Association française d`études américaines FORMULAIRE D

Association française d’études américaines
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AFEA Bibliography Project
Thank you for becoming a member of the AFEA. As part of the AFEA Bibliography project,
we are requiring that all new AFEA members submit their bibliographical references to us,
using the MLA (7th edition) method of documentation.
The AFEA bibliographical references are displayed in exactly the same way as those of
World Cat and the LOC. We are conforming to international bibliographical standards, so that
the rest of the world can easily access and consult our material.
To submit your book and non-book publications, specifically divide your cited material into
seven categories:
1. Books.
Franke, Damon. Modernist Heresies: British Literary Histories, 1883-1924.
Columbus: Ohio State UP, 2008. Print.
2. Chapters of books.
Tratchenberg, Alan. “Stephen Crane’s City Sketches.” In American Realism. ed.
Eric J. Sundquist. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins UP, 1982: 45-53. Print.
3. Edited editions.
Newcomb, Horace, ed. Television: The Critical View. 7th ed. New York: Oxford
UP, 2007. Print.
4. Articles.
Field, Allyson Nadia. “Conference Report on the Cinema across the Media: The
1920s.” Cinema Journal 51.1 (2011): 25-51. Print.
5. On-line publications.
Lazzarato, Maurizo. “From Capitol-Labour to Capital-Life.” Ephemera 4.3
(2004). Web. 12 July 2012.
6. Reviews.
Bordewich, Fergus M. Rev. of Once They Moved like the Wind: Cochise,
Geronimo, and the Apache Wars, by David Roberts. Smithsonian Mar. 1998:
125-131. Print.
7. Translations.
Book: Mankel, Henning. Firewall. Trans. Ebba Segerberg. New York: VintageRandom, 2003. Print.
Article: Murasaki, Shikibu. “The Tale of Genji.” Trans. Edward G. Seidensticker.
New York: Knopf, 2013. Print.
For full-text materials—and we would like to post as many full texts as possible—you must
provide written permission for republication rights (e.g., in the form of a scanned signed letter
from the publisher) and submit the article/edited edition/book chapter to us to us in the form
of a PDF file. If you have an electronic link to your publication, submit the link to us as well.
Use this contact address in submitting your materials to us:
A helpful “MLA Formatting and Style Guide” can be found at this site: En cache - Pages
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