Annual report of the Head of the municipality "Kamyzyaksky district

Annual report of the Head of the municipality "Kamyzyaksky district " I. A. Martynov
"Investment climate and investment policy"
In order to implement the state and municipal policies which has got an aim to create a favorable
climate for the management and development of entrepreneurial activity, the inflow of direct
investments into the economy of the municipality of Kamyzyaksky district of Astrakhan region,
which ensures the rapid creation of new jobs, growth of production of goods (works, services)
and implementation of the instructions of the Governor of Astrakhan region A. A. Zhilkin,
which are defined in the Message of the Governor of Astrakhan region, currently in the area is
designed and approved:
-a long-term target Program "Improvement of the investment climate and the investment
attractiveness of the municipality "Kamyzyaksky district of Astrakhan region for 2013-2016";
-the working group on improvement of investment climate on the territory of the municipality "
Kamyzyaksky district under the supervision of the head of the municipality "Kamyzyaksky
district " I. A. Martynov and Deputy Chairman of Astrakhan region Government - Minister of
Finance of Astrakhan region C. A. Shvedova is established. This group consists of
representatives of business structures of the district , including members of the business Council
at the head of the municipality "Kamyzyaksky district.
Investment policy of the administration of the municipflity "Kamyzyaksky district " represents
the activity of defining the priorities of investment development and increase of the investment
attractiveness of the municipality "Kamyzyaksky district, as well as the creation and practical
implementation of measures which have got an aim to improve the investment climate.
Executive bodies of the administration of the municipality"Kamyzyaksky district and local
governments of municipalities settlements of Kamyzyaksky district which are coordinated by
the administration of the MO "Kamyzyak district take part in the implementation of the
investment policy on the territory of the municipality «Kamyzyaksky district». Improvement of
the investment attractiveness of Kamizyaksky district is one of the priority tasks of the municipal
authorities of Kamyzyaksky district in the field of economic development.
The Long-term target Program "Improvement of the investment climate and increase of the
investment attractiveness of the municipality "Kamyzyaksky district of Astrakhan region for
2013-2016" (hereinafter - the Program) is developed in accordance with the Strategy of socioeconomic development of the municipality "Kamyzyaksky district of Astrakhan region for 2008
- 2016,which is approved by Decree of the Council of the municipality of Kamyzyaksky district"
dated 29.07.2008 No. 339.
Kamyzyaksky district is one of the fastest growing industrial and agricultural districts of
Astrakhan region. Economy of Kamyzyaksky district is the most important part of the unified
national economic complex of Astrakhan region. The district has got a great potential for
development of food industry, manufacture of building materials, shipbuilding, agricultural
production and tourism.
A strategic direction in the development of the district is agriculture. The basis of agricultural
production is growing. A significant part of the famous Astrakhan tomatoes and watermelon,
rice is grown in the district.
21 agricultural enterprises, 118 peasant (farmer) farms, 16 126 small holdings were engaged in
agricultural production in the district in 2013.
The volume of gross agricultural production in all categories of farms in the fiscal 2013 was
1489,5 million rubles at a rate of growth of 7.8 %.
According to the results of 2013 the size of sown area in all categories of farms was 8 832 ha. In
2014 sown areas in all categories of farms increased to 8963 hectares (an increase of 1.5%).
In the structure of sown area grain crops occupy 38% (3370 ha); vegetables 11% (923 ha);
cucurbits 12% (1073 ha), potatoes 3% (246 ha), fodder 36% (3163 ha).
The production of crops was 6.4 thousand tons (59,7% compared to last year), including the
production of rice - 2.6 thousand tons (39,7% compared to last year).
I n 2013 the farmers of the district produced:
- vegetables - 27,1 thousand tons (95.2 per cent to the level of 2012);
- melons - 22,4 thousand tons (119,3 % compared to 2012);
- potatoes - 4.8 thousand tons (100,1 % compared to 2012).
A priority direction of development of agricultural production is livestock. Cattle breeding and
herd horse breeding has been actively developing in the district.
Thus the number of livestock and poultry,which is registered in the district, is:
- cattle - 29.5 thousand heads (95,5% compared to 2012);
- cows 15,1 thousand heads (96,7% compared to 2012);
- sheep and goats 17 thousand heads. (115,6 % compared to 2012);
- horse herd is 5.6 thousand heads (105,6% compared to 2012);
-poultry is 17,1 thousand heads (63.6% to 2012).
