Membership Commission - New York State Academy of Family

NYSAFP Membership 8.8.09
Membership Commission Minutes
August 8, 2009
Summer Cluster
Rye Town Hilton
John Brundage II room
o Present: Dr. Sarah Nosal (Chair), Dr. Joseph Caruana (Vice-Chair), Dr.
Mark Josefski, Dr. Walter Wahl, Dr. Marianne LaBarbera (Past-President),
Donna Denley (NYSAFP Staff)
Excused: Dr. Victor StaAna (Resident)
o Absent: Dr. Jana Galan
Review Mission and Purpose of Membership Commission
o The Commission's charge is articulated in Section 5 of our bylaws:
 This commission shall consider applications for membership and
continuation of membership and investigate the qualifications of
 Noted - largely done by the national office, they send reports to
the NYSAFP office but not handled locally.
 It shall monitor county chapter activities and organize county chapters
in areas where no such chapters exist.
 Request from Vito reports of new members with location and
age noted as well as updated list of current state chapters and
chapter contacts
 Send Sarah Nosal list of new members each month and will
inform local chapters of new members in their area to outreach
to for local chapter activities
 As president/VP travels would like to know so as to help reach
out to existing chapters and follow up particularly in areas where
there are no chapters.
 Get updated membership packet out to board members and
commission members who are making presentations throughout
New York such that recruitment is incorporated into these
routine activities.
 It will identify and develop proposals for member benefits, review
proposals by staff and implement any member benefits programs
approved by the Board of Directors.
 Request from Vito what are the current benefits we have
established? Enterprise relationship?
o Planning annual COD.
o Suggestions from last years membership commission
 More active role in outreach to more senior and junior members
including residents and students (in conjunction with Leadership &
NYSAFP Membership 8.8.09
Active role in website management and other electronic membership
media (facebook, etc).
 Specific suggestion from Past-President Marianne LaBarbera to
resurrect the state wide calendar of events, preferably online
such that we will know where activities are happening and
where we might be focusing recruitment efforts.
Review Minutes of February 24, 2008 TeleConference Meeting.
o JC moved to accept, MJ seconded, no objections after making sure to note
this was a TeleConference
Congress of Delegates/Town Hall
o Review of COD 2009
 Town Hall
 Moderated by Marianne LaBarbera. The event was well
received, concerns about timing and adequate time for
 Resident Leadership event following COD
 Small attendance but good feedback from residents and board
members who attended.
 Review attendance and those chapters not represented
 Request from Vito the actual attendance from the COD by
chapter as well as list of which counties are know to have active
chapters such that we can outreach to those counties which
were not represented.
 COD Concerns
 Lack of testimony on the first day followed by significant
objections and much more testimony on the second day
 Need to educate both new and returning delegates
 MJ to provide wording for orientation for packet 2010 to
help emphasize this
 Also would like to see chart of Rules of Order to help
delegates conform and avoid issues.
 Seating
 Would like to see full row for past presidents without need
to walk up or down too many stairs
 Continue one row for the board
 Recommend an aisle seat on several rows marked for
special needs so that physically impaired have easy
 Timing
 Does the Desmond have a timer (green/yellow/red) that
could be under podium to indicate when testimony needs
to come to a close for each speaker.
o Resolutions
 Membership to consider composition of future resolutions
NYSAFP Membership 8.8.09
COD 2010 (Saturday, June 19 and Sunday, June 20 , 2010)
 Marianne LaBarbera agrees to act as Moderator for 2010 Town Hall.
 Change of sequence of events
 7AM - Breakfast with New Member Orientation
 8AM - Opening
 9-10:30AM & 10:20-12PM - Reference Committees
 12:15-1:15PM - Lunch
 1:20-3:30PM - Town Hall
 3:45PM – Elections
 Vote count while guests are speaking
 7PM - Cocktails
 8PM - Dinner
 Town Hall Topics
 National Healthcare
 Healthcare Reform
 Where are we today and where are we going? Will it be
moot next year? Tailor to needs of the moment.
 Representatives, AAFP Kevin Burke, Legislature, Mike
McMann, Democrat (ML to ask) Staten Island Brooklyn,
Gillibrand, Always an AAFP representative is present,
speaker form business community (ex: Chamber of
 Electronic Health Records
 Monies available? How do we get it? Compliance?
Hassle Factor Update
o Link/Promotion by NYSAFP
 Link is in newsletter but not on website – please put on website.
o Annual letter to MSSNY requesting information on latest FM Hassle Factor
 Request from Vito annual letter to be sent to request Family
Medicine topic/complaint submission via MSSNYs Hassle Factor form.
Strategic Plan
o Review Memberships Draft Mission Statement to be submitted to the board
at the end of this meeting
 The New York State Academy of Family Physicians strives to
improve the health of New York State’s patients, families, and
communities by supporting the dedication, education and inspiration
of its members.
NYSAFP Website
o Website Issues
 Site pages reviewed and concerns as to logic of format and ease of
NYSAFP Membership 8.8.09
Jun had prompted significant hands on website management, how do
we maintain the timeliness of the site without such intense
 Still interested in blog capabilities particularly in the members only
password protected area.
 Addition of a real time calendar – Donna and Sarah to configure
NYSAFP Calendar
 Consider making it possible for NYSAFP staff to make some of the
small updates
 Sarah and Donna to initiate with a conference call one on one to hash
out details that need to be changed and will look into our vendor
accomplishing vs. getting other estimates
o Vito and Donna getting quotes for a new site based on information received
from CA, WI and other chapters.
 Had several quotes not clear if what we want. Maybe are able to work
with our new blast e-mail vendor
o update on usage by members – at 42 members without soliciting members
other than from Board of Directors and staff
 Have subsequently invited all commission members
 Now will branch out to invite all those who registered/attended COD,
followed by all members of NYSAFP
o public feedback
 No issues, no negative feedback thus far
o student rep outreach
 Will request of membership student rep outreach to all members of
New York State’s residency programs
 Work with board’s medical student representative to contact all
members of family medicine interest groups in state of New York
Review any New Business
o Seeing none
Motion to adjourn JC, second ML