EDLP 716: Organizational Change and Leadership Theory (3 credits) Syllabus Course Description: A review of organizational change theory and practice as a background to focus on organizational change and renewal from the leader's role. The role of Vision, Mission, Organizational Values and Relationships within the change process will be developed. Course Purposes: 1. To examine leadership role responsibilities in all organizations and particularly school systems. 2. To obtain an understanding of the leadership function as a transformative act. 3. To acquire an introductory knowledge base about organizational change both in practice and theory in order to make reflective decisions in planning and implementing change. 4. To examine the role of vision, mission, values and relationships in the organizational change process. Course Policies: 1. Attendance is expected at all class sessions. Failure to attempt to make up missed class sessions may result in grade reduction. 2. Participation in class and/or online discussion within the context of the content is required. 3. Assignments are due in class or online as posted. Late work may be subject to a grade reduction. 4. Policies on Academic Dishonesty, Harassment, and Disruptive Student Behavior are fully applicable for this course. 5. Students with any type of recognized and confirmed disability that would require accommodations in assignments or assessment practices should provide written notification to the instructor by no later than 48 hours prior to an expected accommodation. Students are responsible for providing an accommodation letter prepared by Disability Support Services. Office Hours: Office hours will be posted. Appointments may be scheduled at other times. Required Texts Spector, Bert. Implementing Organizational Change: Theory into Practice (Second Edition). Prentice Hall: 2010. ISBN:978-0-13-607428-1 Schwahn & Spady, Total Leaders 2. 0. Rowman & Littlefield: 2010. ISBN:9781607095316 Phillips, Donald. Lincoln on Leadership: Effective Strategies for Tough Times. Business Plus:1992. ISBN:9780446394598 Lowney, Chris. Heroic Leadership. Loyola Press:2003. ISBN: 9780829421156 Mindset the New Psychology of Success Paperback – January 1, 2006 by Carol S Dweck (Author) ISBN-13: 9780345472328 Leadership and Self-Deception The Arbinger Institute, ISBN 978-1-57675-977-6 Additional Readings for extended learning Goleman, Daniel. Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ. Bantam Books:1995. ISBN:9780553804911 Hesselbein & Goldsmith . The Leader of the Future 2: Visions, Strategies, and Practices for the New Era. JosseyBass Author: 2006 ISBN:9780787986674 Collins, Jim. Good To Great. Harper Business:2001. ISBN:9780066620992 Bennis, Warren. On Becoming A Leader.Addison-Wesley:1989, ISBN:0201550873 Lambert, et.al. The Constructivist Leader (Second Edition). Teachers College Press: 2002. ISBN:9780807742532 Brubaker & Zimmerman. The Little Book of Healthy Organizations. Good Books:2009. ISBN:9781561486649 Schwahn & McGarvey. Inevitable: Mass Customized Learning. Schwahn & McGarvey: 2012. ISBN:9781470059057 Class Modalities The class will utilize face-to-face meetings, Blackboard activities, and other audio, video, and digital technologies to facilitate ongoing discussion, reflection, and professional growth. The number and sequencing of each modality during the semester will depend upon student needs and content delivery. The class load will be equivalent to a traditional once-per-week meeting fifteen times during the semester. Class Assignments and Assessments 1. Textbook Content: the texts will be read as assigned and detailed work will be extracted and modified to apply to educational environments. Assigned focused questions will be discussed throughout the semester emphasizing the connections between theory and authentic practice. Grading in this area is defined as class participation. (10%) 2. When assigned, a reflection will be required to be written and brought to class. Reflections may be asked to be shared with the class. A reflection should not be longer than two pages double spaced using Times New Roman size 11 fonts. A complete electronic version of the reflection assignments may be collected by the instructor and assessed at the conclusion of the course. Due May 8. (10%) 3. Participation on Blackboard discussion boards is expected in the amount of 1 started thread and 3 comments to other’s threads. Your postings should pertain to the content. Postings that simply say, "I agree" with what is said do not count toward the required number. You need to state either why you agree or disagree with the previous postings. The emphasis in this course is on critical analysis of the content. ("Critical analysis" does not necessarily mean being critical. It implies that you have thought about and reflected on the content in light of what you are studying and what you already have learned.) In ALL assignments you will be expected to reflect critically upon what you studied. (10%) 4. Documentation of a system being used by each candidate to organize his/her research with enough detail to show how the system allows him/her to work with the collected literature. DUE APRIL 10 (10%) 5. Continued refinement of the topic for a dissertation and a continued search of appropriate literature. Assignment – Researching any topic of your choice, write a 20 page literature review that gives information about the historical underpinnings and policies around the topic, detail information about how the topic has undergone change over time, how it affects the world of practice. Finally, what might be some issues within that topic that further research could clarify? This assignment can dovetail with one being given in EDLP 782 but it must go further. You must find issues in the topic and explore them in enough depth to show how research there could improve practice in that area. This should be seen as a scholarly written paper and all aspects should conform to APA 6th edition. DUE APRIL 24 (35%) 6. Final Paper - Student presented case: each student will analyze a change attempt drawn from the work environment. The analysis will compare and contrast an actual change implementation attempt that occurred in your work place and theoretical change implementation practices. For