Thanks to the implementation of investment programs which has got an aim to develop the
dairy and meat industries, the farmers of the district made:
- meat - 4.3 thousand tons (97,6% compared to 2012);
- milk 19.6 thousand tons (107.7 % compared to 2012 levels);
- eggs of 3.9 million units (99,2 % compared to 2012);
- wool 30,6 tons (140,9% compared to 2012).
Kamyzyaksky district is considered to be the fishing capital of Astrakhan region. The catch of
all species of commercial fish is led on the territory of the district. Pond fish farming is widely
spread. The total area of the ponds is 6518 ha.
In 2013, 19 companies led industrial catch of aquatic biological resources in the district.The
catch of river fish by users of aquatic bioresources was to 9.3 thousand tons in 2013., 110% to
the level of last year (2012 - 8.5 thousand tons).
A special role in the economy of the district is given pond fishing .
In 2013, growing pond fish did 20 farms. In 2013, the current produly Fund amounted 6518 ha
(98,1% compared to last year). Grown 5468 tons of marketable fish (107,2 % compared to last
Industrial complex of the region, including fishery and aquaculture, has 72 enterprises of
different forms of ownership. The industry generated approximately 46.2% of the profits of
profitable enterprises. There is 12.7% of the fixed assets of enterprises, 25,7% of the employed
in the economy of the district work at these enterprises.
The industry of the district is represented mainly by the processing industries, the main focus of
which is the processing of agricultural products and fish raw. In addition to processing
enterprises a significant part of the industrial potential of the district is the shipbuilding industry.
In 2013, the volume of shipped goods of own production, works and services in the area
increased to 787,8 million rubles .We could achieve such results with the help of the increase:
-of volume of sewing vests at Kamyzyaksky factory-2 and garments at SLR "Kamyzyakskaya
sewing factory" (textile and clothing manufacturing);
-of scope of work for RAS "Volga-Caspian shipyard" (building and repairing of ships);
-of production of asphalt mixture at SLR "Dorozhnik".
of food production at SLR "Astrakhan fish factory";
as well as publishing and printing activity "Deltapoligraf"
Positive changes are noticable in the construction industry.
Building complex area consists of 35 companies, including 27 enterprises were registered in
Kamyzyak. In this industry RAS "Agrospetsmontazh, SLR PKF "Avtodorservis", SEC SLR"
Service B", SLR "Dorozhnik", SLR "Dorozhnik M", "Company Leri" and other enterprises are
dynamically developing.
The growth of the volume of work performed in the industry have been retaining for four
years.In 2013 it was 372,5 million roubles.
In 2013 individual builders built 184 houses with a total area of 28.2 thousand sq m in the
district, which is almost 2 thousand sq m (8.2 percent) above the level of 2012 . In Kamyzyak
42 houses of total area of 6.5 sq m were built.
Kamyzyaksky district ranked the 3rd place among rural districts of the region in according with
scope of housing (4,7%).
The unique geographical position of Kamyzyaksky district in the Delta of the Volga river and the
Caspian sea, favorable climatic conditions, unique flora and fauna attract the tourists from all
over Russia, countries of middle and far abroad. The share of Kamyzyaksky district is 40% of
tourist objects located on the territory of the Astrakhan region. One of the most dynamically
developing sectors of the economy in the area is tourism .
Today there are159 tourist subjects on the territory of Kamyzyaksky district .111 of them
realize their activity and 48 subjects are under construction.
Every year the contribution to the economy of the district from the subjects of travel industry
increases. In 2013, the subjects of the tourist industry, which operates on the territory of
Kamyzyaksky district,mobilized 37.1 million roubles in the budgets of all levels .
In 2013 7 tourist lodges were built.
"Suzanny farm" on the territory of the municipality "Razdory village soviet"
-"Friendly", "Novinskaya", "Fisherman" on the territory of the municipality "Karolinski
- "Rus" on the territory of the municipality "Chagan Village";
- "Lesnaya" on the territory of the municipality "Zhan-aul village soviet";
- "VEGA" on the territory of the municipality "Karalatsky village soviet".
90 jobs are additionally created on these objects.
In 2014-2016, the development of the tourism industry will be going on. 9 resorts will be put
into operation in the amount of 64.3 million roubles.
In order to implement measures to create a favorable investment climate in the region the
municipal program "Improving of the investment climate and improving of the investment
attractiveness of the municipality "Kamyzyaksky district" for 2013 - 2016" and "Development of
small and medium enterprises of Kamyzyaksky district for 2013-2016" are worked out and
approved which provide municipal financial support for priority investment projects and
allocate grants to entrepreneurs to establish their own business, ensure investment platform by
the infrastructure, generate additional lands , produce printing brochures for investors and
entrepreneurs, produce a film about the investment attractiveness of the district, participate in
exhibitions, forums.
In recent years, small business has become an important part of the economy Kamyzyaksky
district. In sectors such as construction, agriculture, trade, services small business actually
determines development.
The need for support and development of small and medium business, creation of favorable
conditions for business development and business activity of all subjects of economic activity on
the territory of the district, especially small and medium businesses are considered as one of the
priorities of the policy and strategies for the administration of the MO "Kamyzyaksky district.
In the framework of the activities of regional long-term target program "Development of small
and medium enterprises in Kamyzyaksky district of the Astrakhan region for 2013 - 2016 ", 4
entrepreneurs received a subsidy in the form of a grant to budding subjects of small business
totaling 724,3 roubles in 2013.
This financial support enabled to:
- IE Userbaev Gamledin Shikhanovich to organize a production of expanded clay concrete
blocks in the village Ivanchug . In 2013 15 ths of bricks were made for 2 months of work. This
year 25 ths of bricks were made.He is going to start a production of paving tiles.
- the head of PF Kashin Vladimir Pavlovich in the village Nikolskoe to expand their business, to
acquire 9 heads of cattle.
- IE Puhov Alexander A. in the village Samosdelka to continue the project on the organization
of services in the tourist sector (building, construction).
- IE Golubnichyova Nataliya Alexandrovna to continue the implementation of the project "The
opening of the company for consulting services in the field of automobile law and services of the
independent evaluation".
In 2013 a priority in the work of the Administration of the municipality "Kamyzyak district was
the growth of investments and creation of favorable conditions for business development in the
Kamyzyaksky district is an attractive investment. The district administration is always ready for
mutually beneficial cooperation and support for business development in the district.
For implementation of the orders of the Governor of the Astrakhan region from 04.04.2013 No.
216-R "About the list of instructions in the message of the Governor of the Astrakhan region
Zhilkin A. A. "Investment climate and investment policy of the Astrakhan region for 2013 in
accordance with the order of the Agency of investment development of the Astrakhan region
from 27.06.2013 No. 2-R “About implementation of the standard activities of bodies of local
self-government of municipal formations of the Astrakhan region to ensure a favorable
investment climate" a road map of the implementation of activities of bodies of local selfgovernment of municipal formations of the Astrakhan region to ensure a favorable investment
climate in the territory of the municipality "Kamyzyak area" is developed (resolution the district
administration from 26.08.2013 No. 1753). In 2013 in order to implement the Standard and to
ensure an availability of information about the district for potential investors a specialized
section "Investment" is created on the official website of the municipality, which contains all
information relating to investment activities:
Strategy of investment development of the municipality "Kamyzyaksky district"is approved by
the Decree of the Administration from 23.06.2014 No. 1219.
- Regulation of investment projects on the principle of "one window" on the territory of
Kamyzyaksky district of the Astrakhan region (decree of the district administration from
20.09.2013 No. 1920). In addition, an agreement on cooperation between the participants of the
regulation of investment projects on the principle of "one window" on the territory of the
Astrakhan region was signed with the agensy of investment development of the Astrakhan region
- List of municipal land and property,which are offered to potential investors to accommodate
industrial and other objects of investors.
- Plan of the creation of investment facilities and infrastructure on the territory of the
municipality «Kamyzyak district» of the Astrakhan region,which is approved by the Resolution
of the administration of the municipality from 10.12.2013 No. 2376.
Investment passport MO "Kamyzyaksky district.
- The Bank of investment proposals to potential investors.
- Regulation of municipal support of investment projects of the district,which provides sources
of funding mechanisms to support investment projects.
- Legal framework, which is focused on creating a favorable investment climate on the territory
of the municipality "Kamyzyaksky district.
- «Hot line» link of the investors with the Head of administration of the municipality
"Kamyzyaksky district» of the Astrakhan region in order to provide efficient solutions to
problems and issues which are arised in the course of investment activity.
- Links to the websites of the financial infrastructure in the form of branches and representative
offices of investment and credit organizations which offer a wide range of credit products to
businesses for investment activities on the territory of the district.
Annual report of the Head of administration of the municipality "Kamyzyaksky distriсt» of the
Astrakhan region "Investment climate and investment policy".
The administration of the municipality "Kamyzyaksky district organized an interaction with the
investors which realize investment projects, and with the intention to implement them. Potential
investors are assisted in the selection of investment areas, the solution of the issues of the
provision of land for the implementation of investment projects, optimization of dates of
approval of the documents, which are necessary for the implementation of investment projects,
the selection of staff from population of Kamyzyaksky district. A methodological assistance,the
support of investors on all stages of project implementation are offered.
In the framework of the implementation of the Program of socio-economic development of the
municipality "Kamyzyaksky district for 2011 - 2013 more than 60 investment projects were
realized on the territory of Kamyzyaksky district in 2013. The total amount was 817,2 million.
230 jobs were created
The most significant of them are:
Within the framework of the economically important regional programs of development of
vegetable growing in greenhouses PF Bakhshiev P., K. has been building a greenhouse complex
in the village Zarechnoyo. The planned area of the greenhouse complex is 17 ha. In 2013 about
4 ha of greenhouses were built, 100 tons of tomatoes were grown in spring and summer. This
farm received a government support for compensation of the cost of construction and
acquisition of equipment in the amount of 14.7 million roubles.
Within the framework of economically significant regional development programme of
vegetables, melon, potato the head of SLR Our garden" (the villige Chapayevo) built a
vegetable storage with the volume of 8 ths. cub meters. This farm is gradually increasing its
production volume. The construction of vegetable stores has been received subsidies 2.8 million
In 2014 modernization of equipment of pre-sale preparation and acquisition of storage
technology is planned.The volume of planned investment is 27 million roubles. Due to the
increase of sown areas a drop irrigation system is acquired.It costs about 2.5 million roubles.
In the district farms with a focus on increase of the number of cattle of dairy direction begin to
work in order to get milk and a variety of dairy products with a good market price.
In 2013 the head of PF Cherednik N. K. (the village Ivanchug) signed a contract for the
installation of the processing module to obtain dairy products. Currently the module, with a
capacity of 500 kg/day has already been mounted and produces dairy products, which
educational institutions of the district can get.In 2014 this farm is going to receive the milk from
the farms of the district and to increase their livestock due to the purchase of highly productive
dairy cattle.
SLR "Friendship" (the village Nikolskoye) in 2013 heifers of Simmental breed( 97 heads )were
acquired in the farms of Voronezh region. Currently the production of milk has been beginning.
In 2013 SLR "Nadezhda-2" (Director Sukhorukov Vasily Pavlovich) on the territory of the
municipality "Verhnemulinsky village" has been continuing the implementation of the
investment project on reconstruction of pond farm on the territory of the municipality
«Verkhnekalinovsky villagesoviet». Bunding, cleaning were done on the territory 100 ha. 10
million were spent. 5 jobs were created. The project will be fully implemented in 2016.
SPRK "Beshtug" in 2013(Chairman of the cooperative Emkov Mikhail Yurevich) began the
implementation of the investment project on construction of plant for deep processing of
ordinary fish species and installing line processing of pikes caviar in the village ObraztsovoTravino. The project costs 9 million roubles. 3.5 million roubles were spent. 20 jobs were
created. In 2014, construction on the premises of department for processing of ordinary fish
species and plant for production of pike caviar were started.1.5 million roubles were spent.
Currently, negotiations are underway with companies, suppliers of equipment for caviar shop.
The project is expected to process 250 tons of fish and produce 1.5 tons of caviar per year and to
create an additional 18 jobs.
SLR "Igolkinsky" (fishing company) ) (Director Sitakhmetov Zhantuar Serikkalievich) in the
village Obraztsovo-Travino began the implementation of the investment project on construction
of the curing shop in 2013. Currently a project documentation is produced, the land plot for
construction of the shop is chosen. 500 thousand roubles were spent. 30 jobs were created. The
project will be fully implemented in 2015.
In 2013, SLR "South beach" on the territory of the municipality "Poldnevsky village soviet"
started an implementation of the project "Creation of a cage farm on the rearing of sturgeon
species" on the territory of the municipality» Poldnevsky villagesoviet» . The cost of the project
is 2.3 million roubles. 6 jobs were created. In 2013 3 tons of Russian sturgeon were received and
implemented. In 2014, the farm is going to grow and implement 10 tons of sturgeon fish.
In 2013 an individual entrepreneur Faizuldaeva Hasiba Hafizovna has completed an
investment project on reconstruction of the bakery and began the investment project on
construction of sausage shop in the village Obraztsovo-Travino. The cost of the project is 6.0
million roubles. In 2013 the building of the workshop was built.. In 2014 a transformer will be
installed, sewer communications will be mounted. A delivery of equipment will be done in the
nearest future. The shop is going to produce meat, meatballs, soup sets. Processing of meat per
day is 200 kg. 3 jobs will be created.
