persons involved.

Unless otherwise stated, you must submit only the negative strips used for making your prints in a negative viewing page for every assignment. You are also required to submit a contact sheet of those negatives in a viewing page with every assignment.

On every viewing page of all projects have the following information:

Name: _____________________________

Date: ______________________________

Project #: ___________________________

Class: ______________________________

You are required to have your negative/s, contact sheet/s and print/s loaded into viewing pages at the beginning of the class, on the days the assignments are due. After your prints have been viewed, place everything for project submission into a large envelop with your Name, Date, Project# and Class on the outside for grading.

Class Attendance

Attendance is recorded daily. It is your responsibility to make sure your attendance is recorded. 2 late arrivals will equal 1 absence. If you are absent 3 times you will be dropped from this course.

Absences due to illness, religious observance or personal emergency will be excused upon receipt of a written note.

Students who wish to drop the class must do so at the Admissions Office.

Do not rely upon your instructor to dr op you. This is not an instructor’s responsibility.

Students accidentally dropped can be re-instated by instructor at any time.

Academic Assistance

Please see the instructor if you find yourself having difficulty at any time in this class. You can be directed to the appropriate counselor, resource centers, tutor or workshop.

Special Considerations

Students with special needs (physical access, learning disabilities, medical restrictions, etc.) should notify the instructor if they feel that their interests will be better served by the instructor’s awareness of these needs. If a condition exists that might require the instructor or fellow students to have special knowledge of emergency procedures, please inform the instructor as soon as possible.

Academic Honesty

The academic honesty policy of Santa Monica College will be strictly enforced. Do your own work.

Grading Policy

You will be informed of your grades and supplied with a list of missing assignments during the semester so you can monitor your progress and meet with the instructor to clear up any errors in grade reporting.

 Late assignments will be penalized 1 grade per class session late. (i.e. “A” work will receive a “B” grade).

You will receive a zero if an assignment is not turned in at all.

No assignments can be turned in more than 2 weeks late.

You may redo on time assignments. The better of the two grades will be counted. The second version will be held to a higher standard.

 All redo assignments must be completed within 1 weeks’ time of its graded return. Turn in the first assignment with grade sheet and the redone assignment clearly labeled as such.

Any missed assignments due to excused absence must be turned in the day you return to class.

Criteria For Grading Projects - Ask yourself these questions before turning assignment..

Did you meet the project's requirements?

Was it turned in on time?

Did you follow directions?

Did you shoot under proper conditions?

Did you provide all information requested?

Are your shots interesting to look at and well composed? Or not?

Is your film properly exposed? Too thin? Too dense?

Did you use interesting lighting? (different times of day, different angles of light, etc.

Did you attempt original ideas or concepts? Alternative solutions.

Are the images in focus sharp?

A (90-100) - you outdid yourself, went way beyond the requirements of the assignment, and excelled in all areas.

B (80-89) - you completed the assignment successfully and demonstrated exceptional skills.

C (70-79) - you completed the assignment but showed no unusual strengths or effort.

D (60-69) - you barely completed the assignment.

F (59 or below) - you need help.


E-6 Processing labs

A&I Color

1550 17 th Street

Santa Monica, CA 90404

310 264-2622

933 N. Highland Ave.

Los Angeles, CA 90038

323 856-5255


Culver City, CA 90232

310 202-1984

Paris Photo Lab

1961 S. La Cienega Blvd.

Los Angeles, CA 90034

310 204-0500

SD Color

2422 Pico Blvd.

Santa Monica, CA

310 396-5811

Camera & Film Suppliers

Bel-Air Camera

10925 Kinross Ave.

Westwood, CA 90024

310 208-5150

Calumet Photographic

1135 North Highland Ave

Hollywood, CA 90038

323 466-1238

 Samy’s Camera

585 Venice Blvd

Venice, CA 90291

310 450-8590

431 S. Fairfax Ave.

Los Angeles, CA 90048

323 938-2420

 Trader Jim’s Camera

4349 Sepulveda Blvd.

Culver City, CA 90230

310 398-5919