instance, did shared diagnosis occur and was mutual engagement fostered. If so how, and if not, what problems were caused. Was the redesign accepted and if not, what was the nature of the resistance. In the end, did any of the change that was desired actually occur and become a part of the way things are done. If not, was it formally abandoned or left hanging. A summary of the major flaw in the change implementation should be given and an example of a possible remedy for the flaw noted. No page minimum, Times New Roman 11 font double spaced – Writing should be done using citations where contrasts or comparisons are drawn and a reference list should be provided in APA style. DUE MAY 15 in Electronic Version (25%) 7. Options equal in learning opportunities may be substituted for item 6 with instructor approval. All optional assignments must be agreed upon by the end of class on April 4. The Weekly Schedule should be considered flexible and dynamic, able to be changed in order to respond to opportunities for extended learnings; a necessary characteristic of a learning organization. Keep in mind that for this class, “It’s all about the learning!” Tentative Weekly Schedule Week 1: 30 January Introduction to the course through the syllabus. What is organizational change and how does it relate to leadership theory? An overview of the course model will be given in an attempt to connect theoretical organizational change and the authentic leader. An overview of the texts will be given with an explanation of the relevance of each to the purposes of the course. Definitions of the following terms organization, transformation, and discretionary followership will be established. Assignment Readings –TL 2.0 pages 1-24, Heroic Leadership pgs. 1 – 112. Reflection – compare and contrast the information found between pages 95 through 111 of Heroic Leadership with Senge’s discipline of personal mastery. 2 page maximum. Week 2: 6 February Reflect on the readings for the evening through the use of small and large group discussions. – Participate in a mock organizational crisis event. Assignment Readings - TL2.0 pages 25-44 Heroic Leadership 113 – 168 Reflection – what was the most striking part of the assigned reading in Heroic Leadership for you – explain why. 2 page maximum. Week 3: 13 February Reflect on readings for the evening in a small group setting focusing on the reflection and TL-2.0. Pinnacle Leader Metaphor, Dissertation Topic Discussion, review of a research management system, getting to the question, determining the methodology, the role of chair and committee. Assignment Readings - Implementing Organizational Change preface through pg. 23. Heroic Leadership 169-228 Reflection – Having read and reflected on TL 2.0, pgs. 25-44 and HL pgs. 169-228, answer the question – what are the traits of leadership that engender employee effort? 2 page maximum Week 4: 20 February Discuss the reflection for the evening. Set up The use of Trigger’s to create Tension for change. Discuss through focus questions in small groups the information in IOC. Assignment – IOC Chapter 2. Pages 24-49, TL2.0 pages 45-67, HL pg 229 275 Reflection – How is change thwarted by previous successes and is it an active issue in educational settings? Week 5: 27 February Discuss “Let Go of Your Ego” as it relates to leadership, Discuss the Reflection for the Evening, Set up and show “Who Stole My Cheese?” Discuss the readings through the use of focus group questions. Assignment – HL 275-295, TL 2.0 67-83, IOC 57-106. Reflection to be announced. ________________________________________________________ Week 6: 6 March Review Jay’s Index. Show School Reform video. Discuss in class the Reflection for this week. Reflect on the readings for the evening through the use of small and large group discussions with focus questions. Assignment – Read Lincoln on Leadership and Mindset by March 27. Keep notes, particularly on Lincoln. ________________________________________________________ Week 7: 13 March NO CLASS Discussion Board Item – Follow the guidelines for the discussion board assignments listed Under Class Assignments and Assessments in the Syllabus. ________________________________________________________ 20 March SPRING BREAK NO CLASS ________________________________________________________ Week 8: 27 March Endnote overview Lincoln On Leadership – Review of the book and discussion of the Leadership Characteristics Employed. Do they fit and would they work in todays’ organizations? Video – The independent project ________________________________________________________ Week 9: 3 April Hollow Square Activity – Cake Bake Off Assignment – Review the book Mindset or finally read it. ________________________________________________________ Week 10: 10 April NO CLASS Discussion Board Item – Follow the guidelines for the discussion board assignments listed Under Class Assignments and Assessments in the Syllabus ________________________________________________________ Week 11: 17 April Mindset – Frederick county representative to overview Discuss Lit Review Assignment – Video – How to Change Education ________________________________________________________ Week 12: 24 April Guest Speaker – Creating an Alternative Senior Year – Changing the Status Quo in a Public School System Contrast to Organizational Change Theory Assignment - Implementing Organizational Change – 108 - 205, TL2.0 pages 83-113. Reflection to be announced ________________________________________________________ Week 13: 1 May Discuss “Make Adding Value Your Goal” as it relates to leadership, Discuss the Reflection for the Evening, Show video “Tell a Story” Discuss the readings through the use of focus group questions. Assignment – IOC Pages 125-200, TL2.0 pages 115-149 Reflection to be announced Week 14: 8 May Discuss “Give Your Power Away” as it relates to leadership, Discuss the Reflection for the Evening, Show video “Are you a Leader” Discuss the readings through the use of focus group questions. Covey 7 Habits of Highly Successful People Overview. Guest Speaker - Overview of “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.” Discussion of how the seven habits relate to Organizational Change and Leadership Transformation Week 15: 15 May No Class – Final must be submitted by this date electronically.