In 2014 in Kamyzyak the company "Astrakhan cans" began the restoration of the former
company "Kamos and plans to start production of canned products this season. The project
costs 65 million roubles. 40 new jobs and 300 seasonal will be created.
"Construction of livestock farms for the development of beef cattle" IE Lednyev P. V. on the
territory of the municipality "Uvarinski village soviet". The cost of the project is 2.0 million
roubles. 5 jobs wil be created.
- Construction of production shop: manufacture of window frames, joinery and turning shops on
the territory of the municipality "Town of the Volga-Caspian and the Volga-Caspian branch
SMU No. 5, Kaspiysk. The cost of the project is 3.0 million roubles. 10 jobs will be created.
In order to improve the sector of small rural businesses effective conditions for the development
of individual small holdings to the level of commodity production, with the further transition to
PF are created in Kamyzyaksky district. In 2013 8 farms of the district took part in the regional
competition» Beginning farmer», four of them won the contest and grants and financial
assistance 1.75 million roubles each.
Agricultural machinery. Our farmers understand that it is becoming increasingly difficult to
compete with producers in other regions, and especially in other countries. And their success is
connected with the implementation of technical and technological modernization of the
production process. So, in 2013, 29 units were acquired by the farmers of the district.(93,5%
compared to last year). 33.3 million were spent. (2012. - 30,4 million roubles): 2 tractors,
harvesters, seeders, cultivators, loaders etc.
Implementation of these projects will ensure positive development of the region economy,
create more jobs, increase the construction industry, investment in fixed capital and increase the
tax base.
Investments are an important source of structural transformation of social and industrial potential
of the region, because investments develop manufacturing and services sectors, activate the
building, expand the range of products, works, create new jobs, equip the public with tax
revenues to the budgets of different levels, which are directed to the solution of social problems .
Economic development has a positive impact on the living standards of the population of the
district. The average monthly wage for large and medium-sized enterprises increased to 23.9%
and reached 15256,8 roubles.
An important testimony of the growth of the quality of life is an improvement of the
demographic situation in the area. Only this year 769 children were born in the district. In 2013
the total fertility rate in the region per 1000 population has increased to 15.9. In 2012 this figure
was a 15.5 , with an average area of 14.8.
In 2013 695 died in the district. (2012) 722). The overall mortality rate was 14.4 per 1,000
population versus 14.8 in 2012
Natural population growth in the district was 74 people in 2013. (33 people in 2012).
Growth of investments is a priority in the work of the Administration of the municipality
"Kamyzyaksky district in 2014. The objective of the investment policy of the Administration of
the municipality "Kamyzyaksky district is a stimulation of investment activity, a creation of
favourable conditions to ensure the protection of the rights, interests and property of participants
of investment activity, a healthy competitive environment. The administration supports
investment projects, implementation of which will allow to increase agricultural and industrial
production, to solve social problems, increase revenues to the consolidated budget of the district.
To achieve this goal it is necessary to continue the solution of the following tasks in 2014:
- creating investment-friendly administrative environment, reduction of administrative barriers;
the formation mechanisms of administrative and infrastructure support investment;
- the growth of professional level of the officials and municipal officials of the district
Administration, and the employees of municipal institutions, which have got an aim to promote
an attraction of investments;
information support of investment activity;
- development of competitive, attractive sectors of the economy by attracting investment in the
development of priority directions of development of the district;
- increase of investment activity, the comprehensive development of investment processes in the
- the formation of the measures of administrative, infrastructural, financial, tariff support
investment; creation of a favorable investment administrative environment;
- improvement of municipal urban policy;
- create a prepared infrastructure for investment;
- formation of financial mechanisms to attract and support investment;
- creation of favorable conditions for investment in innovative projects;
- creation of new high-tech industries;
- increase of agricultural production based on technical re-equipment of the agricultural sector
and the introduction of resource-saving technologies;
- the creation of vertically integrated structures in agriculture: production - storage - processing implementation;
- development of fish farming and fish processing raw materials;
the development of transport and road infrastructure;
- creation of favorable conditions for development of small and medium enterprises;
- formation of the modern tourist industry;
- employment, creation and preservation of jobs.
These goals and objectives are consistent with the long-term development priorities and main
directions of socio-economic development of the municipality "Kamyzyaksky district of the
Astrakhan region for 2008 - 2016",which is approved by Decree of the Council of the
municipality of Kamyzyaksky district" dated 29.07.2008 No. 339.
I want to thank everyone who provides support and assistance to the administration of the MO
"Kamyzyaksky district in the solution of socio-economic problems of the district. I hope that we
will work closely in the future.