
Design and draw the layout of an RS flip-flop using two NAND gates
Sam Tran
CENG 5931.02 Introduction to Microelectronics
Instructor: Hatem N. Nounu
August 2, 2004
Project Outline
I. Define the target.
1. What is a RS flip-flop using NAND gates?
2. Requirements of the design.
a. Layout rules.
b. Minimization.
II. How to make it.
1. Figure out whole picture.
2. Minimize.
3. Design.
a. NAND gate.
b. RS Flip-Flop.
III. Conclusion.
IV. References.
Define the target
The target of this project is to use L-edit to design an RS flip-flop using two
NAND gates. So, what is a RS flip-flop and what are the requirements of the design on
What is a RS flip-flop using NAND gates.
A flip-flop is a basic memory cell. It is capable to store one bit of information.
Usually, a flip-flop has two outputs, one for normal value and one for the complement
value for the bit stored. Normally, a flip-flop maintains the binary state until a coming
pulse switches the state. Here is a RS (reset/set) flip-flop constructed by two NAND
gates (Figure 1):
Figure 1: RS flip-flop using 2 NAND gates.
1 (after S=1, R=0)
0 (after S=0, R=1)
1 (Not allowed)
Figure 2: The truth table of the flip-flop.
As on the truth table (Figure 2), the flip-flop is in set state (Q=1, /Q = 0) when the
reset input (R) is 1. In the case of the set input (S) is 1, the flip-flop is in reset state (Q=0,
/Q=1). If both inputs are set to 0, the two outputs are 1. This condition should be
avoided in normal operation of a flip-flop.
Requirements of the design
To work with L-edit, we have to follows rules of the software. Actually, these
rules come from practice. For example, the minimum size for a Metal is 3, distance
between the Metal1 is at least 3, a contact size is 2x2, and etc. Every technique of
integration has a specific set of rules. Or, users can define their own rules. Here is an
example (Figure 3):
Figure 3: Rules of the MOSIS/AMI N20 2P2M NPN
Another important thing on the design is minimization. Minimization is a process
in which every part of the layout gets the minimum value from the set of rules. It ensures
that the chip is the smallest. No rooms or materials are wasted.
In summary, there are two things that we have to care about: the rules of the
design and the minimization. In the next section, we will consider how to solve these
How to make it
As the natural way to solve a problem, the designer has to figure out the whole
picture of the problem. In this case, we consider how many objects that we have, what is
the minimum size of each according to the rules.
Figure out the whole picture
As we can see from Figure 1, the flip-flop consists of two NAND gates. Each
NAND gate is formed by 2 N-MOS and 2 P-MOS as in the Figure 4:
Figure 4: Structure of an NAND gate
All in all, the flip-flop contains 4 N-MOS, 4 P-MOS, two inputs, two outputs, a
voltage supplier (VDD), and a ground (GND).
After recording all objects of the flip-flop, we categorize them into two groups:
basic objects and containing objects. The basic object is the object that cannot contain
any object, like contact, via. The containing object is the object that contains one or more
other objects. Because the basic object has the size fixed (for example, the contact size is
2x2), so we can calculate the minimum size of the containing object. The below (Figure
5) demonstrates how to calculate the minimum size of N select from the basic objects
(the contacts):
26 
Figure 5: A minimized N-well
The contact size is 2x2, the minimum distance from the contact to the border is
2. So, the minimum size of the Metal1 with contact is 6. Continue with this way, we
get the minimum length of the N select is 26. Actually, we can shrink 1  because the
minimum distance between Metal 1 is 3. However, it looks clearer with the design as
Follow the method said above, here are the results.
NAND gate (Figure 6):
Figure 6: a minimized NAND gate.
RS flip-flop (Figure 7):
Figure 7: Minimized layout and cross-section of the RS flip-flop.
The design consists of three steps: figure out all objects of the chip, categorize
objects into groups, and then minimize based on the objects and the rules.
Innovatia Laboratories. RS Flip-Flop. Retrieve July 29, 2004 from Innovatia
Laboratories website:
Peter W. Wagacha. ICS 217 Digital Electronic lecture. Retrieve July 28, 2004
from University of Nairobi at:
Tanner Corporation. MAMIS035DL Digital Low Power Standard Cell Library
for Mosic AMI 0.5 micro Sub-micron Process. Retrieve July 15, 2004
from Tanner Company at: